Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 8 Mar 1951, p. 15

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Thursday, March 8, 1951 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL 5 Page 15 I "Equipped To Look After Your Towing Needs" | AL. JOHNSON 24-HOUR TOWING & ROAD SERVICE Anywhere -- Anytime TELEPHONES 783-J -- 783.w 71 Rebecca St. Oakville, Ont. Make cooking fun in '51! WITH THIS WONDERFUL FAMILY-SIZE FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR = Model MM-76 7.6 CUBIC FEET STORAGE SPACE $349.75 © Famous Meter-Miser , mechanism ¥ © Quickube Ice Trays NY © Super-Storage design © Rust-resistant shelves © All-porcelain twin Hydrators © All-porcelain Meat Storage Tray © A score of other big features! AND THIS AMAZING NEW 30-INCH, GIANT OVEN RIGIDAIRE RANGE ELECTRIC Model RM-35 $299.75 Without Cook-Master Oven 3 Clock Control $XXX 8 Biggest idea in ranges in years {8 Only 30 inches wide -- fits Hl smallest kitchens £8 Giant oven bakes six pies -- 35 18 1b. fowl [8 Automatic oven cooks meal while you're away ® Radiantube surface units Full width utensil drawer LOW DOWN COME IN NOW PAYMENT EASY TERMS Let us demonstrate these fine ORKVILLE HARDWARE DAILY DELIVERY 9 Colborne St. E. '| paying their fee. Write down the A GIRL GUIDES MRS. J. F. GRAYDON It was a great disappointment to the Guide Choir and its dir- ector, Captain Joyce Yarde, that they were compelled to cancel their entry in the Kiwanis Music Festival because the majority of the choir members were confined to their beds with flu. The choir had worked hard with several months of practise behind them and we are extremely sorry such an outcome was necessary. The Linbrook Brownie Pack held its first meeting on Friday afternoon at Linbrook School un- der the direction of Brown Owl Mrs. Bennett. Brownie awards made at the Thinking Day ceremony by Dist- rict Commissioner Mrs. McDowell were as follows: Golden' Bars-- Lexa Thompson, Paddy Gibson, Jennifer Young; Golden Hands-- Joy McLaughlin, Judy Richards, Carol Penman, Dixie Sullivan; Brownie Wings--Catherine Jaff- ray, Judy Richards, Carol Pen- man, Dixie Sullivan; Proficiency Badges--Pat McDowell (House Orderly), Mary Sutton (Toy- makers), Catherine Jaffray (Col- lectors). Third Guide Company received the following Brownies in the Flying Up Ceremony: Lillian Ho- warth, Barbara® Lawrence, Frances Arbon and Helefi Shand. Brownie going into Second Guide Company were: Judy Richards, Catherine Jaffray, Dixie Sullivan, Carol Penman, Elizabeth Esson and Barbara Thompson. Mary Sutton and Joy MecLaugh- lin were received into First Guide 'Company. Junior Humane Notes Next Humane Society will be held Sat- urday morning, March 17, in the gymnasium of Lusk Hall. But re- member to come, in the door on Randall St, NOT by way of the Lusk Hall entrance, Mr. Red Fos- meeting of thé Junior ter will be present to show a sports film. Your 1951 fee of ten cents is due, and a Humane Society book cover will be issued to all those date now. You may visit the shelter any day after four o'clock and take a Phone 290 dog out for a walk, [E Masculine Styling § other ranges 55.00 and 67.50 draped back, narrower hips and neater waist all add up to a vigorous, masculine look, an impression of tallness. Look over this new masculine styling as interpreted by Tip Top Tailors. Have your suit individually hand cut and perfectly tailored . . . at a cost lower than any other regular price for comparable quality. Make your selection now at BILL GRAMMELL'S Colborne St. E. (Opposite Loblaw's) exclusive dealer for TipTop Tailors for Spring ll The new trend in men's styling combines trim neatness and easy comfort. Less pad- ding, a straight MEN'S SHOP (Established 1920) Oakville 11-51 HIGH SCHOOL HIGHLIGHTS By Myke Dyer Looks Ifke I spoke too' soon regarding the basketball season. Last Friday night the seniors tackled the Saltfleet Semfors in an exhibition cage match. Guess what? The local hoopsters came out on top 46-30. Chic Sale, Ber- nie Hodgens, and Dave Pawson paced the team to thelr win be- fore a capacity crowd in the high school gym. On the other half of this double-header, the Oakville Grads took on Collingwood in the second of their two-game total- point series in the OABA series. Once again, the Oakville boys came through 53-44 to wrap up a position in the play-offs. Nice going teams!! 