Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 15 Feb 1951, p. 9

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CLIP THIS LIST WERE SORRY BUT Th ] A Ei: : ee e Oakville- Trafalgar Journal CIVIL DEFENCE COUNCIL Ji ov Teigst SU ANNOUNCES COMMITTEE HEADS = moo gene rib Shot Msc a .\ANGELR BRUCE CHAPTER committees of the Civil Defence Sp pL ELECTS NEW EXECUTIVE town's parking meters is a some. | ChAIrman's name follows dhe = ANY : what ardous chore after a busy. a name, with the activities A busy year was reviewed af[ was'awarded a former high school weekend, I Constable Sun Police and Public Order, Chief 3; b ithe annual meeting of the Angela | student now studying law. In con- Heath found on Monday that it 20 y 2 Bruce Chapter, LO.D.E., held on [junction with the Chapter New. sometimes has its compensa- | oF To John Derry, Refugee February 6th, in the music room | Canadians are studying basic Eng- tions. Rain which melted the el ond, Spe TH of the Oakville-Trafalgar High | lish at the high school, were en- ary a School. tertained on three occassions. » , » Gas, Tele- Mrs. Roy Inwin was elected re-| Membership was renewed in a gent, to succeed Miss Marion Mc [the U.N. association, and the an Fuel Supply; Tire, Chiet | / / S=-- -- Naughton, who has held the office | Chapter is represented on the red Shaw, Air Raid Warning, ap for the past two years. Other of-| following organizations; Halton 2 SSSA ficers are Mrs. Ryland New, Mrs. | County Children's Aid Society, pe i E. S. Glassco, and Miss Marion | Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hos- fice snow and ice Sunday night left the sidewalk bare for the 3 first time in several days, with |Pllone, Sewage Disposal, Gasoline the result that at ten o'clock ia li Eddie was able to |! is "ot three dimes, three |Fire, Volunteer Fire Personnel, nickels and seven coppers as a usidewalk take." "And I'm only |& > e ; 2 McNaughton, honorary regents. |pital ~~ Association, Recreation half way through my round, |Casualties, Hospital Chief of Staff, Mrs. Harley Dunsheath, 1st vice | Commission, High School Bursary he told a Journal scribe. a LE regent; Miss Helen Smith, 2nd. | pogrq I £4) id a 7 vice regent; s Mary , 7 BEGINS MINISTRY To ton, Tins, ld Posts, Amulance <.« IF THIS ISSUE ISN'T QUITE A PIP, IT'S BECAUSE | Jaceetenr pres, Mary Sullivan, ervice, Burlals, Public 'Health; L an, asst' secretary; Mrs. Percy BRONTE CONGREGATION |wood and Accommodation, P. r,| THE 'FLU BUG HAS US IN HIS GRIP. Saran eo en: a a C.P.T. EUCHRE Rev. Robert Synder began his|Spurgeon, Local food supply, Re- Nethercott, educational secretary; To ministry at the Bronte Baptist|fugee (local and other), Bomb U. W. CLUB TO HEAR Mrs. Cameron Hillmer, welfare EVERY FRIDAY Church Sunday, February 4th.)| Shelters (Public and Private), H S PROGRAM x VY convener; Mrs, 'Dunbar Heddle, 8.15 p.m. sharp The service was well attended and | Transport; Heavy rescue and de-|+-+¢ Me DECORATION TALK Empire study convener; Mrs. L. OR. the singing was hearty. contamination, Eric Smith, Heavy A talk and demonstration on|F. Clement, post war convener: 1. 