hursday, February 1, 1951 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL > THE TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS of producing stagt extra- jganzas under little theatre conditions provide a hilarious theme for e gay new musical, "Summer Stock," which begins a three night owing at the Century today. Supporting stars Judy Garland and ne Kelly, seen here in a moment of rehearsal crisis, are such re- lwned show stealers as Eddie Bracken, Gloria DHaven, Marjorie Lin and Phil Silvers. : ENJOY YOURSELF DRIVE OUT FOR AN EVENING OF DANCING OR FOR A GOOD DINNER RELAX IN THE RESTFUL ATMOS- PHERE AT THE PIG AND WHISTLE . . . WEST OF BRONTE ON THE LAKESHORE HIGHWAY E-- 9 m., and THE PIG AND WHISTLE INN Bronte-by-the-Lake Phone 91 FROM YOUR COLOR COUNSELOR --RUTH D. SUNLEY-- WHATS UNDERFOOT? If you have just moved into a. new house in Oakville--lucky you--you may be puzzled as to the correct treatment of concrete floors. Concrete floors should be allowed to "cure" for at least six months, or preferably longer, be- fore any attempt is made at dec- orating. It is usally necessary, and advisable to first neutralize any alkali in the cement by means of 'mopping on a solution com- posed of three Ibs. of zinc sul- phate crystals to each gallon of hot water. This solution should be allowed to dry thoroughly, af- ter which any crystalline forma- tion should be removed with a stiff, dry broom or scrub brush. Then this concrete floor should be sealed with a cement-type pre- paration which will be available at your dealers. This first coat should be worked into all small irregularities on the floors sur- face. If the surface of the floor is not especially porous, a priming coat of the floor paint.or enamel you plan to use, thinned according to the specifications on the can, may be applied directly to the cem- ent. The floor should be allowed to dry at least overnight after the first or prime coat. Then ap- ply two coats of floor enamel or deck paints, allowing sufficient drying time between coats. Old concrete floors that you plan to redecorate must be clean- ed thoroughly with soap and water, and grease spots should be elimin- ated by scraping - and benzine. Rinse thoroughly following this procedure and allow the floor to dry completely before following the above directions for new con- crete floors. If you are repainting a floor that is still in good con- dition, one coat of the floor en- amel shoul be sufficient. If yowre planning on laying your porch floor this spring, you may be interested to know that some 'experts advise to have every tongue and groove painted and, while still wet, nailed intd place. Three coats of porch paint are recommended for best results on new unpainted porch floors.' Following directions on the can, the first coat should be thinned, the usual formula being one pint of turpentine or commer- Retrieving Retrievers Way back last August 27, a pair of fine ' male retrievers strayed from their kennels at the Lakeshore Rd. East resi- dence of their owner, J. A. Ross. Since that time, Mr. Ross has pressed an unsuccessful search for his canine friends. = This week, he is making another at- tempt to find the retrievers, one of which is black and the other brown. In the Journal's classi- fied columns, he offers a $200 reward for information leading to the recovery and conviction of parties he believes are hold- Ing the animals. If any Journal reader has such information, Mr. Ross can be contacted at HY. 6463. cial thinner to each gallon of paint. Allowing ample drying time, apply a second coat, thinned with half a pint of turpentine. Finish with a coat of paint as it comes from the can. Sanding be- tween coats is always a good idea. Painting or varnishing linoleum is a common practice to prolong the life of this popular floor covering. The importance of first removing every last vestige of wax cannot be ov i the pan, and daub the floor. Try to get a minimum of enamel in the paper and work slowly so that the mottled texture will be uniform. A coating