Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 15 Mar 1951, p. 10

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it i Page 10 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR' JOURNAL QUT OF THE PAN Mass. motori through A Worcester excuse for zooming city was that he to pla the was in a hurry a bet on a horse race, IS MUD YOUR PROBLEM? "= CHURCH NEWS =] ST. ANDREW'S Father J. Kirby Week and Baster Sunday her Kirby will conduct Holy servie- ST. JUDE'S Rev. F. G. Jackson Archdeacon R. C. Blagrave of Hamilton will be the preacher at MUSIC ALBUM BY IRVEN FELL The Kiwanis Festival is over. It was estimated that 18,000 peo- ple took part either as individual contestants or in groups, that is e follows: Mass, | the Sunday evening service at St |cnojrs, bands, - orchestras and 7.30 am; Good Mass of | Jude's.' Holy Week services Will | ajar ensembles. satan Way be as follows: Holy Comunion, | "5 5% SSE g Sl a Thursday, 10 am, Wednesday; 1% of the Cross, 3 pm.; followed by concentrating on music at one sermon and veneration of the Bening DIATEY and LE time. It means more than just ross. Saturday, Blessing of the [730 am. Monday, Tuesday and, "you went to the festival and Pascal Lights and Easter Water, 7.30 am, followed by reading of the Prophecies; Easter Sunday, Low Mass, 8.30 am.; High Mass 10.30 a.m. with special music by the choir followed by benedictions; confessions, Wednesday, Thurs- day and Friday evenings, 7.30 THEN 2a HERE'S i SOLUTION G L A S S ALL WEATHER i A bituminous concrete pave- ment is the economical an- G LA Zl N G swer to your drive way problem. It is engineered to give you durability and ap- pearance at low cost. ASPHALT All-Weather Asphalt pave- ment is hard surfaced, smooth and is designed to order for driveways, parking areas, service stations and industrial yards. MIX A representative qualified to answer your questions and to estimate your job can call on you promptly with- out obligation--just tele- phone Oakville 772 All-Weather Asphalt Mix Ltd. Plant & Yard Office MALTON, ONT. Phone Brampton 191-W-4 Business Office OAKVILLE, ONT. Phone 772 P. J. COWAN, Mgr. We pick up your sash, glaze and paint it. Phone us for free estimates. We also specialize in grinding glass table tops. WE CARRY A FINE ASSORTMENT OF PLATE GLASS MIRRORS daily at 8 p.m.; Good Friday, Mat- tins 8 a.m; Litany and Ante Com- munion, 11 am, Rev. J. A. M. Bell, preacher; 23 p.m. one-hour devotions on Christ's Passion; 8 Cross" will be presented by the choir at Sunday evening's service. Rev. Mr. Rawson will conduct a Good Friday service at 10.30 Good Friday morming. All members of the congregation are urged to at- tend. The Easter Sunday morn- ing service will be lat 1la.m. In the evening a Passion play depic- ting characters and events of the week of the Crucifixion and Res- urrection will be presented by a group of 'men and women of the congregation. An extended plat- form will be erected for the play, which will commence at 7 o'clock. Mr. Pawson will conduct the in- troduction. There will be a confirmation seryice this coming Sunday morn- ing, when fifteen young people from the Minister's Communi cants' class will be received into membership of the church by Mr. Pawson. An Easter Thankoffering meet- ing of the W.M.S. Evening Auxil jary was held Monday evening, when the speaker was Rey. Char- les Hackett. Members of the Af ternoon Auxiliary met on Tues- day afternoon, and were address- ed by Mrs. Gordon DeCoursey. New members will be received by the minister at a Communion service on Sunday morning, April 1. The Men's Club is holding its monthly supper meeting this eve- ning. The speaker is C. B. Flem- ington, of the Toronto Credit Bureau. KNOX Rev. C. K. Nicoll JAS. BLAIR Morden Road - Oakville Telephone 1590-W Monument built of enduring granite or A marble symbolic in design and reverent in purpo: to the living . . . Oakville Monu 90 COLBORNE ST. W. The Memorial Ideal in surroundings of peace and beauty, a tribute of respect and honor to the dead, a constant source of inspiration Cemetery Lettering--Monuments Cleaned se, resting ment Works OAKVILLE Now is the time to spre: gardening time too -- a rains will help. MILORGANITE ~ 100 Pounds 50 Pounds 25 Pounds VIGORO 100 Pounds 50 Pounds 25 Pounds SHEEP MANURE 25 Pounds 10 Pounds. ... . WE