0.0. F. HALL the Mr. Snyder In his opening re-|Rescue, Damaged Buildings and PLEASES BIG wood finishing and the refinishing | Mrs, 'C. N. McGillivray, Canadian. Everybody Welcome marks stressed the need in |Roads, Radioactivity, Decontam- of furniture by Ralph Wakely feat- | ization convener; Mrs, D. Patrick, churches today for preaching |ination; Chief Warden, G. P. Doty, ured the meeting of the interior | Standard bearer; Mrs. Carlton "Christ." "Since Christ is the cen. |District Wardens, Block Wardens, AUDIENCE decorating group of the Univer-|Green, Opportunity Shop conven- ter of the Christian life we must [First Aid, Light Rescue, Evacua- sity Women's Club at the home fer; Mrs. A. J. Regan Jr, assist- know Him: well in order to be tion of Casualties; Personnel, C. : 0 of Mrs. Douglas Tough, Spruce ant shop convener; Councillors, true Christians," he declared. N. Ambler 'and W. H. Edwards, | Songs, piano. and violin selec | Street, Thursday evening. Host-| Mrs. Jessie Gordon, Mrs, J. Gall Complete rty In his sermon, based on Philip- |Local clubs, Organizations and |tlons by four artists made Up a|esses of the eyening were Mrs. |oway, Mrs. Lloyd Lunau, Mrs. B. - pians, chapter 2, verses 5-11, he |Other rsonnel. The bleasingly varied program for the) Tough, Mrs, I. K. Kerfoot and (A. Megaffin. and Mrs. Stuart Investment stated that because Christ humb- [of the Education and Publicity | third concert in the Oakville-Tra-| yrs. Nethercott. Smith. AL led 'Himself in death upon the [committee has not yet been sel-|falgar Home and School Assoc-| The February meeting of the| Mrs. W. R. Walton Jr. was ap- Service ~~ cross, God hath highly exalted | ected. Members of the Legion |fation concert series in the high university Women's Club will be | pointed the chapter's representa IE Him, Men and women who humb- | Will act as special constables |school auditorium Friday evening.|iy the music room of, the high [five on the National chapter and BONDS -- lo themselves before God will be [When required. |The performers were Beauna Som-| school on Wednesday, Feb. 21, at | Mrs. Maurice Lunau to represent ji exalted by Him, but those who re- erville, violinist; Mitoslay Mese-| 15 A, Fellows, of the T. Haton|the chapter on the Prosiscial STOCKS main proud and selfrighteous and | will be humbled by the judgment |Rel tenor; Bva Silvester, pianist; | co, will speak on "Your Home | chapter. ; 1 will not accept the sacrifice of |of God, Rev. Mr. Snyder main- 53) Temp, Ea and You" Mr. Fellows, an inter-| Miss Mary Sullivan, secretary, on all Exchanges : Christ on the cross for their sins, | tained. ' rol oe She 2 ior decorator, has just concluded | reported receipts of $3,544.21, as y a fo | a course of lectures. All members | compared with $2,602.45 in 1949; - MACRAE : s violin concerto, | 31q friends are cordially invited. | donations amounted to $2,085, Opus, 61, Ds: | (Somervilly dir which included Oakyille-Trafalgar AND COMPANY played a high degree of talent. Memorial Hospi dE Jal pital, $660.; Com- 1 ENJOY YOURSELF Solan Sumber ie Ina) gelicacy; and the Ritual Fire|munity Centre Arena, $500.; John Investment Dealers 3 gentle, wistful mood, the second |pance, by De Falla. This "last | Black Fund, $100.; Garland Guy i ' light and lively. The "GYDSY|numper, whose insistent, mohot- | Fund, $25. Film, conel], $50, 80 King St. W.--Toronto DRIVE OUT FOR AN EVENING OF DANCING OR FOR A || Airs" by Sarisate was rendered | onous rhythm is suggestive of the |and $50. donations made to the PHONE: EM 4-3374 with the impassioned touch SO|gyaying bodies of savages taking [1OD.E. headquarter's fund, Luo GOOD DINNER . . RELAX IN THE RESTFUL ATMOS- Tan of os Sn oF MUS | part ir some primitive ceremon- | Morrison coh Scholaraniy ¢, ranging from solemn, brooding | jy) was given a convincing inter- | Fund, British and Furopean Re- PHERE AT THE PIG AND WHISTLE.. . . WEST OF Tomes oo mat exquisitely | protation 57 the