| Page 6 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Recreation Enthusiasts Choose Oakville For -- Shirley Wieland Burie Attended by a large number friends and church members, funeral of the late Shirley sixteen-year-old . and Mrs. C. Wieland, ald Ave, was held Fri Services in Calva Church and at St. were conducted by Stoll, pastor of Calvary, Rev. the ative and Wie daughter Her after- vy Baptist Jude's Cem- which the young woman attended. There was a profusion of beautiful flor- Annual Conference On December 6, at 2.00 p.m, Oakville will entertain the Cen- tral Ontario Lay and Profession- Recreationists. A very inform- interesting day has been planned with such promin- ent authorities as Mrs. P. Lynch, President of the Ontario Recrea- tion Association; (Prof. . Alan Klein, University of Toronto; Mr. Jack Dane, Recreation Director, \ | Forest Hill Village, and Mr. Lion- el Scott, National Film Board, as guest speakers. The dinner meeting at 6.00 p.m. of al sitermes rs will be highlighted by the topic, James Brown, Charles Richards, | a 3 a eS Sire. Bat Atay, Ken What does your Director Do. neth Sims and Don Rutledge. DEMANDS OF SCIENCE A scientist men. This was the we've had that television is ning so short of wrestlers. Book your Christmas Order now for VOL. No. 4 of CHURCHILL'S MEMOIRS THE HINGE OF FATE $6.00 Coming Nov. 27 The GOLDEN HOUR Bookshop 53 Colborne St. Phone 663 last week proposed creating a race of half apes, half first intimation run- ill be given by Prof. Alan Klein, University of Toronto, School of Social Work, who has just recently been elect: ed to office in thg Recreation Directors' Federation of Ontario. Recreation director Ted Ken- nedy urges that all groups plan to be represented at this recrea- This addres: tion gathering, Dinner registra: tion is $1.50. GE Ee HERE'S HEALTH Freddie used to pile his ares On the darkened cellar stairs, It took a sudden non-stop flight Before poor Freddie saw the light! Dept. of National Health and Welfare JUNIOR FARMERS DO THE JUDGING t Thursday.," Nov. 23, 1950 THE VOTERS' LISTS ACT HEADS TORIES A. B. McCleary, Oakville NOTICE OF SITTINGS clotted president of Halton| oF REVISING OFFICER County Progressive Conservative ociation at its annual meeting Milton Friday evening. Other i as follows: Vice-pres- Take notice that a sitting of the Revising Officer for the purpose of hearing com- W. Cleave, George- A Matt eter | plaints or appeals against on A. Bird, Burlington, Betty | Parts 1 and 2 of Voters' List G. Burkholder, Freeman; Treas-| to he used at the vote to be urer, John Greer, Acton; Secre-|taken at the Municipal Elec- tions to be held on December 18th, 1950 will be held at the ary, Bruce Fitzgerald, Milton. Council Chambers on Thurs- daly, November 30th., 1950 at 10 a.m. WATCH FOR THE NEW FORD STIRLING-DYNES LTD. C. H. Byers, Clerk ss Central Press Canadian Cattle came under close sorutiny at the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, as representatives from all provinces joined in the judging. The judging Was under fhe auspices of the Boys' and Girls' Farm clubs which has An enrolment of 54,000 in Canada. Many girls were among the delegates sent by the provinces having beaten out the boys in contests for the honars TRAFALGAR (Continued from Page 2) STRANGEST REQUEST Strangest request from a loca- tion troupe to be received in Hol- lywood was the one made by the M-G-M company filming "Am- bush" near Gallup, New Mexico. The request was for fifty gallons merly Ellen Stephens, Trafalgar) of Salmon Arm, B.C. who is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. A. J. Reeve, | or npr. nds of Oakville. Other guests were MTS. | candy and 100 sticks of dynamite! Reeve, Miss Edith Lunau, Oak-| '|t seems that: the DDT was ville and Mrs. Wilson Duke, Mono Mills, and Mrs. Cecil Fish, sisters of the hostess. needed to fight stinging gnats and fleas, the candy was distri uted to Indian children used in scenes (so they wouldn't cry during "takes"), while the dyna- mite blasted a path through the narrow end of a canyon, permit- ting actors and horses to get through for an exciting Indian fight episode. Seeks Re-Election x Mr. and pour Trowbridge met with slight injuries on Fri- day