of clear var- nish over the finished job will pro- vide extra protection and longer wear. Be warned if youre consider: ing a new coating for asphalt tiles that only shellac or brush- ing lacquers which contain alcohol as the main solvent can be used as a coating, as other types of finish cause bleaching. ALL RBOUT EVE COMING MONDAY TO THE CENTURY KEY TO A CABINET Of the several keys your pharmacist carries with him at all times, thera and a thorough job can only be done by careful and repeated washing, a commercial solvent type cleaner being recommended. To test the floor to be sure that no wax remains, apply the finish in test patches. If these patches do mot dry in the specified time, you can be positive that there is still some wax left on the floor's surface. Almost any protective finish can be applied to linoleum--varnish i you want a clear finish, or floor enamel to provide color. A mottled effect is often desirable and this can be easily achieved. After the floor enamel (preferably two coats) has dried, choose a color of enamel that contrasts with the base coat and put a small amount in a flat pan. Make a small wrink- ly wad with newspapers, dip it in is one in p the key to a cabinet in his prescription department . Holds his stock of narcotic drugs : others. that he guards more carefully than any other. It's : a cabinet that opium, morphine, codeine, and These drugs are among the most important in pharmacy, for they. are the ones your physician prescribes to provide relicf from the tore. ments of insufferable pain. Their quicting, comforting, pain-relicviog action is truly a blessing to mx But, unfortunately, these drugs arc also a scourge to society when wrongly used. If they fell into the hands of unprincipled "dope peddlers' they would become part of an illegitimate traffic which wrecks the lives of countless addicts each year. The pharmacist's key is society's key to narcotic control. It opens the door to the pain-relieving benefits of these drugs but locks the door to their abuse. Great is the ph the careful control of narcotic drug ding society through in nd caviable is his high record of performance in living up to his responsibility. -- Reprinted from a copyrighted advertisement published by Parke, Davis & Compary., THE RUSSELL DRUG CO. PHONE 47 (Formerly Byers') OAKVILLE 4 hd . anxious for news of their storm-buf- 0 akville-Trafalgar Journal TELEPHONE 1298 4 © coll Hr Sonat 20120 Gh 3 cl 2 ag ? > ENAMELWARE SPECIALS PORTABLE ELECTRIC SAW ¢ PERCOLATORS An amazing saw entirely Canad- ==), 6-cup, red & white ian made. Fully guaranteed. Parts = enamel, special-- and attachments easily obtain- able, special-- $49.95 POWER DRILL KIT Complete with carrying case, drills, buffer, wire wheel, sanding discs, paint stirrer and other mis- cellaneous attachments--a real buy at $33.80 FLASHLIGHT SPECIAL All brass with chrome trim Complete with $ 1 .30 batteries, special $1.59 8-cup, special-- 1.79 py il il WATER PAILS, red & white enamel Special offer DOUBLE BOILERS, red & white enamel Special offer $ 1 79 SAUCE PANS, three open sizes, 14 pt, 1 pt. & 2 pt. Ca offar ' $1 .39 .59 .69 7" PLIERS, regular Price 75¢ 3" PLIERS, regular Price 90c AGENT FOR MCLARY STOVES - WASHERS REFRIGERATORS MONARCH OIL BURNERS MASON HARDWARE LAKESHORE HIGHWAY BRONTE PHONE 188 FOR DELIVERY | GOLDEN GLOW ENAMELED WARE | | | 2 a Jor gon Jor Ylacing ing aq' 5, Ze hg Fhe OUR NEW STORE OPENING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY RD. LISTED BELOW ARE A FEW OF OUR OPENING SPECIALS: SHOP EARLY By General Steelwares New triple-coat enamel, trimmed with black. DOUBLE BOILER Specials. LES TEA KETTLES Spetial A OVAL » DISH PANS Special eb 1 And Various Other Utensils SKATES Men's black & Girls' white while they last Reg. $10.50 yellow $3.45 $3.95 $2.55 7.69 THE FIRST 200 PERSONS WHO REGISTER AT OUR STORE WILL HAVE A CHANCE TO WIN A PANDA BEAR TO WHICH IS: PINNED $50.00 Bill Open to adults and also child- ren under 12 years accompan- ied by parents. To be drawn for Sat., Feb. 17th.