BWATCH FOR THE NEW nen EDIE RS | THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page Red Feather Review Aids Local Funds 2 -- MONARCH Stirling-Dynes Ltd. Benny Loufs and his twelve: piece band will feature the Red Feather Kevue, which comes to Oakville's Century = Theatre Sun- day evening, Nov. 12, under the auspices of 'Angela Bruce Chap- ter, 1.O.D.E. There will be a cast of 40 people in the show, which was such a big hit in Toronto and promises an evening packed full of entertai Proceeds GOLDEN HOUR Bookshop 53 Colborne St. Phone 668 LADIES' COATS OUR SPECIALTY 7 i k from us it will have a lustre . . . just Pick-up & Delivery Phone 1557 | sarah Jane from the show will go to the John- ny Black Trust Fund, Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, the Arena building fund, and various local charities. In charge of arrangements for the Red Feather Revue is Mrs. Maurice Lunau, assisted by Mrs. T. H. Marshall and Mrs. Morley Keegan, The show starts at 8.30 p.m. Tickets sell for a dollar each, and may be obtained from any member of Angela Bruce Chapter, or at the Rexall Drug Store. OBITUARIES MRS. SARAH JANE ORR Following a lengthy illness, Orr, widow of the late Richard A. Orr, died Tues- day, Oct. 24, at the home of her son-in-law, Arthur Sundberg, Wil son St. South. The late Mrs. Orr, who was 87 years of age, was born in' Cookshire, Quebec, and had spent almost her entire life there. She came to Oakville to make her home with her daugh- ter and son-in-law about seven years ago. Her husband died four and half years ago. Mrs. Orr was a member of Calvary Baptist Church, A funeral service was conducted by Rev, A. A. Stoll at the funeral home 'of LeRoy Mor- den, Thursday evening. Burial took place at Eaton Cemetery, near Sherbrooke the following day. Besides her daughter, Mrs. Sundberg, Mrs. Orr leaves one son, Joseph Edwards, Cookshire, a sister, Mrs. A. W. Frye, Lexing- ton, Mass, and a brother, J. C. Bailey, of Bothell, Wash. WILLIAM JOHNSON At St, Joseph's Hospital, Ham- ilton, on Friday, the death oc- curred of Mr. William Johnson, formerly of Dundas Hy., Sixteen District. The funeral was held on Monday in Milton, with inter- ment in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto. A --,'§-R~AlA What A Buy $6,500.00 full price, 4 rooms, back kitchen, bath and pan- try. Hardwood floors, screens and storms, full basement with cold room. Hot air fur- nace L. H. CORNWALL Realtor Phone 930W Oakville Ross M. Gibson, phone 883W Established 28 years Now zero temperatures flurries winterized. Our factory-trained mech- TIME FOR is the time . . . before the below- . and the snow . to have your car or truck TRAFALGAR (Continued from Page 2) lady in street costume For the juniots, Jean Manes, represent- ative; Ken Hamilton, funniest; and best couple, Beverley Scott and Marilyn Leslie. Outstanding impersonations were Five Roses Flour bag, Bathing Beauty and the Blind Beggar. The euchre prizes were won by Mrs. Jack Miller and Mr. George Bentley, who also called off for the square dancing. A prize for the person nearest the mysterious corner west fo Mrs. Leslie and the lucky spot to Mr. and Mrs. J. Williamson. Pumpkin ple was an important item in the lunch served by the ladies. The presi- dent of the club, Mrs. Williamson, expressed the appreciation of the members, to the musicians for their help in the evening's enjoy- ment. Beginning ~ Sunday, Nov, 5th. services on Trafalgar charge will be at follows: Munn's church, 10 am, followed by S.S. session. Sheridan church, 11.15 preceded by S.S. Wesley church 2.30 p.m. S.S. at 130 p.m. Misses Lofs, Kathryn and Mar- tha Biggar entertained at evening dinner, several of their Trafalgar, Oakville and Toronto friends. PRR Mr. and Mrs. G. H. King were week-end visitors at the home of their daughter Mrs. Melvin Price, Lewiston. An accident occurred on Sun- ay night near Mr. T. W. Jack- son's driveway when a horse sud- denly emerged out of the ditch and was struck by a car. Fortun- ately no one was hurt but the horse which is unclaimed had to be shot by the police, Friends of Wesley Church peo- ple from Hamilton, Toronto, Oak- ville Streetsville, Milton and lo- cal churches in the district were among the 300 who attended the annual turkey supper given by the 'Woman's Association. Baby mums and cornflowers were used in decorations on the table and in the church auditorium baskets of dark and light blue and white delphinimums and pink and bronze chrysanthemumus elicited admira- tion. Dr. Murray Robb who has travelled extensively throughout Canada and the United States, gave an illustrated travelogue of two trips, one through the Can- adian West to Banff and the other through Western -- U.S. to San Francisco and up the coast, which proved extremely en- tertaining. While waiting to be called to supper, Mr. Howard Cul- lingham entertained with gram- ophone records. Rev. J. W_ Stew- art introduced Dr. Robb and la- ter he extended sincere thanks of the W.A. and church members to Dr. Robb for his generous con- tributions to the program. Two of the best known peo- ple of this part of Trafalgar, who attended the supper: were Mrs. A. A. Biggar and Mr. WH. Albert- son. Both are descendants of pioneer (Munn's and Snider's communities) families. Mrs. Big- gar celebrated her 90th birthday Oct. 26 and Mr. Albertson his 86th October 18th. Mrs. James Raby, a Salmon Arm, B.C, and a former resident of 'Trafalgar and member of Wesley