Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 20 Jul 1950, p. 2

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OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, July 20, 195) Mrs, George Harker, Randall Street, gave a birthday supper on Saturday for her great-grandson, Peter Murray Smith, who was one year old. Guests included Peter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith, his grandmother, Mrs. Smith, and his great aunt, Mrs. Frank Neave. On Sunday Mrs. Harker had supper with her nephew Stewart Hannah and Mrs. Hannah, her great neph- ews and nieces, and her great, great nephev, Michael Hannah. Mrs. Charles Pardee, Edmon- ton, is staying with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mowat. Among those who have enter tained in honor of Mrs. Charles Pardee and Mrs. Cann, visitors to town, are: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Maybee, at supper Saturday night; Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Mowat, Sunday tea; Mr. and Mrs. R. O. G. Bennett, supper party; Miss F. H. Beattie, afternoon tea on Thursday; Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Wanzer, afternoon tea on Friday. sre Mr. and Mrs. Arch Grant en- tertained on Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. S. Blenkin, Tor- onto, are staying' with their daughter 'and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. John Dix, who have just moved to Queen Mary, Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sandell jute Saturday for a holiday at Por Sydney. wees Colonel and Mrs. C. W. Ball and Miss Susan Ball arrived on Tuesday from Ottawa to spend ten days with Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Fraser. seems Miss Nora Crossley entertained at a tennis party on Sunday af- ternoon. sss Mr. Don MacRae will be the speaker at the regular dinner J) meeting of the Optimist Club of Oakville, to be held in Riverside Lodge next Monday evening. Mr. MacRae's subject will be "Scien- ce Serves Industry Fr Mrs. W. T. Merry is at Victoria i Harbour. ssn Mrs. Lawrie Chisholm who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. B. V. Brown, left yesterday for her home in La Jolla, California. Mrs. R. E. C. Kindersley was one of seyeral Canadians present- ed to the King and Queen at a garden party at Buckingham Pal- ace last Thursday. x xn Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Russell are vacationing in Haliburton. . Mrs. Steve Rastall, 42 Stewart St. W. entertained Monday eve- ning for Miss Annie McArthur, popular bride to be, at a pantry shower. Mrs! Cann, Monten), Mrs. S. R. Saunders. shane is visiting Misses Bthel M. Gibson, Isa- belle P. Gibson and Jean E. Gib- son, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Gibson, flew to Mexi- co on July 8 on a vacation trip. Tras "A bull raised by W. S. Hall and H. C. Cookson, Oakville, was pur- chased recently by the govern- ment of Mexico for $3,200. The animal is one of 140 head of pure- bred Holsteins purchased in Can- ada by the Mexican government. shen Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Heldman and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mathews mot- ored to Niagara Falls, N.Y., over the week-end to take part in a lawn bowling tourney there. .* Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Kaple and son Jim have left on a motor trip to the Gaspe Peninsula. Mr. and Mrs. M. Smith were re- cent guests at Jasper Park Lod- ge. sess Mrs. Fred Davies and sons Harold and Philip returned this week from a holiday in Quebec. ress James B. Gibson is vacationing in Europe. BRONTE Carol and John Gilliam, Wel- land, are holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Gilliam, sss Rey. and Mrs. LeRoy Sargant, Denver, Colorado, are visiting with friends and relatives here. Mrs. Wm. Morris and children are leaving on Monday for an ex: tended visit to Scotland. cess Following are the winners of the draw held at the Riremen's Carnival here last Saturday night. The first prize, a refriger- ator, was won by Mr. Angus Mac- Donald, Bronte. Other winners were Ray Bastien, Mrs. Inkster, Doug Gilroy, Ross Fairburn, Oak- ville; L. L. Thurston, Mrs. BE. PEOPLE and EVENTS Mrs. Helen Bishop, Phyllis Ray, Port Cred- it; Mrs. W. Stevens, Burlington; Lloyd Lovell, Palermo; Bill Hannon, Hamilton. . Dunham, Bronte; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hill and family are spending a few days in Bracebridge, Ont. cess Mr. and Mrs. Ted Brown and children, Brighton-Beach, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Patterson. Little Dorothy Killett, Bob- caygeon, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Irvine. Mrs. V. a Mr. and Mrs. P. Orloff, New York City, are vis- iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paddy Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Martin, and Mrs. Elsie Martin spent the week-end in Kitchener. The many friends of Mr. Arn- old Brown will be glad to know he has been discharged from the Hamilton Mountain Sanitorium, and is again at his home here. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reld were, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Manley and children, Aldershot; Mr. Bing Morice, Sagimaw, Mich, Miss Lillian Newton, Saskatoon is spending an extended visit. erro Mrs. Ken Lewis is fll at her home here. cscs nest Quarrier is a pa- -- in hey Oakville Hospital. se Mr. and Mrs. Bremner Sargant and children, London, Ont. were visitors here on the week-end. seas. Several birthdays were cele- brated here the past week, among theme were Gaile Dunham, Mary Lou Hickson and Ricky Toomer, ann on Sunday, July 16, and Carol Knight, Wednesday, July 19. sass Miss Gwen Mitchell spent oe week-end at the home of Mrs. carrow. Mrs. Edith Ely, a son's Point, was also a visitor. TRAFALGAR Mrs. Florence Purcer has been holidaying in St. Catharines at the home of Mrs. James Duffy. She also visited her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Ness, Buffalo. seems During the absence of the minister on holidays, Knox Church, Sixteen, will be closed until the first Sunday in August. The anniversary service of the church will be held on Sunday, August 27th. sss members of the Drayton Chapter, O.E.S. visited their. fellow members, Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Stewart, on Thursday, and held a picnic on the parson- age lawn. Mr. Stewart was the minister of Drayton United Church at the time he and Mrs. Stewart joined the order and sev- eral members of the church were among the guest: Ee The members of the newly or- ganized Baby Band of the W.M. S. of Wesley Church, with their mothers and the members of the W.M.S. and their teen-age daugh- ters, to the number of sixty-five in all, were entertained on Tues: day, July 11th, at the home of Mrs, Gordon Post., The guests were welcomed by the president, Mrs. S. D. Turner, after which devotions were taken by several of the teen-agers with Miss Betty Post conducting the service. Scripture readings were given by Mary Post. Jessie and Elizabeth Bentley and Vivean Fish. The girls! choir sang "Lis- ten to the voice of Jesus," and "A Teacher's Dream," was read by the leader, Miss Post. The little ceremony of presenting the Baby Band Gift Boxes was car- ried out by Phyllis Bentley and Gary Cullingham and were re- ceived by Mrs. J. W. Stewart, Baby Band Superintendent, who dedicated the offering with pray- er. All the children then had a marvellous time playing on the spacious lawn with the older girls. Introduced by Mrs. Turner, the guest speaker, Mrs. Gordon Watts of Oakville, member of literature and finance committees of the Dominion Board W.M.S, gave a talk to the mothers. She left with them this message: "Make out of today something that when tomorrow comes, we'll Twenty-five the W.M.S. and their young assistants ed after the children. sre n Miss Lois Biggar was a guest on Saturday at the Swinton- Cook wedding in Orillia United Church. The bride has been on the staff of Annette Street Pub- lic School, Toronto, and several J staff, including Miss Big- ere guests. They stayed in Orta, for the week-end. sa enn and her daughters look- Four cousins of Mrs. H. W. Albertson, Dundas Highway East, all former residents of Trafalgar district, visited at her home re- cently. They were Mrs. Isabelle Campbell, Hornby; Mrs. Augusta McCauley, Brampton; Mrs. Mamie Sprutt, Winnipeg and Miss Alice McCracken, Minto, Man. sos es Misses Lois, Kathryn and Mar- tha Biggar are guests this week of Mrs. E. P. Lunau, Oakville, at their summer home on Cameron Lake, Fenelon Falls. They mot- oréd down on Monday with Mrs. Hugh Peckitt of Chatham, who is spending the week with her mother, Mrs. Lunau. sess We regret to hear that Mrs. Fred Harris has been advised to take a partial enforced rest for several week's duration to help the arthritic condition from which she has been suffering for some time. Mr. Albert is now visiting at the home of his daugh- ter, Mrs. G. E. Post. He has al- most recovered from his recent illness. sen es Kenneth Kiernan and Douglas and Miss Marian Walsom as members of the Orange Lodge and Junior Lodge of Bronte, mot- ored to Paris on Saturday and took part in the Orange Parade held there in the afternoon. The Bronte lodge were awarded the cup. Treen Upper Middle Road CLIPPING - Summer Reservations for Deerhaven Kennels Regd. BOARDING B. K. SNIDER) WASHING - WORMING - DEFLEAING NOW--Accommodations For Cats Telephone 457-J Boarding Being Received Mrs. Howard C ent tained a number of children and oo LE Monday afternoon the casion of her son Glenn's fourth, Birnoay. . - Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fish spent the week-end at the home of their son, Willard, Newmarket. Ball Boosters Busy members of the town's minor baseball teams have en- listed more than 100 new mem- bers to date for the Oakville Baseball Association. 'The kids are selling membership cards for $1 each, although they will not refuse a bigger contribution to the fund that keeps some 250 of them playing ball' in min- or peewee, peewee and bantam competition. They plan to knock on every door, so you'll be seeing one of them very soon. LAST DAY! SHELLEY WINTERS IN 'SOUTH SEA SINNER" YOU'LL GET THE LIFT Montgomery Clift FRI. - SAT. "THE BIG LIFT" At last it can be told! The BIG Story behind the Airlift JULY 21-22 OF YOUR LIFE FROM Paul Douglas STARTS MONDAY FOR 2 DAYS starring YVONNE DECARLO PHILIP FRIEND That HUGGETT Vote Wed.-Thur. J ARTHUR RANE patstnrs JAGK WARNER KATHLEEN fanmison SUSAN SHAW PETULA CLARK Vote for HUGGETT For Laughs With HUGGETTS Family Is Back! The July 26-27° have no regrets" The president tendered the thanks of the mem- bers to the speaker, and said that she was happy so many had at- tended the meeting. Twenty-three baby band names were entered by the mothers In the register. A bountiful picnic supper with ice- cream given by Wesley Women's Association, was enjoyed by the children. Lunch was served to the ladies in the livingroom. Mrs. For the convenience of our starting immediately the begin at 6.45 p.m. CENTURY Post was assisted by members of out of town evening patrons, will performance RIVI this This space belongs to "Those Careful Cleaners" He forgot to write his ad ER'S week Thur-F ri-Sat. ROY ROGERS nr TRIGGER rises vo SP Added Latest World News In Our Latest News Eevnts In Korea War July 20-21-22 st mo LE caspHOVSS! 1 Mon-Tues-Wed. COLUMBIA PICTURE 2ND ACTION HIT: > O'BRIEN FORD cr KEYES Battling Jap Treachery on the eve of Pearl Harbor "Submarine Raider" ISTARRING JOHN HOWARD, LARRY PARKS, MARGUERITE CHAPMAN, BRUCE BENNETT EXTRA COLORED CARTOON July 2425-26 Your Friendly Theatre AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT Phone 568

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