Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 18 Jan 1951, p. 11

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\IRS ters, uggage open jity. MacNAMARA pusy Minis Uw nent Annuitiee] Thursday, January 18, 1951 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 11 C.P.T. EUCHRE EVERY FRIDAY 8.15 p.m. sharp LAL yy FOR Quality Meats Fruits & Vegetables Groceries PHONE 1020 (Prompt Delivery) CARLOAD GROCETERIA R. E. Harris, Prop. STAND-OUT for SNACKS! Milk's a "must" for the youngster's after-school snacks . . . quickly supplies needed energy. Keep plen- ty of milk on hand always! L. G. SNYDER'S GILBREA DAIRY Dundas St. at Church PHONE 51 Quality Venetian Blinds Custom Made Guaranteed Two Years REPAIR and LAUNDRY SERVICE Venetian Blind Laundry & Mfg. Co. il PHONE 859 Gifts & Greetings for You -- through WELCOME WAGON from Your Friendly Business Neighbors and Civic and Social Welfare Leaders [On the occasion of: The Birth of a Baby Sixteenth Birthdays EngagementAnnouncements Change of residence Arrivals of Newcomers to PHONE 807 (Neo sost or obligation) [ = CHURCH NEW/S ST. JOHN'S Rev. Harry Pawson St. John's United Church was filled to overflowing Sunday mor- ning for the Communion service and reception of new members. Rev. Harry Pawson, who conduct- ed the service, received thirty- nine new members, formerly be- longing to out-of-town congrega- tions, including churches in Tor- onto, Hamilton, Ottawa, London, St. Catharines, Port Hope, and New Jersey. A Communion ser- vice in the evening was also well- attended. Important decisions, demanding the presence of representatives of every family in the congrega- tion, will be made at the annual congregational meeting of the church, to be held Monday eve- ning, Jan, 22 in the Sunday school auditorium at 8 o'clock. Reports of! church and Sunday school or- ganizations will be presented, and members of the 'Session and the Board of Stewards will be made. A year of progress was review- ed by the St. John's Woman's Association at its annual meeting on Friday afternoon. Reports showed a growing membership and a satisfactory financial con- dition. Mrs. W. H. Ford was re- elected president, and other of- ficers were named as follows: 1st, vice-president, Mrs. Ryland New; 2nd Vice-president, Mrs. Hunter Reid; 3rd Vice-president, Mrs. Malcolm Smith; Secretary, Mrs. O. F. MacKenzie; Assistant Sec- retary, Mrs. E. W. Stirtan; Cor- responding Secretary, Mrs. M. H. Sumner; Financial Secretary, Mrs. T. S. H. Giles; Treasurer, Mrs. W. D. Smith, Officers were in- stalled by Mr. Pawson. Rev. Mr. Pawson will celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism at the Sunday morning service on Jan. 28. Anton Lendi of the Swiss Con- sulate, Toronto, is delivering an illustrated lecture on Switzer- land at the monthly supper of the St. John's Men's Club this eve- ning at 6.30. ST. ANDREW'S Father J. Kirby Father Kirby will cele- brate Masses at 8.30 and 10.30 am, Sunday. Evening devotions will be at 7.30 p.m. ST. JUDE'S Rev. F. C. Jackson . Clergy of the Halton Deanery gathered at St. Judes on Tues day for their Annual Quiet Day. Services were conducted 'by. Rev. E. Jackson of Christ Church Ce- thedral, Hamilton, Dean of Nia- gara. Holy Communion was cele- brated at 10 am. Concluding a busy and success: ful year, the annual meeting of the senior Women's Auxiliary was held Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 9, in the parish hall. Officers for the coming year were elected as : Honorary President, Mrs: F. C. Jackson; Honorary Vice- President, Mrs. R. H. Howson; President, Mrs. W. G. Paget (re- elected); Recording Secretary, Mrs. T. Shields; Dorcas Secre- tary, Mrs. George Wilson; Living Message Secretary, Mrs. Nelson King; Memorial Fund Secretary, Miss F. H. Beattie; Treasurer, Miss Helen Smith; Little Help- eis' Secretary, Mrs. J. G. Lynch. frs. F. W. Grinham resigned as president of the Junior Auxiliary after many years in that office. The annual vestry meeting, to which all members of the con- gregation are invited, will be held in the primary room of the par- ish. hall at 8 o'clock Monday eve: ning, Jan. 22. The annual meeting of St. Jude's Women's Guild was held in the parish hall Wednesday eve: ning of last week. The compre- hensive report presented by Mrs. Roy Irwin, retiring secretary, re- vealed a busy year, with a grow- ing membership. A good financial condition was shown by the trea- surer's report. A. Weather- stone was and other as follows: Mrs. Jackson; Rhoda Coo Rev. officers 2nd vice-president, Treasurer, Miss Corresponding Sec- retary, Mrs. Whitney Harris; Re- cording 'Secretary, Mrs. Vardon; Executive, Mrs. A, McIntyre, Mrs. G/ Turnbull, Mrs. J. Kennish, Mrs. C. Gunyon, Mrs. T. Chisholm, Mrs. J. Milne, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. A. McMillan, Mrs. A. Ahearn, Mrs. Hamilton Smith. KNOX Rev. C. K. Nicoll The annual meeting of the con- gregation of Knox Church will be held in the Sunday School Hall on Wednesday evening, Jan. 24, at 8 p.m. It will be preceded by a supper at 6.30, served by the la- dies, to which all members of the congregation are invited. Rev. C. K. Nicoll, the minister, addressed the regular meeting of the Women's Missionary Society in the church hall Tuesday after- noon. On Sunday morning Mr. Nicoll 'will preach on "An unrealized dream." The subject of his eve- ning sermon will be "Why call ye Lord, Lord, and do not the things I say?" i | CALVARY BAPTIST Rev. A. A. Stoll The Lord's coming, at an early date, was predicted by Norman J. Neilson, of the Biblical Re- search Institute, Toronto, who preached at the morning service of Calyary Baptist Church on Sunday. The preacher based his prediction on Bible prophecies. Rey. A. A. Stoll, the