Page 16 BUSINESSEDIRECTORY THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL INSURANCE ELECTRICAL iL POPO RETURNS ow ant then, about one a Cima ing ne Has eos : month or so," said Teddy, the Real Estate and Insurance COM ed men non on he i i 1 eat ne "Fions ELECTRICAL SERVICE CHAPTER 14 ees bigs ine car gh and any f the shadow:boy with 19 Melinda BROWN ELECTRIC bags In the car bright and early Koart, the 3 via Toronto - - - ne 2761 Si Oakville | (50 ¢ we'd be all ready to leave ti iC ed Evenings - - - Oakville 712 CONTEA i Browa|izn, 1 got home from the Supply = GENERAL INSURANCE H. S. THORNTON Phone 874 Lakeshore West, Oakville A. F. BERRILL "Qakville's Active Broker" Real Estate and Business Depot that night. "Do we have to sit in the car all day Joe?" Fudgee asked. BILL ANDERSON RADIO - APPLIANCES "No, you don't you silly dog. Sales & Service You have all day to say your Phone 521-M good-byes to Harold the Toad and Dunn St. North - Oakville L. F. CLEMENT HOME ELECTRIC your other friends. Don't be too sad and don't tell them that you are never coming back again. We will be back someday--for sure!" Broker AUTHORIZED FRIGIDAIRE |{" ed her. Insurance DEALER re ve going tol Yup to Oakville, Ont., Phone 1233 | Commercial Sales & Service [fight somebody or other?" Popo Livingston Stoker asked, as she crawled into the PROFESSIONAL and Oil Burner Units car to see all the bags packed Service & Installation of all|away. CARSTEN GLAHN, R.O. Makes "Qh leapin' tuna fish!" Patsy OPTOMERIST - OPTICIAN WORK GUARANTEED mh "For Ti eo 5 mm. + i of no lace--i al y- Professional and Techuicall FRONT FER how. Bless my ove tooth and save 5 : my tall feathers, but you and care GENERAL ELECTRIC es do get all upset over HOURS: Daily 9.00 to 5.30 Oil Burners things--for sure you do! It's just Sat. 9.00 to 12.30] Commercial Refrigeration [red tape--that's what it is--a Mon. & Thurs. eve. 7.00-8.00 Sales & Installation lot of red tape." Patsy mumbled but 1 couldnt 163 COLBORNE ST. E. ih 6, pony Ei PHONE 1375 94 Maple Ave nr 1544 | oy into the garden to find a I Ra FO sieve nice comfortable place to sleep. WILLIAM C. MILLIGAN, R.O. ORVILLE NEAL Lately she'd Deen having her Optometrist * Optician 89A Colborne St., Oakville, Ont. (Over the Bank of Commerce) Professional eye examination & prescription services, TELEPHONE 1507 Closed All Day Wednesday HOURS: Daily 9.30 a.m.-5.30 p.m. Thursday evening--7.00-8.00 p.m. of by appointment OAKVILLE ANIMAL CLINIC W. A. CAMPBELL, D.V.M. @. K. PECK, D.V.M. Maurice Dr. Phone 452W Your Furnace is as good as your CALL BRONTE 168-M Domestic & Commercial garden snoozes in the little wee ELECTRICAL grove of evergreens between the CONTRACTING fish pond" and the old stone mau- Fixtures, Ranges, Tanks saleum where Mawhoo had been Durled years before. That night we moved to Centre Island. It had taken us longer to say good-bye than we had antici- pated. We caught the last Ferry boat across Toronto Bay and landed bag and baggage plus three red doggies on the dock of the Island about midnight. Pokee and Fudgee were on the double leash, running side by side. Patsy was on her own single leash. She seemed quite excited 37 STEWART ST. W. Phone 1005-R BROCKWAY'S SALES AND SERVICE service man ELECTRIC SERVICE MEN Completely Automatic 24-Hour Service FOR QUALITY SERVICE ROOFING f No Answer Call 2177 OFFICE HOURS 1 to 3 -- 7 to 9 Sunday & Other Hours By Appointment CHIROPRACTOR L. E. MACDOUGALL, D.C. Insul-Bric siding & Asbetos siding NICHOL'S ROOFING* New roofs & Old roofs applied E. HALLIDAY SIGNS OF ALL KINDS Gold Leaf Window Signs PHONE 596J2 OAKVILLE P.O. Insulation Materials Eaves Troughing Materials supplied & sold Peter P. Nichols New Phone 2544 Burlington The Cookee Column Book Three, Entitled: and pleased to be back on old familiar ground again. "I like it here_yes-uha--I al- ways did like it here." Patsy said, as she turned sideways to look at the lagoon and bumped into one of the cement lamp posts which line the walk that leads through the park, over the bridge to the "Main Drag" of Centre Island. "What funny looking rivers," Popo gasped as she dragged her leash partner to the edge of the lagoon too peer over the side. "And look ---- there are lights on the water!" What on earth would there be lights under the water for?" Do the fish have to see to go about