night at the intersection of Dundas' Highway and Seventh Line intersection when in collis- ion with another car. Rey. and' Mrs. J. W. Stewart are leaying with friends on Wed- nesday on a motor trip to Wash- ington. They will be away a week. sara There have been several cases of illness in the Sheridan com- munity. Among them Mrs. Ger ald Shain and Miss Mary South. Mr. and Mrs. David Hoey are moving on Tuesday to the Tans- ley district to a farm which they Santa's transformed Co. into a gay derful gifts for eve for every purse. One Vi Christmas Store that here is the easy . buying. Executive Set New with plug for electric in leather case) Powerful Nitro-glycerin can mountainside--or in of absolute accuracy painstaking attention to tail. measure prescription whether it be simple scription is important written. and glittering mas Package" filled with lovely things you give to those you love. We've won- sit to our Merry will convince you ee omical place to do All your gift WATERMAN PEN AND PENCIL NEW ILLUMINATED SHAVING MIRROR SUNBEAM SHAVEMASTER 29.95 REVLON FASHION CRAFT (tweezers, nail nippers, file, Forces level a pres- cribed quantities, it can keep fully realize the importance And we give this same of care to every we compound complex because every pre- the person for whom it is Oakville Drug 3 "Christ- person--prices . pleasant . 6.50 I or 7.50 6.95 CASHMERE BOUQUET Pink Mist Cologne and Atomizer $2.50 YARDLEY'S TRIO PACKAGE 3 small Colognes $2.75 LEATHER 'WALLETS $1.00 TO $8.95 a sick Heart basting 5. RUBBERSET BADGER cause we ten eal wil such Sani forces) we SHAVING BRUSH $5.00, $7.50, $15.00 HALEX BABY SET Brush, Comb, Powder Box, Soap Dish $3.00 BABY TOWEL AND = WASH CLOTH SET 98¢ and de- or C2 LEN HOPE. MEN'S LEATHER TRAVELLING CASE $8.00 THE REXALL MoRuG STORE: [== = OAKVILLE recently purcha: Many visitors from Oakville, Clarkson and neighboring chur- ches attended the turkey supper of Sheridan Church in the: Com- munity Hall on Wednesday. It Was very successful. The- Sheri day Orchestra contributed selec- tions while the people were wait- | ing 'to be called to supper. © oa xx Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Campbell and daughters, Beverley and Mar- garet and Mrs. H. Cullingham and soms, Gary and Glenn, were spec: tators on Saturday morning of the Santa Claus parade in Tor- onto. In the afternoon they vis- ited the Royal Wi R. C. A. Many of the members of the | who is fone odvth term of Postville and Snider's Farm For-| office. as ecunailior' in, Trafalgar. ums attended the big meeting in| Mr. BE lated ot the the Trafalgar Township hall held after the municipal nomination. Some of the women members of Snider's Forum spent the evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. nomination. night that, advocate paymeriy instalment ing: muni & Monday fl, 'ne would x bills by BRS, | to curtail- THREE YEARS OF EXPERIENCE THREE YEARS OF SERVICE PLEDGED TO ANOTHER YEAR OF ATTENTION TO YOUR PROBLEMS RE-ELECT TO COUNCIL R.0.0. "Rusiy" CUMBERLAND COMPLET SETS 11.95 35.00 ALL MAKES OF CARS "SATIN FIBRE NYLON GABARDINE ALL COLORS GRAND GIFT ITEMS FOR THE CAR OWNER! PRESTONE GLYCOL ALCOHOL BURKE'S AUTO SUPPLY with 13 Dunn St. N. OAKVILLE 2. OF Cullingham at Trafalgar. After the meeting all members gath- ered at the Cullingham home, where the hostess served lunch. Our sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pickett on the sad death of their infant son on Saturday at the Hospital for Sick Children. After a short ill- ness. A private funeral was held on Monday, with interment in Bethel Church cemetery. ui A AR P | Trustee Candidate of leg-roomt too) | D. M. ALLAN prominent Bronte business man, who was one of ten nominees to three township public school} board posts. Swing wide the ig. Plymouth Doors and look into the spa- . Sedts are wide, deep-cyshioned and high" for restful' comfort on day-long drives. There's plenty FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ACKED WITH VALUE . . . AND READY TO PROVE IT Compare the styling of the Plymouth! You'll like it's new longer, lower, wider look! Coming Or going . . from any angle . . it's a captivat- ing beauty! ROOMY INSIDE T00! 'chair- OAKVILLE TELEPHONE 1063 Hydro year,"