Blot bo LA THE \OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL - Page 13 | o FROM YOUR COLOR COUNSELOR | Liberal Convention |COUNTY COMMENTARY CPT. EUCHRE __RUTH D. SUNLEY. Thirty Oakville delegates will p 3 EVERY FRIDAY attend the Milton convention of 8.15 p.m. sharp tlie Halton county Liberal assn., t ER STORY OF DECOR When a candidate for the co usy Oo or numera Ors 1. 0.0. F. HALL in 'ovinci: lectis ici- H / \TION pated [in Done, wii oo n¢°F | ialton homes will all receive[have a lad named Clancy who Everybody Welcome Se The study of the history of home | was influenced by Oriental de. | Each polling subdivision is per | Liss [lm the census takers | seems to be right out of fhe pop- decoration 16 not only fascinating | sign, as indicated by his carviags,| ited [five delegates, while CN DE put a key fo the lives of other | Hoppolwhite was more influenc. | the remaining five will repre. | YC DESk sot for commencement of | certainly lowered fhe boom on a ivilizationsi and ceptiitios.' When od by Italy and his shield backs {| Sent the town's! young (Liberal) | {hie extensive undertaking. TArt| bewildered Georgetown Red Raid fyou see =z ustle' ay in an|for chairs, hoops, hearts, ovals | Organization. po ay foo gavesa a ve- x crew Ls week, Izping | on i funtiauo stop you ate forcefully |and wheel backs advertise tho sus. commissioner far. tho. county, | hawk win, The Raiders; undefeated = RR i mn a un he Boned and Has bacn empowered to. ap |for a dosen league and shibition 0 hat C . I he de: - 2 Ee hest on legs is a reminder that |ean Sontrice, 5 z Tn LAUDS AUXILIARY point census takers for the towns |games, have dropped their last ==; [ne Moors were dangerous and) to differentiate between the work| Keen admiration for the efforts [2nd (OVWnships: Under the federal | three contests. prory-present enemies around 700) of Heppelwhite and Sheraton, al-|f OakvilleTrafalgar Memorial | fav, ane of the Dominion ls MERITORIOUS RECORD D. and it Was often necessary though the latter features chairs |Hospital Women's Auxillary was|[e 50 Sony feh years, the last) While many long service re for the Spaniards to take flight, | with rectangular backs and |cxpressed by Mrs. Arnold .C. Bt at = cords have been established by iting the chests containing their | slats running horizontally, di. | Burke, immediate past president | p,q, CRANCY CLICKS members of county churches, very aluable possessions from their i or vertically. || of Toronto Western Hospital Wo- Eton lopiey Mohawks (Continued on Page 16) fron stretcher bases to cary to| The "Regency" period received |MeN's Auxiliary, at the local or Batety. its a inspiration from the [&anization's annual meeting at the The Greeks and Egyptians lik-| unearthing of the remarkable |O2kville Club Wednesday after- BROCKW AY' a very simple colors in their dec- [ruins at Pompei, During this|P90% Jan. 31. "I am amazed at - bration and used them brilliantly. | early 19th century period What your organization has ac- yellows, blues with black | tian motifs, designs originated by | COMmPlished," the speaker declar- OIL BURNER AND STOKER Quality Venetian-Blinds vere most popular. Then the Ren- | Adam, and French influence wesg | ed: ao i went spectacular with | evident. At the same time the| Work of the auxiliary since its te fie Blaborate decoration . and color | post-revolutionaty French? were | inception a year ago was covered od chemes of yellow-green on deep | evolving the "Directoire," with |In reports of the tuck shop and Guaranteed Two] Years biolet; olive green on dark blue; | its austereness and simplicity, library committee, service com- -- [harmonies that were subtle and |Pinally, the flamboyancy of the | mittee, special duties committee, = ith a delicacy unknown in form- | Victorian era when the color | flower committee, and special oc. REPAIR and LAUNDRY E: ages. Practically all subsequent | trend was to brown, purplish red, |casions committee. A garden tour SERVICE tyles of color and interior dec: | deep green; and the use of purplc [to raise funds for the auxiliarys \ brution date back to ancient and | and. magentas has distinguished | Work will bo held in June, it was ' lb Renaissance principles. the era as the "mauve decade", | decided. or 5 ', : a - Really "early American" was Sinead, overornate, the dec.| After the meeting, en a 'Your Furnace Is Only As Good As Your Service Man' Venetian Blind Laundry harkly simple, with little color. [Oration was so extreme that re.|largely attended, the members bie nustere Puritans who wer uctlon set In, end wo mow find [and guests vero oxtorearen at ELECTRIC SERVICE MEN & Mfg. Co. he first settlers felt that people | OWrselves in a period that. favors [tea by Lady Baillie, the president. 