Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 17 May 1951, p. 8

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Thursday, May 17, 105 Page 8 VE FOUND OUT HOW Y LETHE 0 MAKE TI IN ONTHE TO MAKE ! CREE IT'S THESE GOODYEAR ROAD LUGS. THEY'RE SURE TOPS FOR TRACTION QN BACK-ROAD HAULING. AND THEY RUN YEAH, THISTRIP | Soe us For GOODSYEAR = SMOOTH ON THE {| TODAY SOLD ME. ILL i HIGHWAY, TOO. GET EM FOR MY miceiot | pOAD LUG Truck Tires Wm. Whitaker & Sons Station Rd., Oakville A fool [and his money are i Soon AE Please Report Promptly S ep parted, but how did the fo | 1 LOST OR FOUND | ENA ONE SENTS ABN SITUATIONS WANTED g STONY LAKE COTTAGES [pis bankroll started? f i ANIMALS Sn a i University graduate, for a FOR SALE FOR RENT --FOR SALE ---- ee | & Ha of 01s] 3; 2 S ffi d typing i i! 18 To : ATCM, assisted by other ar A on De oe an | | VACK TOWNSEND FOR § Oakville Humane Society |tists, will. be presented in Tra-| oo po" j705w, (35p26) | Centrally located = bric sie Resi Estate Broker i | falgar Community Hall 7.30 pm, (O2XVIe ZT "SC | near schools and shops, situate Quality Meat | PHONE 515 Satur May 26. There will al-| GOOD Th To Ee on a large lot and facing the| youna's POINT - Ontario S$ 1 g 0 rs pousel pi { Lost and Injured Animals |go be a lucky draw. Entire pro-|man as baby sitter or park. The place 1 developed as a Humanely Treated ceeds in aid of Crippled Child- | keeper or practical nurse. Phome| "eo ors and shrubs. Fruits & Vegetables 1671M. This house Is not old, and was . T AND FOUND William Fatfand | ODD jobs Dy some Sea SCOUES | modernized, redecorated and Groceries in order to earn money for sum- inted, inside and outside dur ic. | Merry announce' the engagement |! OF painted, JLOST: Glasses, probanly Wie ®,., "aughter Elizabeth Aun mer camp. Tose wishing to em (ing the past two or Shree years PHONE jolly Radial ss Road aud Bo fo Richard James Farley, son of |Ploy Sea Scouts phone Semlor| There is an Iron Fireman and | Line, Reward. Oakville 106W. | 0 © 45 Paward James Far- | Patrol Leader Graham Willis at) pot. Water heating. ley. The marriage will take place (87026) | possibly the accommodation is on June 9 at 3.00 o'clock in St. RPENTBR work, free esti-| more than necessary for the aver-| | John's United Church, Oakville, | mates, kitchen remodelled. Phone | age small family, as it comprises i C.LL. CELLULOSE SPONGES BS SE a 1637 Bronte. (35p26) | two sitting rooms and five or agen § tn coral, yellow blue and IN RIAM six bedrooms. However It should SANTE FE Brown walls , A -- be suitable for a large family PRINCESS Bl | green HILL_In_ memory of Major Ro- 2 suliable ROWN ceilings = nmap and Aug, |and it would be perfect for a ng G ROCETERIA 49¢ each bert Hill, who passed away on R. E. Harris, Prop. 1020 (Prompt Delivery) May 14, 1950. (June if desired) 5 room modern | doctor, dentist, or a professional _ Sadly missed by Mr. and Mrs.