Page 14 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR. JOURNAL Thursday, April 26, 195 Quality & Service 1 Scade's Grocery [7.0 wn (Bill Scade) Dundas & Division Sts. 1 coaching and umpiring school for Halton County is being held next week on Thurs: day and Fri ings 7.30 pm. SCHooL FOR UMPIRES | NcKAY MAY WEAR TEN GALLON HAT DURING NEXT GRID SEASON afternoon 2 p.m. 5 at the Oakyille- Delivery: Phone 505 and Saturday 2 M, This school is under the spon- sorship of the Oakville Recreation Dept, and will be directed by our own baseball enthusiast, Bud Corbett, and Don Garvie of the Community Programmes Branch, & Dept. of Education. The purpose of the school is to familiarize in- Formerly with T. Sol = Co. || terested parents and other adults and Ryrie Birks. All repairs || with various phases of coaching done in Oakville, located in Mc- || and umpiring baseball Dermott's, Opp. Bank of Toronto It is hoped that in turn these A. MARCHAND "graduates" will lend a hand in directing the activities of the Sa large number of minor baseball teams in town. Minor baseball as Select your operated here in the past has GABARDINE S IT NOW |siven young boys a good oppor- Qur luxury British gabardines drape | [RIty fo learn one of the finest easily and smoothly, wear well, make an | SPOrts in Canada. If this program extremel art suit for business, dress [is to continue and grow the help and casual wear. of more parents and other adults Choose yours today from our complete | will be required to coach teams colour range--be personally measured [or umpire games. for a suit which will be cut by hand, | "This js Canada" and the LO. (d iailored to your individual messurements | joc' ang' handbooks on coaching | #a¢ specifications. Incomparable value. | 3 ynpiving will be given to and telephone 1589. Indirect Hotfoot When fire broke out in his Bronte workshop-garage Sun- day afternoon, Charlie Law- rence didn't lose a great deal, thanks to the qhick work of Traaflgar No. 1 brigade in res- ponding to the call. Charlie did lose both his shoes, however, galloping from a neighbour's home through a muddy field af- ter hearing about the blaze. Smoke seeping through the wall Bob McKay, former Oakville Braves playing coach and last year a flying wing with the doughty Toronto Argonauts, left Sunday for Calgary, where he will go through the spring train- ing paces with the Stampeders. McKay recently obtained. his re- lease from Argos, and plans on sampling the grid game prairie style next autumn. "I have offers to line up with either Calgary or Regina," Bob told rthe Journal. "So far haven't decided which city I'll locate in. I do feel confident, Too Busy To Get Ready For A Party? FANCY CAKES, COOKIES & SANDWICHES HORS D'OEUVRES Showers, Parties, Weddings, Special Occasions F MORGAN-BROWN CATERING SERVICE Phone Oakville 616421 was a handbag. of the building was noticed ear- |1ough, that Ill be able to make ly by the Lawrence children, |; regular berth out west." playing nearby, and firemen Last season, with Argos feat- were able to extinguish the [uring their U. S. imports to the flames before the fire gained |limit, McKay picked up more real headway. Damage was es- [than his quota of bench splint timated at under $75 -- and org although he did show | to Charlie found his shoes later. (great advantage in the tackling department toward the season's CAN'T BLAME HER end. Next fall, he aims to put The proprietress of a local la-| 0 FL 2ue, of Paving, tine fes wear store listened patiently |, "oo ft Gil any is ovine. his week as a customer desorib-| yo IO REE et d a hat in the window that had | in George Watson, the ex-Brave e those attending Interested DS |. octedl her attention, then|who aid such 3 fine booting and sons should register immediately | 1HEeted Ber i vi oR satl ar gently broke the news to her: y Be with the Recreation Department a on his way up," McKay main- Its entry into the West Tor |p new junior B ball club settled away to spring practice Sunday a afternoon with the firm conviction | p strong midget club in the Halton [th county loop will replace last sea- |b: son's Ontario junior champion Snowbirds. With the late spring hampering his efforts more