THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, April 12, 1951 INSURANCE ELECTRICAL T. S. H. GILES INDUSTRIAL Real Estate and Insurance EEL OE 189 Colborne Street Hast 0} i Oakville - - - Phone 632 | ELECTRICAL SERV 19 Melinda St. BROWN ELECTRIC Toronto - - - Adelaide 2761] i mile Evenings - - - Oakville 712 TS GENERAL INSURANCE H. S. THORNTON Phone 874 Lakeshore West, Oakville A. F. BERRILL "Oakville's Active Broker" Real Estate and Business "BILL ANDERSON Dunn St. North - Gord Brown Oakville L. F. CLEMENT HOME ELECTRIC The Cook Book Thre POPO RETURNS BY HERBERT C. MERRY CHAPTER 9 The jolly old sun had gone to bed at last. All day long he'd sent his hottest rays down onto us, until we were nearly scorched. RADIO - APPLIANCES |During the afternoon it got so Sales & Service hot, I thought we would be roast- Phone 521-M ed almost to death, but we sur- vived. It was pleasing now to en- joy the cool of the evening. We had eaten our supper out- side in the sunken garden where Broker AUTHORIZED FRIGIDAIRE |the odd little breeze fanned us Insurance DEALER gently == it found 165 way fo us i : | trom the river or from some oth- Oakville, Ont, Phone 1233 |Commercial Sales & Service|" co where it may hve been Livingston Stoker hiding all day. It was nice just to PROFESSIONAL and Oil Burner Units sit quietly and listen to the birds Service & Installation of allfas they rustled around in sthe CARSTEN GLAHN, R.O. akes WORK GUARANTEED OPTOMERIST - OPTICIAN PHONE 1441 forth to one another and made Sra Eh 16 THOMAS ST. N. comforting little noises as they ervices sential to eye prepared to go to sleep for the| «yes to be sure!" said Fudgee ehTe GENERAL ELECTRIC night. as she gtarted to bark. HOURS: Daily 9.00 to 5.30 ~ Sat. 9.00 to 12.30 Mon. & Thurs. eve. 7.00-8.00 A. C. PE 163 COLBORNE ST. E. 94 Maple Ave, Phone 1544 Oakville PHONE 1375 Oil Burners : Commercial Refrigeration Sales & Installation WILLIAM C. MILLIGAN, R.O. Optometrist * 69A Colborne St., (Over the Bank of Commerce) Professional eye examination & prescription services, ORVILLE NEAL Domestic & Commercial ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Fixtures, Ranges, Tanks 37 STEWART ST. W. Phone 1005-R TELEPHONE 1507 Closed All Day Wednesday HOURS: Daily 9.30 a.m.-5.30 p.m. Thursday evening 7.00-8.00 p.m.| Your Furnace is as good as your service man them or by appointment OAKVILLE ANIMAL CLINIC W. A. CAMPBELL, D.V.M. BROCKWAY'S SALES AND SERVICE ELECTRIC SERVICE MEN Completely Automatic 24-Hour Service FOR QUALITY SERVICE CALL BRONTE 168-M G. K. PECK, D.V.M. Maurice Dr. Phone 452W ROOFING If No Answer Call 2177 OFFICE HOURS 1 to 3 -- 7 to 9 Sunday & Other Hours By Appointment CHIROPRACTOR L. E. MACDOUGALL, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Insul-Bric siding & Asbetos siding NICHOL'S ROOFING New roofs & Old roofs applied Insulation Materials Baves Troughing Materials supplied & sold Peter P. Nichols New Phone 2544 Burlington Oakville 1445 88 CLARKE AVE., BURLINGTON ities a) (Estimates Given) saturday: 9.00-12.30 ¥ Mon. & Thurs. Evening 7-9 NURSERIES Closed All Day Wednesday ROBT. NIELSEN 61 A COLBORNE ST. NURSERIES OAKVILLE TELEPHONE 146 Garten a Tandseape OSTEOPATH TREKS Ennuns -- ROSES CARLTON GREEN Wetarow ~ Design -\Fiant : Osteopath nef. 53 Divi She yy p nl a y "Phone 826 x LINBROOK NURSERIES Hvenings, Wednesday After- Growers of noon, Saturday and Sunday. High Quality Nursery Stock Designers of Fine Gardens -- Contracting -- BARRISTERS EIGHTH LINE N. Phone 137J ANGUS McMILLAN OAKVILLE NURSERIES Earrister™ Solleltor: Evergreens, Shrubs, Bedding Plants Notary Public 107 Colborne Street East Telephone Oakville 582 ROSS RYRIE i Barrister - Solicitor k Notary Public 61-A Coiborne St. East Telephones Office 65: Residence 1487-w D. A. McCONACHIE Barrister, - Solicitor Notary Public 1 Reynolds St. N.. Telephone Oasville 1804 JOHN F. ISARD Barrister -- Solicitor. Notary Public Successor to W. N. Robinson, K.C. 142 Colborne St. East Phones: Bus. 15 : Res. 216 Landscaping -- Fruits Lakeshore Highway W. Phonte Bronte 56W WM. SEALE Custom Tractor Work Wood Sawing, Plowing, Discing, Etc. - Phone 224-W REPAIRS To all types of commercial and domestic refrigerators NN watched for a the meal was over; they sunken garden. so hard that she couldn't another step. She curled up here for one of her many pup-maps. During the heat of the day we had kept all the dogs in out of the sun, fed them little and given of cold water to drink. Now they too were enjoy- virginia creeper vine on the end of the house. They called back and Patsy and Fudgee were stretch- ed out full length near the sup- per table. Usually they sat up and tid-bit even after but tonight, pla of her pups. The third one, Dusty, was curled up sound asleep in the crevice of a large rockery stone which nestled on the side of the She had played plenty ing the cool of the evening. Jackadoo the Parakeet was with us. We had brought him out in his glass and chrome cage and hung it on a low hanging limb of the old apple tree. One glass bar on of the cage had been broken, Td stuffed an old leather glove into the opening so he could not get out. We often let him out|all night. but never out: the top in the sun room, side. "I hear some one coming," Pat- sy said as she suddenly sat up. move ee Co I umn e, Entitled: "Whoever it is, Is coming over the gateway," Popo added as she stopped the pup-game and looked up the drive. "Not over the gateway, Popo, but through the gateway, you silly thing!" corrected Fudgee. "People don't come over a gate. Don't you know that?" "No, I don't know -that, How would you expect me to know? Dogs come under gates, don't thhey?" Pokee asked. It was our friend Chame arriv- ing for a visit with us. All the dogs barked. Jackadoo fluttered against the glass sides of his cage, and we walked up the stone steps to meet her. It was pleasant to walk through the garden and see the flowers perking up after the day's heat was over. The hose pipes were busy sprinkling the plants and grass. fo Patsy and Fudgee followed us as we showed Chame around, but Pokee continued to tire her pup- pieg out so they would sleep well She was still feeding them a little. They ate Pablum and kibble and gnawed on puppy. biscuits. When we returned from our garden inspection to sit for a BOARDING KENNELS while and chat, we noticed that Jackadoo's cage was empty. He DEERHAVEN (B. K. Snider) Upper Middle Rd. Clipping, Defleaing, Washing, 'Worming Special - Attention To Dogs In Season All Animals Exercised BOARDING. KENNELS REG'D. had pulled the old glove into the cage and escaped through the hole. 'Well, mosquitos' eyelids!" Patsy burst out. "He's flew the coop, for sure he has." "He ain't there, he's went." rected Dribbi. "Yes, of course," BUILDING ee. "Anyone can CHAS. WATT Local Representative J. Cooke Limited CONCRETE BLOCKS Aldershot, Ont. Phone 386J Building Contractors Concrete - Masonry Blockwork 1578W - OAKVILLE TORONTO - PLaza 5491 TURNBULL & HOLDRIDGE - 903 been swiped!" asperated tone. Jackadoo, and 3 look for him." "I know he wasn't in a stable, much better. You go look for him getting quite early." as she ran a "Oh yes, yes," joined in Pokee.