Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 16 Nov 1950, p. 2

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL PEOPLE and EVENTS for a fund raising pro- gram of events to support the club's service work were discus- sed at length during the regular meeting of the Oakville Optimist Club, held at Riverside Lodge on Monday night. Speaker of the evening was Optimist Don Mac- Rae, who told of the work of the Imperial Research Foundation in aiding industry and the manufac- turer. Plang Acton Fleming, who have P. last Squadron Leader his wife and small son, been visiting his mother, Mrs. L. Ivey, sailed for England week. FE H. 7. Palmer, . is now associated real estate firm of T. S. H. There's a big week-end for fourteen-year-old David wick, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hardwick, Appleby College. Early tomorrow morning David will take off, with a bunch of other young- sters; from Malton airport for New York for three days' fun and sight-seeing. He earned the trip by selling subscriptions for a Toronto newspaper, leading all the canvassers in this district. David and the other young mem- bers of his group will stay at the Times Square Hotel. Their pro- gram will include visits to the Empire State Building, Radio City and the United Nations head- quarters. Reynolds with the Giles. ahead Hard- +» Mr. Jack Davison, Sr, who had been confined to- the Memorial hospital, has been moved to Hamilton General hospital, where he is undergoing special treat- ment. sees "Science Serves the Community and Home" was the subject of Mr. Donald MacRae, who addres- sed the regular meeting of the University Women's Club in the high school music room last night. cess Mr. Allan McKenzie is in Van- couver for an extended stay. nos Mr. Donald Garfat is enjoying a hunting trip this week in Que- bee's woodlands. PE Lady Baillie and Mrs. Bremner Green left last weekend for a vis- it with friends in Montreal. FI Annual dance of the Lorne Scotg regiment will be held in the Armouries tomorrow evening (Friday). Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Roberts, who spent last week in Ottawa, have returned home. canes Mr. W. H. Edwards is on an ex- tended business trip to Ottawa. cress James Munro is serfously ill in Sunnybrook Hospital. Mrs. Ray Lawson will officially open the first annual bazaar of Riverdale isolation Polio Patients Club, to be held in Ketchum Hall, Davenport Rd., on Wednesday, Novemb er 29. sess Davis, Pete Watters and Ruddy Whiting attended the Ontario Young Liberals' conven- tion in Toronto last week as del- egates of the Oakville and Dis- trict Young Liberals' Association. Pe Mrs. B. Duncan has been ap- pointed secretary of Oakville and District Humane Society. She suc- ceeds Mis}, Agnes Forster, who is retiring. Miss Sally semen In the obituary Sarah Jane Orr issue of Nov. 2, notice of Mrs. in the Journal's it was stated that Mrs. Orr was survived by a son, Joseph Edward, of Cookshire, Quebec. This should have read a daughter, . Joseph Edwards. The late Mrs. Orr, who had lat- terly attended Calvary Baptist church, was a member of the Old 'Wesley Methodist Church. hospital's; Priestly Play "Dangerous Corners,' a play by the well-known English writ- er, J. B. Priestley, is being pre- pared for presentation by the drama group of Oakville Arts and Crafts. The play will be pre- sented at Victoria Hall Wednes- day and Thursday evenings, Dec. 13 and 14. The dressmak- ing class, which had been post- poned due to the illness of Mrs. Baker, instructress, is being re- organized this evening at "The Barn," Arts and Crafts head- quarters on Front St. On Thurs- day evening, Nov. 23, the music group will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Harris, 47 Allan St, to listen to a pro- gram of organ, harpsichord and choral music, starting at 8.15. Mr. and