Page 10 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL FROM YOUR COLOR COUNSELOR --RUTH D. SUNLEY-- Paint paint and arket to- amateur of le n the The wide v ed p may rlety on confuse Generally E broad cl Oil paints whic in flat, semix ish, which are ed to be most durable thems to frequent The 1-emulsion thinned oil) which are relatively new are easy to apply, i have good 3 water (casein) are relatively inexpensive, drying, are easy to apply Ee provide a flat apperance the resin-emulsion he ain water, they must not be confused with water (casein) paint. The latter usually is pack- aged in powder or paste form and takes a longer period to thorough- ly, harden than does the resin emulsion type The latter type does not have to be removed be- fore application of another type of oil paint, as is the case with the water or casein coating. Where surfaces are subject to moisture,» as in bathrooms and kitchens, a special problem is posed and for such a purpose the glossy paints, or enamels, are nec- essary, Enamel is a type of paint which contains 'varnish and which imparts a relatively hard glossy surface and has durability and water resistance. For jobs like interior floors, stairs, furniture and wood- work there are two. types of coat- roduc enerally presum- and lend washings (or water: lve: "The Power your home, that you should buy first quality always. The cost of a can of paint in relation to the la- bor involved in the application is so small that it would be ridicul- ous to risk failure through "bargain" buy. Also, - the manu- facturers of these protective coat- ngs have invested much time and money in determining exactly how their products should be used. Therefore, it is poor economy w apply anything but the correc coating designed for the job 5 hand. An interior finish applied where an exterior paint is Sn = a wall paint used on floors ng labor and probably ie final failure of the new surface. Yet so many amateur painters will just use what is on hand, instead of acquiring the cor rect paint or enamel they need. When in doubt of your require- ments, ask your Oakville paint dealer. Paint manufacturers have re- cently inaugurated a training course that is unique in industry. Through extension courses, or night schools, hundreds of paint dealers and painting contractors across Canada have been receiv- ing education in the retailing of paint and allied products. Such classes are known as Paint Pow- er Courses and are designed to provide the retail salesclerk or painter with sufficient know- ledge about the products of the industry that your every aques- tion can be adequately answered. Besides all the volume coatings, Well, have you started counting the a: t2 Till the opening of the trout season, that is. Do dreams of that "big one" haunt you at night--that lunker you hooked and lost last year? Well, if you're in this condition, you're no worse than we are . .. You know, there's a trout in a pool near Apsley that's been prey- ing on our mind for quite a while! Last year he made a dub out of us, but we've vowed we'll get him this year, He's a smart old beggar, but of course all the grand-daddies are smart or they wouldn't be big. Like to hear about him? It was looking like rain, maybe one of those teeming summer thunder showers. We figured if the trout were going to feed, this would be the time. So, jumping into our' waders and breaking out the tackle, we slipped Into a per- fect pool close by the road. It was one of those spots you dream about. Everything was just right. Wind OK. too, nice ripple, and a fine flowing creek curving into the pool. Good spot to drop a fly and let the current carry it around. 'Well, on' the third cast the current did all we could ask, there was a strike, a nice tussle, and a good I12incher. Tried the same manoeuvre a few more times, with no result. So, selected anew fly... Well, sir, there he wi biggest trout you ever saw. tifully colored, fat and sleek and CONSERVATION by the ROVING SECRETARY of the carting CONSERVATION CLUB lot of time, and a lot of slugging went into the wonderful shots of the caribou, This film is a honey --a real treat for every lover of nature and the outdoors. You'll believe us when you see it! You know, we have a lot of wildlife right around our Wyndwyck, We alway feeding stations for birds, and regularly scatter feed for our daily visitors. Just a few moments ago (to get our mind off that big trout, perhaps) we took our regular morning allowance of food for the birds. When we look- ed around, not a feathered neigh- bor could we see at first. But not for long. Soon one of our blue jays evidence. We have five here at Wyndwyck during the winter was in jays FOR Quality Meats Fruits & Vegetables Groceries PHONE 1020 (Prompt Delivery) CARLOAD the winter, At any tate, th one came, and didn't wast: time calling the other four! all of them were on haud for breakfast, fluttering arourid table, carrying their rations Lack up to the maples for 'a leisurely meal. ings available and these may be classified as transparent and opaque. The transparent ones, or they might be termed semi-trans- parent, are the shellacs, varnish- es, clear lacquers, and stains. Through finishes such as these the basic surface will show. The opaque finishers' are those that cover with color, such as paint and enamel Paint is such a powerful pro- duct in that it not only supplies decoration but also protection for there is a large number of spec- | insolent. He just rolled over our ialty finishes for particular prob- [fly in the most graceful are you lems. You can purchase a coating [can imagine. He was so close that that is especially. satisfactory for | we could almost count his spots! porch floors; another that is des-|But did he take that fly? Not igned to cover canvas; there are|him. He just played with it, mou- special types for cement; and a|thed it, and let it go. About this variety of finishes for furniture, [time the rain started, and soon ete. You may find when you are |it was pelting down! And this old faced with what you think is a|baby seemed determined to get us unique problem that your dealer|a good soaking. By this time we has the answer in the form of a| were so exasperated that we did coating especially designed to|not notice the weather any more suit your purposes. in trying to make him strike. At) any rate, all we got was the soak- | ing of a lifetime--couldn't have been wetter if we'd dived in after him! You know the rest--those silv- r sides have haunted us ever ince. Come spring we'll have an- ther try at him, though. smart, and he'll be there. try again . . . and hope! Had our first peek at "Survival Perilous" the other day. This, you know, is the new film on the woodland caribou, the Royal Ontario Museum and The Carling Conservation Club. A GROCETERIA R. EI Harris, Prop. EXPLANATION The principal reason that there are so few good talkers in public is that there are so few thinkers in private. | HERE'S HEALTH "THERE'S SOMETHING IN MY EYE" 'When your pharmacist regretfully refuses to remove a foreign' body from-a person's eye he is upholding the ethical precepts of the profession of pharmacy. A person with a cinder in his eye presents a worrisome problem to your pharmacist. The cinder may be deeply imbedded. He realizes that attempts to remove it may cause damage which might have serious consequences, In this and in other requests involving surgical procedure your pharmacist does the ethical, professional thing--he refers the patient to a physician. Much as he would like to help, your pharmacist knows that it is not in his province to diagnose, to prescribe, to treat. These are a part of the practice of medicine. Your pharmacist's oe training has been in the vast field of drugs, their d the modern Int this field he. is keenly aware of FRA serious responsibilities both to the 1 and to the . He carries them out to the to munch, letter. -- Reprinted from a copyrighted ad: bublished by Parke; As source of iron in daily Davis & Company. ? ood, A requisite for good red THE RUSSELL DRUG CO Ee a PHONE 47 (Formerly Byers') OAKVILLE 'When making up the children's lunch Ma Fimble adds dried fruits Dopt. of National Health and Wellare A Today, the Canadian Army Reserve Force assumes a piace of i portance to Canada's freedom that is almost unparalleled in os history. In order that this country may take its rightful place among free nations of in the preservation of peace und freedom, Cana must be strong. Canada must make her Reserve Force strong! What makes him so valuable? The sea-ofter defies the rules of nature. From Newfoundland to British Columbia. Canada is calling me: from every walk of life -- men who are willing to devo:e pari of Furriers hold a high regard for the fur of the sea- their time to serving Canada otter. His pelt remains prime the whole year round. The pelts of most other fur-bearing animals usually undergo a change each spring and fall. Canada's need for more men in the Reserve Force was never greater. Visit the Regiment of your choice today and ger full deta about how jou can best serve your country during these critica! Conservation is essential if we are to go on enjoy- * 9 oy: times. Get complete information at your local Armoury noy ing the benefits of its fur. We can all have a part in conservation . . . and continue enjoying nature. YOURS TO PROTECT...YOURS TO ENJOY 9 CARLING THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO, ONTARIO Spare some Une foo C JOIN THE RESERVE a