Page 12 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY The Caterpillars New House! IT WAS ALL INSURANCE ELECTRICAL BY Max TREIL T. S. H. GILES INDUSTRIAL One day Clarence and Archi- Real Estate and Insurance COMMERCIAL bald, who were two caterpillars 189 Colborne Street Fast DOMESTIC and looked exactly alike, were Oakville - - - - Phone 532 | ELECTRICAL SERVICE crawling along a tiny path Son the meadow on the other side of Sn Me 2761 LIL eLuGTRIG the garden, when they heard Fiat NTR. someone calling. Evenings - - - Oakville 712 Gord Brown | "bid you call me, Clarence2" GENERAL INSURANCE H. S. THORNTON Phone 874 Lakeshore West, Oakville A. F. BERRILL BILL ANDERSON RADIO - APPLIANCES Sales & Service Phone 521-M Phone 1059 Oakville said Archibald in surprise, look- ing at his companion. "No," replied Clarence, looking at Archibald with just as much surprise as Archibald had looked at him. "I thought you were call- ing me!" uQakville's Active Broker" [Dunn St. North - Oakville] At this they were both very puz e sled, until Archibald, who was a Real Estate and Business LF. CLEMENT tiny bit smarter than Clarence, Broker = said: "If you weren't calling me, Insurance HOME ELECTRIC Clarence, and 1 wasn't calling you, Oakville, Ont, Phone 1233 then it must have been someone PROFESSIONAL Livingston Stoker CARSTEN GLAHN, R.O. and Oil Burner Units OPTOMERIST - OPTICIAN Males Professional and Technical Services essential to eye WORK GUARANTEED core PHONE 1441 HOURS: Daily 9.00 to 5.30 16 THOMAS ST. N. Sat.. 9.00 to 12.30 Mon. & Thurs. eve. 7.00-8.00 163 COLBORNE ST. E. PHONE 1375 an nC Ca De PE WILLIAM C. MILLIGAN, R.O. Oil Burners Commercial Refrigeration Sales & Installation AUTHORIZED FRIGIDAIRE DEAL Commercial Sales & Service Service & Installation of all GENERAL ELECTRIC else calling both of us!" Clarence thought that this was about right. So he said: "But who is it?" Then they both gazed around to see who was calling them. All at once Clarence discovered a third caterpillar named Oliver. He was standing , on a little pebble and shouting with all his might. Finally Heard "Thank goodness you finally heard me, Clarence and Archi- bald," said Oliver. "I've been shouting my head off at both of you for the last five minutes!" Here Clarence and Archibald scrambled over to where Oliver A. C. PENN was standing and greeted him with Optometrist * Optician 94 Maple Ave. Phone 1544 | delight. - 69A Colborne St., Oakville, Ont. Oakville "We haven't seen you for sev- (Over the Bank of OC Professional \eye examination & prescription services, ORVILLE NEAL Domestic & Commercial TELEPHONE 1507 ELECTRICAL Closed All Day Wednesday CONTRACTING HOURS: Daily 9.30 am.-5 p.m. Fixtures, Ranges, Tanks Thursday evening--7.00-8.00 p.m. 37 STEWART ST. W. or by appointment OAKVILLE (Phone 1005-R' after 5.30) EE --_-------------- eral days, Oliver," said Archibald. "Where have you been keeping yourself, Oliver?" Clarence asked. Oliver smiled. "That's just what 1" was calling you about! I want you to see the new house I'm living in. It's not far from here!" "On, a new house!" cried Clar- "Is it up in a tree?" ence. "No, it's on the ground," said Oliver. ANIMAL CLINIC NURSERIES W. A. CAMPBELL, D.V.M. ROBT. NIELSEN G. K. PECK, D.V.M. NURSERIES Maurice Dr. Phone 452W {Garden Design and Landscape If No Answer Call 1276W Contracting OFFICE HOURS 1 to 3 -- 7 to 9 Sunday & Other Hours By Appointment 'VERGREENS We Grow - Design - Plant Prune - etc. Oakville R.R. 1 OSTEOPATH Oakville RR. 1 i Phone ide W 0 CARLTON GREEN LINBROOK NURSERIES steopa ; 63 Division Street Growers 0 B Only. "Phone 826 --_ Contracting -- Evenings, Wednesday After- TREKS -- SHRUBS -- ROSES E High Quality Nursery Stock Desi of Fine Gardens EIGHTH LINE N. Phone 137J "A house on the ground--my my!" eviaimed Archibald. "Peo- ple's houses are on the ground. Are you living in some people's house?" "Oh, no! My house is made all of glass!" "All of glass? A glass house!" said Clarence and Archibald to- gether in astonishment. This was more than they could believe. "It's like one great big enormous round window," Oliver said. "It's "Equipped To Look After Your Towing Needs" AL. JOHNSON 24-Hour Towing and noon, Saturday and Sunday. OAKVILLE BARRISTERS ants Landscaping -- Fruits Lakeshore Highway W. Phonte Bronte 56W ANGUS McMILLAN Barrister -- Solicitor Notary Public NURSERIES Evergreens, Shrubs, Bedding PI. Road Service Anywhere--Anytime Telephones 783-J : 783-W 71 REBECCA ST. OAKVILLE, ONT. REPAIRS WM. SEALE Custom Tractor Work Wood Sawing, Plowing, 107 Colborne Street East Telephone Oakville 532 To all types of commercial and domestic refrigerators and electric ranges. PARTS & SERVICE GUARANTEED E. W. BURBIDGE 136 Robinson St. ROSS RYRIE Discing, Ete. Barrister - Solicitor Phone 224-W Notary