Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 18 Jan 1951, p. 2

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age [PEOPLE and EVENTS MRS. DOUG AHERN w. R ekend ley known Shelley Mrs Wees at Mrs. Wees. suf- ar slipped and fell while she skating, MacKenzie, on the staff of ate Institute, Tor Shakespeare esar which is being pr pupils in the school four nights this week, am who is teacher Julius sented by auditorium a son of M MacKenzie, Palmer Jack Dunn is recovering actorily following his motor ap. He was discharged from hospital Monday +. MacKendrick to the board of Canadian Kennel Mr. Harry ha been elected ectors of the Club. wee Mr. Jame Gairdner has been electdd president of QispAte lantic Sugar Refineries Ltd, while Col. R. O. Bull has been named a director of the same firm. H uests from Saturday seers Mrs. Russell entertained at a trousseau tea for her ter, Jeanette, on Saturday noon. Wwindeler Noranda, and ed Quebec, on esas Mr. and Mrs. K. W. entertained on Saturday ses ee MacTaggart evening of Toronto, daughter, Mrs. and Mr. M George Mey is ting her Charles Ambler, bler Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lefroy leave on Saturday to attend the Assoc- iation Convention of Engineers at the Chateau Frontenac, Quebec of with Canad- PHONE 601 Mr. Paul Dicl York on busines Mr. and Mrs. Guelph, spent Mr. and Mrs, I Srarold the weekend H. J. Bowen Black, of with Mr. and Mrs. of Perth, are ghter, Mrs. W. Mr. Stronach. H. A. O'Donuoell, visiting their dau- R. Stronach, and cre A. McL. Carr-Harris York on business. * Pa Mr. New is Major and Mrs. A. Crowe ug their son, Clive Richard, chri ened in St. Jude's Church on --~ day, Pree Mr. and Mrs. R. H. MacDonald are attending the Engineer's Con- vention at the Chateau Fronten- ac in Quebec City, and are going on to the Laurentians for skiing after the convention. Fy E. Hill and Miss Navin, of Toronto, vis- and Mrs. G. R. McCon- the weekend . Mr. Margaret ited Mr. vry over and Mrs. Campbell, C.0. of the 3rd Infantry Battalion, vi ed his brother, Mr. James Campbell, and Mrs. Campbell, pr to his departure for Fort Lewis, Wash. Lt.-Col. K. C . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Makin entertained on Saturday evening {0 celebrate their eighth wedding anniversary. Mrs. Makin leaves for a Florida holiday soon PES +s School a square Linbrook Home and association will 'hold dance and euchre in Trafalgar Memorial hall on Friday evening, Jan. 26. Norm Gill's popular or- chestra will provide the music. a Mis Cleary from nual Forum More es Margaret and Mary Mc have recently returned attending the eleventh an- Women's National Aquatic held at Hollywood, Fla. than 150 women from all parts of Canada and the United States attended the sessions, which culminated in a spectacular water show held at the Holly- ard, M F. S. Milligan the convention of Construction Asso- ciation being held at the Chat- eau Frontenac, Quebec City. Mr. and are attending the Canadian M for Mr. prior to ida. Rogers Davis entertained and Mrs. J. W. Crashley their departure for Flor sees A. MacKenzie had as her granddaughter, and Mr. Morris of St. Catharin Mr. and Mrs. Morris have just returned from a holiday trip to Nassau. cee Mrs. M. her guests Mrs. Alex Mor Mr. and Mrs. George T. Rob- bins, Lakeshore Highway Bast, wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Joyce Av- rl, to Albert William Boyd; Tor- onto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Boyd of Toronto. The mar- riage will take place on January 26th at 7.30 pm. in: St. Jude's Anglican Church, Oakville. esse Mr. and Mrs. RJ. New are spending a few days in Montreal. and Mrs. Fred Rowley, sited Mr. and Mrs. last weekend. Fa Mr. onto, Jones Tor- A. Thé next meeting of the eve- ning branch of St. Jude's W. will be held January 23rd pm. in the parish hall. sees Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Otton tertained on Saturday evening. sawn at 8 en- The Oakville Group of the Hav- ergal Old Girls' Association held their monthly meeting Monday evening af the home of Mrs. F. Brooks-Hill. The following officers were elected for the year. Pri dent, Mrs. R. R. Manbert, Vice- President, Mrs. T. H. Marshall, Secretary-Treasurer, Wool Convene: Dalton, Publicity, Mrs. Ewart V; don. Mr. Charles Findlay, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Cameron C. Hillmer. Teen THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL convalescing | Doreen Russell Clarkson, MacTaggart