ct THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, April 26; 1951 PEOPLE and EVENTS MRS. DOUG AHERN PHONE 601 Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Bartholomew Mr. and Mrs, J. A. and famil of Hamilton, are liv- entertaining at dinner foe in thelr apartment above the|for Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tu Towne Coffee Shop. sore . and Mrs. W. D. MacM and Mrs. D. Y. Patrick and Mrs. J. D. Ross cr rean Col. Louis Keene is expected Mr home from Europe next weekend. | Dr. sree Mr. E T. C Burke returned home last Thurs from an ex- tended trip to Jamaica, British Honduras and Central America Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Win: chell announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, April 21, 1951. x See Friday. PRE Mrs. R. formerly Mr. and .|and family, REE Among those entertaining fore the Angela Frolic last Friday were Mr. Mrs. Neil Campbell, Mr. and Kent Russell and Mr. and Carl Wyndham. St. x sox wow are living at 29 Dunn| Mr. and Mrs. White will be [of Ottawa, are Watson Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gairdner have returned from a Mediterran- ean cruise. White of THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY APRIL 26 - 27 - 28 2 7, = +.» GRABLE SNA DAN Watten by ALBERT € LEWIN Dy and BURT STYLER to-night Galloway ined at the home of the lat- ter before the LO.D.E. dance on A. Pettigrew of Kitchen: er are living at 3 Truman Ave. Bruce Spring R. A. S. Fraser, Mr. Mrs. B, BE. Fowler of Ottawa is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ken- nish. «os ox ww The annual bridge of the wWo- men's section of 'the Oakville Golf Club will be held at the home of are Mrs, H. C. Hindmarsh on Friday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. For reser vations phone Mrs. G. R. McCon- vry 1671. cker, Fr Mr. Douglas Junkin; who has joined the airforce, reports for training at St. Johns, Quebec, on Saturday. illan, and aes Last Wednesday, Mrs. S. Ford, Mrs. Hunter Reid, Mrs. James C. Campbell, Mrs. A. G. Nairn, Mrs. D. M. Hannah and Mrs. Fred Sparling, attended the luncheon be-|in the Royal York for the dele- gates to the Ontario District An- nual meeting of the Red (Cross, and afterwards a reception in the Lieutenant-Goyernor's suite for the delegates. Fa and Mrs. Mrs. Fs A. J. Roberts, of Montreal, spent the weekend with his fam- ily. now living at 74 seen Mr. and Mrs. N. E. McKee of Hamilton have taken up residence at 155 Queen Mary Road. - Mr. and Mrs. John Botterell are entertaining for Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tucker on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker and family are leaving next week to live in Ot- tawa. saree Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Howell and family of Montreal are now living at 64 Highland Road. FP The Lieutenant-Governor and Mrs. Ray Lawson held a reception yesterday in their suite in Queen's Park, in honor of Sir Benegal Rau, official delegate from India to the United Nations. M David Low entertained for Mrs. H. W. Tucker on Tues- day evening. FI Mr, and Mrs. Richard C. Hod- ges (nee Margaret McRae) are pleased to announce the birth of a son, Peter James, on Thursday, April 19, 1951, at the Oakville: Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. + + Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Chisholm ar- rived home yesterday from Atlan- Pupils of Miss Mildred Leach, ATC.M., will give a musical re- cital at Victoria Hall Wednesday evening, May 9, at 7.30 «xx Miss Joan Hadden has taken up her duties at Toronto Western Hospital after spending a few her three months' affiliation with the Ontario Hospital at New Tor- onto. i as 822 Mrs. H. Merry and Mrs. Geof frey Bide, entertained at a cup and saucer shower on Wednesday evening for Miss Betty Merry at the home of Mrs. W. T. Merry. PR Mrs. T. H. Marshall entertained at tea on Tuesd: afternoon. sa * The Auld-Minnes wedding par- ty were entertained at the supper dance at the Royal York Hotel Saturday night. FE Mrs. J. A. Whalen entertained days at home, having completed | Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fish, Mr. and Mrs. Barl Albertson and Mrs. H. Cullingham were among those from this district who were: pre- sent at the turkey dinner April 17, at the United Church, Streets: ville, which was a continuation of the 75th anniversary of the building of the present church. Dr. George C. Pidgeon, first Moderator of the United Church in Canada, was guest preacher. Fa Mrs. Flossie Purcer has return: ed from Detroit where she visited her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Jordan, for a month. Mrs. Jordan returned with her for a visit. On Thursday evening, Mrs. Purcer entertained with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Post, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McLean and Mr. and Mrs. H. Cul lingham as her guests. Mrs. Ross Lunau, Milton, form- erly of the base line, Snider's, entertained her former assocla- tes of Wesley Church W.M.S. on Tuesday, April 10th. The meeting was opened by