Thursday, January 25, 1951 Page 10 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL ond to the current Montreal air | : sya soe HEP] GIRLS GET BUSIER AS iii iviey Noloon Crushed Stone Scade's Grocery v 270 tons of sed in the printing TER e new frectory, 2 20 é i Sek Various Sizes of Clear and Crusher Run Stone Be nt Davita [roms mote whan INS previchs | MUSIC ALBUM te os rary A081, is | ne. My, Franc advises that the for | er! ie of the Toronto {elephoue dir} oid directories will not be collect- Rich ed, 1 ince collection slows down de- Roads and Driveways H NY A [ total of 1 3 (Bill Scade) Appr i Dundas & Division Sts. PHONE SERVICE STEPPED Up a wa -- Delivery: Phone 505 Local telephone subscribers Complete IRVEN FELL [econ wih is beng delivered | joy "mperetore, obsolete books sometime in Noven ere S J rown a 9 Investment ber. 1 was In Maryland, and 1 pick Note Big Increase aan focetpt of the iow is ed up the Baltimore Sun and came A. Francis, Bell Telephone Chock Old Books (:) Service San item by one William [manager here, points out that the | or of New York. The hehq.|mew directories are part of a de-| INFORMATION AND QUOTATIONS Are Born. a ie, on eany "Ore | should examine their old director: > OD jes before throwing them away PHONE BONDS ing was "How Sons: Apparently it was the result of [a paren ith Irving. Berlin | onto directory, a section of which) [8 jojo a STOCKS eat writer of popular/| contains the' Oakville numbers. oy ey . B li 4 on all Exchanges Quoting Mr. Berlin it said, | Indicating Oukville's telephone |, oy ang letters are found in- Oakville 694 or bur ington 904 LE oily songs. Pop. | ETowth, 3,600 copies of the new | Gut Cohen hooks MACRAE ie. eo oops that bacon ((directery will he required hers, 2 % > 600 more than last year popula That's all there is to it. 3 AND COMPANY hs ots ob Tage en Tow Weck {gion tu color : Fare popular music In just theo distinguish is from tie butt [ffs * Investment Dealers DT other songs | covered edition issued in Decem- + stiike a ra § , 1949, has 1,580 page com- that strike a chord in the peo- [ber 1848, 3 80 King St. W.--Toronto || fiat Sire 8 C00 ed of the |pared with L531 last vear, and PHONE: EL 3374 people, when it strikes that chord | Contains 152 29 new and revised listings. | THE CANADIAN WAY N =X regardless of its commercial suc- cess, then it is popular music and New Exchange S maybe It becomes folk music" | Distribution of the directory \ : NY FOR Sontinuing, Mr. Herlin fs, quo: | comeides with Introduction of tre NN N . ed as saying, "If you could hit on [2 letter. 5 figure" numbering | IN Quality Meats a tune that strikes the same res- em hereby two downtown | \ Sonsive chord in everyone in all | Toronto exchanges, ADelaide and Lk H ] o ELgin, are replaced by BEMpire 3 ruits & Vegetables [|e word, there would ve no : y EMpire 3 S b wars. Music is the greatest force 2 ih 4. The new system, : ares aeanls tocetar which requires seven pulls of the Groceries a omer aid that Mr. | dial instead of the normal six, is Berlin was quite sincere in his be- | step toward bringing Toronto's PHONE liefs in these matters and says |humbering system into conform- r [ity with an eventual continent- that the well known song writer [1% 1 0 2 0 pointed out that songs like "Eas- |W ide system. Other Ontario and Quebec cities will be similarly i ter Parade" "White Christm: (Prompt Delivery) and others became "popular [changed, as oportunity offers and necessary equipment becomes songs" on the grounds that they available, struck that responsive chord. i CA R LOAD Altogether Berlin is said to haye Mr. Frocis suggests that on re- published 800 songs in 43 years of [ceipt of their new directories, Dongwriting. He Is now 63. An ex. | Oakville telephone users should G RO CETE RIA planation of how a song comes is [refer 'to! the new EMpire listings given in these Words, for former ADelalide and ELgin R. E. Harris, Prop. "A song comes out of a situa. [RuUmbers. , Customers should ask tis a current event, | the operator for EMpire 3 or EM- a personality. You start thinking |Plre 4, as the case may be, pause, about the idea, You think about ane eo hi remaining num- H it all the time. You work it around, | érals. 