U1) PHONE 1786 exact clue to the nature of your illness. Quinine, for example--long known for its qualities in combatting dreaded malaria--has frequently been prescribed in treating other conditions. Then, too, some drugs are known to counteract specific symptoms only, while the same symptoms may be observed in more than one type of illness. The doctor who examined you and diagnosed your condition will have given you all the necessary information. It is not within the pharmacist's province to diagnose illness. His is the task of preparing the prescribed medication in a manner that will be the most effective. His scientific training enables him to overcome chemical or physical incompatibilities that may present themselves in a mixture of various ingredients. Your pharmacist's skill makes sure that each dose of the finished product will contain the exact amount of the drugs your doctor intends you to have.-- Reprinted from a H published by Parke, Daris & Company. THE RUSSELL DRUG CO. (Formerly Byers') PROMPT DELIVERY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. OAKVILLE April 1 Thursday, April 12, 1951 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 13 . . Everybody Reads Classifieds Recreation Comm. LEISURE LEV Y FOR 1951 ; (Continued from Page 9) OAKVILLE RECREATION COMMISSION 'ON P AGE EIGHT ceived for positions of playground and day camp supervisors and as- Prapused Bidgetifan 1851 * sistants. rh It was announced at the meet Playground Leaders, 8 at $17.50, 8 weeks 1120.00 ing that a grant of $6,000 for the Day Camp Leaders, 8 at $17.50, 8 weeks 1120.00 year 1951 had been received by = eat the Commission from the town of A En on Oakville. Warren Hitichcox and Day Camp Director 200.00 | Douglas Collins of the Oakville RartTimejiHielp 0.00 Model Airplane Club appeared be- Minor Coaching 500.00 fore the commission and requested Travelling ...... 300.00 that thé club be affiliated with Victoria Hall, Rent 500.00 Te Eo Le o Li Conferences and Training Courses 325.00 'essed e importance of the ici i Model club in curbing juvenile i sad Eu delinquency and preparing youths o ; for the Afr Force. The members postu 5050 of the commission agreed to this Hydro, 250.00 request. An 'effort will be made Office supplies and equpiment 200.00 to secure a site in town, possibly General Maintenance ....... 250.00 Trafalgar Park, for the club's Playground, Day Camp and Crafts 500.00 activities. Special Events 100.00 A constitution for the commis- Basketball 100.00 sion will be formed, it was decid- Rugby 100.00 ed, and Raph Sturrup was ap. Archery 75.00 pointed to assist Ted Kennedy in its preparation. A publicity com: oe ancing mittee was appointed consisting boty Ly of Ralph Sturrup, chairman, Ted Softball Eo Kennedy and Mrs. Nichols, secre: Badminton gee tary. Lachlan McArthur was nam- Affiliation fees 100.00 4 ed chairman of a committee to Miscellaneous 66 200.00 - y ys | deal with legal matters. Mr. Ken- Deficit for the year 1950 328.02 WHAT'S THIS PRESCRIPTION FOR? nedy informed the commission Total estimated expense $11,593.02 ; B that new equipment would be ad- Tee When you ask your pharmacist to tell you, on the basis of your pre= | ded to the various playgrounds in scription, what your illness i, you ask him a question to which you should | the near future, 'and that volley ER not expect an answer. ball was being started among the Town of Oakville $3000.00 Many important drugs prove useful in a variety of diseases. The use | Central school girls. The Com: RR Re of a certain drug in your prescription may not serve, therefore, as an' | Tission granted Mr. Kenmedy a Donations, ete, Fiouno perioa of holiday. leave, starting Total estimated revenue $11,600.00 STORY OF THE CENSUS (This is the third of four articles dealing with the Canadian census, which takes place this year. The concluding article will ap- pear in next week's Journal.) The organization by which this far-flung investigation ig carried out and its results reduced to comprehensible and usable form fs, necessarily, a large one. Its nucleus exists in a small per- manent staff constituting one of the branches of the Bureau of Statistics. This branch maintains connection between census and census, so that experience is con- tinuous and cumulative. This or- ion has been for census by