the President, Mrs. S. D, Turner, which was' followed by a program arranged and con- ducted by Mrs. BE. A. Fish. The stibject was "God in Nature" Those taking part were Mrs. Roy Tish, Mrs. Albert Peters enter- tained with readings. Congratulations to Jean Gos- ling and Barbara Biggar of Munn's. School and Lillian James and Brian Bentley, of Snider's School, who won highest marks in vocal classes in the Halton Music Festival for Traaflgar Township held in the Township Hall, April 12th, and are therefore (Continued on Page 6) . THURS., FRI, SAT. APRIL 26-27-28 at tea on afternoon. ox x = Mrs. Bthel Coldwell of Mon- treal, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Graydon. EE Patricia Smith celebrated her eighth birthday on Sunday with a party. sow owe ow Mr. and Mrs. Sydney man left on Saturday days' holiday in Chicago ron. G. Fear- for ten and Ak- CI Miss Barbara Pike of Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William C. Milligan. PRC Mrs. A. Gordon Nairn enter- tained at a luncheon on Thursday. "Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wilkes Jr., 'entertained at dinner on Sat urday evening for Miss Barbara Pike and Mr. Tony Grove, who announced their engagement on Saturday. soar Mark MacFarlane is progres: sing favorably after an appendix operation in the Oakville-Trafal- gar Memorial Hospital. + a Mr. and Mrs. G, F. Maccabe entertained on Friday evening. Ea Mr. and Mrs. Alex Morris of St. Catharines visited Mrs. M. A. tic City, New York and Washing: i ton. sree Mr. and Mrs, J. T. L. Inch (nee Susan . Bagshaw) are happy to announce the birth of a daughter at the Oakyille-Trafalgar Memor- MONDAY - TUESDAY APRIL 30 - MAY 1 ADDED SHORT: --- THE MacARTHUR STORY ial Hospital on Friday, April 20, 1951. xx rE ET Miss Freda Spear of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Watt. ax x Captain and Mrs. W. E. Leach and family of Kingston are liv- ing at 33 Truman Ave. + + Mrs. Frank Ovens entertained at tea on Monday in honor of her mother, Mrs. H. C. Cowdry of Victoria, B.C, who with Mr. Cow- dry, is visiting her daughter and Lt. Col. Ovens. x x + Mr. and Mrs. Harland Merry, daughters Judy and Katherine WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY MAY 2 - 3 (SE A= 4 AL ARTHUR RANK (ORGANIZATION PRESENTATION % NJOYMENT | arated by the Very Reverend ROBERT I. GANNON, S.J. Produced by EDMUND REEK. Directed by ANTHONY MUTO. and son Bobby have been spend- ing a few days visiting friends in Maryland and Pennsylvania. n= The Georgian Shore Cottagers assn., which usually meets in Oakville for its annual meeting, held it this year in Toronto last Saturday afternoon af the Runny- mede Lawn Bowling Club. Mr. H. C. Merry was appointed yice-pres- ident to fill the vacamcy left through the death of Mr. Wilfred Whalen nox Mr. and Mrs. K. W. MacTag- gart attended the National News: paper Awards dinner at the Roy- York on Saturday evening. Canada's top news award for 1950. exw an The Evening branch of St. Jude's W.A. will meet Tuesday in the Parish Hall. MacTaggart was winner of Mrs. W. Mackenzie over the weekend. n+ + Peter Windeler tenth birthday on Saturday a party. celebrated his with 282% Mr. Bill Carswell of Colling- wood, was a weekend guest of the Harry Howard's. CE Mrs. R. O. Bull entertained at tea on Wednesday for<her daugh- ter, Mrs. Paul Holman. * x * Dr. and Mrs. EF. N. Sparling entertained before the club supper on Saturday evening. * x Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Wismer of Waterloo spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Humphrey. x x Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Caswell returned home last week after spending the winter months at Daytona Beach, Florida. sax rE Mr, and Mrs. Bdward Kennedy are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hector McLean, Cavendish Heights, Ber- muda. TRAFALGAR Mrs. Norman McCready enter- tained on Thursday afternoon at a Tupperware, ~ demongtration, which are popular just NOW. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Post, Highth Line, motored to Montreal last week. They are on a two weeks' visit at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Barl Tweedy. PEER Mr. David MacDuff, nephew of T. Dent, who is on the staff of Seeley's Bay High School, has been appointed to the staff Collegiate 'Institute and will begin his duties there at the beginning of the fall term in of Oshawa September. FotoPack Prints y THE SHOWPLACE OF HALTON COUNTY PHONE OAKVILLE (L. BE. Closs, Phm.B.) FREE MOTORIZED DELIVERY Open every night until 9 pm. PHONE 248 Sundays and holidays excepted Brian. UNDER QUANTRILLS BLACK FLAG THEY RODE! | s DOYS Lg! \ protuess gal ut LECHNICO. 'Audie Marguerite MURPHY - DONLEVY - CHAPMAN - BRADY TONY. CURTIS - RICHARD. ARLEN + RICHARD, LONG» JAHES BEST Story 2nd Screen by ROBERT L. REKARDS + Dect by RAY ENRIGHT Produced by TED RICHMOND.» resi: oral Picture ADULT Soott ~ SPEGIAL FOR CHILDREN SAT., APR. 28 MATINEE ACTION - THRILLS - ADVENTURE WHIP WILSON "Crashing Through" MON., TUES., WED. APRIL 30 - MAY 1-2 THE HOME 0 PHONE OAKVILLE