pastor, prea- ched at the evening service, when solos were rendered by Mrs. Ron- ald Dempster of Hope Gospel Tabernacle, Toronto. The orchestra of Winona Gos- pel Church will provide the mus- ic at Sunday evening's service. The pastor will preach at both services. Men of the congregation who helped in the building and furn- ishing of the church are being tendered a chicken supper Tues- day evening next week. Jim Mercer, outstanding Youth For Christ evangelist from Flori- da, held a service last evening. Mr, Mercer Is taking part in the Y.F.C. World Vision conference in Toronto. Monday evening's Young Peo- ple's meeting was under the aus- pices of the mission group. Tomorrow evening's cottage prayer meeting will be at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Hartley Simms, 15 Elmwood Road. EPIPHANY Canon D. R. Smith The annual vestry meeting will be held in the parish hall Tuesday January 23rd. A congregational supper will be served at 7 p.m. The Girls Auxiliary resumed their meetings Tuesday after- noon. A bridge and euchre will be held tonight (Thursday) in the parish hall under the auspices of the Afternoon branch of the W. A. The flowers on the Altar were in memory of Eric Wharton and were given by his parents. ST. LUKE'S Canon D. R. Smith The annual vestry meeting will be held in the parish hall Jan. 22nd. The Evening branch of the W. A. met at the home of the presi- dent, Mrs. M. Rogers, Tuesday evening. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE "Life" is the subject of the les: son sermon which will be read in the Christian Science Society church service on: Sunday, Jan. 21. - The Golden Text will be "This is the record, that God hath giv- en to us eternal Life, and this Life is in His Son." 1 John 5:11. Selections from the Bible in- clude the Psalms §0:1, 2. "Lord thou hast been our dwelling place in all 'generations. Before tife mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God." Correlative citations will in- clude the following, "We all must learn that Life is God." WALTON MEMORIAL REV. W. T. DELVE Rey. W. T. Delve, the minister, will conduct the Sunday evening seryice, when the senior choir will render the anthem "Almighty God" Sunday school will be at 3 pm. The monthly meeting of the W. M.S. is being held this afternoon (Thursday) at the home of Mrs. E. Pickard, at 2.30. LETTERS tothe EDITOR Oakville, Ont., January 9, 1951 Editor, Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, Oakville, Ont. 'Dear Sir: This is a word of apprectation for your stand on the increase of liquor outlets in Oakville. That stand cost you the loss' of an out- let for your fine paper. A worthy and righteous cause has the sup- port of every true citizen who desires only the best for his coun- try. So, Mr. Editor, you have my sincere admiration and my deep appreciation for your high prin- ciples. May your pen wax mightier yet and your followers multiply greatly! Yours sincerely, CHAS. H. HANCOCK The Editor, Oakyllle-Trafalgar Journal, Dear Sir: On behalf of the members of the Angela Bruce Chapter, 1.O.D. E., I would like to express our appreciation of the splendid news- paper coverage you have given any of the activities we have sponsored during the past year. The success of any event de- pends a great deal upon the pub- licity it receives and we feel that your paper has certainly co-op- erated with us one hundred per- cent by giving us this publicity. We are, indeed, grateful for your interest on our behalf. Yours very truly, Angela Bruce Chapter, 1.0.D.E. Mary C. Sullivan, Sec. \ ip GIRL GUIDES BY MRS. J. F. GRAYDON At last week's meeting of the Local Association all officers agreed to serve for another year. Mrs. Irven Fell was elected Vice- Chairman. The Association ap- Brownie Pack in area and agreed full support. First and Second Guide Com- panes will resume regular meet- ings this week. Third Company reports two new members: Ann the Linbrook to give it their proved the organization of a new | Skerratt, recently enrolled into the Red Rose patrol, and Sandra Despard who has transferred from Winnipeg. MODERN TRIMMING As Mark Twain put it, caulk flower is nothing but cabbage with a college education. Formerly with T. Eaton & Co. and Ryrle Birks. All repairs done In Oakville, located in Mc- Dermott's, Opp..Bank of Toronto A. MARCHAND Nelson Crushed Stone Roads and Various Sizes of Clear and Crusher Run Stone for INFORMATION AND QUOTATIONS PHONE Oakville 694 or Burlington 4904 Driveways hammer and saw--buil modernizing the kitchen... . that make a house'a home. completely ro with a few tools . . . : . addin porch . . . or doing any of the 101 alterations 'Whether you're an old hand at it, with a uipped work bench , . . or just a there's profit and pleasure in adding to the attractiveness and convenience of your own home. a sun au Blueprint for happiness... There's no tonic for health and happiness like a hobby that keeps a man's hands and mind busy! Many men make their home their hobby. They enjoy many a happy hour, hard a i with ing a rumpus room... . BRADING BREWERIES LIMITED » OTTAWA AND WINDSOR YOUR COMMERCE BRANCH heystone of Main Street The towns of Canada are human places. In our town you go to your banker as naturally as you go to your grocer. No banking service is too large or too small to expect of your Commerce manager . . . The child with a dollar, learning to save... g young man starting in business . . . the old folks ready to retire . . . all are welcome at The Commerce. Yes, our Canadian towns are human places . .. and the men and women at your Commerce branch are good people to know. The Canadian Bank of Commerce "The Commerce" Jack Elme:

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