their nightly busi- ness?" "Those aren't lights under the water, Po. They're reflections from the lamps in the park. Come along you two, keep away from there and let's get along to the hotel and get settled for the night" 1 told her as we packed all our baggage onto a little boy's wagon and started on our way. Our room at Hotel Pierson was all ready for us. We had brought two motor rugs to put down un- der the beds for the dogs. "I think Pll sleep up here," said Popo as she jumped into one of the twin beds. "It's much softer CHIROPRACTOR Oakville 1445 Q == | than the floor and besides it might Office Hours: 88 CLARKE AVE. BURLINGTON BOARDING KENNELS be draughty on the floor. No, I Dally: 9.30-4.00 (Estimates Given) DEERHAVEN guess Tll sleep over here!" and Saturday: 9.00-12.30 rn |she jumped across to the other Mon. & Thurs. Evening 7.9 NURSERIES BOARDING KENNELS REG'D. [twin bed. "It's farther from the Closed All Day (B. K. Snider) window." 61 A COLBORNE oT. ROBT. NIELSEN Upper Middle Rd. "Well, ll sleep on this bed with OAKVILLE NURSERIES Clipping, Defleaing, Washing, |Dribbi" squeaked Fudgee as she TELEPHONE 148 Garden Design and Landscape Worming landed kerplunk on the pillow. © Special Attention To Dogs In |"Oh, I've found a lovely spot. It's OSTEOPATH TREMS -- SHRUBS -- ROSES Season soft as a duck's back" EV : All Animals Exercised me uy 2 oy a] she, jumped back too the first be A Yn We ory; esis Plant BUILDING and landed on top of Fudgee. SE x "Scram you varmint!" growled 63 Division Street le CHAS. WATT Fo MER ay net By App Only. Local Representative pm iE Phony of LINEROOK NURSERIES) J. Cooke Limited |cenam gourselt sou selih dog in Evenings, Wednesday After- Growers of CONCRETE BLOCKS the pillow," Pokee growled back noon, Saturday and Sunday. High Quality Nursery Stock |Aldershot, Ont. Phone 386J3|at her. gners of Fine Gardens | TURNBULL & HOLDRIDGE | "Out of there both of you's BARRISTE -- Contractin, ildi Dribbi ordered as she shoved both Sere Building Contractors of the fighters off, plunk on the ANGUS McMILLAN Barrister -- Solicitor Notary Public 107 Colborne Street East Telephone Oakville 582 ROSS RYRIE Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public 61-A Cothorne St. East Telephones EIGHTH LINE N. Phone 137J OAKVILLE NURSERIES Evergreens, Shrubs, Bedding Plants Concrete - Masonry Blockwork OAKVILLE 1578W - Landscaping -- Fruits Lakeshore Highway W. Phonte Bronte 56W WM. SEALE Custom Tractor Work Wood Sawing, Plowing, Discing, Etc. KITCHEN CABINETS Standard or Made-to-Order ESTIMATES GIVEN FRANK LAROCQUE, Mgr. TALBOT SALES BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Lower Middle Rd. - 903 TORONTO - PLaza 5491 floor. "We won't have amy dis- agreeing -members in this family] The first one of you to start a fight will be hopped on the tail!" "Fudgee's going to be (oppe Fudgee's going too be hopped glggled Pokee, as she scuttled un- der the bed and bumped squarely into Patsy, who had retired peace- ly. "Youll get bopped yourself -- right upon your tail," sang Fud- Ph. 34242 see in a little sing-songy way, .as under the other "Quiet you two and let your Oh, scrambled eggs Office 65: R _ Phone 224-W ba FLOOR SERVICE bed. D. A. McCONACHIE | REPAIRS ERT Barrister - Solicitor To all types of commercial ding Detfers sleep Notary Public 1 Reynolds St. N. Telephone Oasville 1304 JOHN F. ISARD Barrister -- Solicitor Notary Public Successor to W. N. Robinson, K.C. 142 Colborne St. East Phones: Bus. 15 Res. 216 JACK A. SEED Balser Aol lion Notary Pul 27 Park Dulis 220 Bay St, Toronto PHONES: Business: PL7821 Residence Oak. 1228 ACCOUNTING above Russell's a Store Phone Toronto i 365. tong St. Lakes! Pert. Croit tion C. L. OLIVER AND CO. Accounting and Auditing Business Systems Installed Income Tax Returns 36 Colborne St. E. P. O. Box 402 Ham. 7-8482 : Oakville 1268 D. HAMILTON-WRIGHT, C.A. 2 hore Road B., Phone Port Credit 4981 SR Cm EE RE and domestic refrigerators and electric ranges. Phone 1058-W Floor Sanding & Refinishing |on toast, why didn't I starve you two fo death when you were lit- Teddy Bear Was Very Hungry _ AND NO ONE KNEW By MAX TRELL had ever happened before. "Ted- dy, he said to the bear, "you are mistaken and wrong and you can't be hungry at all" "I cant!" said Teddy, sounding quite surprised himself. "Why can't 1? I'm as lungry