PSR ¥ Thursday, February h, 195 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Mr. Blmer Bell, Hanover, was| Mr. Robin Fraser spent the Swing Your Partener a Shee dlls last week. |weekend with his parents, Mr. A ; c alville Ins and Mrs. J. O. Fraser. An evening of square dancing by Ms, self ve | Fava at they] Miller, Brockville, is the EL 3 was enjoyed | by nearly three a Bf on Wedney, { : Mrs, Hary "Red" Foster leav-| hundred people who were guests y a and Schoo i Page 2 a visitor in O B PEOPLE and EVENTS % i guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry a To ae i 5 oh es on Friday to spend a of» Linbrool i MRS. DOUG AHERN PHONE 601 Honan California. Association at Trafalgar Mem: Alex F. Bell is spending] iss {ivingstone, Toronto, iat orial Hall Friday = evening. week in Montreal on busin: [js visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arnold | Mr. Patrick BE. Cavanaugh rej Among those pene ay : : Si ; n of - Banfield. turns on Sunday from a two| Reeve Joseph hicks oF Tr | Mhursday. Mis. R. Bllison, pn ceases eas ase Weeks! business trip to Venezuela. | falgar and Mrs. Wickson Soot wan imienaras 0 the mi] The Ted Kobers entertained on| Mr, and Mrs. 0. C. Chisholm en- CE Reeve W. H. Biggar, Roads Sup- | Se8t Fed Sh 0 iC on Saturday evening at a farewell | tertained before the Square Dance erintendent Jack Orr and Mss ean argo. Mrs. Tom Makin, who|at the Oakville Club, Friday eve- Orr, Public School Inspector HE The Women's Missionary g,| clety, of the Walton Memory church held a meeting at home of Mrs. E. Pichard ng of Mrs. D. Aitken spent last week- end in Flint, Michigan. Mrs. oa & Glou- | party fa i. Flor |left Sunday afternoon with son |ni ken attended the Burns' Dinner|-L. L. Skuce, of Halton County, ; a : Ror walter mn Hae (E cane Friday evening. i ata vm ipa (| me Ladies Busty of of wood, Florida Mrs. Dennis Slattery left last Fm orchestra played for the danc. | BENET CC a Nola uf Ceees week for @ visit to England. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Duncan, of | ing, and euchre was an added excent? Hest mt fii ome : Miss Ruth Ellison, Toronto, ne Oakville, at the Private: Patients' | attraction. The door prize was | 50 fl Ti Ssed play) : | spent the weekend with the Geof- Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Roberts have | Pavilion, Toronto General Hos-| won by Mrs. Harvey Lyon. The Sol I at whi the ca : | trey Bides returned from a trip to New York. |pital, on Jan. 27, 1951, a son dance proved one of the most | a Sy fron) 1 ; onal] cee . Scott Duncan. successful and largely attended | he EL ae heir Il.| Mr. Herbert Merry entertained | Mr. J. H. Sunley is spending is iuicls social gatherings the Association | 18 REUREEEL oo FON os an | last day evening at a dinner three weeks in Vancouver on Alix Hillmer is celebrating her | has held to date, with proceeds i . eb. 1 sive | party at Town and Country, Tor-|pusiness. co hy on Saturday with | of about $100. en ® Ba ciety held its annual banquet of or haye | onto. mong the guests were ss Harding, Mr. Alan Styles and The annual meeting of the Oak: Leonard Osborne, soloist | jjjeTrafalgar Memorial Hospit: ese e n Tuesday, Jan. 30 in Walton Mey Nr. ally New, returns) on [Suni Mr and Mrs Watson of Stoney J . A " Greek wero! guests at the homelof| ioral United Church with an g Mr. and Mrs the birth an, at Priv Toronto G ls of the DIOyly Cartel, w 's auxiliary was held at|day from a business trip to Los nuary 27 Gompany. Aint Ce ey af- a. 3 Mr. and Mrs. C. Craigie, Jones ( Continued on Page 3) Ei pry ternoon. Auxiliary members were ieee Street, last Saturday. | 3 Mr. David Pidgeon left on Wed- The next meeting of the Eve:| guest of Lady Baillie at tea fol.