Public E 61-A Cothorne St. East lent BUILDING Office 65: Residence 1487-w i CHAS. WATT Til D. A. McCONACHIE Local Representative D. G. PENMAN Barrister - Solicitor J. Cooke Limited Rugs, Carpets and Upholstered i my Public CONCRETE BLOCKS Furniture Cleaned In Your Own Reynolds St. IN. Aldershot, Ont. Phone 386J3 Hore. Telephone Oaaville 1304 - Portable Eq -- Satisfact- JOHN F. ISARD TURNBULL & HOLDRIDGE fon Guaranteed 2 Building Contractors i Barrister -- Solicitor Concrete - Masonry Bb di si af Notary Public Blockwork A. S. WRIGHT Successor to 1678W - OAKVILLE - 903 W. N. Robinson, K.C. TORONTO - PLaza 5491 142 Colborne St. East ALTERATIONS and REPAIR WORK Phones: Bus. 15 Res. 216 FLOOR SERVICE PHONE 1309-W JACK A. SEED Barrister-Solicitor Notary Public 27 Park Avenue ~elephone 1237-R LINOLEUM FLOORS LAID ACCOUNTING TROND IDOI BRONTE FLOOR SERVICE LINO-MASTIC-RUBBER TILE Thursday. November 9, 195) MADE OF GLASS Showers, Parties, Too Busy To Get Ready For A Party? THEN LET US QUOTE ON YOUR NEEDS! FANCY CAKES, COOKIES & SANDWICHES HORS D'OBUVRES Neddi Special O F MORGAN-BROWN CATERING SERVICE Phone Oakville 616421 | SERIE ees Automobile Oliver told his friends about the I house. = the most wonderful house you've Service ever seen. No matter which way you look you can look outside. DROP IN AT The sun shines in all day long. | But when it rains, the rain rolls right off the top and the sides." Oliver's new house sounded fs extraordinary that Clarence and Archibald demanded to see . W. tat he sama [| ©7 Colborne St For Complete EDDIE'S GARAGE WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION Telephone 1106 they were rather sorry they had to see it, because they were quite certain that it wouldn't be near- ly as wonderful as it sounded when Oliver described it. Nevertheless, Oliver gladly led started crawling down the side of the ditch. His two friends stopped at the top. "Is it down there, Oliver?" ask- ed Clarence. Well-Kept Ditch "Yes," said Oliver. "But it's a very well-kept ditch. The wind sweeps it every day, and its hard- (Above OFFICE HOURS MONDAY and THU SATURDAY Lloyd E. MacDougall, D.C., the way to his new glass house. . He crawled along the edge of the Chiropractor meadow until he reached a- ditch : at the side of the road. Then he 61A Colborne St. East, Oakville Russell Drug Co.) TELEPHONE 146 RSDAY 9.30 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon At Other Times--By Appointment. ly ever muddy. So Clarence and Archibald followed Oliver down to the bottom of the ditch, and crawled along to his glass house. It was made all of glass, just as Oliver had said! It was an empty soda-water Nelson Crushed Stone bottle, with only one crack in it! "It--it's beautiful!" gasped Clarence, breathless with joy. "Wonderful! Wonderful! The most shining and sparkling and dazzling house I've ever seen!" "I know youd like it!" Oliver said, very pleased. "Wouldn't you like to move in with me?" And Clarence and Archibald said yes, of course--and they did! CANNIBAL SPECIAL > During production of "The Glass Menagerie", Gertrude Lawrence's 0 k ili favorite luncheon was a "Cannibal 694 Special," consisting of raw ground akvilie steak and chopped onions, with a Various Sizes of Clear and Crusher Run Stone for Roads and Driveways INFORMATION AND QUOTATIONS PHONE or Burlington 4904 raw egg on top. MUSICAL PIG THE OLD HOME TOWN _ weussrsaus By STANLEY |} 2 --Central Press Canadian is Hans, the 3%-year-old I pig belonging to he Copen- n_vaudeville artist, Carl Han- Hansi can eat off a plate and is able to play "Who's Afraid of the This m BACK ROAD FOLKS = coe 180 PAW, IF THAT SGN | SAYS WHAT 1 THINK ) Ka Peter nda, Loc. Word Rabi pment. Big Bad Wolf" on bells. WILLY DEE WILLIE DEEL GET RID OF THOSE BEASTS! D. HAMILTON-WRIGHT, C.A. W. Hi. PARKIN above Russell's Drug Store Phone 1399 Toronto Office, 365 Yonge St. Phone AD. 4704 Port Credit Office, 2 Lakeshore Road E., Phone Port Credit 4981 C L. OLIVER & CO. Accounting and Auditing Business Stystems Installed Income Tax Returns Phone 1058-W COMMUNITY FLOOR SERVICE For Free Estimates PHONE 1288 Floor Sanding & Refinishing Floor Sanding & Refinishing 0 fh 2 1SAID YOU COULD HAVE A DOG, BUT | WILL NOT STAND FOR A HOUSEFULL WILLIE DEE! o/onv'T 1 TELL YOU | WOULD NOT STAND FOR A HOUSEFULL? [7] -Now YESSUM... 36 Colborne St. E. MUGGS AND SKEETER P. O. Box 402 Ham. 7-5452 : Oakville 1268 PA, I JUST KNOW JNIORS TLL... HES ACTED ROOFING VERY DOPEY ALL DAY; NICHOL'S ROOFING New roofs & Old roofs applied Insul-Bric siding & Asbetos siding Insulation Materials Eaves Troughing Materials supplied & sold Peter P. Nichols New Phone 2544 Burlington Oakville 1445 88 OLARKE AVE., BURLINGTON © (Estimates Given) MA! HE'S ALL RIGHT ! HES JUST ol AwELL, HE JUST Pei ISN'T INTERESTED! WATCH THIS ! 54