Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 19 Oct 1950, p. 3

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Nn the falgar oters, st ang Street nees- e Pol. noria] e 2nd h the (3B), e 3rd, lS St. ludeq, e 3rd | tang ession >olling e 2nd | e 3rd, [8 in the (3 South | locat- I 3a, | undas Vaple- | 88 | chool, ay for ember =) LET US PREPARE 'YOUR CAR WITH THE PROPER LUBRICANTS FOR CAREFREE WINTER DRIVING HEDLEIGH HOME LIMITED "The Home of Chrysler, Plymouth, Fargo DUNDAS ST. N. Sales & Service" PHONE 1063 It's not too early to do your shopping for . . . YOU GET YOUR CHOICE jf WHILE THE SELECTION IS LARGE . . . CHRISTMAS NOW Tm" TRAINS, PULL & MECHANICAL TOYS, DOLLS, GAMES, ETC. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS MAKE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS TOO! ED. SLATER'S COLBORNE ST. W. CHECK YOUR SHOPPING LIST OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 8 [= CHURCH NEWS = | CHURCH of the EPIPHANY Mr. and Mrs. C. Warrington 'in- stalled a four burner gas range in the kitchen of the parish hall. The committee interested in the work of the Scouts and Cubs in- tend painting the floor of the parish 'hall next week. The hall will be closed from October 22 to October 29. The afternon branch of the W. A. will hold another euchre to- night (Thursday) in the 'parish hall. ST. LUKE'S The men of thescongregation insulated the church Saturday. Several men attended the Hal- ton Deanery Laymen's Associa- tion banquet at Georgetown Mon- day evening. The chairman was Mr. D. Pope and the secretary- treasurer Mr. G. Atkins, both of St. Luke's. A service of witness will be held in Christ's Church Cathedral on October 24 at 8 p.m. The preacher will be the Bishop of Newfound- land. The Evening branch of the W. A. met at the home of Mrs. G. S. Atkins Tuesday evening. The altar was beautifully dec- orated by Mr. Fairbrother for Children's Day. Canon Smith's text was, "In the love of a little child a father and a mother met." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY At the 11 o'clock service next Sunday the subject will be "Pro- bation After Death." From the citations "O death, where\is thy sting? O grave, where is thy vic- tory? Thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through an Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore be ve steadfast, immoveable, always abounding in the word of the Lord. 1 Cor. 15: 55, 57, 58. The Wednesday evening meet- ing will include testimonies of healing and experiences and re- marks on Christian Science. ST. ANDREW'S October devotions are St. Andrew's Church on Sunday evenings at 7.30. Rev. Father Kirby celebrates Mass each Sun- day morning at 8.30 and 10.30. ST. JUDE'S Thanks was rendered for the success of the recent financial drive at a special thanksgiving service at 11 am. Rev. F. C. Jackson, the rector, expressed thanks to Charles Ambler, direc- tor of the campaign, and to W. H. Edwards, chairman of the public- ity committee;. A. B. Taylor, chairman of the general canvass; Carl Slipp, chairman-of the spe- cial names committee; A. A. Grove, chairman of the finance committee; and Mrs. Lois Irwin, secretary of the campaign com- mittee. He also thanked the la- dies of the various organizations who provided a luncheon for the campaign workers. Total proceeds were slightly in excess of $60,000, held in OAKVILLE Mr. Jackson announced. Town Togs A TITLE ORIGINAL REG'D. in whispering Tissue Faille--wil- low-s1im sheath -- charmingly graceful jacket designed for you --for those special occasions. $29.50 The model above is just one of the many Title creations now on display at Oakyille's Town Togs-- head- quarters for Title dresses. exclusive ext to Loblaw's A NN N\ XY AN SAW Ay SN Si AN Phone 1500 Members of St. Jude's Wo: men's Guild held a successful rummage sale in the parish hall Saturday afternoon. There was a good demand for the various articles of used clothing and household furnishings, and a substantial sum was raised for the work of the Guild. Christopher Armtsrong, a lead- ing member of the congregatiom; will be the speaker at the 11 a.m. service this coming _ Sunday, which has been set apart as Lay- men's Sunday. Sunday, October 29, will be the Feast of St. Simon and St. Jude. Following the evening service there will be a social hour in the parish hall, to which newcomers are especially invited. KNOX : Rev. B. G. B. Foote, O.BE, Chaplain of the Fleet, was the special preacher at Knox Church on Sunday morning. Miss Louise Reith, M.A. sec- retary-treasurer of the literature department of the W.M.S. was the speaker at the Fall Thank-Offer- ing meeting of the Women's Mis- sionary Society