Church, was present. A daughter of the late Mr_and Mrs. Henry Stephens, Dundas Hy, she went west following her marriage in the early part of the century. Her last visit to Ontario was 21 years ago. Chief among the many changes in the locality since that time is the new hall which has taken the place of the old town- ship hall. sees Mrs. Elton Jordan, Detroit, is visiting at the homes of her cou- sins, Mrs. Russell Smith and Mrs. Flossie Purcer. Mr. and Mrs. W. Thornton were their guests on Sunday. cranes The sectional rally of the Wo- man's Missionary Society for the southern part of Halton Presby- terial will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 8th, morning and afternoon sessions in Palermo United Church Morning session at ten o'clock) Mrs. B. A. Pickard is president of the Presbyterial. Fla Two hundred and eighty six guests from all parts of Halton County attended the annual ban- quet of the Halton County Plow- men's Association at Trafalgar Township Memorial Hall on Thursday. The Woman's Associa tion of Munn's Church catered for the banquet. "From Sugar Beet to Sugar Bowl" was the subject of a talk by Mrs. F_ Cavanagh, convenor of indus- tries and agriculture. In order to test the memories of the audience, Mrs. F. Weller conducted a test of Mrs. Cavanagh's subject, which was won by Mrs. Leonard Lister. WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE NOW HAVE THE COMPLETE LINE OF GOTHIC BRASSIERES $1.00 © $2.95 SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY OF CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS IN QUALITY LINGERIE BURROS' SPECIALTY SHOPPE 136 Colborne St. E. Phone 423 Mrs. Alex Brown (Ardelle Law- rence) of Formost, Alta, visited last week at the home of her aunt, Miss Ida Pickering. Far Neil Walsom celebrated his eighth birthday on Saturday by entertaining some of his friends, among whom were Grant Fish, Fred Desjardins, Gary and Glenn Cullingham, sere Mr. and Mrs. H_ White and family, Whitevale, 'and Mr. H. Wilson, Streetsville, were guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. McNab. PRIVATE SECRETARY WANTED I want a personable young woman capable of thinking for herself and who is willing to accept responsibility, to act as my private secretary. There is no top limit on the salary that | will pay for the right person ....but it.will have to be someone who can meet exacting requirements as to discretion, tact and staff relationships. Working conditions are ex- cellent, with employee benefits in which the person | am looking for will share. Hours, for the most part, are from 9 to 5, five days a week, but the type of person | am looking for is not a clock watcher. This is the highest paid position available in Oakville .but the qualifications re- quired are equally as high. Apply in writing, giving complete information in the letter, and state the salary you consider you would be worth. WRITE BOX 5000 THIS NEWSPAPER. ALL LETTERS WILL BE STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. GLIDDEN Pacemaker in Paints NEW serep SATIN READY-TO-USE DECORATOR COLORS + BERKSHIRE GREEN ~~ ,/ MONTEREY BROWN y/ COLONIAL BLUE +/ WINEBERRY * Glidden Spred SATIN Decorator Colors are ready-to-use, require no special wall primers . . . you can start and finish your decorating with one material. Made with a synthe- tic rubber emulsion base, Decorator Colors are amazingly easy to apply . . . they flow more smoothly, more uniformly than conventional deep-color paints . . . and they dry to touch in twenty minutes. ADDITIONAL COLORS MAY BE OBTAINED BY INTERMIXING SPRED SATIN DECORATOR COLORS. INTERMIX FORMULAS: CANYON RED Mix 3 gts. Monterey Brown with 1 qt. Wineberry BLUE SPRUCE [Mix 1 qt. Berkshire Green with 1 gt. Colonial Blue LAUREL GREEN Mix 2 gts. Berkshire Green with 1 qt. Monterey Brown ROSE BEIGE Mix 1 qt. White with 1 qt. Monterey Brown CHARCOAL Mix 3 qts. Berkshire Green with 3 gts. Colonial Blue and 1 qt. Wineberry. CHARTREUSE Mix 3 gts. Confetti Yellow with 1 qt. Pinefrost Green DROP IN AT 75B COLBORNE ST. AND SEE THE LATEST COLOR CHIPS Something New . . . ULTRA-LITE FLUORESCENT LACQUER "They Glow In Daylight" ® INCADESCENT RED © VOLCANO RED © CORONA GOLD © |RIDESCENT LEMON For painting flower pots and other ornaments in the home. Brighten up your Christmas Tree by paints ing your tree ornaments and cot- anics will give you guaranteed protec- tion. Service includes radiator cleaning and reverse-flow flushing; water pump check; fan belt adjustment; check of rubber connections; engine check for leakage; cleaning radiator core; anti- freeze; correct winter grade of oil and lubricants. ton batting. Adds sparkle even in daylight. The Oakville Lumber Paint & Wallpaper COLBORNE ST. OPP. POST OFFICE 18 *CHRYCO ANTI-FREEZE Choose either Chryco bo ® ELECTRIC GREEN Mrs. Oscar Clifton entertained the members of Drumquin Wo- men's Institute for the October meeting. Mrs, BE. S Manning, president presided. "How to make my favorite sandwich filling," was the question for the roll call. Mrs. J! Lister, who had visited for several weeks in England was warmly. welcomed back. All ladies in the community are invited to attend the short course on "Your money's worth in food," to be held in Bethel S.5. Nov. 9th and oun | Co. Ltd. Store PHONE 1383 fully guaranteed. *Chryco is a trade-mark of the Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited. WM. WHITAKER & SONS Oakville Phone 141 gtion Road Brn SE --