DELIVER COLBORNE ST. EAST want a beautiful lawn this year. GARDEN FERTILIZERS HALTON HARDWARE ad your fertilizer if you It will soon be ct now so that spring - $1.75 - PHONE 983 Rev. C. K. Nicoll, the minister, sang or played their -piece and came away with or without a prize: It also means that for weeks ahead of the festival these peo- ple were practising for it. pm, Lenten Cantata; Children's : feo i is t 11| Naturally there will be some Cesadniitatn tie who were disappointed. You know SN , the old saying about everybody ST. JOHN'S being out of step except our Rav. Harry Pawson Johnny. Quite true. It is some- "The Seven Words from the timo very hard to understand some of the decisions of the ad- judicators. The Kiwanis Festival provides top notch adjudicators, men who are experts in their dif- ferent fields of music. Expense Is not spared to bring the best to judge and advise the contestants on their weak points or which is also important, to encourage ev- en the best to greater things. Another feature is that approx- imately $5,000 in cash awards and scholarships were distributed and it is quite safe to say 'that all of this will be turned back into fur- ther musical study. It was distrib- uted amongst 41 soloists, either vocal or instrumental and choirs and bands. The money won by choirs and bands will most likely be spent on new music, which will create a new experience for them in studying the music. Peo- ple haye no idea how much money is spent on music. For a choir of 40 or 50 voices, $50.00 or $100 does. not go very far. { Many artists have been given their start at festivals. It is en- couraging to be recognized, and spurs the winner on to greater things. By the same token it can be very discouraging to those who lose, depending of course on how serious they are about their mus- ic. There is always a new crop of talent coming up. Those who did not win this year may try again, but even if they do not, there will be lots of others. I don't think it is an exaggeration to say that during, the 9 or 10; years of the Kiwanis Festival there have been close to 150,000 contestants. Ac- cording to reports, the adjudica- will conduct a Communion ser- vice at 11 am. this coming Sun- day. Tn the evening he will take as the subject of his sermon; "Sayest thou this thing of thy- self, or did others tell it thee of Me?" A Holy Week service will be held in the church on Wednesday evening at 8 O'clock. The Good Friday service will be at 10.30 am, and there will be special morning and evening services on Easter Sunday. The Evening Auxillary held a meeting at the home of Miss Em- ily Farr Tuesday evening. The last of the Lenten teas of the Ladies' Aid is being held in the church hall this afternoon from 3 to 5 p.m. CALVARY BAPTIST Rev. A. A. Stoll Rev. Robert Snyder of Bronte Baptist Church will preach at Sunday mornings service. The pastor, Rey. Mr. Stoll, will be the preacher in the evening, when ion group was in charge of the Young People's meeting Monday: evening. Miss Irene Kenyon of the Zen- ana Medical and Bible Mission of. India, addressed the WMS annual meeting last evening, showing motion pictures of mission work in India. Tomorrow evening's prayer meeting will be at the home of Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Hancock, 44 Dundas St. N. WALTON MEMORIAL REV. W. T. DELVE Rev. W. T. Delve, the pastor, will conduct the 7 p.m. service at Walton Memorial United Church on Sunday. Following the ser- vice there will be a fireside hour. in the basement, with slides, re- freshments, and songs by a quar- tette. There will be a teachers meeting this evening at 7 p.m. and a Young People's meeting on Monday at 8 p.m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE "Substance" is the subject of the lesson sermon of the church service of the Christian Science Society on Sundary, March 18th. The Golden text is "The Glory of the Lord shall endure for ever and the Lord shall rejoice in his works." (Psalms 104: 31) EPIPHANY Canon D. R. Smith Holy Communion will be cele- brated Sunday at 10 am. The Rev. G. B. Moffatt of Lorne Park will officiate at 7 p.m. The Afternoon Branch of the W.A. met Tuesday in the Parish Hall. The flowers on the Altar were given by Mr. and Mrs. Richard cottage OAKVILLE tors who were brought from Eng- land the