| Mr. ® T. CO. Burke left last axa , nesday for Hal John and |B Branch of St. Jude's Church |jying the meeting. week for Jamaica, stopping in| Mr. and Mrs. A. Martin and 1 y will be held in the Parish REECE Miami, Florida, and Cuba en |Mr. and Mx W. Hinton, Kit- weekend guests at the home of 1, Tuesday evening, February | nr and Mrs. James Gairdner, |route. Mr. Burke will spend some « i Mr. and Mrs. ". Hinton, Kit Oakville | time in Jamaica and will go from MacDougall, of | SL at Spm Newmarket, were - in her mother Fh asss over the weekend. there to British Honduras and [chener. The annual meeting of the fie cp earn this D ER The Bronte Community Club A PRIN rict Liberal assn.| Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Farley have Lauderdale, Mr, and Mrs. Percy King, who held their weekly euchre on Mon- bought the Oakville Smoke and |day night and drew a large crow 5 were: Ladies: i Oakville and Dis Br. and N= EC. (Daa)|ves beld on Weanesdyy night' in | returned from Fort Masonic hall, after the Journal |®iorida, where they spent a month ITO C Formerly with T. Eaton & Go, Green leave on Feb. 7th by air | : for Daytona Florida, to | had gome to press, with the elec: with Mrs. Farley's sister, Mrs. Card Shop, moved into their new | Winn spend three weeks with Mr. [tion of officers being the major| Clyde Burritt and Mr. Burritt. home on Watson Ave, last| Patterson; 2nd, Mrs. and Ryrie Birks. All repaln The = Ifher, No We J. Green, | item onitiejagends. Shee l. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. King are|nen's, 1st, Dave Fitzsimmons; I Me) ps «sxe 3 «aes Among those who entertained | from St. Catharines. 9 ian ermott's, Opp. Bank of Toront| Fil nd, Mr. Babcock. Winner of the PRP A. MA! the o . MARCHAND ; ne cuperati Ars. Robert Tate, Lachine, Que., | in honor of Miss Joyce Avril Rob: J om ym, Muhert Tate lashing on ME draw was Mrs, Grant Williams. | Girl § IT. Mr, Charles Kirk leaves on the Oakville al. is visiting her parents, Mr. and | bins, whose marriage to Mr. Al- Hospital after an appendec- | Mrs. J. G. Ryrie. Mr. Tate willlar-| bert William Boyd took place on | Monday to spend two weeks in y. rive on Thursday. Friday evening, were Mrs. Maurice | London. .-.-- a. wi Kamen er ---- -- on T my Litchfield and Mrs. Ronald Baw- den, who entertained at a miscel- laneous shower; Mrs. Mary Mc Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor have left for a holiday in Tlorida. fand i PRE i Pherson and Mrs. Sam Garner, a STARTS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1 FOR miscellaneous shower; and Mrs. | Mr. Arnold Banfield is attending Ray Walker, a pantry shelf show-|a convention in Winnipeg. er. Mrs. J. A. M. Bell spent last BRONTE week in Napanee with her mother, LIRR HT MISS LESLIE MARTIN Or andi Mrs SQ Fearmaniare| = EHONE BRONTE 130 entertaining on Saturday evening.| Mr. and Mrs, James Brockway sla ad became the parents of a daugh- Mr. T. C. Chisholm spent the [ter Cheryl Lynn on Wed, Jan. UNIVERSALINTERNATIONAL presents weekend at the Chateau Fronten-|24 at the Oakville Hospital. Moth: ac in Quebec and the remainder |er and daughter are doing well. of the week at Bathurst, New Fi Brunswick, on business. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. LE RU W. Landry, Jones Street, was Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schach-| taken to the Oakville hospital on tele are entertaining on Saturday | Sunday. evening. ex xan E LARA | Don't forget the Valentine's Major-General Chris Vokes left {Dance at the Pig and Whistle Inn last week to take over Western |on February, 14. This dance is Command at Edmonton, Alta. sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary ORCC of the Bronte-Trafalgar Legion : Mr, S. Akerman has returned |The proceeds will go to the Le- ESI from & Lusiness trip to Vancouver. | gion hall building fund. Music Po Y Rom = on will be supplied by Walt Alway "VU § 2 B bie Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. | and his Circle A