'Abou ,000 new EMpire Milk Baths for Beauty The words of what you want to|listings appear in the new direc: say begin coming together. In tory which has 912 alphabetical these latter years especially with | Pages, 32 more than last year. me it is the lyrics first." Second Largest Asked about the music itself] In matter of size, the Toronto i Ci y 5 | telephone book runs a : ; \ 7 ; a pot ots at sd ie songs cnn ok vn» | Spy gr SMOW .« Ehe gang's all here melody production never bother- choir had to be imported. tion. Maybe ed him, that once he had the sf Rehearsals are going on in Lusk 0 0 i i. ao a) Ti EX: ; howd re concert will be put on by the ahead, filled hoy Sad ok EP. Climaxing the article, Mr. Ber-| Oakville Choral Society about the But grown-ups, with a walk or driveway to lin is said to have tapped his fore- | first week in April. I make a spe- head and said, "It is not what | cial appeal to male voices. If you shovel, don't always burst into "Bravo" when gobs on. up here. That can get|feel You can assist in this work they look upon a heavy snowfall. d Wu into a lot of trouble" Then |come out to practice. Shovelling snow can be healthful exercise-- Today's beauties are flicking his finger to his chest, Winner of the Week if you are in good physical shape. Don't go at much more sensible . . . he says, what goes on here| If Walter Alway, 64 Herald Ave. it too grimly. Take it easy--rest often--let the | > as witness the many || hat counts ; Si e2li in at Lofuist's Reger children Telp, too. If the fall is 00 heavy or BRADING BREWERIES LUNITED [+ OTTAWA AND WINDSOR | beauty contest winners 1 attended, along with hun- Ton = will be presented with a = are beyond the snow-shovelling age, ! who! attribute their love: dreds of others the concert, in ed Seal Record with the compli etter turn the job over to a husky youngster: ] " bo 0 the high school auditorium given |ments of the Journal. N17 finess to drinking plen- |{|by the Toronto Male Teachers! o ty of milk! Try it your- Chorus and, must say that I La self! thoroughly enjoyed the whole program, not just the chorus, but Miss - Ireland, the pianist; too. It struck me that each and eyery one of the 50 or so men were : Eery Day, thoroughly enjoying singing in the choir and the conductor, too, L. G. SNYDER'S he really had a good time, It Was R ELF HE W LL - a revelation of what people with GILBREA DAIRY. || tent can do py banding togeih- er and rehearsing, The biggest ex OK Dundas St. at Church : NS oy cise wiih comes my way. In. his WHETHER IT'S CLOTHES FOR STREET WEAR OR ane diet YOUR HOSTESS GOWN . .. BE SURE THEY LOOK . Iy 10,000 souls it is very. difficult LIKE NEW . . . FEEL LIKE NEW ee, to get 50 people who are not too ANADA BE cid To dg) aly al WHY NOT SEND US YOUR OLD LOOKING THINGS . . . Friday night are all school tea WE CAREFULLY DRY CLEAN THEM AND RESTORE ATES chors. They, have. to practise and THEM TO THEIR ORIGINAL SOFT RICH TEXTURE, AR BUY oer men he WITH NEW-SHEEN APPEARANCE. home affairs take up a certain amount of time. If it can be done] in other places it can be done here, and it would be a discredit It's i i a distinctive to the community if talent for a DeLuxe Small Car Built [by i Ot It has € dl Sales [& Service It has Every Wanted Feature See it at any STANDARD VANGUARD, TRIUMPH CLEANING SERVICE 24-Hour Special: In by noon, back p next afternoon. DELUXE SERVICE: In at 9 am. a back at 4 p.m. same day Eileen Farrell Eileen Farrell, golden-voiced 3 young American soprano who, > many a young singer today, st won national fame through her radio programs, will be heard LL Standard Motor Company on the Canadian airwaves Friday, 4 Lawton Blvd. RC-Igolai toll | January 26th, when she appears ff IN OAKVILLE a soloist on the Toronto Sym- | phony Orchestra "Pop" OC rt. | MAXWELL-BROWN Yo The. hour-long broadcast. which ol MOTORS i sponsored by The Robert Simp- VANGUARD son Company, is heard locally I Sales and Service over station CBL from 830 to CHURCH ST. W. at NAVY 9.30 pm. Telephone 6