Page 2 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL PEOPLE and EVENTS Children's phonograph records and washable toys to amuse juv- enile patients at OakvilleTra- falgar Memorial Hospital are wanted by the hospital Woman's Auxiliary. Those wishing to make donations are asked to telephone Mrs. F. H. Chisholm, 942J or Mrs. EB. H. Windeler, 977. The Auxil- jary staged a most successful Hallowe'en party for the patients Jast week, with traditional dec- orations, paper hats and refresh- ments. The party arrangements were carried out by the Kumeetus Club of Clarkson, which will dec- orate the hospital for Christmas. Mrs, BE. H. Amundsen is presi- dent o the club. Tickets for "The Wind and the Rain," being spon- sored by the Auxiliary, are being sold on the street today and to- morrow from 10 to 12 a.m. and 3 to 5 p.m. Ticket vendors will be stationed outside Ross Stores, the Jack Fraser Store, Loblaw's, Brien's Pharmacy, the post office and the liquor store. The play, in which Oakville's Kate Reid has a leading role, will be presented at the high school auditorium Mon- day and Tuesday evenings, Noy- ember 20th. and 21st. The tick- ets are on sale at Russell's Drug Store, Lydia George's and Lof- quist's Record Store. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Hannah, Morden Road, received good wish- es and congratulations rom many friends Saturday and Sunday, when they entertained on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniver- sary. seen Mrs. J. D. Gibson was welcomed as a new member of White Oak Chapter, 1.0.D.E., at the Chap- ter's last meeting. Mrs. E. Young, librarian of the Oakville Public Library, address- ed the annual fall conference of the circulation division of the Ontario Library Association at Oshawa last week. The subject of her address was "Book Seleg- tion for Small Libraries." / FRI. AND SAT. ONLY NOVEMBER 10-11 Sergeants of 164 Bn, Halton and Dufferin regiment held a re- union at the Wentworth hotel, Hamilton, last Saturday. Two or- iginal sergeants who attended were Oakville's Arnold Flaxman and Walter Beckley. . The district meeting of the Ontario Federation of Women Teachers was held at Niagara Falls October 28.. Halton dele- gates attending were Misses Reta Mather and Joy Plummer. Messrs Don Brown and Nick Slater spent the weekend in Collingwood. « Mr. and Mrs. Wilder Brecken- ridge have returned from a vaca- tion trip to New York. FP Mr. and Mrs. Pat Devenish are still holidaying at Nassau, Ba- hamas. exe Mrs. Margaret Howson leaves tomorrow for her home in Liver pool, England, after a six month's visit with her son and daughter- inlaw, Rey. and Mrs. R. H. How- son. A number of farewell teas and dinner parties have been held in her honor, including an after- noon tea by the Semior W.A. of St. Jude's Church, and a food shower by the Mothers' Union. xox ox bx The Oakville branch of the Canadian Legion will celebrate its 23rd anniversary with a ban- quet on Friday evening, Dec. 8. we ww Commander James Davis, R.C. N. of Esquimalt, B.C. has been spending ° a furlough with his mother, Mrs. W. S. Davis. Ed. Devenish has purchased the Oakville Bus Line from A. Grub- erman. EE Oakville and District Business and Professional Women's Club will hold a silver tea on Sunday, Nov. 12, from 3 to 6 p.m, in the 0dd Fellow's Hall, Colborne St. Everyone is invited. Wilfred Parnaby is a patient in Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hos- pital. a 8 8 Mr. and Mrs. John Depew (nee Margaret McPherson), have an- nounced the birth of a son at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, on Monday, Nov. 6 PE Sheila MacTaggart, who was sick in bed last week, is now com- pletely recovered