ny macy, ds yoy, 0st cop, he tin, trouble YOu fing of life's OU care. nount of lot each out any. red Hp. bleacheq te samo Amber's ve across 1ke-your- of this ttractive Imperial , name the ed. > lassi spouse ing and tobacco. to offer of real 0 furth- Ty wife -- oc > to the look is \sonably Abbott to wait convince Oys are consery- to pay unless ome of ny way. to start ie!) OTTON rl y ex- least y be orld- 1, or Gen- fight ional d be been lone, rest like first >stly hool thy's n, for les all history then bs, but dozen ; avail aration "Thursday, April 26, 1951 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL "You are cordially invited to attend THE ANNUAL MEETING OF : THE ORKVILLE-TRAFALGAR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL TOBE HELD IN VICTORIA HALL ON THURS. APRIL 26, 8.30 P.M. DR. WILLIAM MUSTARD One of Canada's leading specialists on will speak on the care and treatment of those stricken with the disease. Dr. Mustard will illustrate his tall with a film showing the treatment being carried on at the Sick Children's Hospital and at. Thistletown. No parent should miss this interesting talk by Dr. Mustard on such a vital subject. Poliomyelitis, WARRINGTON | Student Interest OP TIMIST (Continuing from Page 1) PRESIDENT J. C. Warrington was elected president of the Oakville Optim- ists club at Monday night's din- ner meeting, with Bill Henwood being named secretary-treasurer. Other new officers are: boys' work. chairman, Bert Davies; finance chairman, Ralph Wakely, pro- gram chairman, Bill Hill, public- ity chairman, Jim McKinley; sgt- atarms, Al Rivier. Dates for the annual fall fair were announced as Sept. 21, 22, and 23. Sale of space is progres. sing well, it was reported, latest attraction to be booked being. the Federation of British Industries. An outstanding carnival has also been lined up, members learned. Iot to be dome in this country to eliminate wasteful practices, to bring management and labor to- gether." Speaking on forestry as a pro- fession, BE. M. Cressman, Zone Forester, Ontario Department of Lands and Torests, Hespeler, stated that the pulp and paper industry was the greatest indus. try in Canada. Trees were import. ant, mot only to industry, but al- so to agriculture. It was the func. tion of the forester to protect forests and make them produce the maximum. Forestry offered a man a healthy! outdoor life, with Mr. Cressman sold his 'hearers, and a certain number of positions Were very well paid. Bruce West, well-known Globe and Mail columnist, gave the lec- ture on journalism. "Any young person entering journalism today EVERYBODY READS CLASSIFIEDS HIS SIXTH BIRTHDAY BOYS' COWBOY SHIRTS Smart, colorful, two-tone or plain shade shirts with west- ern style pockets and piping -- washable 2 95 materials and fast colors. Sizes 6 to 16 years) daw BOYS' DENIM DUNGAREES The ideal, durable pant for school or play. Sanforized Blue Denim, well cut and strongly sewn, all with Zipper | 67 8 oz. Se 18 years et $2.69 $2.98 Juniors will Dad's. -- styled, 18 years For 1951. JACK FRASER'S BOY'S DEPARTMENT IS IN A CLASS BY ITSELF, FOR THERE YOU'LL FIND EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR YOUR LAD AFTER SPORT COATS wardrobe not be plete without a sport coat, just like sizes 6 to BOYS' SLACKS school leisure wear with a sport coat or wind- breaker -- gabar- dine, coverts, --styled for spring Choose his favourite colour Sizes 6 to 18 years. HOUSE CLEANING TIME [fakes on a pretty important A new broom still sweeps clean | task" he declared. The world --uniil | some smart vacuum |Was becoming more complicated cleaner salesman convinces you |all the time, and this process way otherwise. likely to continue. A lively cur losity, he believed, was an im- porant qualification for a journa. list. A course in