951 -- Craw- entra| elf at entury [i ok, he | admit. ournal, ! torists r that 0 here -- ER BY 80 King St. W.--Toronto 'Thursday, April 12, 1951 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 15 eee Complete Investment Service on all Exchanges BONDS STOCKS MACRAE AND COMPANY Investment Dealers PHONE: EM 4-3374 FROM YOUR COLOR COUNSELOR SUNLEY-- The in Are Coming! It: you are planning extensive redecoration this spring, you pro- bably have been foresighted enough to line up the painting and decorating contractor of your choice. Even before he arrives to give you an estimate on the work you want done, there are many decisions you must make. How many coats of paint will you want, and where; , what shelves, clos- ets, cupboards are to be dome in- side and out; type of paint you want applied; and the amount of preparation of the surface that will be expected. If you can present all these de- Dad's Paint-Up campaign! Dad's on a "brighten-up" bee, an annual performance that plays to an admiring audience of neighbors and youngsters s5s with "backstage" coaching by Friend Wife, Painting the house each Spring is a rewarding job that provides healthy exercise and fresh air : : ; and welcome relaxation from the world's worries. BRADING BREWERIES LIMITED | n2s ® OTTAWA AND WINDSOR talls of the work you want done, and- exactly how you want it done, it will make it easier for the contractor to give you a fair estimate. Also, It will eliminate any basis for later disagreement as to scope of responsibility. If you are asking for bids from more than one contractor, the exactness of 'the details will as- sure you that both are quoting on precisely the same amount of work, If you can get a bid on each room separately, so much the better, as you may decide that Financial consideration make it wise to postpone until autumn some of the redecorating you had hoped to do at this time. When you receive estimates from sev- eral contractors, it isn't necessar- ily wise to give the job to the lowest bidder. Another may give better satisfaction. Find out from the contractor the amount of wallpaper you will require so that you can purchase It immediately. Try to get a def- inite date when the workers will arrive and hope the weather will be mild enough so that you can have the windows open, not only to let 'out painting odors but to allow in air that will aid the fin- ish in drying. Too cool air will not do this. Plan a sequence in which you want the rooms done. Plan an over-all color scheme too. Of course, you'll want as complete a change of colors as possible, keep- ing in mind the furnishings in your room that will remain con- stant. It is impossible to precisely des- cribe a certain tint or tone in words, so have good-sized sam- ples of the colors you want in each room. Give definite instruc- tions not only about the wall hues you choose, but about the trim and celings in each rodm. When the painter starts to mix the colors as he will doubtless do from a white base, be right there! This is an important moment and you are the only one who can guide him, When you feel that he has mixed a color that approximates your choice closely, have him paint a fairsized sample, at least two feet square, on the wall. Have a good look at it, and be sure it's right before he starts to work on the whole room. If finances allow, plan on two coats of paint, both the same. This not only gives better hiding (at not much more cost) but gives you an opportunity to see the col- or you have chosen in the whole room under daylight and artificial light. You may decide that you would like the color slightly gray- ed, slightly lighter, or slightly deeper and this the painter can readily do. The decorators will doubtless glve you a couple of days warning. before they actually swarm in with all the appurtenances of their trade, ladders, dropcloths, pails, brushes, etc. These couple of days gives you an opportunity to do little jobs that will save the painter time, and therefore your money. A good painter will, be- fore starting work, remove all hardware such as light switches, door fiandles, keyhole guards, win- dow handles and catches, glass push plates on swinging doors, ahd this you can do with a screw- driver. A handy husband may un- dertake to fill up cracks in a fur- ther effort to save the painters time. Remember too, that pain- ters are not. necessarily furniture movers and you should remove from the rooms to be attacked those pieces of furniture that are readily moveable. The rest should Dé put in the middle of the room and covered. Empty closets and shelves. A final word when they've gone, be sure that the coatings are dry before hanging curtains, return- ing goods to shelves and clothes to closets. DEVELOPMENT If marriage is a gamble, It's clear to every spouse The game may move on quickly From a pair onto full house! Formerly with T. Eaton & Co. and Ryrie Birks. All repairs done in Oakville, located in Mc- Dermott's, Opp. Bank of Toronto A. MARCHAND C. P AND T. FUND ODD FELLOWS AND REBEKAHS Presenting EMPIRE MINSTREL AND VARIETY SHOW Oakville-Trafdlgar High School Auditorium FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1951 Doors Open at 8 p.m: Entire Proceeds for Cancer Polio and Tuberculosis "Fund W. S. DAVIS & SON REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE MORTGAGES * \ W. E. DAVIS R. C. A. CUMBERLAND 71 Colborne St., Oakville : : Phone 41 Evenings and Holidays Phone 1371-M Carsten Glahn R.O. Optometrist - 163 Colborne Street -- TELEPHONE 1375 -- OFFICE HOURS .. 9.00 to 5.30 Evenings 9.00 to 12.30 Mon. and Thurs. 7 to 8 Or By Appointment Optician Oakville Daily Sat. The Memorial Ideal A Monument built of enduring granite or marble symbolic in design and reverent in purpose, resting in surroundings of peace and beauty, a tribute of respect and honor to the" dead, a constant source of thE to the living . . . Oakville Monument Works Cemetery Lettering--Monuments Cleaned 90 COLBORNE ST. W. OAKVILLE ToSpeed Your Drugs...9a.m. to 9p.m. Your Prescription on Drugs phone. are as close as your tele- Call 1786 and we will deliver promptly becalise we have a driver available from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. IN ORDER TO GIVE OUR CUSTOMERS EVEN BETTER SERVICE ON THEIR TELEPHONE AND DELIVERY ORDERS WE HAVE INSTALLED ADDITIONAL TELEPHONE LINES. THESE ADDITIONAL LINES REQUIRED AN ENTIRELY NEW * SERIES OF TELEPHONE NUMBERS . . . | our New NumBer is 1786 | REMEMBER FOR THE BEST IN DRUGS AND SERVICE CALL RUSSELL'S 1786 Russell's Drug Store FIRST IN QUALITY Prompt Delivery from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Colborne St. E. Phone 1786