Mrs. Broest A. Hopper. At one time two other houses stood on the Long lot. We believe one was burned down and the second ome was bought and mov- ed away, oxox x A. Fish entertained the members of Wesley W.M.S. and W.A. on Tuesday, Nov. 7th, A Remembrance Day service was conducted by the president, Mrs. D. Turner. The Roll Call was answered by a verse or quotation on Remembrance. The semi-year- ly mite boxes were collected. The treasurer of the W.A. reported on the society's activities. The De- cember meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Calvin Bentley The meeting closed with the Miz ph benediction. PE Mrs. Gerald Wells and Miss Ula Wells were guests on Satur- day of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Post. Mrs. B. Mrs. Bennett Savage is in Tor- onto staying with her friend, Mrs. BRONIE The Bronte Community Club held a meeting for the election of officers in the community hall on Wednesday night. Officers elected are: Pres, G. Williams; Vice- Pres, Mrs. Godfrey; Sec. Trae Mr. J. Osborne; Executiv E. Elliott, Mrs. Penfield, Re de Williams, J. Sloan, J. Scarrow. TE Mr. G. Hansen and G. Howard have returned from a hunting trip in the Mattawa district. Bol ho Present at a birthday party held for Mary Milligan in honor of her 9th birthday, were: Caroline Young, Jacqueline and Lawrence Richards, Sandra Weaver, Mabel Richards, Michael and Maureen Milligan. 2s atu Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. Knight, on November 7th, a daughter, Pamela Jean, both doing fine. PO Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. Pick- ard on Sunday, Nov. 5th, at the Oakville Hospital, a son, Donald Edward, both doing fine. 3 8 5 8 The Community Club euchre winners were: Ladies, Ist, Mrs. Rollinson, 2nd., Mrs. D. Pickard. Men: 1st, Mr. H. Hartland, 2nd, D. Fitzsimmons. Travelling prize, Mr. Sloan, Mrs. Lewis. Draw prize, Mrs. Parkens. rotor ove Little guests at dinner on Fri- day, Nov. 10th in honor of Stanley Hansen's 3rd birthday were Dor- is and David Seymour, David Scarrow and Gus Hansen. TRAFALGAR A landmark at Munn's Corners, the home of Mr. George Long, sit- uated a short distance north of the Dundas Highway on the six- th line, was sold on Tuesday. Mr. Long's father bought the place about 75 years ago. The ground on which the house is built was originally part of the lind on which the pioneer Munn, grandfather of Mrs. A. A, gar, settled. The house had been used as a Temperance Hall prior to Mr. Long's owner- ship was originally built for a house, Mrs. Biggar, who recently celebrated her 90th birthday, re- calls attending meetings of the Good Templars Lodge when she was about twelve years old. In a ary kept by the late Mr. Henry Post, Snider's Corners, (father of W. H. Post, Eighth Line) he writes of attending meetings at the Tempérance Hall at Munn's Corners, riding there on horse back. We believe the Good Tem- lar organization is now non-ex tent. Another feature of interest about the house is the kitchen which was originally a store built by the late Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Cline and which was placed in front of their house reaching out to the road line. The store has been part of the Long Home next door, for many years. The Cline house is now the home of THAT'S RIGHT Yowll have more money in your pocketbook if you have your ments cleaned regularly by gar- "Those Careful Cleaners" RIVIER'S Forsythe St. at-the-lake PHONE 1123 B. F , who is very ill eens The Woman's Association of Munn's Church was held on Wed- nesday, Nov. 18th. at the home of Mrs. Stanley Barnstaple. The president, Mrs. A. Walsom pre sided. The hostess read the Scrip- ture lesson. The program consis- ted of the reading by Mrs. Jos. Featherstone of several Edna Jacques' poems, a contest conduct: by Mrs. W. Featherstone and a reading by Mrs. J. W. Stewart. evens