and has re- turned to school. PEE Misses Bette and Shirley Campbell and Miss Beverley Rey- nolds motored to Baysville, Musk- oka, where they spent an enjoy- able week end at the Campbell home there. cesses Mr. and Mrs. Wilf Cox leave today to spend the winter in the southern U.S. Mrs. Noel Eaton leaves today for Montreal to bid bon voyage to Mr, and Mrs. Acton, Fleming, off for England, and then will spend a week with friends near Hart- ford, Conn. xen Mrs. Irven Fell and Mrs. iltie, of Welland, are vis- iting Mrs. Fell's aunt, Mrs. Grace Miller, near Hagersville, Md. Mrs, Arch Grant entertained on Wednesday evening. Mr. 'Hedleigh Home is enjoying a hunting trip in northern Ont- ario. ER Miss Ruth Ellison spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Morgan. A ow ox Mrs. Katie Rankin and Mrs. D. A. Jones are on a motor trip to Washington, D.C., this week. sevens The Geoff Bides sail from Eng- land for home today. BRONIE The euchre winners for this week at the Church of the Epi phany were: Men--H. Brewster, Mrs. J. Stewart, Mr. Babcock. La- dies--Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Brod Mrs. Rollinson. Bridge--Mrs Aiken, Mrs. Lukeman, Mrs. terson, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Luke- man, Mr. D. Wilson. sess at the Com- Fitzsim- Buchre winners munity Hall were Mrs. mons, Mrs. Dobrashian, Mr. M. Toomer, H. Hughes. Draw, Mrs. Pinfield. Travelling prize was won by Billy Price. ox wow ow Present at a birthday party on Sunday for Johnny and Dolly Landry were Sheila and Shirley Lawlor, Jackie = Landry, Susan and Nancy Hill, Margaret and Da- vid Scarrow, Marie, Herbie and Danny McLeod. Guests at the "home of Mr. and Mrs. R, A. Hopkins on Sunday were Miss Jean Lang and Mr. J. Hopkins of Toronto. SEE Mrs. Edith Ely of Toronto is visiting the home of, Mr. 'and Mrs. G. Hanson for two weeks. + x ox Mr. Art Hickson has gone on a hunting trip to Algonquin Park. FE Mr. Lewis Patterson has gone a hunting trip to Haliburton. «none Mr. R. J. Scarrow left Monday night for Florida by boat. «oo» Jack Sloan spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. O. Scarrow and family of Dunnville. Bra Billy and Jimmy Highfield are sick with the mumps. Bobby Hopkins was confined to bed last' week with the flu. TRAFALGAR Dundas "highway and the Sev- enth Line at Postville was a busy place on Tuesday evening when about one hundred junior -Hal- lowe'eners «called at the stores and homes with their requests to shell out. A few tiny' tots were initiated into the exciting thrill of this night out. Nearly all car- ried a basket or a paper bag for use as a carry all. The costumes were many. and varied. Some wore masks and others were with- out them. If a prize had been given it would have been award- ed to Josephine Greenwood, who was completely unrecognizable as a black cat with a long black tail. Other masqueraders identi- fied were Beverly Campbell, as a Duteh girl, with long braids and wooden shoes; Linda Bentley as an Elf; Neil Walsom as Mephis- topheles in a flaming red outfit. sees eo Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robinson entertained on Tuesday after Clickety Click Bingo enthusiasts will have a big night on Friday night, No- vember 24th, when the Rotary Club will run an evening of the numbers across-up-and-down at Victoria Hall. There will be a draw for a Television set the same night, and the proceeds from both will go to the Cammunity Centre Arena. Bert Hardwick promises a full evening of games from 7.30 to midnight, with the shortest period of time between games the town has ever seen. There'll be all sorts of special games, for special prizes, and the club mem- bers are