Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 16 Nov 1950, p. 10

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFA LGAR JOURNAL Thursday, November 16, 1959 Page 10 INSURANCE ELECTRICAL T. S. H. GILES INDUSTRY CIAL Real Estate and Insurance COMMER 189 Colborne Street DOMESTIC Oakville - - - - Phone 532 ELECTRICAL SERVICE 19 Melinda St. BROWN ELECTRIC Toronto - - - Adelaide 2761 CONTRACTORS Evenings - - - Oakville 712 Gord Brown Phone 1059 Oakville GENERAL INSURANCE H. S. THORNTON Phone 874 Lakeshore West, Oakville A. F. BERRILL "Qakville's Active Broker" Real Estate and Business re Insur Oakville, Onty Phone 1233 BILL ANDERSON RADIO - APPLIANCES Sales & Service Phone 521-M Dunn St. North - Oakville L. F. CLEMENT HOME ELECTRIC AUTHORIZED FRIGIDAIRE DEALER Commercial Sales & Service Livingston Stoker and Oil Burner Units Service & Installation of all Makes PROFESSIONAL CARSTEN GLAHN, R.O. OPTOMERIST - OPTICIAN Professional and Technical i i WORK GUARANTEED tial to . = Services SEE eye PHONE 1441 16 THOMAS ST. N. GENERAL ELECTRIC Oil Burners Commercial Refrigeration Sales '& Installation HOURS: Daily 9.00 to 5.30 Sat." 9.00 to 12.30 Mon. & Thurs. eve. 7.00-8.00 163 COLBORNE ST. E. PHONE 1375 AI 1 IGAN. RD. A. C. PENN WILLIAM C. MILLIGAN, RO. 4 Maple 'Ave, Phone 1584 Optometrist * Optician Oakville @9A Colborne St., Oakville, Ont. (Over the Bank of Commierce) ORVILLE NEAL Professional eye examination & Domestic & Commercial prescription services, ELECTRICAL TELEPHONE 1507 CONTRACTING Fixtures, Ranges, Tanks Closed All Day Wednesday HOURS: Dally 9.30 am.-5 pm. 7.00-8.00 pm. 37 STEWART ST. W. (Phone 1605-R after 5.30) Thursday ing or by appointment NURSERIES OAKVILLE ROBT. NIELSEN ANIMAL CLINIC NURSERIES W. A. CAMPBELL, D.V.M. [Garden Design and Landscape G. K. PECK, D.V.M. Contracting Maurice Dr. If No Answer Call 1276W OFFICE HOURS 1 to 8 -- 7 to 9 Sunday & Other Hours By Appointment Phone 452W |TREMS -- SHRUBS -- ROSES EVERGREENS We Grow - Desiga - Plant Prune - Qakville R.R. 1 Phone 1444-W OSTEOPATH LINBROOK NURSERIES Growers of CARLTON GREEN High So Nursery Stock Osteopath } of Fine Gardens 63 Division Street -- Contracting -- By Appoi Only. |EIGHTH LINE N. Phone 1370 Phone 826 OAKVILLE NURSERIES Evenings, Wednesday After- Evergreens, Shrubs, Bedding noon, Saturday and Sunday. Plants Landscaping -- Fruits Lakeshore Highway W. Phonte Bronte 56W WM. SEALE Custom Tractor Work Wood Sawing, Plowing, BARRISTERS ANGUS McMILLAN Barrister -- Solicitor Notary Public 107 Colborne Street ast Rar os ROSS RYRIE SL BUILDING Notary Public CHAS. WATT 61-A Cothorne St. East Telephones Office 65: Residence 1487-w. D. A. McCONACHIE Local Representative J. Cooke Limited CONCRETE BLOCKS Aldershot, Ont. Phone 38643 Dinner for Metlin's Friends HE WASN'T GOING TO SEE HUNGRY THEM GO BY MAX TRELL "Mr. Merlin!" exclaimed Han- id, the Shadow-girl with the turn- ed-about name. 'Where are you going with that big roast beef!" Mr. Merlin the Magician stop- ped just before the door. He look- ed around at Hanid and winked. On a big platter he was carrying an enormous roast beef. All around the roast beef were boil ed potatoes, string beans, lima beans and slices of pineapple. "My dear Hanid, I'm taking a spot of dinner to a very hungry friend of mine. They don't give him enough to eat." "Who doesn't give who enough 0 eat?" "The folks who run the place where my friend lives." This puzzled Hanid. But Mr. Merlin the Magician smiled again. "Follow me," he said, "and you'll see 'exactly what 1 mean." Through the Door After walking out through the door, Mr. Merlin = suddenly van- ished. He disappeared completely, platter of roast beef and all. Han- id was standing on the doorstep, wondering what had become of him when all at once she heard his voice close beside her. The next instant he re-appeared again. still holding the platter. "I thought you -were coming with me, Hanid?" "I was!" Hanid said. "But you vanished- How can I go with you if you just vanish?" Mr. Merlin now bade Hanid to hold tight to his arm. "Here we 0!" Then they both vanished! For a moment or two Hanid felt herself sailing through the air. Then they came zooming down. "We'll be there in a min- ute!" Mr. Merlin was saying in a calm voice. "Keep holding on!" Hanid felt herself bumping against the side of a big striped tent. "Here we are!" he cried at last. They were standing in front. of a large cage. Inside was a big lion with a huge mane and a very gentle face. His eyes looked sad. However, the instant he spied Mr. Merlin, he rose slowly to his feet and his sad eyes brightened. Han- id noticed that Mr. Merlin held the platter of roast beef behind his back, and she decided that he was going to surprise the lion. "Hello there, Herbert!" said Mr. Merlin to the lion. The lion roared as gently as he was able: "How do you do, Mr. Merlin!" "I've brought you something delicious," said Mr. Merlin. Something to Eat "Ah, something: to eat I hope," roared the lion, glancing at the platter. REPAIRS To all types of commercial and domestic. refrigerators and electric ranges. PARTS & SERVICE GUARANTEED E. W. BURBIDGE 136 Robinson St. Telephone 1423W Oakville D. G. PENMAN Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public 1 Reynolds St. N. Telephone Oasville 1304 JOHN F. ISARD Barrister --: Solici Building Contractors Concrete - Masonry Blockwork 1578W - OAKVILLE TORONTO - PLaza 5491 TURNBULL & HOLDRIDGE - 903 Rugs, Carpets and Upholstered Furniture Cleaned In Your Own Home. Portable Equipment -- Satisfact- fon Guaranteed 108 Kerr (N.) Phone 1535 Notary Public FLOOR SERVICE A. S. WRIGHT Successor to W. N. Robinson, K.C. 142 Colborne St. East Phones: Bus. 15 : Res. 216 JACK A. SEED FLOOR SANDING & REFINISHING LINOLEUM FLOORS LAID LINO-MASTIC-RUBBER TILE PHONE 184 BRONTE FLOOR SERVICE ALTERATIONS and REPAIR WORK as he sniffed the roast beef, with | lucky ticket holders. Too Busy Cl Get Ready For A Party? THEN LET US QUOTE ON YOUR NEEDS! FANCY CAKES, COOKIES & SANDWICHES HORS D'OEUVRES Parties, di Special Ox Showers, F MORGAN-BROWN CATERING SERVICE Phone Oakville 616J21 Merlin carried a big Dlatter of roast beet "A-ah!" roared Herbert again the beans, lima beans and pota- toes and slices of pineapple. Then Mr. Merlin slipped the whole plat- ter through the bars of Herbert's cage. "Eat slowly," he warned the lion. "You don't want to get a tummy-ache!" But Herbert devour- ed everything on the platter in one mouthful. "He's awful hun- For Complete Automobile Service DROP IN AT EDDIE'S GARAGE WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION 69 Colborne St. W. Telephone 1106 gry" Mr. Merlin | sald to Hand "They don't feed him enough in this circus. He's a very nice lion. He does tricks." After his dinner Herbert did some tricks 'for Hanid. He rolled off a barrel, and stood on his hind legs, and jumped through & Op. "Time to get back home Han- id!" Mr. Merlin said. Then they sald good-bye to Herbert, and shook his paw and vanished back to the playroom. It was a wonder- ful adventure. But Mr. Merlin wouldn't tell Hanid how to get back to the circus again. He just wouldn't! GIRL GUIDES By Mrs. J. F. Graydon Tickets have been distributed for the Cooking School being held on Tuesday and Wednesday af- ternoons at 2.30 on November 28 and' 29; at the Gregory Theatre, all proceeds to go toward the Lloyd E. MacDougall, D.C., Chiropractor 61A Colborne St. East, Oakville (Above Russell Drug Co.) TELEPHONE 146 OFFICE HOURS MONDAY and THURSDAY 9.30 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. SATURDAY 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon At Other Times--By Appointment. Nelson Crushed Stone Various Sizes of Clear and Crusher Run Stone for Roads and Driveways @® INFORMATION AND QUOTATIONS PHONE Oakville 694 or Burlington 4904 Guide Hut fund. A modern gas range and other prizes will go to All companies were represented by Guides taking part in the Re- membrance Day parade on Satur- day and the ceremony at the cen- otaph. Ann Burrell and Gail Brown were recent recruits enrolled in First Company which now reports a full membership. There is room for a few more recruits in Second and Third Guide Companies. Sec- ond Company meets at Lusk Hall at 7 pm. on Thursday evenings, and Third Company at the Scout Hut on Tuesday afternoons at four, Brenda Osborne was winner of the general proficiency competit- ion in Third Company and her prize was a puppy, which she has called "Impy" donated by Mickey Portch of Oakville, Mrs. Kay Hol- mes is taking Sprig Reiffenstein's place as Iieutenant. UP, UP AND AWAY! 'The world is moving so swift- ly these days that the man who says it can't be done is usually "gy R J. SCOT SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK Teg" SMALLEST PLANET MERCURY ~ ARAVELS. CLOSER. 1 HE SUN Swef Music 18 frie PRoDucED BY HE SHELLS oF HE SOLAR. ine SHAlS= SYSTEM. RAL FoRmATION mt PHONE 1309-W interrupted by someone doing it. RES a WILLY DEE Notary Public 27 Park Avenue Telephone 1237-R W. H. PARKIN Phone 1058-W Floor Sanding & Refinishing ACCOUNTING TOWING D. HAMILTON-WRIGHT, C.A. above Russell's Drug Store Towing Needs" Phone 1 Toronto Office, 365 Yonge St, heed AL. JOHNSON 24-Hour Towing and Rone Service Telephanes 783.J : 783-W REBECCA ST. Port Credit Office, Lake: Road E., Phone ot Credit rit C. L. OLIVER AND CO. Accounting and Auditing "Equipped To Look After Your Business Systems Installed Income Tax Returns res ONT. 36 Colborne St. E. P. 0. Box 402 Ham. 7-5452 : Oakville 1268 ROOFING NICHOL'S ROOFING New roofs & Old roofs applied Insul-Bric siding & Asbetos siding Insulation Materials Eaves Troughing Materials supplied & sold Peter P, Nichols New Phone 2544 Burlington Oakville 1445 83 CLARKE AVE., BURLINGTON (Estimates Given) HIS PROMI an 2, Tar DON'T YOU THINK 7 Ahn

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