W. Sinden, accompanied by Mrs. Roy Fish .and Miss A. Marshall, motored to Palermo on 'Wednesday and attended the sectional rally of the Halton Pres- byterial in the United Church. Mrs. Fish reported the highlights of Wesley Church W.M.S. Mrs. The Trafalgar Fire Brigade, No. 2, held their second euchre and dance for this season on Fri- day night at the Trafalgar Mem- orlal Hall. The attendance was higher than at the former one. The prizes for euchre for ladies were awarded to 1st, W. Haw- tin, who was' playing as a lady 2nd, Mrs, H. Slight. Men. 1st, Jas. Hoey, 2nd, Mr. Green. In the draw for a motor rug, D. Fit: zsimmons held the lucky ticket. Chief Wright expressed the thanks of the members to those present and announced the next euchre for the second Friday in December. sane The seriousness of the injury to his heel and leg, which Elton Mc- Lean suffered last week when forced to jump from a truck to avoid an attack from one of tlie cattle which were being loaded, is still undetermined. The swell- ing, however, is slowly going down and it is hoped an X ray may soon be taken in order to learn the extent of the injury. - . Encouraging reports on the condition of Mrs. Geo. MacPher- son and Mr. B. Berry who are pa- tients in Oakville-Trafalgar -Mem- orfal hospital, as a result of tie motor accident on the Sixteen bridge, have been received. FI Rev. Mr. Grow, of Owen Sound, supplied the pulpit of Knox church Sixteen, on Sunda esses A Miss Summer of Mr. and Mrs. who is Household Economist for the Ontario Dept. of Agriculture in Middlesex, Ox- ford and Lambton counties, ap- picture of King, daughter Percy King, peared in the last issue of the Farmers' Advocate. Miss King was taken with two members of one of her classes while attend- ing the Western Ontario Wom- en's Institute convention at Lon- don. cose The November meeting of the Bethel church W. A. and W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. W. Ford. The devotional service was arranged by Mrs. E. Ball. Ar rangements were made for the (Continued on Page 6) THURS. FRI, SAT. NOV. 16-17-18 It's her Big New Show! starring JANE POWELL ANN SOTHERN Sulla Wi - A ROBERT Z. LEONARD PRODUCTION ol - BEEKETT MON., TUES. SHE LOVED IN SPITE OF SCORN BELALSE ot dort SHE LIVED WITH A GUN WHERE HER HEART SHOULD. HAVE BEEN, Lado nt BHOAE , SHE ACCEPTED SHAME AND RAN WITH THE LAWLESS o BECAUSE... the damned NOV. 20-21 THEDA DONTCRYY ADULT ENTERTAINMENT WED., THURS. TAKE YOUR HEART TO MEET ROGERS | DENNIS SERCO PAY By COT SOMMER et cot rine THELMA RITTER JERRY WALD BRET) NOV. 22.23 [ra AND BEAUTIFUL PICTURE FROM WARNER Bros! OAKVILLE "The Home Of Fine Entertainment" Thursday, November 16, 135 GALA OPENING TO-NIGHT NOV. 16-17-18 THURS, FRY. SAT HERBERT J. YATES presents ROCK ISLAND TRAIL ima! FORREST TUCKER - ADELE MARA ADRIAN BOOTH. BRUGE_CABOT A REPUBLIC PRODUCTION joy SHOTS 0SIER Ho! oN & - po ft Co NOTE: Two complete shows. Box office opens at 6.15. First show 6.30. Second at 9.00 Lucky draw at 9.00 sharp. Don't forget folks--Thursday evening, Nov. 16, is our BIG opening with all the conveniencés in seating comfort. Also with the compliments of TRUST CRE- DIT JEWELERS we are giving away $25.00 in rhine- stone jewellery to lucky ticket holder. Remember when you get your ticket torn at door keep your STUB. That's your chance to win if your ticket is drawn. MON., TUES., WED., THURS. NOV. 20-21-22-23 4 DAYS ONLY THE KING OF COMEDY IS BACK TO THRILL YOU AGAIN - 2 TOGETHER FOR THE CEA oF 1m AA TN YOU'LL SEE DOUBLE AND HAVE DOUBLE THE FUN WITH THE KING OF COMEDY IN HIS TWIN TRIUMPHS OF MERRIMENT! Io "THE FUNNIEST THING THAT EVER HIPPENED ToANY TOWN THE HOME OF FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT YOUR FRIENDLY THEATRE PHONE 568 VISIT THE CANDY BAR A Hosy oF Glopyess

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