INSURANCE THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIAL T. S. H. GILES Real Estate and Insurance 139 Colborne Street Bast COMMERCIAL DOMESTIC ELECTRICAL SERVICE Oakville - - - - Phone 632 19 Melinda St. BROWN ELECTRIC Toronto - - - Adelaide 2761 CONTRACTORS Evenings - - - Oakville 712 Gord Brown GENERAL INSURANCE H. S. THORNTON - BILL ANDERSON Phone 874 RADIO - APPLIANCES Lakeshore West, Oakville Sales & Service EF a abmi. Phone 521-M F. BERRILL "Oakville's Active Broker" Dunn St. North - Oakville Real Este 25 Business L. F. CLEMENT LE HOME ELECTRIC Oakville, Ont., Phone 1233 |AUTHORIZED FRIGIDAIRE DEALER Commercial Sales & Service Livingston Stoker and Oil Burner Units Service & Installation of all PROFESSIONAL CARSTEN GLAHN, R.O. OPTOMERIST - OPTICIAN Males Prof onal and Technical WORK GUARANTEED Services essential to eye PHONE 1441 care 16 THOMAS ST. N. GENERAL ELECTRIC Oil Burners Commercial Refrigeration Sales & Installation HOURS: Daily 9.00 to 5.30 Sat. 9.00 to 12.30 Mon. & Thurs. eve. 7.00-8.00 163 COLBORNE ST. E. PHONE 1375 EEE A. C. PENN WILLIAM C. MILLIGAN, R.O.(94 Maple Ave. Phone 1544 Optometrist * Optician Oakville 69A Colborne St., Oakville, Ont. (Over the Bank of C ORVILLE NEAL Professional eye examination & ELECTRICAL prescription services, CONTRACTING TELEPHONE 1507 Fixtures, Ranges, Tanks 37 STEWART ST. W. (Phone 1005-R after 5.30) ROOFING NICHOL'S ROOFING New roofs & Old roofs applied Insul-Bric siding & Asbetos siding Insulation Materials Eaves Troughing Materials supplied & sold Closed All Day Wednesday HOURS: Daily 9.30 am-5 pm. Thursday evening--7.00-8.00 p.m. or by appointment OAKVILLE "ANIMAL CLINIC W. A. CAMPBELL, D.V.M. G. K. PECK, D.V.M. Phone 1059 Oakville ; \ BY MAX TRELL and Hanid the shadow- with the turned about named, found their friend Mr. Merlin the Magician all ready to leave his house of magic. They were quite sure he en though bag of corn se and s, a little package of crumbs meat. 0 to the Zoo," replied "I nev Mr. Merlin "But you've got all those things to feed the animals with!" Knarf ies nting to the different d, poi i Merlin was carrying. ght. I'm going to feed "Where are you going?" Hanid asked. "I just told you I was going to feed the animals." In The Air At this Mr. Merlin waved his cane in the air. The next instant there was a puff of smoke. When the Smoke cleared Knarf and Hanid saw with astonishment that Mr. Merlin was climbing into a jet airplane painted r ay we come along?' Knarf asked. "I don't see why not," Mr. Mer- lin said. "Step right in." He hand- ed Knarf the bags to hold. As soon as they were all inside, Mr. Mer- lin pressed a button and the jet plane went shooting up into the air. Tt went so fast and so high REPAIRS To all types of commercial and domestic refrigerators and electric ranges. PARTS & SERVICE GUARANTEED E. W. BURBIDGE Maurice Dr. Phone 452W f No Answer Call 2177 Peter P. Nichols 136 Robinson St. OFFICE HOURS 1 to 8 -- 7 to 9(New Phone 2544 Burlington Telephone 1423W Sunday & Other Hours Oakville 1445 Oakville By Appointment 88 CLARKE AVE., BURLINGTON (Estimates Given) TOWING CHIROPRACTOR NURSERIES L. E. MACDOUGALL, D.C. ROBT. NIELSEN CHIROPRACTOR NURSERIES Office Hours: Garden Design and Landscape Daily: 9.30-4.00 Contracting Saturday: 9.00-12.30 Mon. & Thurs. Evening 7-9 Closed All Day Wednesday "Equipped To Look After Your Towing Needs" AL. JOHNSON 24-Hour Towing and Road Service Anywhere--Anytime Telephones 783-J : 783-W 71 REBECCA ST, OAKVILLE, ONT. The Shadows Visit Merlin BUT HE'S JUST LEAVING TO FEED THE ANIMALS imals, disappearing into the thick jungle again. "well, that's that!" said Mr. Merlin, stepping back into the jet plane. Knarf and Hanid quickly got in beside him. Once more it shot up into the air; and when it came down again, they were all Thursday, January 25 10 | WATCH. REPAIR But I'm not going to | 2:33 Merlin told Hanid jhe was off to feed the: animals. that Knarf and Hanid didn't have time to see where it was going. But the next second it came down | home! Formerly with T. Eaton g, "No," sald Mr. Merlin, "I nev- er go. to the Zoo, I like my ani] 2nd Ryrie Birks. All rep | mals i . Goodbye, || done in Oakville, located in yy Dermott', Opp. Bank of Toray, A. MARCHAND dears and vanished, just like that! EXPERT WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS ... On All Makes . .. Bluebird Diamond Rings, Rhinestone Jewelery; Lighters Silverware, Rings, Luge 824 