held in the church hall Tuesday afternoon. "Things that cannot be pur- chased" will be the subject of Mr. Nicoll's Sunday morning sermon. In the evening he will preach on "Making Religion Popular." The Christmas Bazaar of the Ladies Aid Society will be held on Thursday, Nov. 23. Ladies of the congregation are being can- vassed for domations. ST. JOHN'S The United Nations can restore peace and order in war-torn Kor- ea and vastly improve conditions in thdt country, Rey. Elda S. Daniels told a congregation in St. John's Church Sunday morning. The speaker, who is on the staff of Ewha Woman's University, Seoul, left for Canada on fur- lough just before the war start- ed. She gave an interseting ac count of conditions in Korea prior to the outbreak of hostilities, and told how pressure by the Com- munists in the north was forcing many families to move to the southern portion of the country. All the men of the congregation are invited to attend the first fall meeting of the Men's Club in Lusk Hall on Thursday evening, October 26. The speaker will be Lloyd Minshall, who will give a talk on youth activities in the church. CALVARY BAPTIST An interesting account of con- ditions in the Brazil mission field was given by J. in the Too Busy To Get Ready For A Party? THEN LET US QUOTE ON YOUR NEEDS! FANCY CAKES, COOKIES & SANDWICHES HORS D'OEUVRES Showers, Parties, Weddings, Special Occasions F MORGAN-BROWN CATERING SERVICE Phone Oakville 616J21 W. S. DAVIS & SON REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE MORTGAGES * W. E. DAVIS R. C. A. CUMBERLAND 71 Colborne St., Oakville Phone 41 Evenings and Holidays Phone 612-R Mew helena rubinstein announces Chuions 560s Coomeiiis You can use at home! Helena Rubinstein now turns her a genius to hair and brings you sensational new Hair Cosmetics to cleanse, condition and color Es your hair . . . at home! Check below which Hair Cosmetics you require. Silk-Sheen Cream Shampoo . . . Cream rinse and shampoo! Conditions; gives glossy texture to all hair, all shades. 1.25 Blonde-Tone Shampoo . . . Brings color to blonde, red, light brown hair! Helps keep blondo hair from fading. 1.50 Brunette-Tone . . . Dark brown or black hair glows with new color. Acquires a satiny sheen. 1.50 Coverfone . . . Brush color on graying hair! Use to conceal gray "patches". Apply like mascara. 8 shades. '1.25 Headliner . . . Non-greasy hair balm to discipline stray locks; fuzzy ends. Just smooth onl 1.25 Silk-Sheen Hair Conditioner : : Cream emollient that makes | bleached, "permenented" Bair look alivel 1.75 d Ask for Helena Roblosteis's FREE beoklet picturing MICHEL'S NEW HAIR-DO'S and how fo wt them The Russell Drug Co. Phone 47 HA WN \ Hi ER N | Colborne St. E. course of an address by the con- gregation of Calvary Baptist Church Sunday morning. Mr. Stevenson, whose home is in Tor- onto, spent twelve years as a missionary in the South American country. Rev. A. A. Stoll, the minister, preached at the evening service, and Bob Snyder sang. On Sunday morning the prea- cher will be Dr. R. M. Nielsen, of the Biblical Research Society. Mr. Stoll will preach in the eve- ning, and the Baraca Quartette will sing. A series of studies on the Diety of Christ was commenced on Wednesday evening under the dir- ection of the minister, Mr. Stoll. These studies will be held every Wednesday evening. Tomorrow evening's cottage prayer meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Stairs, Lakeshore Rd. Hast. Wind And Rain The Wind and the Rain,' with an all-Canadian cast including Kate Reid of Oakville, will be presented at the high school auditorium Monday and Tuesday. evenings, November 20 and 21, | under the sponsorship of the Women's Auxiliary, Oakville- Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Price of general admission is one dollar, with two dollars for the reserved section. The Aux- iliary's share of the proceeds will be used for hospital work. A be easter on te issu" Wo = «+. the high-test Safety Glass especially made for car windshields. Non-shattering. DUPLATE TUFLITE Come to us-for AUTO GLASS service WM. WHITAKER & SONS Oakville Ground and polished for CLEAR vision +. for car windows. Stands up under hard usage, Is 5 times as strong as ordinary glass. Gives safety, maximum protection! Station Road Phone 141 NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS WINDOW GLAZING PLATE GLASS, WINDOW GLASS, STAR AND DOUBLE DIAMOND Morden Rd., Oakville OF ALL KINDS. EXPERT WORKMANSHIP PLATE GLASS MIRRORS, GLASS BLOCKS [/ / STORM SASH, PAINTED, GLAZED, / INSTALLED We Pick Up And Deliver ESTIMATES GIVEN JAMES J. BLAIR Phone 1590-w.

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