will be speaker at the Universit: Club on Wednesday, 24 at 8.15 at the Oakville School. His topic will be Communist Plan for World Dom- fnation. Husbands and friends of members are invited to attend. FRE Mr. guest Women': Januar Ken The Interior Decorating group of the University Women's gn met at the home of Mrs. R. E. Kindersly ~ Ballymena, on a Jan, 10. Mr. John Downton, as- sociate interior decorator of the Robert Simpson Company spoke ou Interior Decorating = Trends. An interesting and pleasant eve: ning was enjoyed by all, x. 2 ® * 8 G. Ostrom 'is making etary progress after an 'op: eration in the Oalkville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital sso L. Mr. and Mrs. G:F. Button, Tor- ouito, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Maccabe. cee Mrs. K. Litchfield gave a show- er Monday evening for Miss Joy- ¢e Robbins, who is being mar ried January 26th. + a . Mr. J. K. Kennish treal on business ° ow is in Mon- . Miss Louis® Keene is spending some time in New York with her daughter, Mrs. JB. R. Quattlander and Mr. Quattlander. FPS Mrs, Milan Williams; a former resident of Oakville, who lives in Buckingham, Quebec, is visiting By and Mrs. Carl F. Wyndham. os ve Mr. Mary and Mrs. Paul Holman (nee Bull, daughter of Mr. and R. O. Bull) have announced i 'birth of their daughter, Alice Montgomery on January 12 at Foeck, Cornwall, England, +x Mr. and Mrs. R. O. G. Bennett entertained on Sunda EEE Mrs. W. Allan Campbell enter- ane on. Monday in honor of Mrs. W. S..Campbell, of Picton, Mr. Campbell's mother. wx Mr. D. Miller, Vancouver, is visiting his sister-in-law and Mr. and Mrs. R. Thompson, Toronto, move to Oakville this weekend. They have bought Mr. . Casey Wood's house on Glou- cester Ave. om wood Beach Casino pool. FRR Mr. and Mrs. BE. J Mars have returned from a vacation at Camelback Inn near Phoenix, Ari zona st The Festival of the cast of "Born entertained by C. Campbell at the Oak- evening. adjudicators and the were Drama club on Saturday cere tanley Russ at a trousseau tea Saturday afternoon in honor of her daugh- ter, Shirley Jeannette, who is being married this Saturday to Dr. Joseph Gerard Peck of Chic: ago. Mrs. Russell received her guests in a floorlength gown of horizon Glue crepe with corsage of pink roses. Her daughter, Miss Russell, wore a black velvet and taffeta gown with green orchid corsage. Presiding at the tea- table, decorated with spring flow- ers and tall lighted tapers, were Mrs. C. H. Harrison, Toronto, and Mis. V. B. Rumley, Acton, aunt of the bride-tobe; Mrs. D. J. Russell and Mrs. Reta Wilson Assisting with the tea arrange- ments were Mrs. D. K. Russell, "Mrs. Kenneth Russell, Mrs. Doug: las Eddy, Miss Sheila Wilson, Miss Joan iGuld and Miss Mar- garet Cleworth. Miss Sally Davis, Miss Marilyn Ireland and Miss Joan Davis were in the trousseau rooms. A number of entertain: ments have been held in M Russell's honor, including a mis cellanoeus shower by Mrs. Doug- las Eddy, showers by Miss Joan Guild int Clavorthy » bathed: shaver by Mi Patterson, and presentation ii Seward, tea and entation Sheila Wilson Joan Ireland Miss 11 entertain- a Nora party Betty pres by Toronto, by Miss and kitchen shower by 2 Marilyn evening Adams and Mis Tomorroy Sally Davis is entertaining in Miss Russell Dr honor P of and her fiance, Captain of Central Douglas H. Cumming, Cemmand, has been awarded the Canadian Forces Decoration, the dept. of national defence has announced Foor kk XE rs. Arthur White, Bronxville, , has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Donald Garfat. Fr . » M Mr. and Mrs. left last weekend for in' the Barbados. EE Gerald a O'Reilly vacation Po Mrs. J. W. Crashley week for their winter residence at Lake Worth, Fi, where Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Ogil- vie will spend some time with them. Mr. and leave this srw aes Mi. Barbara Tilley spent the weekend with her parents. Miss Tilley is in training at Royal Vie: toria hospital, Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. -C. A. Birge are spending ® month in Jamaica and the Barbados, er Pa The Catholic Women's League held a successful euchre on Mon- day evening in St. Mary's school hall. www and Mrs (nee Mar Ea Mr. vitt Thomas R. Mer- Eleanor Kaufman) have announced the birth of a son at Oakville-Trafalgar Memor- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cranfield of Oshawa spent the weekend with Dr. and Mrs. H. V. Cranfield. Ww. Foulds is returning New York this weekend to me time with her daugh- M. Dewar and Mr. . Mrs. from spend ter, M Dewar. brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Les- lie Forster. BRONTE MISS LESLIE MARTIN PHONE BRONTE 1304 Miss Lorraine Heaton joined the staff of the Bank of Montreal in Oakville last week. Sorry to hear that Mrs. Lewis has heen ill. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY JANUARY 18-19-20 TED DONALDSON- GLORIA HENRY STEPHEN DUNNE - JOHN LITEL ADDED LAFF HIT YOU'LL li o LL Hey, Kids! ial Hospital on January 8. Dordie Ann Wilcox, who was six years old yesterday, is enter taining a number of young friends at a birthday party at her home, Balsam Drive, on Saturday after- noon. seen The akville- Trafalgar and School assn. has is cordial invitation to all res to meet Mr. D. J. Wilson, new principal at the high school, at ecial meeting in the school orfum on Thursday evening, January Home eda ents rane Mr. Alex F. Bell is in New York on business. adie Hioy March Of The Wooden Soldiers "KING OF THE ROCKETMEN" ROAR! YOU'LL i OLIVER Watch For BAK TY IT'S HERE... THE LATEST LAUNDRY 16 DUNN ST. N. SPEEDY, EFFICIENT LAUNDERING . EQUIPMENT FOR SERVICES OAKVILLE BAT WAYNE ANTHONY QUINN BEULAH BONDI. FELE FRAKCUELL LEGHARD STRONG MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY BROUGHT BACK BY POPULAR REQUEST JANUARY 22-23-24 ut) Albert Brady at his home on Triller Street af ter a stay in St. Joseph's hospital in Hamilton. Auxiliary Bpiphany of officers The Women's of the Church of the their annual election on Thursday Offic for 1951 are: watson; 1st rington ; s. Parks Jenner; Secretary, cial Convenor, Little . Helper Secretary, Mrs Dobrashian; Juror W. A, Mrs. Suan and Mrs. Orr; Dorcus Sec- Tetar V Watson; eames Mrs. Walby; Auditor Mr. Watson and Mr. Walby. x now vice-pri 2nd Treasurer, Mrs. Mrs. vice-pr esident, | Ms So Lukeman; Mrs. _ Shoofey and small daughter Barbara were tyeekend guests al the home of 'Mrs. Shoo- fey's mother, Mrs. W. Ellis, Sov- ereign Steeet. | .o The Evening branch of the Wo- men's Auxiliary are sponsoring a euchre and bridge party this evening (Thursday) at 830 pam. in the Parish Hall of the Church of the Bpiphan; Kuchre and bridge prizes will be awarded and. refreshments will be served. "eves The Bronte Community Club held its weekly euchre in the community: club Monday evening. Ladies, 1st, Mrs. Parkins; 2nd, Dorothy Pickard; Booby Shirley Lewis. Men's, 2nd, Mr. Morgan 1 prize, Mr. Brews- . Winner of draw, George Penfield. Trudy Cornell has joined the T. Baton Com- in Hamilton. ee Miss Dawna Scarrow, Dunnville, weekend guest at the home of Miss Lorraine Heaton, Nelson Street. . pany . a The evening branch of the Toman Auxiliary are sponsor- ng a euchre and dance Thursday, Fe, 1, in the Church of the Epiphany parish hall. Cards at 8.15 pm! dancing at 10.15. Eu- chre prizes and refreshments will be served. Everyone is in- vited to come and dance to the music of Walt Alway and his K. Circle A Ramblers. -- After elected | adies and clety quet on Tuesday, Jan. 30, at 630 pm. of McMaster Flower | « of his delightfully humorous 1951 iss Connie Lang visited Mig at her home i last Sunday. cow e hursday, January 18, M The Ladies Auxiliary of the Bronte Legion held their monthly meeting held | ip last Thursday evening the Bronte Community Ha their regular meeting tho enjoyed an entertainment refreshments were served FCI Honticultural the annual The Bronte will hold So- Ban in Walton Memorial Church Prof. N. H. Parker University, Hami the speaker, with Holiness! the subject ta Schoolroom. ton will be Homespun on life in the deep south. Pr will be awarded to thelmembors who have the most points in the monthly flower shows. Members whose fees are paid up at this meeting will be entitled to re. celye the premium of a chrysan. themum plant. SALE OF LIBRARY DISGARDS .25 up The GOLDEN HOUR Bookshop 53 Colborne St. Phone 668 FOUR BIG DAYS! WED., THURS., FRI, SAT. EY DORIS No Frettin 1 and All Pettin! [ts Tea-rrific DAY-MACRAE <5 \GESON WHORE - ARGE - OF WOLFE SL JAN. 17-18-19-20 COLOR BY TEcHNicoLOR GORDON MON., TUES., WED. TRB GRAN IN RIC BE 152 exciting sea- ew gaing 5 sucesso to MILLS = a JAN. 22.23.24 'In Which We Serve" $7 Lf > OflEN- A i 3 HK Wa BARTON, eclie XE nee PHONE THE HOME OF FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT . OAKVILLE TA! JAMES STEWART JAY. JANUARY 25TH ig OAKVILLE Y THE SHOWPLACE OF HALTON COUNT 1120

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