Ramblers. Tickets ZA 7A 08S Ox = J. G. Leonard who celebrated [may be purchased at the door or er Se 3 as 3 Er their twenty-eighth wedding an-|from any member of the Ladies' y TS MS mr, niversary on Wednesday, January | Auxiliary. Joel 0 I é 31st. : CEL a EDDIE BRACKEN. GLORIA DE HAVEN T wan olor -- The Local Association of Girl . Mrs. J. W. D. Tow «Mer. | Guides, sponsors of the 1st Brown- MARJORIE MAIN-PHIL STIVERS /€chniC! Mis. JW. D. Townsend, "Mer: | B80 70 SECO one poking sal HEY KIDS: SPECIAL SERIAL | ryhill" Youngs' Point, is spend-|ie Pack, held a home baking sale | MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY. ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs.|20 the Lakeside Marketeria on CHAPTER ONE OF KING OF THE ROCKET MEN » Tucson, WE 7 THURSDAYCRS] | 5c racer a STARTS NEXT SAT., FEB. 10. DON'T MISS IT FEBRUARY 5-6-7-8 x x cessful with the proceeds going 0 Sh The Oakville Club badminton | to the 1st Brownie pack. Tr ---- wa sree ADDED FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT. . : : Fass : i nisms Toni engl Tue Church of the) Fpiptany WO EAADANE DREMIEPE the career all females district "C" group tourney. was the scene of the baptism of HOLLYWOOD 17 - ) _ bei = 0 [-tia George William ~ Wilkinson on SPOOK SPEAKS (BUSTER KEATON) in common -- being ad wW Mr. Bruce Colville is in North | Sunday. He is the son of Mr. and AND COLORED CARTOON, GORILLA HUNT | i : : : i Pay on bisinest) Mrs. Harold Wilkinson. Godpar- . : 4 ERE ents were Mr. and Mrs. C. Ver- : | 26. Dr. (andl Mies, Campbell Mac | 20% a MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5-6-7 | Arthur are having their som| ; Ss Janes christened at Appleby Col| Eileen Millwardis in St Jos FOR LAUGHS (0) \L EE lege on Sunday affernoon. apis Romi] in Hamilton, where q a z i she underwent an appendectomy. || gp. story of a cutie the guy wants to cuddle--till she gets em < Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Dynes ar- ; i Lived home-last week from a trip| Mr. Robert Mason is opening ailfiin' the middleicf a muddle, his new hardware store on Satur- to Florida. day, February 3. There will be a |} } draw for a $50 Panda. sss esses Mr. Leslie Forster is on a bus- iness trip to Windsor. CRE The Ladies Auxiliary of the Church of the Epiphany are sponsoring a euchre and dance J ) a pig ) 2 2 i oJ I I a B at 'the Anglican Parish hall this 4 - So evening (Thursday). Everyone is WARNER BROS. PICTURE invited to come and dance to the ah OM music of Walt Alway and his Pe | Circle A Ramblers. x Xana | Nona McIntyre of Toronto was a weekend guest at the home of ON THE SAME PROGRAMME her grandmother, Mrs. Bilis on Sovereign St. tases Starri Mr. and Mrs. Mauren formerly of Jones Streét have moved to ring Burlington. LAWRENCE PRISCILLA Mr. and Mrs. Norman Busk en- joyed a weekend trip to Buffalo. elas First of the Lenten teas to be held by Knox church Ladies Aid society will take place in the church hall Thursday, February 8, from three to five thirty. Mrs. Claude Kent and Mrs, L. Stans- bury ate convenors. : FE Mrs. Cameron _Hillmer enter- i 2 tained at tea on Friday in honor 50) Watten for the of Mrs, Campbell, who is visiting BI Screen ang] Birected by her son and daughterindaw, Mr. DARRYLF. ZANUCK 3 I i i JOSEPH L. MANKIEWIC {| ana Mrs. Allan Campbell. a Ny a TIERNEY LANE I COMING FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9TH COMING NEXT THURSDAY EDWLND GEN WATCH "WYOMING MAIL" as the heart warming rogue in v with STEPHEN McNALLY & ALEXIS SMITH Mr. 80" FOR OUR OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT in techriaalor 'OUR/INSTALLATIONS ARE ALMOST FOR BETTER MOVIES IN 1951 IT'S THE : CORY COMPLETED . . . LAUNDRY SERVICES INE ©) =I Lr | eg THE HOME OF FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT _d OAKVILLE 56) wid THE SHOWPLACE OF HALTON COUNTY 16 DUNN ST. N. OAKVILLE PHONE