N VNTR, NTT PN NTT A PON VMN vd XK AN NNER INN a a uii oar TT a rE ET Thursday, May 17, 1951 A AA A A AA and Ryrie Birks. All repairs done in Oakville, located In Mc- Dermott's, Opp. Bank of Toronto A. MARCHAND DRY CLEANING, TOO, HAS GONE MODERN Not only are our deliveries frequent and prompt . . . but your garments are returned with a "new look" lustre In protective paper clothing bags ... assuring you of a me- ticulous cleaning job . . . call us today! For Pick-up & Delivery Phone 1557 Oakville Cleaners ENQUIRE ABOUT SUMMER STORAGE BRONTE MISS- LESLIE MARTIN PHONE. BRONTE 130J Subscribers 'to the Bronte tele- phone exchange last Saturday evening presented Mrs. L, M. Bray with a suitcase, the occasion be- Ing her retirement after 40 years' service on the exchange. Presen- tation speech was made by master of ceremonies, J. K. Giles, while the actual presentation was made by Mrs. Bray's granddaughters, Judy Bray & June Trethewey. "It hardly seems possible that it Is forty years since we first heard you say that pleasant 'number, please'" declared Mr. Giles. "You have served us cheerfully and faithfully, no matter what the hour, and we can't let the occa- sion pass without showing our ap- preciation in a small way." Bm. ployees at Bronte had previously presented a blanket at a luncheon tendered Mrs, Bray. W. A. Alnger, district Bell traffic superintendent, presented the president's wallet, while Dr. Wilkinson, Mr. Joseph Wickson and many others paid tribute to Mrs. Bray's service, which began In 1911. Since retir ing in 1945 as local agent, she has acted as night operator. * The Girl Guides and Brownies are holding a basket collection on Saturday, May 19. Anyone having six or 1l-quart baskets, hampers or crates are asked to place them at the curb on Saturday morning and they will be picked up. CES The local assoclation of Girl Guides held their May meeting at the home of Mrs. N. Stevens, On. tario Street. rss an The Ladie§' Auxillary of. the Bronte Legion are holding a eu- chre and cribbage night in the community hall on Wednesday, night, May 23, at 9 o'clock. The proceeds are in aid of the Legion Hall building fund, so come out and give your support. * Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beecraft and family visited their parents in Burlington last week-end. ER Mr. Bruce Watson flew to Cleve- land on Monday on a business trip. * + Mr. and Mrs. Roger Flumerfelt, of Calgary, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. Flumerfelt's un- cle, Mr. A. Flumerfelt where many friends and relatives were 'enter- THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 3 T0 HOLD DOG SHOW HERE NEXT FALL A dog show, the first for some vears, will be held in the new community arena next fall. De- cision to this effect was made at a largely attended meeting of the newly formed Oakville Kennel Club, held in the arena, Friday evening, October 13, was named as the tentative date, subject fo confirmation of the Canadian Ken. nel Association. Further arrange- ments were discussed at a meet- ing of the directors Monday even- ing. Friday evening's meeting was an enthusiastic one, attended by more than fifty dogfanciers of the town and district. A constitution was drawn up, and officers named. The following directors were elected: Mrs. Percy Gudgeon, Mrs. V. Dalton, I. C. Eastwood, F. S. Bull, Perey Gudgeon, B. K. Snider, Dr. George Peck Norman Thacker, Lt-Col. M. H. A. Drury, the presi- dent, presided. The new club al- ready has a membership of about fifty, with several more prospec- tive members. The local association of Girl Guides held a plastic demonstra- tion in the Church of the Epiphany Parish Hall Monday evening. . + x Don't forget the Ladies' Auxil- fary of the Leglon's dance at the Pig and Whistle Inn on Wednes- day evening, May 23. Pa * The Halton Memorial Church W. M.S. will be the guests of Pa. lermo W. M.S. on Thursday after- noon. Foros wx The mother's choir sang in Wal- ton Memorial Church on Mother's Day. Mrs. R. R. Robertson and Mrs. E. Pickard sang a duet. or or orow Cheryl Lynn Brockway, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Brock- way; Sandra Gayle Clark, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Clark; Lorne Robert Black, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Black, and daugh- ter of Major and Mrs. Strome Gal- loway were christened Sunday evening in Walton Memorial Church by Rev. D. T. Delve. ak The Bronte Community Club held their weekly euchre in Com- tained Saturday evening. People and Events (Continued from Page Two) loway, was christened, Sunday, in Walton Memorial United Church, Bronte, by Rev. Williame Delve. Attending the service and the re- ception at "Tanglewood" afterward were the grandparents, Mrs. George A. Love and Mr. and Mrs. A. S. J. Galloway; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bowles, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Bowles, Lorne Park; Dr. and Mrs. Burns Plewes, Miss Aileen Adams, Miss Ruth Sedgewick, Miss Ruth Don Carlos, all of Toronto; Lt.-Col. and Mrs. T. W. Bigelow, Major and Mrs. J. D. Galloway, Oakville; Rey. and Mrs. Delve. Mr. J. R. Bowles officiated at the cutting of the cake ceremony. CE Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Tennent were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Perdue preceding the Rotary conference in Hamilton. Mr. Ten- nant was the president's personal representative. WE REGRET... * WING to staff problems and all new equipment, the service we rendered the public in the first few days was not up to standard. (J WE THEREFORE CLOSED ON MONDAY & TUESDAY TO IRON OUT ORGANIZATIONAL PROBLEMS ° WE ARE NOW OPEN . The Towne COFFEE SHOP munity Hall on Monday evening. HEADQUARTERS --- TOTS 'N TEENS SHOP Open 10 to 5 SATURDAY until Noon - Don't miiss this opportunity to hear great music by great artists here in Oakville next season at Oakville-Trafalgar High School. A PHONE CALL WILL RESERVE YOUR MEMBERSHIP DON'T DELAY .... JUST 2 DAYS LEFT TO JOIN OAKVILLE COMMUNITY CONCERT ASSOCIATION AND HEAR THREE CONCERTS BY OUTSTANDING ARTISTS AND ENSEMBLES OF THE CONCERT WORLD MEMBERSHIPS CLOSE SATURDAY MAY 19, AT NOON ADULTS $5.50 -- STUDENTS $3.00 -- Tax included - Phone 2255 ... JOIN TODAY - Sale Continues - 07 OFF ALL WALLPAPERS © HURRY--HURRY--HURRY--HURRY y YOUR LAST OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE MONEY ON RE-DECORATING YOUR HOME... PAPERS FOR ANY ROOM IN YOUR HOME .. AND AT HALF THE ORIGINAL COST. ROP IN TODAY AND SEE THE WIDE RANGE FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE. ... THE PAINT AND WALLPAPER STORE THE OAKVILLE LUMBER CO. LTD. COLBORNE ST. : PHONE 1383