than somewhat, coach Bud Corbett hasn't a great deal ofstime to get his squad into shape before the West Toronto league debut here May 9 under the floodlights. The locals will op- pose Westerns, the Canadian- Japanese crew, in the opener, and will play 12 home floodlight games in all. The W. T. L. is a playing under Toronto Sponsor |; off time. GRAMMELL S While it is still too early to sel | ect lineups, MEN'S SHOP seems assured. Moving up from |g (Established 1920) the juve champs will be Tom ? | Sale, Wilf Herbert, Grant Red- Sohne Sh Toil shaw, Jim _ Johnson, Don Rut ledge, Denny Camm, Jim With- EXCLUSIVE DEALER FOR |, jim Scarrow and Jerry Cap- lan. Frank Philbrook will be I Everybody Reads Classifieds HOME RUN KINGS consult the classifieds for scores of buying and selling opportunities. If you're stopped short as far as cash is concerned, sell something you no longer find useful through the inexpensive, in- tensely-read classifieds! Oakville-Trafalgar Journal TELEPHONE 1298 NEW JUNIOR CLUB ENTERS WEST TORONTO LEAGUE do onto league accepted, Oakville's |sons of experience with the Oaks. that it is headed for another suc- |termediate; Ron Anderson, an cessful season. The juniors and a |infielder from Acton; and Bar- five team group, all other teams | ,¢ ,c"iney downed Deiselubes ship in juvenile A category. Bud's fio 0 = kids, however, will move up Info| poiseyber who did his best to junior B rating come OB.A. PIa¥- | \pcet' the Peerless applecart. Don Went on a maple mauling spree a very strong club yay vacorg triple of 933, spilling charted scores 256. bowling Chroeder, who led Sunny Walk- ° o 11a |€1's team to victory in the Club Ti To Tailors available for mound duty, while 5605, = Arie Schroeder put to LTD. Bob Hooper is sparkling first base | gether scores of 241, 287 and 211 for a 739 total that would look well in any league--mens, wo- White came up with 193 averages to lead four-squad Bersted mixed league, being ably tains. rallied to zestfully, Davis Agency gals defeated Langmuirs to nex the Ladies Major loop. title. Bertha Black, Phyllis Grammell, sen and Bea Sullivan were the other members of the new femin- ine champs. rospect after a couple of sea- Newcomers include Billy Vaugh- n, a starry shortstop who has 'Carsten Glahn R.O, | Optician Oakville Gptometrist - 163 Colborne Street -- TELEPHONE 1375 -- OFFICE HOURS Daily .... 9.00 to 5.30 Evenings Sat. .... 9.00 to 12.30 Mon. and Thurs. 7 to 8 Or By Appointment W. S. DAVIS & SON REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE MORTGAGES * W. E. DAVIS R. C. A. CUMBERLAND 71 Colborne St., Oakville - Phone 41 Evenings and Holidays Phone 1371-M layed with Milton juves and in- holomew, who played juvenile A all in Hamilton last season. BOWLING BANTER Although Peerless were just o capture the B-A league champ- Bastead was one 0 hang up a new alley league he pins for a 311 average as he of 355, 322 and Club 56 Another terrific bit of playoff was that of Mrs. Ed. mens, or mixed. Other members of the winning squad were Marg > Lawrence, Ed Foy, Harvey Secord, Lil Street and George Windsor. More Winners Captain L. McKay and Dolly the team that won the abetted by IL. Mac- % is Your donation: is urgently needed to support: ; v RESEARCH + EDUCATION ' + WELFARE Kenzie, J. Johnson, M. Mayhew. and I. Hinton. The Happy Gang Were very much so as they romp- ed to the championship in the Bronte mixed league, which held A it's windup banquet last night. Moe Sets Pace CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Space Contributed by THE DR. A. W . CHASE MEDICINE CO., LIMITED With Marion Languay setting a speedy pace that her team mates YOUR COMMERCE BRANCH lieystone of Main Street Our town is here to stay. We ship thousands of cattle by Tail to all sections of this country. We are an important spot oa the rolling prairie. Canadians depend on towns like ours for a steady beef supply. We depend on services within our own community to keep that supply constant. One of these is your bank--The Commerce. Yes, our town is here to stay and so is the Commerce branch. The men and women there are good people to know. Jack Elmes The Canadian Bank of Commerce "The Commerce" Col Ari ton Co