as a beaw," he added the next ine stant. "What's wrong with being hungry?" "You're not a real bear, Teddy. You're a stuffed bear. And that's why vou can't be hungry." Teddy looked more surprised than ever. "Why, because I'm a stuffed bear, can't 1 be hungry Thursday, May 17 1 WHAT TO FEED Him _ Inform invasion "I'm hungry," Teddy sf "No, thank you. I don't iy Jlieitempts want a little something council soup." hed ively "Crackers?' suggested Kn CC 2528 ; o inves No, thank you. No crac] ins "Bread and butter?" said yJ8as his 2 like any other bear?" : "Bocauso you're stuffed, thatis| Teddy shook his head, ihe task why!" said Knarf. "If yowre| Cake?' said Knarf The q stuffed, how can you it any more | Again Teddy shook his 1. mn food inside of yourself? If yowre| uyeny ji : ers, 3 y, jam, marmalad stuffed, youre stuffed. $0 YOU |caiq Hanid. e, I joing ta can't be hungry." Didn't Understand Teddy said he didn't understand to do what being stuffed had with it. Here Knarf's sister Hanid came along and wanted to know what Knarf the argument was about. explained it to her. "Well," said Hanid, stuffed. a little something." "That's it!" shouted Teddy joy: fully. a little something!" So he and Hanid and Knar walked into the kitchen and open- (it is, ed the pantry door and gazed at (minute! the different things on the shelves to decide what kind of a little something Teddy felt like eating. said Hanid. "Would you care for a little some- "Soup, Teddy?" thing like soup?" Teddy thought about soup for Then he said: a minute or two. "maybe Teddy, the stuffed bear, isn't quite Maybe he's got room for "I've got lots of room for queried. ning th to yea poison, spring. referred they cal town du "Peanut butter, pickles, J tard, noodles?" said Knarf Teddy shook his head so that his neck began hurting thank you, I don't care for of those things." Knarf and Hanid didnt What to suggest next. yy In the Pantry (2. Eo fi "Anyhow," said Teddy, "I think the little something feel hungry for is in the puf -|1 don't see it or smell it it!" he suddenly exclaimed started sniffing the air. "a £ldo smell it! I don't kuow but I smell it right It smells a little thing like -- like wood!" At this Teddy all at once d ed out through the Kitchen way and went bumbling bumping down the path lo the woodshed. The "children ther had been there all mo repairing some furniture. anyway, "1 hope some cl ours h ning alc ous sit tle puppies?" her place of concealment. "Wh; @id I ever raise you at all? All fight and bicker and you do ds make my poor life miserable!" one of you!" I warned them my duds away in the dressel on your best behavior. Keep of on the staircase. you out. here!" motor. asleep. Tugs. Soon we were al moaned Patsy from "You all have to behave--every a: I unpacked my suit case and put "You must remember--no barking --no growling--no squabbling. To live in a hotel you have to be the beds and don't run past guests If you don' do this, Pearl will come and put It's her hotel and she can't have misbehaving canines They each took the warning to heart and crawled quietly to their "But, Teddy! There's nol to eat in the woodshed!" y {and Hanid said as they rai] Teddy. Teddy pushed the door of woodshed open and scamper 7 side. "Here it ist" Knal Hanid heard him shouting r. [whole heap of it!" And when Knarf and looked in the woodshed they ff [Teddy stuffing his mouth fresh sawdust! "Teddy!" Hanid said as ste a handkerchief around his to serve as a mapkin. "Why we guess that stuffed bears sawdust) Becauge sawdus stuffed bears are t 1 | what with!" Nelson Crushed Ston Dr. Phi INFORMATION Various Sizes of Clear and Crusher Run Stone Roads and Driveways PHONE Oakville 694 or Burlington 4904 ficalih Bt ressed Of fetis] for Ta ® AND QUOTATIONS PARTS & SERVICE GUARANTEED WILEY BER E. W. BURBIDGE 136 Robingon St. Telephone 1423W Oakville TOWING "Equipped To Look After Your owing Needs" AL. JOHNSON 24-Hour Towing and Road Service Anywhere=Anytime Telephones 783-J : 783-W REBECCA ST. TAREe, ONT. iE F icks rs NOSE INTO OTHER [rE Lad 15 LIKE THAT BECAUSE HES ALWAYS STICKING IS NECK OUT=-THE ELEPHANT IS LIKE THAT BECAUSE AND. THE ANT EATER IS LIKE rie) eh Lia Seon HIS Jo oa UCH = NOW STOP WAGGING YOURS, Jaw [ov 20 IA FELLAS WHATCHA DOIN? E YOU /N FOR N HIM, 1551 The eg i Fae VIPEL WAT GOD LOOK AT, HIM GO/J CER DOES SAN SHINES