the creation of a Census Executive Committee, in- to which have been drawn other senior officers of the Bureau with appropriate administrative or technical skills, besides those of the Bureaws Demography (Cen- sus) Division. In planning the field work the country is first divided into "census districts," each of which is placed in charge of a census i The districts are the planning of the forthcoming ------ | own person: or match a you ey Jina lain, or two contrasting colours. Tip Top Tailors will hand' cut and tailor your selections to your measurements and taste to give you a sports wardrobe that is, in every respect, individually yours. Jacket and Skirt $49.50 and up Slacks and Vest $22.00 and up BILL GRAMMELL'S MEN'S SHOP (Established 1920) Colborne St., Oakville (Opposite Loblaws) exclusive dealer for ip [op Tailors then divided into "sub-districts," varying in population from 600 to 800 in rural localities, and from 1000 to 1500 in urban. The sub- district is the territory allotted to a census enumerator, Who con- ducts the house to. house and farm to farm canvass, and who is usually the only census official with whom the public comes dir- ectly in contact. Altogether the census of 1951 will employ 262 commissioners and probably 18, 000 enumerators. The commission- ers are appointed by the Minister, and instructed by an officer of the Bureau; the enumerators are appointed and instructed by the commissioners and field super- visors, who must also check and vouch for all the enumerators' re- turns before the latter are for- warded to Ottawa. All field of- ficers are paid for the most part on a "plece" basis, ie. according to the population, farms, etc, enumerated. All are required to pass a practical test in the work before appointment. For a Census that covers half a continent, embracing the most var- ied conditions of nature and set- tlement, uniformity of plan is clearly impossible. For remote regions such as New Quebec, La- brador, the northern portions of the Prairie Provinces and the Eastern Arctic, the census will be taken by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, or by officials of the Indian Affairs Branch of the Citizenship and Immigration Department and the Northen Ad- ministrations of the Dept. of Re- sources and Development. Even in less diftant regions, pack trains must be organized, boats charter- ed and other special means em- ployed to epsure that mo section of the country escapes enumera- tion. Aeroplanes may have to be used in some districts. For the compilation of the cen- sug a considerable extra staff will be required in Ottawa and the Regional Offices located In St. John's, Halifax, Montreal, Toron- to, Winnipeg and Vancouver. Cen- sus compilation and tabulation is an elaborate and detailed process which would take much space to describe. An interesting feature is he use of machinery in compiling and analyzing the returns. The method is very briefly as follows: The several facts obtained for each individual are punched on a specially designed card, the per- forations showing by their location the exact information obtained at the" Census. The cards are then sorted and otherwise manipulated by machines which count and re- \ cord various combinations of data as required, according to the per- forations on the cards. For ex- ample, should it be desired to know the number of, say, civil engineers, of Canadian citizenship between the ages of 21 and 50, in the province of Ontario, the machines will fick out and count the cards in a few operations. Im- proved machines have greatly' increased the scope and accuracy of the information derivable from the Census, and have speeded up the processing. GYMNASTS, the classifieds! Everybody Reads Classifieds piling up all their problems at once, consult the classifieds -- those interesting type pages that have all the answers. with intense readership -- insert your Oakville-Trafalgar Journal TELEPHONE 1298 small- Team up message In ROP IN...SEE.. DRIVE THE RUSTIN... WITH THE MONEY YOU SAVE IN FUEL ECONOMY YOU'LL HAVE EXTRA MONEY FOR YOUR VACATION LATER ON. DROP IN TO-DAY . .. SEE THIS POPULAR CAR THAT IS GIVING THOUSANDS OF CANADIAN MOTORISTS CARE-FREE, ECONOMICAL MOTORING. SERVICE CENTR | CLARK COLBORNE ST. W. AT CHISHOLM PHONE 1031-W . AUSTIN SALES AND SERVICE | i | |