|he "He's not there, he's gone" cor- went on Pok- see that. The stable door's open. The bird has "Oh Po!" said Fudgee in an ex- "No one stole besides he wasn't in a stable. T think we'd better go snapped back Pokee. "But it sounds "She's nuts!" mumbled Fudgee, down the lawn in Squire ( IT WOULDN" BY MAX TRELL "Well," said Squire Squirrel to (Knarf and Hanid, the shadow- children with the turned about names, "it wouldn't be long "now before they all come back." Squire was sitting at the bot: tom of the Maple tree by the gar- den wall, leaning against the trunk. It, was a rainy April day. There wasn't a single leaf on the tree. It was brown, and bare, and disinal looking. But Squire Squirrel was smil- ing as he turned around and looked up into the empty branch- es of the tree. "They'll all be coming back' to their old homes," he said. "Who will, Squire?" asked Han- id. 1y boarders. The folks Who live in my tree for the spring and summer and autumn" "The robins?' said Knarf. The Birds Squire nodded. "The robins, robins, the wrens, the thrushes and all the. other birds. Also' the caterpillars, Also now and then the cat. Well," le said, suddenly getting up, "I'd better be starting to. do my spring cleaning." "My goodness," said Hanid, "do you have to clean this whole tree?" "Certainly. What's so supris- ing about that. Don't people clean their whole houses?" among the little trees in the ever- green nursery at the far end of the garden, thinking we might find him there. Fudgee practically flew out at us screaming, "I saw. the bird, I saw the bird," and. dis- appeared again. We searched until dark for our little feathered friend, but alas, ho sign of him. An electric light extension cord was brought from the house and a small sized bulb hung in his cage. "We hoped by. this means to attract him back to his deserted home as it sat, em- pty on top of the stepladder. "Oh why would he ever fly away and leave us?" moaned Fud- gee. "We were good to him, weren't we?" "Creepin' lizagators!" sure we were," Patsy said. "But some Squirrel's Boarders BEFORE THEY RETURN T BE LONG Hanid had 'to admit that g id. ] "T've got old leaves to swe) away and dead twigs and brane] es to remove. The bark nee mending and patching in a dog] different places and some of Jog year's nests have been half-bloy] away by the wind." "Gosh- You have a lot to do Knarf said. "What always worries me mpg of all this time of the yea Squire went on, "is whether fy] leaves are ever going to como g on my tree again. Just look at now. Not a green leaf on it wish I could be sure that fn] new ones are coming." "Oh, they always come," sf Hanid. "I don't know. Sometimes fief don't. If there was only some ya, to find out." Suddenly Knarf said would know. He "knows everything, Squire!" Squire's face lit up. "That| right. And he lives right in mf own' tree, too; up near the mid Owl! Oh Owl!" Squire called ou Sleepy Eyes A 'hinute later a feathered fa with sleepy eves looked dow; from a hole in the middle of ty tree. "Sorry if I woke you up, of man," apologized Squire Squire} "Could I ask you a very importa question?" "Certainly, certainly. it." Owl said, "Are the leaves ever going if come out on this tree again] said Squire. "That's a hard question," sail Owl- "Just wait a few minute) and I'll have the answer. I have think about it." With that Oy shut his eyes and remained py fectly still. "Ow almog| What "He fell asleep again!" si Knarf. "Sh-h!" warned Squire. "Dorf disturb him. He's as' wide awal as you are!" Just then Owl opened his e again. "No," he said. "What! No leaves on my tree! Squire cried in alarm. "No, only buds." And Owl hg ped back into his hole. But ti children didn't let Squire feel bij people don't know when they're well off. Take that Teddy Han- nah for instance. He has a per- fectly good home; plenty to eat and a comfortable place to sleep. 