of the monthly evening Hall ing the ainment erved ural So. al Ban at 6.30 Church arker Hamilt. members s in the Members at this 1 to re. chrysan. Thursday, January 18, 1951 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 3 LOOK... ... IN THE WINDOWS AS YOU'RE GO- ING PAST AND SEE THESE SPARKLING MACHINES BEING ASSEMBLED AUNDRY SERVICES 16 DUNN ST. N. OAKVILLE KITCHEN HAND TOWELS .30 BACH 6 FOR $1.75 Come In And Enquire About Our Budget Plan LINEN HALL Colborne St. at Navy Oakville LAKIES DROP THIRD STRAIGHT TO BURLINGTON A six goal Burlington burst in S MOHAWKS the late stages of the second per- fod and the ear® part of the third, last Friday night gave the Mohawks a 7-4 win over Oakville Lakeshores in a regular group fix- ture at Milton arena. The teams played on even terms in the opening stanza, George Kennedy netting Hank Gal braith's pass two minutes after Connor opened the scoring for Burlington. Jack Davison cam through with a solo effort to put Lakies ahead early in the second period, but the margin was short- lived as, paced by Clancy and Gurney, Mohawks pumped home six markers hold a 72 edge minutes of game time left. - At this point, the Peerman swarm- ed around the Burlington net in a series of power plays to saw Speck and Davison tally count- ers less than a minute apart, but the rally came too late. The game was enlivened in the third frame by a free-for-all which saw Ken Brown and Ken Pollock tangle with Clarridge and Clancy. all getting majors. - MARDI GRAS FINAL FLING BEFORE LENT What Is Mardi Gras, and why? The modern celebration of Mardi Gras, or "Fat Tuesday," has der- ived from the aged-old practice of something like the last "fling" of joy and gaiety, before the season of fasting which is Lent, closes with only four 2-23-24 Co) AN oS i; Save in a BIG WAY! Buy the large size packages of the health, beauty, and hygiene aids used daily in your home. You get : more--much more--for your money and you have the convenience of a longer last- ing supply. Yes--your best buy's the large size na- tionally advertised products at our low-as-possible prices. .69 BROMO QUININE COLD TABLETS, 32'S BAYERS ASPIRIN, 100'S Zonite, 14 oz. size Cream Deodorant, lg. 49¢ Italian Balm, 9 oz. size 97¢ blets, 100's $1.19 GD 5s TAMPA ECONOMY SIZE Box of 40 $1.49 SAVES YOU Amolin FAMILY SIZE BROMO- SELTZER Fights Head- aches 3 ways CASTILE SHAMPOO Pure, mild 69 1ge. size 98¢c. SAVES You SAVES: YOU 21 22¢ 2p = Colgate Tooth Powder, giant 53¢ lodent Tooth Paste, lge. 59¢ Ipana Tooth Paste, economy 79¢ Polid 'OAKVILLE in on Ash Wednesday. Those lucky enough to have visited Cannes, and Nice, and on this side of the world, New Or- leans, at Mardi Gras, know the lengths to which the people go in this annual day of celebration and fun. This year, in Oakville, the Arts and Crafts Mardi Gras will take the form of a Beaux Arts Night, to be held on February 3rd at Victoria Hall, where there will be "fun 'n Games. All those who can, will come in costume. There will be prizes for the best, both individual and by couple; also for the funniest and the most original. There will be lucky draw prizes for ticket holders. Mrs. F. Bedlington has donated a lovely Doll's House which 'she has made and completely -furnish- ed, and for which separate tickets are befng- sold. Stirling-Dynes Ltd. have kindly made available one of their show windows in which this attractive prize will be on display until The Night. The Beaux Arts Night will be- gin with a clever stage show, followed by judging of costumes, drawing the lucky tickets, and dancing to the music of Rice Honeywell and his Rhythm Kings. OBITUARY MRS. GEORGE CHISHOLM Following an illness of three weeks, Mrs. George Chisholm died Monday morning at her home on the MacDonald Road. A widow of the late George Chisholm, who died several years ago, Mrs. Chis- holm was in her 84th year. Before her marriage she was Esther Pauline Newbery, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Newbery of Brockville, where she was born. Following her marriage she lived for many years in Toronto, re- moving to Oakville with her hus- band about twenty years ago. Mrs. Chisholm was a member of St. Jude's Church and Women's Auxiliary. She Is survived by one son, Newbery, and by a sister, Mrs. Florence Johnson of St. Louis. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon from the Morden Fu- neral chapel to Oakville Ceme- tery. Services were conducted by Rev. R. H. Howson, curate of St. Jude's. RED CROSS MEETING The annual meeting of the Oak- ville and District Red Cross branch was held in Oakville-Tra- falgar high school last night (Wednesday) BODY AND FENDER WORK PHONE 1603 - NIGHTS 1939) HEDLEIGH HOME LIMITED "The Home of Chrysler, Plymouth, Fargo - Sales and Service" DUNDAS STREET NORTH - OAKVILLE BY EXPERIENCED MECHANICS without a reply to | with Ken Brown, Doug Beggs and (| PORT Bert Peer's Lakeshores, win- less in their last three league starts, pulled out all the stops Saturday night as they rolled to a 52 win over the T.HL. All | Stars in an exhibition tilt at Dix- fe arena. The younger set again ame up with @ neat performance , you guessed it!--Bill Her- all sniping goals, while Speck and Joe Lawrence : the other markers. Lak- [ies have a brief layoff in sched- uled encounters this week, and |are hopeful that resumption of play will see them hitting the ice lanes 'at the new arena. er EE EEK Harry Herd, classy telding but indifferent hitting first sack- er of last summer's Oaks, will have a training camp tryout with the New York Glants farm sys- tem when the diamond boys trek to Florida. Harry is potentially a pretty fair swatsmith and if Leo Durocher's henchmen can get him untracked at the plate, he stands a good chance of catching a spot with one of the Giants minor clubs. PE Bud Corbett's improving juv- eniles came through with an en- couraging - display at Elmira on Saturday, even though they lost a 52 decision to last year's pro- vincial "C" champs. A 'pair of freak counters that slipped by a disconcerted Pete Smith in the local nets made all the difference as Corbett's three front lines more than held their own with the homesters. Jimmy Johnston and Mucker Milne notched the Oak- ville markers, while Ron Orr just missed counting on several oc- casions. TRAFALGAR Mr. and Mrs. Michael Calverley returned on Saturday from their honeymoon which they spent at Sunshine Ski Lodge and Banff, Alta. Mr. and Mrs. Calverley (Miss Gwendolyn Stewart) were married Dec. 27th in St. George's Church, Penhold, Alta., the bride's home. They will live on their farm on the concession, formerly owned by the late Gordon Joyce. The young couple are both graduates of the 0.A.C., Guelph. + ot. Mrs. P. K. Klausen and son Kell have returned from a visit to Mrs. Klausen's home in Den- mark. They were weekend visitors with their former neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Conover. Active pallbearers at the fu- neral of the late Mrs. J. W. Stew- art of the Trafalgar Charge United Church parsonage were six members representing the three churches of the charge: Munn's, Arthur Campbell and Stanley Gorman; Wesley, Fred Near and Stanley Turner; Sher- idan, Howard Lawrence and Vic tor Wilson. Miss Sybil Calverley, fourth year student in art and archaeology at the University of Toronto, spent Sunday at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Galverley. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Albertson of Lulu Island, B.C., are visiting Mr, Albertson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Albertson, Dundas Highway East and other relativ- es at Snider's, Oakville and Tor- onto. "Marketing Quality Produ was the topic of discussion Sniders' Farm Forum, held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fish Monday evening. Various methods of marketing were dis- cussed by the members, and a 1 followed. The Post- ville Forum, where the topic was the same, was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dewart Fleming, and was followed by the. usual social program. sees Rev. David H. Gallagher of the Overseas Missions Board of the United Church of Canada con- ducted services at Wesley, Sher- idan, and Munn'; Sunday, in pla Stewart. Mr. Gallagher mer minister of St. John's Church Oakville. many friends of Mr. and s. Herbert W. Albertson, who brated their 60th wedding an- ry on Christmas day, ested to learn they received a message of congratu- lation from the King and Queen, delayed on account of heavy Christmas mails. TRAFALGAR MOTORS LTD. "Home of Selected Used Cars" 1946 HUDSON SEDAN Fully Equipped $1095.00 Open 9.00 a.m. - 10_p.m. daily PHONE 125 OAKVILLE OUR SALE CONTINUES Save 25 to 50% BURROS' SPECIALTY SHOPPE 136 Colborne St. E. Phone 423 BEFORE YOU BUY A 1951 CAR SEE THE DODGE. AND DESOTO ON. DISPLAY SOON WH. WHITAKER AND SONS STATION. ROAD P| SQUARE DANGE AND EUCHRE NORM GILL'S ORCHESTRA TOWNSHIP HALL FRIDAY, JANUARY 26TH, 8 P.M. ADMISSION 75¢ REFRESHMENTS Auspices Linbrook Home and School Association OAK VILLA CLOSING FOR STAFF VACATION IN ORDER THAT OUR STAFF MAY HAVE A WELL- EARNER VACATION, WE WILL BE CLOSED FROM SUNDAY, JAN. 21 TO TUESDAY, FEB. 6, AT 5.30 THE NEW 1%] VANGUARD IS NOW ON DISPLAY DROP IN TO OUR SHOWROOM AND SEE THIS LUX- URIOUS CAR... DRIVE IT YOURSELF AND SEE HOW EASY IT HANDLES. MAXWELL-BROWN MOTORS VANGUARD AND INTERNATIONAL SALES AND SERVICE Church St. W. at Navy Phone 6