Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 20 Jul 1950, p. 9

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1950 -- N GER hey do, ecently role in ' star. Virginia yen- erti- ran- Sh lo so r 670 OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 9 By Jim Lois Andrews, playing hostess F a Hollywood scavenger hunt, find the toupee of her ex-hus- [B8na, George Jessel, on her list BBE things to find. IDashing out to Jessel's apart Bent she cracked: "I've got one his old toupees at home, but t wouldn't be fair." REHEARSAL SOON MCiaire Trevor has been signed (BY Collier Young for. the role of Bile mother in "Mother of a {ha mpion" which he will produce fa 10a Lupino will direct." fis Trevor will play the dra- It climb the ladder of social suc- s. Director Lupino will start foproduction rehearsals with Miss Trevor, Sally Forrest and Biher principals in the near fu- bre. [U1 Press agents can hardly Bit for the start of filming on farvey." They plan a (vacant xe room, a permanent table studio dining room on which flere will be a daily fresh car- Bt. A six-page blank biography. series of blank portraits. Wails | Jimmy Stewart, who ares honors with the invisible ihbit: 1 do all the work and he gets a sure bet that bonie Hilton's latest hotel ac- Bliisition will be the swank Fla- fflinzo in Las Vegas. Maybe Liz lor will get it for a wedding lana Turner and Bob: Top- flnz's afterhours Charleston hee at Ciros is the talk of the Gnitors' Union. Only a couple of i the janitors were ¥t by the time Lana and Bob f@lllca it a night. If they're having fffouble at home, they're not. faving it on the dance floor. Arthur Lubin, sponsor of the Breen career of the talking mule rancis," is getting nervous out the deluge of story ideas has been receiving about log- ious animals. "I got ome about fo navy and a talking goat mas- it, an outline for Abbott and stello about two talking mon- fEys and believe it or not, a sa- ffife on "South Pacific" with two king chimpanzees. "I wish my @icipers" would bear in mind Harrison that I direct people too," ded with "final emphasis neither the cat in "Rhubarb? mor|DeYVi "The Art of Real Happi- the cocker spanfel in "This Gos-|Dess" by Norman V. Peale; and samer World" utter anything| Frivate Army" by but meow and woof. Guest of the Week If Mrs. W. Baker, Deane Ave.| following new titles: "The Way will "present herself at the box | West," by A. B. Guthrie, Jr.;|D: office of the Century Theat New Releases Vary Summer Reading The name of Albert Hinstei has become almost a household ; world throughout the world. How| Wa O. Gibson Succeeds the theories of this great sclen- : tist are likely to affect our civ- McFadden In York ilization Is dealt with by a well| (Hoo ' J known Toronto scientist, Leo-( WW. O. Gibson King Street. was pold Infeld, in his book "Albert|FCently appointed Crown At: Einstein," one of the latest ac. Orie for York County, and the auisitions of Oakville Public Li-( ¢it¥ of Toronto, wee brary. Other: non-fiction works| J; McFadden, who has resigned. recently received by the lbrar-| Lie appointment was announced fan, Mrs. Diayeth Young. ineluga| Dy Premier Frost. Mr. Gibson has "A" History of Cmadian Extoraey| Deen a member of the Crown Relations," by G. P. Glazebrook; | 40Thev's staff for twenty years Hs y land for some years has been a Tt oy tl MCR | sent. or! Oakville. His wife is a daughter of Canon D. Russell Smith. The new Crown Attorney i ns Viadimir) Cir have a staff of elght assis: The library's fictioh depart.| (2X Crown prosecutors. He ns. sumes hi viidutios h ment has been augmented by. the gj: 5 his new: duties immediat- he ad- s, "and ay," by Helen Howe; "Little tre, she| "Main Line," by Livingston Bid-|Boy Lost" by Margharita Laski; and another guest will be admit-|dle Jr.; "Jubilee Trail," by Gwen|and "Medical Meeting," by Hild- ted free as guests of the Journal | Bristow; "The Circle of the|red Walker. ELECTRICAL TIPS FOR THE HOME H You Expect to Spend Most of the Summer at Home . . . DONT think you have to swel- DO transform the porch or lawn ter indoors simply becauss there into an outdoor living area by are no facilities on the porch or installing handy outlets and cir terrace for ironing, cooking, eating, cuits for convenient use of iron, sewing, night-time