24-Hour Service 7 3 blo "cnjoved color also enjoved | SImple, | clean lines sna clear, Fs W. M. Wilkinson und dirs. ForiGuslityf@ervice fe too much. Paint was frowned | PriBht colors. We like to refer to Russell Smith poured tea and cof- 7 PHONE 859 Sh and the, records show that in| lt 8s "Contemporary." fee. CALL BRONTE 168-M 630 a clergyman in Ls ae Bic was hailed to court to ans- er for the serious crime of paint - be his house. {1 contrast to this were the ) (LB B% Fi) Do-brilliant settings devised for CX XJ XIV. Up to the early 17th y Fremch furniture had A feen largely of the provincial type, J jut with Louis it swung to the Bprosite extreme and his love of il A = ior was. reflected in the CW 1 iver NNIVEersary shings that originated in his Drawing rooms were large gilt was applied to tables, irrors. The furniture was rich upholstery, the Econ being the "gossip hair" which was light enough to e moved around by a lady. | Louis XV accelerated the pace Blready set and with Pompadour hd duBarry the real rulers, both gourt life and decoration deter- rated. The style of furniture be- me so excessively ornate as approach vulgarity and straight fines were practically obsolete Bighter colors were favored--vi , light blue, gold, light green Jere extremely popular. With the fivent of Louis XVI Marie An- foinctte chose the nation's dec- [N@ration and her choice of colors more delicate and affected, lth extreme severity and for. ality. She liked roses and these n century 'England, to Queen Anne, e was a trend away from the seat--the introduced. ese influence iginated the ball foot, wing chair-- The definite of this time still-popular claw Then came the land of the Georges, Josiah dgwood, Adam, Chippendale, pelwhite, Sheraton. Ponta CC WITH SENSATIONAL AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS oS | ecause of Adam, plaster [alls took priority over wood-pan- ling. Pastel colors and white GENERAL MOTORS e popular. Chippendale work- VALUE for Adam. and we conect his e with mahogany because was the wood with which he d to work. Chippendale Cone cw and See why Feature for Feature and Dollar for Dollar gow canl bead 2 Pontiac NEW, POWERGLIDE on FI Drive on Chieftain and Streamliner. SILVER STREAK PERFORMANCE . powerful straight eight or dependable, economical six. LUXURIOUS NEW INTERIORS. new color harmonies, comfortable deep-rest seats. IMPRESSIVE SWEEPSTREAM FENDER TREATMENT . . . protected by massive wraparound bumpers. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING ON WHEELS... . distinctive new Gull-Wing Styling! TWO SENSATIONAL AUTOMATIC DRIVES . leader Deluxe, HYDRA-MATIC . wo engines, 1 beautiful new fabrics, with OMATIC UT SMISSION ; R-POPULAR A Ri 1 NEW AUTOMATIC A ODELS SWEEPVIEW VISION . . . wide windows, extra broad THE Lh NOW MADE EVEN FIV Rel c: ce indshield, slim ce 'r pos! 5 bees SENSATIONA FLEETL FADER DELU taal curved windshield. ali corner posts. tomatic drive that fase oy wil Welcome Wi , AVAILABLE O! o the low-price fi€ a BODIES BY FISHER ... strong, rugged, beautifully styled HyorA- MATIC HE EP ears can be i 3 gon tomatic driving COE 12 ql; you can bave ly and built of all steel. Jy motorist (08 O18 LEE Dice Stap oh New a : u bA roved, ' tain n ns Hostess ot Pontiac eelendr | in of POWERGLIDETE PITY yg CONTROL INSTRUMENTS . . . entite pancl easy to Pontiac ChIeE PPP rg oil you do tn 1% ei inthe: herets no clutch pedat see, easy to read. on the brake © he drive that has ou 2 Paden fill Knock on Your Dodi wonderful tic transmission: ell as on you 2 LO omAMATIC, the drive Le FOL Insta fluid ith Gi tin, cogil atoms on your © scuDES2 YEAR-AROUND COMFORT CONTROL. . . perfected wi ely! And this year i smission plus @ 00 th Gifts & G: E's easy fon POWE A y ik pedal entirely! tomatic tran i gears ever shift, ficiency increasce: twin-duct heating and ventilating. ee "Maric is an aul Yona _Maric's flashing PC from Friendly Business Wear is reduc shih higher! PACK-AWAY TRUNK ... extra-large, fully-lined with self- drive. - - that's the apieet 3 0 Or derful driving ease! ; Neighbors and Yous, nn So & Ee its trade-in © extra cost QB Fleet- locking counter-balanced lid. formance, AmAZING BY Oe cqipment at extra cos Civio and Social yy ional equipment, & BUILT TO LAST 100,000 MILES . . - in the Pontiac rama Miame Drive is option CCT Weltaro Lendocs POWEICLIDE opie tradition of economical, dependable service for a long, long Chieftain and Streambine Jeader Deluxe time! he occasion of: eo Birth of a Baby agement Announcements nge of residence ivals of Newcomers to ty PHONE 807 P4518 HITCHCOX MOTOR SALES COLBORNE STREET EAST (No eost or obligation) BUILT IN CANADA PROVED IN CANADA FOR! CANAD PHONE 345 N§