contemplating some en- tertainment features in add "Come one, come all," said Mr. Hardwick, "there'll be fun galore. And the proceeds, now the club has made its donation to the hos- pital, will go to the Community Centre." n. school at a Hallowe'en party for their children, Billle and Mary Lou. The guests were school- mates from the concession and sixth line. After supper and a of games, Mr. Robinson motored the party around the district when they had a .jolly time calling at the homes and Tecelving the shell outs: Fi Miss Betty Post was a guest at the Mann-Smith wedding at St. James' Anglican Church; Port Carling. cena The turkey supper of the W. A. of Sheridan Church will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 15th, in Sheridan Hall. see Misses Sue Harris, Mary Post, and Bernice Pickering were among. the Trafalgar students of the O.TH.S. who attended one of the Red Feather football games at the Coliseum, Toronto. EE The Trafalgar township firemen, No. 2, will hold their second euchre and - dance at Trafalgar Memorial Hall on Friday, Nov. 10th. i csees Mr. and Mrs. G. E. King, Mrs. W. E. Dent, Mrs, B. Berry and Mrs. J. Beamish attended the funeral of the late Mr. Wm. John- son at Milton, Mr. Johnson was a former resident of the Sixteen district. esses Mr. and Mrs. R. Donaldson en- tertained members of the choir of Sheridan prior to their leav- ing for St. Thomas where they. formerly lived. Mrs, Donaldson who has been organist and choir- leader for the past nine months was presented with a bracelet by the members of the choir. Mr. Victor Wilson made the presen- tation." Mrs. Donaldson and child- ren left on Friday and Mr. Donald- son will follow them in a week's time. EA Some of the veterans .of the last war and their families at- tended the Canadian Legion, Oakville, annual Hallowe'en party on Tuesday. sees Satisfactory is the report on Tuesday from the OakvilleTra- falgar Memorial Hospital on the condition «of Mrs. George Mac- Pherson and Mr, Bert Berry who were seriously injured in a mo tor accident on Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Royle and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Fish attended the chicken supper which was (Continued on Page 6) Thursday, November 9, 1950 -- MODERN COLOURS LOTS OF THEM QUALITY BRANDS EXPERT ADVICE "FRASER HARDWARE PHONE 334 OPPOSITE POST OFFICE a THAT'S RIGHT Youll have more money in your pocketbook if you have your gar- ments cleaned regularly by: "Those Careful Cleaners" RIVIER'S Forsythe St. at-the-lake PHONE 1123 THURS., FRI, SAT. NOV. 9-10-11 | | A Hers worth his weight in laughs JOE PALOOKA | R 7b pr AE ROBERT PRET: CHLL WLS in MAE EG NHNBAFINORE J ake LAY IA TON PIU + Aare Loe Fs Re 10N., TUES., WED. NOV. 13-14-15 PLEASE NOTE "heatre will be closed for re-seating and general re- airs. $25.00 in beautiful Rhinestone Jewellery with he compliments of TRUST CREDIT JEWELERS vill be given away opening night, Thursday, Novem- er 16, to lucky ticket holder. Remember hold on to our stubs. GALA OPENING TWO BIG HITS HOLLYWOOD VARIETIES With ROBT. ALDA ROCK ISLAND TRAIL In Color With and FOREST TUCKER THE HOOSIER HOTSHOTS PHONE 568 YOUR FRIENDLY THEATRE CRECORY VISIT THE CANDY BAR * HOST OF GOODNESS YOWLL ENJOY THI E J. ARTHUR RANK ORGANIZATIO] RELEASED BY EAGLE-LION! of 3 TO THE CENTU os SMASHING , SRUCHING, DESTRONNG, . HERE RoR THE FIRST TIME --ALL THE SHOE. BRAMA AND EXCITEMENT OF THE MEN WHO FouGHT -- AND THE WOMEN WHO WATTED -- IN A WoRLD Sone man) ° COMING MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 13-14-15 THE HOME OF FINE ENTERTAINMENT EDWARD UNDERDOWN RALPH CLANTON HELEN CHERRY MICHAEL BRENNAN STELLA ANDREW MICHAEL TRUBSHAWE Thurs Fru Lil