performer. Miss ire i EE Toon i gay Anish. As an encore MISS|gjivester also played some of |10.D.E. Shipping fund and Sea BRONTE ON THE LAKESHORE HIGHWAY Somerville played Chopin's No- | Sorumann's "Scenes From Child: | mons Amanmior: : tune In B flat, a favorite plano|y gags 'snort, pretty pleces, and,| The Chapters principal source piece the world over, and no less | oc"ah encore. Rachmaninoff's fa. |ot revenue. was the. Gmportunicy delightful as rendered by this ac-| mous Prelude which she rendered |Shop, under the convenership of Zoeomyshed violinist with sure powerful touch. Mrs. Eric Smith and Mrs. Carlton _ Equally pleasing to the aud-| "pcopoldine Pichler, soprano, | Green, which totalled $1,329.53, a lence were Riva Silvester's piano yop the hearts of the-audience with [slight increase over last year. A renditions. . These Incided Cho-|pep peautiful voice and charming |new undertaking was the refresh. pin's popular /B major Bude; hiS| porgonality. Her first numbers | ment booth operated .in Wallace © Sharp Minor Waltz, a light, viv: | yor «My Johann," to the air of [Park on a fiftyfitty basis with acious piece rendered with superd | Grieg's wellknown "Norweglan | the Baseball Association, jointly Dance;" "The Trout" by Schub- [convened by Mrs. Carl Wright - ert; and the ever-popular "Blue |and Mrs. Jessie Gordon. The % FOR Danube" by Strauss, a lively, joy- | chapter derived an income of ous melody. Her later numbers ($393.76 from this source, Quality Meats consisted of a group of charm-| Although demands for welfare : ing European folk songs, to which | were not as great as the previous Quality Venetian Blinds Fruits & Vegetables Miss Pichler played a zither ac-|year, layettes, food, clothing, companiment, providing a novel |fuel and transportation were pro- Custom Made Ss ai, REE a ir G . and pleasing feature. vided at the request of welfare roceries The singing of Miroslay Meses- | authorities. A substantial quantity Guaranteed Two Years nel, tenor, rounded out the pro-(of children's and adult's clothing PHONE gram nicely. In the first part of | together with 351 pounds of food the program Mr. Mesesnel sang |were shipped to Britain. REPAIR and LAUNDRY 1020 Handel's Largo, Brahms' Sab-| Interest in Pineview, the Chap- a) Sap , SERVICE phe One, 7nd Dedication by Bich: [icv adonted school is sill mate i ard Strauss. Later he was heard 2 z (Prompt Delivery) to good effect in a Scotch Folk | tained, but at' the request of the Song, the Brown Bird, and "Come | teacher, handicraft classes were Venetian Blind Laundry CARLOAD Back To Sorrento," rendered as | discontinued. : THE PIG AND WHISTLE IN (Gro cETERIAl oom [oni pin) & Ms Go TWO ONLY to the town and district schools Bronte-by-the-Lake Phone 91 R. E. Harris, Prop. There are but two causes for|in commemorating Empire day. PHONE 859 REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE divorce. Matrimony and alimony. A one hundred dollar bursary DO YOUR OWN 8 a REMODELING dling : HEE aid W. E. DAVIS R. C. A. CUMBERLAND 71 Colborne St, Oakville BA Phone 41 Evenings and Holidays Phone 612-R W. S. DAVIS & SON ot! If you're handy! with hammer, saw and square you'll find that the remodeling job you've been putting off will cost much less that you expect- ed Don't put it off any longer . . contact us to- day for... MILLWORK BUILDERS' SUPPLIES INSULATION Ba CHAS. F. DOTY & SON am 1. DUNDAS STREET NORTH ° FOR ALL GROUP TRAVEL . # HALTON INN PHONE 76 : AFTER HOURS: 558-W OR 670 SE

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