adjudicators who were brought from England will go' back with great stories about music in Canada. Indeed one of them is going to make it a sub- ject of broadcast over the BBC. A thing which should be given consideration now, is what is Canada prepared to offer these artists in the way of living in their chosen field. It is a big pro- ST. LUKE'S Canon D. R. Smith The. flowers on the Altar were given in memory of Mr. and Mrs. Langtry by their daughter Mrs. ord Rogers. The evening branch of the W.A. will meet at the home of Mrs. Rumery Monday at 8 p.m. BRONTE BAPTIST REV. ROBERT SNYDER his sermon Sunday evening, Robert Snyder pointed out In Rev. i A : that while = the Jews require a M : a ] h LE pr Morrtson, ETorentod] Si 0 the' Greeks! sock after Mrs. Charles Hancock's miss-| Wisdom, all that God asks of Christians is that they take Christ as their Saviour. Wednesday evening's cottage prayer meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Herbert Shaw, Sta- tion Road. The Young People's meeting is at 7.30 this evening. Sunday school will be at 10.30 a.m. Sunday, prayer meeting at 6.30 p.m. and Gospel seryice at p.m. OBITUARY THOMAS MARSHALL Thomas Marshall, Dunnville, father of Thomas H. Marshall, Second Street, died at his home on Saturday following a brief illness. Member of a ploneer family of the Dunnville district, Mr. Marshall was in his 87th year. He graduat- ed from the University of Toron- to, and fought in the Riel Rebel- lion in 1885. He was a former Liberal Member of Parliament for West Lincoln, and was Ontario organizer of the Liberal: party in 1926. He was also a' leading Ma- son, being at one time Grand Registrar of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, For many years he op- erated a hardware business in Dunnville. He was an elder of Knox Presbyterian Church. Besides his son in Oakville he leaves a son, Robert, of Dunnville, and two daughters, Helen Dunnville and Margaret of Toronto, There are lem, but if we are to retain them in Canada something will have to be done. Most of them, as they get to the professional stage mi- grate to the USA where the fields are greener. |° Can't blame them much. Winner of the Week If G. A. Barrett, 120 Randall St. ill call in at Lofquist Record wo he will be presented with a red seal record with the 'compli: ments of the Journal. Thursday, [CLT] PHO March 15, 1 Eo MANUFACTURED JOHN DICKINSON & ¢0. 7 7 also two grandchildren, Robina and Thomas C., of Oakville. The AND funeral took place in Dunnville on Tuesday. RESTAURANT PADS BY A) LIMITED OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL NE 1298 Gptometrist 163 Colborne Street Daily 9.00 to 5.30 Sat. Carsten Glahn R.O. - Optician -- TELEPHONE 1375 -- OFFICE HOURS Evenings 9.00 to 12.30 Mon. and Thurs. 7 to 8 Or By Appointment Oakville . ONE FIFTY-THOUSANDTH OF AN OUNCE In these days of precise ly fine tol are pl Mack practice allows for errors of but one ten-thousandth of an inch. Your pharmacist, however, is often required to measure doses as infinitesimal as one fifty-thousandth of an ounce . . . or even less. He must weigh amounts so minute that they could easily be placed on the head of a pin. ine sh 1 Ifyour 0 ds for youar atropine sulfate the usual dose is 0.00001736 apothecaries' ounce! Scopolamine, strychnine and colchicine are among other drugs that are likewise employed in exceedingly small doses. Your ph these amounts with accuracy because long and rigid scientific training has accustomed him to Quality & Service! working with delicacy.-- Reprinted from a ighted. Scade' s Groc ery advertisement published by Parke, Davis & Company. (Bill Scade) Dundas & Division Sts. i THE RUSSELL DRUG (HI) Delivery: Phone 505 L] PHONE 47. , (Formerly Byers') OAKVILLE YOURS TO Cross in memory of their par ents, Has he any wool? No. The mountairi sheep is one member of the sheep family that has no wool. The heavy fleece which identifies common sheep is not a feature of the mountain sheep. His hide closely resembles the pelt of a deer. This advertisement is one in a series to acquaint You with oddities m nature. We all enjoy nature «++ We can all help conserve it. PROTECT...YOURS TO ENJOY CARLING'S = THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATIRLOO, ONTARIO 2

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