5 Next Friday at Saltfleet the juniors and seniors are playing exhibition games against the Salt- fleet boys. These should be very good games, and the Oakville ball- handlers are hoping for two more wins to wrap up the 1950-51 sea- son. If you have nothing to do next Friday night, no place to take the girl friend, why not take the drive over to Stoney Creek and see the teams in action. Today is black Thursday at OTHS. In case you didn't know, the Easter exams began to-day. The flu bug managed to delay these trials one week, but that reprieve has expired; so here we are again at exam time. Activi- ties are inclined to be slightly curbed for the next week or so, and news will be on the scarce side. As soon as these exams are ov- er, the Glee Club travels in to Toronto to Sing over radio sta- tion GJRTFM at the Ryerson nstitute of Technology (plug, plug). Should be a great show, so all you with FM sets, we advise you to turn your dial to 91.1 and tune in. In fact why not listen all the time. More plugs!! The student's council is being very secretive about the At Home Dance which should be coming up soon. But possibly after the ex- ams are over, some information about it, and if there is going to be one, and when, will be given out. I forgot to mention there was a dance after the basketball game last Friday. Big success, too. Time to.put the typewriter-back in 'hock this week, so come next Thursday we'll be back again With more from' the world of written exams. 0. K. TOELESS SHOES ONCE IN'A WHILE If a survey were taken of Can- adian feet, it would probably dis- close that women's feet are in better shape than men's, says a National Health Week message from the Canadian Shoe Informa- tion Bureau. Although a woman does like to dress up in a pair of ultra-stylish shoes, some of which are frivolous in appearance, she actually rests her feet more often than a man does by wearing a succession of shoes of different styles. "The same girl who flaunts a toeless, scooped-out shell on her feet in the evening, often wears a sensible, well-supported shoe to the office, goes shopping In relaxes in loose slip- the Bureau rele: = such a variety of foot- she not only makes her last longer, she. rests her fe "Only recently have most begun to enjoy similar benefits by changing their shoes day after day, both at work and at home, until they have to have them cobb- led. From a health standpoint a ected stock of shoes con- s not only sturdy brogues and shoes for busine; and evening wear, but cool, perforated shoes designed to encourage comfort in even the worst heat waves. ROBIN HOOD Cupid doesn't always shoot you with an arrow, Sometimes he sneaks up and stabs you in the back. Gorgeous Individuals!" SHOWING AT GREGORY THEATRE MON., TUES., WED. WHY IS IT? A bachelor never seems to get over the idea that he is a thing of beauty and a boy forever. Young and Old Now the youngsters have started it--bringing In ancient coins to the Journal office. Last week young Bobby Merry, sev- en-yearold son of Mr. and Mrs. WJ H. Merry, dropped in at the office with his mother and proudly exhibited four coins, three belonging to the eighteenth century. One was an Irish half- penny, dated 1728. Another, a small brass . piece, very well preserved, bore the stamp of George Ill, and date of 1772. German schillfng, whose date might have been 1705 or 1795. The fourth coin was silver, of paper thinness, and bore what seemed to be a Turkish inscrip- tion. Bobby has many more old coins at home, he says. OBITUARY MRS. HERBERT LEAVER Mrs. Herbert Leaver, wife of Herbert Leaver, Lower Middle Road East, died at her home Fri- day Morning following a three years' illness. She was 64. A na- tive of Rodney, Ont. Mrs. Leaver had lived in this district since her marriage. She attended St. John's United Church, and latterly Sher idan United Church. Besides her husband she leaves a brother, Duncan Patterson, Rodney. The funeral was held Monday after- noon from the funeral chapel of S. S. Russell and Son to Oak ville Cemetery. Rev. J. W. Stew- art, Trafalgar Circuit, officiated. AND RESTAURANT PADS NUFReTURED wo JOHN DICKINSON & CoO. (CANADA). LIMITED OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL PHONE 1298 TRAFALGAR MOTORS LTD. HOME OF SELECTED USED CARS BUY WITH CONFIDENCE TxoaE wa EVERY CAR CHECKED FROM BUMPER TO BUMPER hE saa We have everything from a MODEL T to a CADILLAC SEDAN TRADES ACCEPTED - PAINLESS PAYMENTS PHONE 125-6 OAKVILLE Colborne St. East at Navy GABARDINE SUITS - . Like a breath of spring freshness all sizes $29.95 SHORTY COATS $24.95 $29.95 SKIRTS . . Plaids, Flannels, Gab- ardines . . . all colours . . . all sizes. $5.00 "$9.95 AFTERNOON DRESSES Navy and White TRON §(12 95 Town Togs PHONE 1500 Colborne Street, Oakville -- Next to Loblaw's MARCH 12-13-14

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