recreation and roaster, table appliances, lamps, entertaining. radio, sewing machine, ete. NEW TELEPHONE RATES The Board of Transport: Commissioners has ordered our first general rate increase in 23 years EFFECTIVE JULY 22, factorily without higher rates. ys Most things you buy and the things we buy 1950 In accordance with an interim order of The too, have gone up in price in recent years, and Board of Transport Commissioners, telephone nearly all of them more than the revenue increase rates will be increased on July 22nd. These rates we asked for. The temporary rates now ordered will apply until the Board makes a final decision by the Board give us only part of the revenue we on the application for higher rates that we made require. If we are to continue towards our goal Sul | last October. of providing service to all who want it, when No one, of course, wants to pay higher prices and where they want it, we must receive the 3 | | for anything. Though our costs have been going balance of the increase for which we applied. 0) _up faster than our revenues for some time, we | Although the cost of telephone service has i delayed applying for increases until it was clearly. finally gone up, when you think about it, the evident we could not continue to operate satis- value of telephone service has gone up even more. In terms of convenience, security and friendly con- tacts, a telephone is worth far more than it costs! HOW TO FIND YOUR NEW RATE Beware - Poison llvy fl Your arm begins to itch. You b it again an dagain. A rash fdBvelops followed by inflamma- fin of the skin. When the in- flimed area begins to spread and Shall watery blisters form, the filth becomes maddening. These lopments may occur in afew urs or may take several days. son ivy, Borgia of the coun- side, 'has struck. Found in every province, poi- Bon' ivy grows in greatest pro- ifilsion in Ontario 'and western i@hebec. From Quebec City east Wbrd it is found less frequently, id from Winnipeg to the Pac- llc coast grows mainly at lake @d woodland resorts, writes H. 08 Kenny in the current issue of GIL. Oval [Describing the plant, Mr. Ken: I¥ states that poison ivy grows 8 2 trailing vine: or an upright lant. The leaves, arranged al- @roately on woody stems, are {@mposed of 'three smaller leaf- In early summer small whit- ih flowers appear in the . axils of the leaves. Clusters of green ih yellow fruit which gradually rn white, succeed the flowers i some locations. The toxic substance in poison fi is called "urushiol' which is @utained in the leaves, flowers, it and stems and even the s. It may persist for months 8 gloves, tools, shoes and pic: fllc outfits. Dogs, cats and other @imals may transmit it to hu- fans. Tt is even claimed that par- of it are carried in the foke from burning ivy. One of 'the most effective me- Mllods of controlling poison ivy, fic article says, is spraying it With "Ammate" A solution cop ng of one pound of the chem- in one gallon of water is, suf- lent for 100 square feet of the Pisonous foliage. Sprays of sod- ln chlorate, 2, 4-D and 2, 4, 5T fc also proven satisfactory. Look up your exchange area 'in TABLE "A". Its rate will find the rates for the most widely used classes group appears beside it. Below, under the cor- of service. If you need any information about y responding rate group column in TABLE "B", you other rates, please call our business office. TABLE "A" = ALPHABETICAL LIST OF EXCHANGES RATE RATE RATE RATE RATE RATE EXCHANGE Crs EXCHANGE Cane EXCHANGE cin EXCHANGE CE EXCHANGE li EXCHANGE GROUP Acton H th 1 hontshellp 2 Rigaud 1 rel Acton Vale Chahine Speier 3 10 Rivibre-des-Prairies 1 uthampton Agincoure a Hole 1 Horn Agha J 1 Roches boint 2 South Mountain lisa Craig 2 ockland an Alexandria Jarkson Huntingdon 3 Mount Forest 2 Rock wi 1 tirling Alfred 'obden Huntsville 3 Rodney 2 toney Creek liston boconk | sien Centre Russell am 1 tratford monte. Jobourg Iroquois 2 trathroy Ivinston Iborne Islington 5 ipienvile Ste-Addle 3 rectaville fesser aed Jolictte 4 Hambar BeAvihedoMonn [| 4 [jYurtcon Falke 2! raprior cw Bs BEBE St-alpionse de: A udbuey Copper Gl rthur Sooksville Kazabarua ev Toronto 1 undridge rundel Cornwall Kemptville ia alls 3 utton = bos) Cowansville Kingston afar. Shthe Lake 3 ydenham rora rediton Kingsville