= | Thursday, November 16,1950 Lrintings by te. be sion Cll! NOW ON Tae If you're looking for a truly distinctive Christmas Card this year, be sure to see Winston Churchill Cards now on display. OAKVILLE CARD & SMOKE SHOP Colborne St. E. (C. C. Letheren) Phone 1481 Zi 1949 DESOTO CLUB COUPE Radio; heater, white sidewall tires, 13,000 miles. S new car guarantee 1946 CHEV. 5-PASSENGER COUPE Super cushion tires, Lifeguard tubes, Heater, Defroster 1947 CHEVROLET COACH Heater and Defroster 1946 CHEV. SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN ' Heater and Defroster 1947 DODGE SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN Heater and Defroster WM. WHITAKER AND SONS Station Road OAKVILLE Phone 141 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL DISCUSS SOIL PROJECTS AS HALTON FORUM MEETS The first question Halton Farm Forums meeting considered last Monday was "Who should bear the expense of introducing the necessary soil conservation mea- sures to correct the particular problem in your district." tioning in| the county, fourteen Of the twenty-six forums func- forums report this week and the majority feel the farmer himself should bear the expense up to a certain extent. Appleby forum feel that more underdraining would be done if it could be made exempt from fax: ation, Hornby forum felt the coun- ty and township councils should bear the expense with the help of facilities from our provincial governments such as surveying and goil testing. Kilbride forum felt the farmer should pay by providing humus for the soil, pro- per methods of ploughing and cultivation, planting of trees pro- vided by governments on poor and hillside land. The community should pay by taxation method by which each individual would pay according to benefit receiv: ed, and the Government should pay by subsidizing any worth while community project of soil MORE ABOUT TOWN COUNCIL (Continued from Page 4) work for the required bylaw. Coun- cil named Mayor J. R. Black, Reeve Howard Litchfield and Councillors Leslie Freeman and Lachlan McArthur to attend this meeting. ¥ Two-Year Term A suggestion that a two-year term for council be voted upon at the Dec. 18 election, proposed to council by William Davis, touched off a prolonged discussion. Mr. Davis also favored a plebiscite dealing with the adyisability of appoifiting a town manager. "New council members, no matter how able, find summer recess upon them before they really catch up to the routine of their jobs, and could therefore serve much more competently over a two-year term," he maintained. "A town manager would take over much of the de- tail work now being carried out by council members who should be chiefly concerned with matters of policy. I'm afraid that many good men shy away from the mun- icipal field now because of the demands it would Take on their time." Majority Approval For the most part, council ap- proved a vote on a two-year term. Mayor Black pointed out, however, that a bylaw would have to be prepared and passed at the next meeting in order that a plebiscite could be authorized, and a motion to this effect was put through "The town is progressing and growing, and I would favour a two-year term as being very help- ful to the men serving on council," the mayor stated. Reeve Litchfield, Deputy-reeve | Tea Lauder and Councillors Free- man and Cooke also spoke in sup- Centre Arena continues . . your home hasn't been called upon yet, details. ..GIVE'TILL IT FREEZES CONVENIENT PAYMENT PLAN S-t-r-e-t-c-h your contribution over convenient HAVE YOUR CONTRIBUTION ~ READY PLEASE The campaign for funds to pay for your Community . and every dollar counts. If your canvasser will be around this week. Welcome him when he calls. He is a hard-working man just like yourself. He is giving his time as well as his contribution to help the Oakville-Tra- falgar community. Please have your contribution ready. monthly payments if you wish. Arrangements have been made with the Royal Bank to accept pledges. Ask your canvasser for LET'S BE SKATING BY CHRISTMAS conseryation, Kilbride = de Bells Forum suggested the plant- ing of poplar trees along the streams which in five years would provide sufficient growth of wood to assist beaver in building dams and in soil conservation. The second question, "Flow can support be gained for the sofl con- servation projects which the indi- vidual farmer alone cannot carry out. The answer given by Kelso forum was a credit system, with low rate of interest to farmers just beginning to farm, and who are unable to finance a soil con- servation project of their own. S. S. 4 Bsquesing forum felt the need of more education along the lines of soil conservation, and suggest: ed slides and demonstrations. They, as well ag others, referred to the advice one can receive from 0.A.C., Guelph, and our agricul tural representative. Hornby forum also felt the need for further in- formation, and have extended an finvitation to (heir Reeve, Mr. George Currie, who is also chalr- man of the conservation commit: tee of Halton County, to be pre: sent on Monday night, Nov. 13 to enlighten them on the subject. received to an extent which, if following calls were equally en- thusiastic, would make industries' quota a reality. Larry Wilson, re- tail chairman, reported support in nearly every case. "But some of the merchants have been a disap- pointment, and pledges have been few." Rev. J. A. M. Bell said reports from canvassers indicated amazing support from the people of the distriet, "It