0.B. BERGQUIST 68 Colborne (JEWELER) Phone 123 10 . Ne2 i 8 They found themselves in W. S. DAVIS & SON REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE MORTGAGES * W. E. DAVIS 'R. C. A. CUMBERLAND 71 Colborne St., Oakville Wea Phone 41 Evenings and Holidays Phone 612-R IT w again the middle of a thick fore ° "Well," said Mr. Merlin, "here we. are. "But where?' Knarf asked. "Africa," said Mr. Merlin Mr. Merlin wh twice, Immediately of the forest a great crowd of par- rots, monkeys. zebras, a hippopot- amus, elephants' and a lion came running up. Knarf and Hanid clung to Mr. Merlin in fright. "Now, mow, nothing to be afraid of," Merlin said in a calm voice. "They won't hurt you in the leas "Sit down all of you!" said Mr. Merlin. Large Circle All the animals and the parrots sat down quietly in a large circle. "Now," said Mr. Merlin to Knarf and Hanid, "you can feed them. Give the peanuts to the elephants, the bread-crumbs to the parrots, the corn seeds to the zebras and the hippopotamus, and that pack- age of fresh lamb chops to the lion." Knarf and Hanid did as they were told. But as they walked around, they were still afraid and especially when they came to the lion. However, there was nothing for the monkeys, who now began chattering and hopping up and down in hunger. Mr. Merlin smiled. He reached into his pocket and took out an enormous bunch of bananas and a whole, carton filled with ice cream cones. Knarf and Hanid each gave the monkeys a banana and an ice cream cone. They were all very pleased. "Thank you!" said all the an- 61 A COLBORNE ST. os ote. OAKVILLE : TELEPHONE 146 Qakvills B 2, 3 OSTEOPATH LINBROOK NURSERIES Growers of CARLTON GREEN High Quality Nursery Stock 3 Osteopath Designers of Fine Gardens 63 Division Street -- Contracting -- By App Only. EIGHTH LINE N. Phone 137J Phone 826 OAKVILLE NURSERIES Evenings, Wednesday After- noon, Saturday and Sunday. Landscaping -- Fruits Lakeshore Highway W. Phonte Bronte 56W WM. SEALE Custom Tractor Work Wood Sawing, Plowing, Discing, Etec. BARRISTERS ANGUS McMILLAN Barrister -- Solicitor Notary Public 107 Colborne Street East Telephone Oakville 552 Evergreens, Shrubs, Bedding Plants \ THE OLD HOME TOWN Bepnirt U § Putt Oem By STANLEY DOUBLE HU / Phone 224-W ROSS RYRIE Barrister - Solicitor BUILDING Notary Public CHAS, WATT 61-A Coihorne St. East Telephones Office 65: Residence 1487-w D. A. McCONACHIE Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public 1 Reynolds St. N. Local Representative J. Cooke Limited CONCRETE BLOCKS Building Contractors oncrete - Masonry Telephone Oasville 1804 Ln JOHN F. ISARD 1578W - OAKVILLE Barrister -- Solici TORONTO - PLaza 5491 Aldershot, Ont. Phone 386J3 TURNBULL & HOLDRIDGE - 903 TELEVISION MNISHT-- # SMALL TALKS ~usT PLAIN an Corn te. Ke FEATURES sToicATE, in, WORLD HTH acstavED 1-19) WHO SAID TELEVISION DISCOLURAGES CONVERSATION? ITJUST SIMPLIFIES \T!--SEE DEARIE Too Busy To Get Ready For A Party? THEN LET US QUOTE ON YOUR NEEDS! ta FANCY CAKES, COOKIES & SANDWICHES i HORS D'OEUVRES Showers, Parties, ddii Special O F MORGAN-BROWN CATERING SERVICE Phone Oakville 616421 Carsten Glahn R.O. Optometrist 163 Colborne Street -- TELEPHONE 1375 -- OFFICE HOURS 9.00 to 5.30 Eveni enings 9.00 to 12.30 Mon. and Thurs. 7 te 8 Or By Appointment Optician Oakville Daily .... Sat. SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK ABOUT 6,660 POUNDS oF CAMPHOR -- WOR7A MORE 15 WINER HAN $5,000, LAYING of WELL BRED AMERICAN A COMMON GARDEN SHAIL CAN PULL A LOAD S FIFTY IMES HS OWN WEIGHT. Con 13, Ke Por een, cod rn rk i 2h WILLY DEE MR.CROW, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO WITH ASHLEY? Notary Public FLOOR SERVICE 0 W. N. Robinson, K.C. 142 Colborne St. East BRONTE FLOOR SERVICE Phones: Bus. 15 Res. 216 & REFINISHING LINOLEUM FLOORS LAID es a amp LINO-MASTIC-RUBBER TILE No Public PHONE BRONTE 184 27 Park Avenue W. H. PARKIN Telephone 1237-R Phone 1058-W Floor Sanding & Refinishing f By Vic. Gree ALL HIS BROTHERS AND SISTERS HAVE PASSED THEIR FLYING AND EATING TESTS AND HAVE GONE TO [JOIN Bla CROW FLOCKS Bur ASHLEY-- FLY, CAN'T CATCH Led ACCOUNTING D. HAMILTON-WRIGHT, C.A. above Russell's Drug Store Phone 1399 Toronto Office, 365 Yonge St. Phone AD. 4704 Pert Credit Office, 2 Lakeshore Road EB. Phone Port Credit 4981 C. L. OLIVER AND CO. Accounting and Auditing Business Systems Installed Income Tax Returns 36 Colborne St. E. P. O. Box 402 Hem. 7-5482 : Oakville 1268