'What does he do every time he gets a chance? Go on, ask me, what does he do? Well, he runs away ag fast. as. his stubby little legs will take him. That's what he oes. Runs away. Now why does do that? Go on, ask me, why does he do that? T'll tell you. Be- cause he's just plain stupid! That's what he is, stupid. As I said before, some people don't know when they're well off, that's what they don't. Jackadoo was one of those I've mentioned. He's gone, and 1 don't expect we'll ever see him again." went to her around in Jjingle-jangled. we never saw Jackadoo again. After this long speech, Patsy basket and rattled it so all the old dog tags which were tied to the back She settled down .|and fell alseep. Patsy was right, I must put my kids to bed. It's "If there are buds, therell be I ves, Squire! Leaves come fra Gifts & Greetings for You-- through WELCOME WAGO from Your Friendly rE KITCHEN CABINETS Standard or Made-to-Order ESTIMATES GIVE) FRANK LAROCQUE, Mgr. © TALBOT SALES BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Lower Middle Rd. Ph, 342-J. search of the parakeet. "Them's harsh words," said as she followed Fudgee. "Bu 'We took the empty bird cag 2 of the lawn, so Jackadoo coul FLOOR SERVICE his home. W. H. PARKIN one 1058-W Floor Sending & Refinishing hi wis no sign of him. Patsy t mr aneem al GUTAR ertheless." : and opened the door. We set it on top of a stepladder in the middl see it if he flew back in search of For half an hour or more we walked and whistled to him, hoping he'd return, but there We walked HAWAIIAN e d By Appointment Only ED. 'SLATER Phone 176 Neighbors and Civic and Social Welfare Leaders On the occasion of: The Birth of a Baby EngagementAnnouncemen! Change of residence Arrivals of Newcomers to City PHONE 807 (No cost or obligation) and electric ranges. PARTS & SERVICE GUARANTEED E. W. BURBIDGE 136 Robinson St. Telephone 1423W Oakville WILLY DEE TOWING OH BOY? WE Won) OUR CLUB T0 0! 1s THE 1950, Hanks Time! CHAMP? \ AS Taney JACK A. SEED Barrister-Solicitor Notary Public 27 Park Avenue 220 Bay St, Toronto Towing Needs" AL. JOHNSON 24-Hour Towing and Road Service Anywhere--Anytime To Look After Your HOLD IT, FELLAS, T JUST 7HOUGHT OF CHING! PHONES: Telephones 783-J : 783-W Business: PL7821 71 REBECCA ST. Residence Oak. 1228 OAKVILLE, ONT. SEL ACCOUNTING D. HAMILTON-WRIGHT, C.A. above Russell's Drug Store Phone Toronto Office, 365 Yonge St. Phone AD. 4704 Port Credit Office, 2 Lakeshore Road E., Phone Port Credit 4981 { Sate EE ae al 5 C. L. OLIVER AND CO. Accounting and Auditing Business Systems Installed Income Tax Returns 36 Colborne St. E. P. O. Box 402 Oakville = I SOME MORE OF FMUGGS AND SKEETER HERE, SKEETER, HAVE THESE RAW CARROT SLICES! TAKE PLE ARE WONDERFUL FOR YOUR EYESIGHT ! NITY... CARROTS, buds!" And Squire finally smile Vol. DE CO TO ( the c¢ Mond regul: I; cham panie peare come the g cance day. regul. me, I The not kr meetin Byers IR. an op was D to rec Ver Fred "In his of ed for turned "The handle Mr. Pi "The feel a and th were T the d said fo was Te the me cillor learned I'm sor member much i vas ca "You thing : fwe wa bout," fhould ithout rmer r H his n eld. made, : eared 8 Counc only Pb meet 0 me Beir au Eeve lin to flat it a m ueste tual d