is still cause for sur- prise when someone refuses fo give. This enthusiasm for the Community Centre is most en- couraging to the board. We are sure that those who have promis- ed donations next year will see the need for making their prom- iseg firm committments when their canvassers make the return call" \ He cited examples of this en- thusiasm such as the pledge of the Oceola Women's Club for $50.00 Similarily, there were many teen- agers putting their signatures on the line for $36 pledges. "These youngsters are planning to cut lawns and do other chores to se- cure the money. There are also other various organizations which are not able to pledge definite amounts, but who have pledged their revenue from their activities for the next two years to the ar- BEFORE YOU BUY SEE OUR WIDE SELECTION OF FIVE CENT CHRISTMAS CARDS REPRESENTING OUT- STANDING VALUE IN MANY DISTINCTIVE DESIGNS. The GOLDEN HOUR Bookshop 58 Colborne Phone 668 ena," Mr. Bell port of the proposal, the only contrary note being struck by Councillor McArthur. "I agree the people should decide, but if a man's- any good as a councillor, hell be voted back anyway," he declared. Councillor ~~ Freeman doubted the town is large enough yet to require a town manager. "What would he do all day?" he demand- ed. "At any rate, I don't believe such an appointment is a matter for the people to decide. The tax- payer isn't aware of the details concerning municipal legislation, and is therefore not in a position to know whether we require a manager or not." "It would put the rate up two mills to get a really good man," put i Councillor McArthur. Councillor Cooke held employ- ment of a young engineer would «pay for itself" in the saving of consulting fees on town projects, and felt such an appointment should precede consideration of a town manager plan. Complete Map A zoning map of Trafalgar township was presented by the planning board, and will be for- warded to the dept. of planning * dkville-Trafalgar Community Centre Arena and_development for approval af- "fer being passed by town and township councils. The plan shows, "in long term thinking, a town four times it's present size," board member Jack Milne pointed out. "The map is designed to act as a guide for future expansion," he stated. "I believe vou gentlemen should view Oakville as being the hub of the Trafalgar wheel, as the town will feed all that area with services as growth requires them." The bylaw authorizing a vote on Sunday sport, along with a newly prepared smoke bylaw, were given the required readings. MORE ABOUT ARENA CAMPAIGN (Continuing from Page 1) ingness to pledge as well ag give immediate cash, There are a great number of the general can- vass collectors who are achieving the $36 average "and the pledge cards are coming in with $1 at- tached and monthly payments starting immediately." He stated that if this willing- ness to back the campaign to the limit were also being displayed by special names and merchants there would be no lag at all. "We still see no doubt of final target being achieved," he predicted. "Those who have stat ed their intention of giving again next year are behind this arena. Possibly they have overlooked the fact that a pledge for an amount this time would mean the arena cauld be operated from its incep- tion without ~ the. profit factor having to be uppermost in the minds of the board of governors." Reports from the chairmen of the various sections of the can- vass revealed, he stated, that there were still many people who had not been contacted. Tom Marshall, special names, said many appointments were made for this . "We hope that those call- will appreciate that their generosity this year should be backed with a pledge for the amount they will give next year. In this way we will know for sure whether we have hit the target or not." Pledge cards had been marked in all cases where dona- tions were promised for next year, and plans were in hand to have these turned Into firm pledges .by, 'the "canvassers concerned, before the close of the campaign, he said. Ned Farley, chairman industrial section, reported that of indus- tries contacted support had been the COMING MON., TUES., WED., NOVEMBER 27-28-29 G-W-T-W holds the record for motion picture attendance in the U. S....Some people predict that this record will be broken by CENTURY - Color by TECHNICOLOR! THEATRE You score NOBODY BEATS OUR LINE-UP a= 1 OW PRICES big in economy when you shop here because our lineup of "varsity values" features your favorite nationally advertis- ed products at the lowest possible prices. Proven quality teamed up with sure sav- i that's i HOT WATER BOTTLE 1 yr. guarantee _.98 Reg. 15 price TONI REFILL KIT AND SHAMPOO & six end curlers 1.59 that stars at store that always gives you a longer run for your money. NOXEMA CREAM . 93c the REXALL DRUG--the drug for 79¢ LOOK COLGATES NEW CREAM OIL HAIR DRESSING 35¢ PACQUIN'S HAND CREAM 19c size free 65¢c AQUAMARINE LOTION & free cake of soap WISDOM TOOTH BRUSH AND DENTAL MIRROR $1.00 50c. XMAS CARDS 50 for 98c COTY BATH POWDER & free trial bath salts $1.75 REXALL PLENAMINS : 1.85 200's TIFFANY COLOGNE CREATION 1.50 HIST A REX .60 6s 1.25 12's LEN HOPE. M THE REXALL: GR. LAU (St CHEERS FOR THIS LEADER Before the game or af- ter, this All-Canadian favorite always scores high with everybody. It's oun rich, velvet smooth hot chocolate, sure to warm you up. Enjoy a cup of this de- liclous' chlll-chaser to- day--aerved with whip- ped cream. CO. LIMITED . 94 OAKVILLE