journalism, while it would not of itself maka a man or woman a good journal- ist, would be highly beneficial to one possessing the natural apti- tude. A small town paper offered better experience to beginners than a large metroplitan daily, Mr. West believed. Other speakers lows: Physician, Dr. musician, Maj. Brian Mc- nurse, Miss McPhedran, Western Hospital, Toronto; Ryer. son Institute of Technology, M. Finley, registrar; art, Sydney Watson; lawyer, D. A. McCona- chie;, teacher, C. A. Rath, inspec- tor of public schools; air line stewardess, Miss V. Stewart, T. CA; armed forces and Royal Military College, Col. Nicol Kings- mill; veterinarian and farmer, Rev. W. A. Young, OAC):" archi. tect, John Bonnick, Toronto: sec. retary, Miss M. Donnelly; manual trades, F. J. Hawes; home econ- omist and dietitian, Miss Jessie Lamden; banking, bookkeeping and accounting, S. B. Otton. were as fol- James Ma- ANNOUNCE CLASSES FOR JR. HUMANE PET SHOW Hey, kids, here are the classes for your Junior Humane Society pet show, to be held Saturday, May 12. Clip them out, and watch for more information next week. Class 1, Boys--Best decorated bicycle; Class 2, Girls--Best dec- orated bicycle; Class 3, Girls-- Best decorated doll carriage; Class 4, Boys--Best decorated Wagon; Class 5, Best groomed dog; Class 6, Best mother. dog (puppies do not have to be pres- ent); Class 7--Best cocker span- Class 8--Best small dog un- der 25 Ibs. other than cocker spaniel; Class 9--Best large dog over 25 Ibs.; Class 10--Best litter of puppies (litters must consist of more than 2 and not be over § months old.); Class 11, Most un- usual type of dog; Class 12--Dog that can do the most tricks; Class 13--Most obedient dog (must do heel, retrieve, sit down and come from stand!; Class 14, The larg- est cat; Class 15, The prettiest cat; Class 16, The best basket of kittens; Class 17, The oddest pet; CI. 18, the largest rabbit; Class 19, best decorated bowl of gold- STUDENTS TOUR PLANT The academic quiet of the i classroom was exchanged for the clamor and heat of a giant steel- mill for the space of an after noon by Grade 12 and 13 students of Oakyille-Trafalgar High School. Under the supervision of Hugh Brearley, chemistry teacher, the eager youngsters went by char- tered bus to Hamilton), 'where they made a tour of the plant of the Steel Company of Canada, Equipped with informative book- lets, and their eyes protected by special glasses, the visitors were shown some interesting sights, including the steel-rolling process, and the cutting of the rolled steel into sheets. ot The excursion was made pos- sible by the co-operation of the members of the school's Natural History Club, and .the efforts of Leo Fucikoy: and the seecre- tary, Bill Smyth. fish or tropical fish. Name Age - Your School JUNIOR HUMANE SOCIETY - Pet Show SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 12, AT 3 P.M AT THE SHELTER EAST END OF MAPLE AVENUE "Fill in and give this to your Teacher. Additional Entry Blanks may be obtained at the Journal Office. FORM BUILDING i; i FOR BLIND canapians A HAPPY FUTURE GIVE GENEROUSLY T0 HELP THE BLIND -- com- 8.95 TO 17.95 Smartly AND JoB and 4.95 TO 12.95 etc. Boys Cotton Gabardine Windbreakers Fancy Two-tone ® Flannelette lined ® Zipper front 5.50 Knitted collar, cuffs and waist band ® Sizes 6 to 18 years 0 0 3033 300 300 300 S008 300 300 3008 S00 300k 3008 S005 Ro Tae TCE Ree ee Pees | ack Fraser Stores 62 COLBORNE ST. "PHONE 645-W STATION ROAD In any "sho -- Gr The FERGUSON System makes THE DIFFERENCE! COMPARE THE CROP TO CROP wdown" TE) T0 JOB PERFORMANCE 2: OF FERGUSON AGAINST ANY OTHER TRACTOR ON ALL THESE IMPORTANT POINTS PERFORMANCE FUEL SAVINGS JOB FLEXIBILITY LONG-LIFE QUALITY FAST IMPLEMENT ATTACHMENT TELEPHONE 141 FOR YOUR DEMONSTRATION Wm. Whitaker &% Sons OAKVILLE I 0