OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, October 12, 1930 picture's recent preview on the arm of Texas oil millionaire, Bob Neal. They're old friends. Jean Hersholt has celebrated his 64th birthday. It's being predicted that the screen's next famous romantic Sier-| team will be Doris Day and Gor- 8| don MacRae. They're paired, that -| way, in two upcoming musicals, "Tea For Two," and "The West Point Story The body of Jane Cowl has been moved from a paupers crypt to Forest Lawn by old theatrical INSIDE BRIEFS!!! Burt Lancaster is taking time out from his current PA tour for "The Flame and the Arrow" to do a big show at New York's East Side Settlement House. As a boy he had lots of fun there In Jimmy McHugh's new ra Drive mansion there's a 48x: foot living room, and a giant s case over a garden of trees and rose bushes. Barbara Payton, Jamps Cagney's blonde leading lady in "Kiss To- morrow Goodbye," attended the © Daily Reminder © OCTOBER 1950 Dont 191g of That The now 5% yerivo ply SAVINGS BONDS will be availabts nh Zod id 1772 awe savingd in hi Tape & ily oshnbl eownily: SBWS iriends. The great lady of the theatre died without funds. Startling item in one of the lo- cal trade papers says: "Cinema land's going to the dogs. Chinook, Monogram's canine star, has been ordered to lose five pounds" Brenda and Bill Holden have celebrateG their ninth wedding anniversary. The Roy Rogers' baby around the 27th of August. Chuckle of the week was Georg- fe Jessel's quip while entertain- ing 250 inmates of the L.A. Coun- ty Jail: "Best audience I ever had. You can't walk out on mi is due And what do you think Ginger Po is raising now on her big Oregon rancho? Sheep! "LEMON DROP KID" Paramount has started the development of another production based on a Damon Runyon story to star Bob Hope, it was disclos- ed recently with the signing of Bdmund Beloin to prepare a treatment of the Runyon classic, 'The Lemon Drop Kid." As in the highly successful Hope starrer, "Sorrowful Jones," the forth- coming production will be peop- led with the Runyon characters which have become synonymous with: the colorful side of Man- hattan BEAUTIFUL GESTURES Dennis Morgan, on completing a scene with Ginger Rogers for "Perfect Strangers," noted that three wheelchair-ridden paraple- gic veterans were visiting the set. He not only invited them to have linch with him at the very posh Lakeside Country Club, near the studio, but he helped convey them there, pushing one of the wheel- chairs himself. WANTED TAME SPIDER A collection of nice, fat taran- tula spiders are, at this moment, being interviewed, so to speak, by Director King Vidor, with one tol be chosen for a featured role op- posite lovely Ruth Roman in the melodrama, "Lightning Strikes Twice." Says Vidor: "The spider selected must be fiercely photo- genic yet even tempered, and harmless. It's just supposed to scare the daylighfs out of Miss Roman, not bite her" Says Miss Roman: "Oh, mo-" GUEST OF THE WEEK If MR. CARLE DAVIS, Rey- nolds St. S., will present himself at the box office of the Century theatre any night next week, he guest will be ad- mitted free as guests of the Jour- nal. and another ARENA IN THE PRESS WEEK Space contributed in the service of the community by John Labatt Limited. BREWERS YOU READ ABOUT THE NEW COMMUNITY CENTRE YOU APPROVED THE DEBENTURE ISSUE LAST FALL NOW YOU GAN GET BEHIND THE DRIVE FOR FUNDS DONATE ALL YOU CAN WHEN THE CAMPAIGN STARTS Zaballs LAST SINCE 1832 NOOTKA COMES out OF MOTHBALLS TO JOIN {CANADA'S ACTIVE Mavy so Canada's tribal destroyer Nootka out of mothballs for active duty an Korean waters, in 1951, three other Canadian destroyers, now serving in Depth charge set by de- --Central Press Oanadian stroyer is shown above, At full strength, the Nootk, now lying at the naval dockyard, in Halifax, num bers 240, including 17 officers. will be brought d will join the 1 SEE CECE SEO CER CECE C0 CEI CEO CE30 E060 CECE C0 CE 3a CROCE C0 CE 3 CEO C30 CEC TERR CE CEO CEO CE E30 TEI TEETH ACENC Everybody Reads Classifieds ON PAGE EIGHT AND ALSO, TIME TO LET US CLEAN YOUR SUMMER AP- / PAREL FOR STORAGE IN OUR MODERN STORAGE VAULTS FALL SAMPLES HAVE ARRIVED FOR YOUR TAILORED-TO- MEASURE HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN SUIT COLBORNE ST. E. TIME TO HAVE YOUR WINTER OVERCOATS CLEANED AND PRESSED E30 / E 3 | OPPOSITE POST OFFICE PERE Cel C i