orth Bay [ wd) vonmore Kirkaeld orth Gower 1 avi i ylmer Deseronto Kirk's Fe ocwich 1 ye i rayton Kitchener-Waterloo ow H resden Knowlton [otre-Dame-des- Sn = Drummondville Selle Laurentides 1 1 asi abelle camsyile undalk "Abord.A-Ploute Quill } ubarnois Sprin cre Hi ihe Sheree ; Sedford fac) led Queniee) | 1 tort ake rangev : iteville ast Broughton Lanark: Orillia i 1 cloeil Tayi. ancaster Oshawa 2 Toate Berthicrville ey Laprairic Ottawa i Tr is Hl lack Lake a 'Assomption Otterville 2 Fro iviba an Fano] Leamington Owen Sound joa 3 : ind River xeter 5 t-. -de-Matha 1 . + Bobcats goon {Ep bhanie 'akenham t-Jean, Tie d'Orléans 1 all disk dt 4 Bouchie Farnham 3 indtay (-)Jérbme. + arcnnes Bowmanville Fenelon Falls 1 'istowel t-Jovite 2 rude] Bracebridge Fergus 3 ondon it Tambery 4 chine padtond Flaherton 1 gel arty Seu Sie Marguerite: Vicorlsilla rantford Egeltod x *Orignal Penetangulshene H nelan Fiat Galt [osienilla Pere porough bri Me dex tains 1 Ailloct ronte Gananoque ucan ctrolia St-Paul 1 Brownshu Gatineau ucknow. icton Secphurontle © 1 aterdown rownsville, Georgetown yoden Blatitagen St-Romuald- aterloo, Qué, ice Mines Gilmour Dlattsvilic tehiemin 2 atford Suckinghai Jone adoc ne astiquc 2 aubaushene 350g ointe.Claire eiland rks Falls raceficld ! o ndresc 3 lidar tigen ran vire nivaki on Dibousie Vincent. de-Paul i SE bellford 3 Gravenhurst aricyill 00 at Lt imiton 1 rimsby dale ort i ieico arnia [3 Teatley Cardinal 1 uelph <5 Sault Ste, Marlo 5 thy rein 3 on Pert boro 4 {RA Carleton Place 3 amilton asscy rescott rth 3 llowdale Casselma 1 (annon attawa reston ever Bridge i inchester ive 1 anover axville Naw br £4fe. Indsor Zhe Rives 3 arriston Meaford Québec 8 hawinigan Falls 5 iniham Champlain 1 arrow Meégantic helgurrie z inona Charny 3 arrowsmith. Merlin Rawdon 1 i rool vill olfe Island Ghateauguay 2 atin Merrickyille Renfrew 3 Lennoxville [] oodatoc Chatham 5 avelock Midland Richmond Hill 3 Simcoe 4 ood lil Chatsworth 2 Hawkesbury Milton 3 Smiths Falls 4 Chelmsford _ 1 ensall Mitchell Ridgeville 5 Smithyllle 2 Yamachiche 3 " : TABLE "B" -- MONTHLY EXCHANGE RATES BY RATE GROUPS LONG DISTANCE RATES New rates apply on Long Distance ca CLASS OF SERVICE RATE GROUPS #appy ong Distance calls between many points in Quebec and Ontario, Increases RESIDENCELSERVICE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 vary from 5 cents to 25 cents, depending on dis Individual Line. ........ $240 | $250 | $2.65 | $290 | 53.15 | $3.40 | $3.35 | $370 | $4.00 tance and class of call, Long Distance rates on 2-Party Line. 215 | 220 | 225 | 240 | 2.55 | 275 | 295 | 310 | 22s calls outside Ontario and Quechee a ph, Dray Se ES Ce EE ¢ ntario and Quebec arc unchanged. Re 200 | 100 | 100 [ 100 | Tow | 1am | aaa | Tal Tas Details are available at our Business Offices, BUSINESS SERVICE Individual Line 32s | aes 465 | 333 | smo | 673 | 790 | 930 OTHER RATES AND CHARGES Message Rates: rr vr [as x oe . i wr ; z yd x 75 0 90 Information about other new rates and charges 2-Party Line..... 2.65 3.00 350 4.40 4.90 7. may also be obtained from our Business Offices. Rural 220 | 235 | 250 | 275 | 300 | 340 | 36s | abo | 430 Extensions. 1.25 125 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.65 1.65 1.65 1.65 \TE -- The nthly rate provides for the number of oulgoing local calls shown iid "Menage Allowance", and unlimited incoming calls, EASE RATE -- for each cut Local call im. excess of ths. Sissioge A iowance Reoning os NOTE -- The rates auated for Individial (including Message Rake), Party and ural Service are for wal tlephanss. Desk telsphanes Zo¢ more and hand telephdnes J3¢ mordgthan shown, The Extension rates quoted are for any type of insrument. . [Treatment for ivy @nsists of washing affected Ts with laundry soap and frm water immediately after Brtac Washing with alcohol, rosene or gasoline are alter- lives. Potassium permangan- nate solution and calamine lo- Pn are recommended for certain -- THE You'll find the cost of telephone service has not gone up as much as most other things you buy. Its cost is still low -- one of the smallest items in your budget. Today as always your telephone is big value, BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA 55 of poison ivy stags

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