| apt. completely furnished. Phone man . . requiring offices on the Omer Guertin 20017. (45p25) | ground floor. ® : ; incipal bedroom has a | E MOTH KILLER TWO partly furnished rooms| he Pr a ¥ DEE TE Crystals FOR SALE OR TRADE suitable for business couple. dressing room and privafe bath . EE ite, together with a private i : BLUE COAL: "The world's fin-| Phone 1367]. (35p24) | ensuite, 1b. tin 5Q¢ est anthracite," from Frank Sul-|---------- > nl P R 0 P E R T Y 0 W N E RS | livan, Bronte 80-W. Your Blue re Bls0, 3, 3200Rd Latriroom. ah 4 © Heal Dealer. (21tD) % | There is a two car garage wit ii 2 Ton art are Tor concrete floor, and it should be SOUTH-EAST TRAFALGAR i MERCK DICHLORICID | NE! waning 2 noted that the house, itself, was PL A JE Crystals Bute aE tio Te years ago by the Annual Meeting South-East Trafalgar i + iA Johns-Manville Co. 1 Todd i 1-Ib. tin 75¢ PREMIER strawberry plants The asking price is moderate and Property Deny Se iaken A me i Phone 1289. (9023-25) a very small ~ down payment is was hel ® 1936 CHEVROLET, $150. Ap- required. We consider this a bar- 1 ply N. Rimes, Wm. Whitaker & gain that should be picked up by - by Rev Bele ras Sons. (36p26) ¢ _J| some. Oakville resident. if you == Os alley 0.9.1. ton : | 1935 DODGE sedan, AL condit-| COTTAGES for rent at Victon| consider your present--house too he | fon. Phone 528J3. a Harbor, This cottage and two| Small consult us regarding a. re- AT TRAFALGAR MEMORIAL HALL pointed i ® "DOUBLE bed, good maliress, | others, Phone H. C. Merry, 328, | arrangement. : folon i i TONI HOME PERMANENT [excellent for summer cottage, | --FoUR-room apt, second floor, AGENTS BUSINESS: Elections, Annual Reports, Current Wai fit Refills $12.00. Phone 1297J. (45¢25) ; _ choice = " Re-Assessment of Properties and sponder § each MODERN _ refrigerator, 76 Ib. | location, Lakeshore Fast, one- Jarvis & Ryrie Planning Board. The Se } $1.50 $25.. Phone 12073. (45c26) | year lease, gas stove. $100.00. Rial Extais Bofors ° a i 3 DOUBLE beds, springs and | Box 492 the Journal. ene vile a Refreshments. All Residents of Area Are Welcome. L. Bla IH © mattress, 2 piece chesterfield, 2| ~FOUSE, four rooms, residential 2KVINE THIS IS YOUR ASSOCIATION. Rev. W linoleum rugs, 6'x9', 2 single beds, | district, $150 a month. Box 494 z Mr. J 150 S springs ~~ & mattresses, 1 75 Ib. | Journal. fit Paris ice box. Will be sold in one| --7y0 double rooms, cooking { VU- RITER ROLL BALL [lot or separately. Apply 202 Kor | privileges. Phone 1980. (35026) PENCIL Street after 530. (13e20) | pe immer cottage Tm beau: ¢ each SOD--prompt sqrvicq) Teason- | jr Algonquin Park Complete- 29 able rates, delivered or laid. Also| ec furnished, boat, dock, ofl heat, 2 bedrooms, large veranda. Good { river or rockery stone. J. Bell, | © phone 1530W, Oakville. fishing, store nearby, daily de- a DENTAL STICK 1041 FORD Tudor. Phone 887 | livery from Huntsville. Available ili "Tar-Gon" ICDBOX, 75 Ib. capacity, used|from July 14 to August 18. Cam- ill or removing nicotine stains | one year, excellent condition. | eron. Hillmer, 89 Shedden, Phone AT ES 4 For Ht Phone 2023. (35025) | 37. x 0 f = TADIBS bicycle, very good | WANTED] A NINN 35¢ stick condition, new tires. Phone 759, | SALA! LLL A N 0 4 Wilson St. N. © (35p25) | Housekeeping rooms during DAN AN NN July and August. Phone 510R. 1946 OLDS, privately owned, LA TE URGENTLY needed by young baseball and hockey player, un- [ } 9 hydramatic, custom, radio, heater | and defroster, good tires. Excel- | lent condition throughout. Reas.| furnished apartment or house. Opposite Loblaw's at the |onably priced. F. Pidgeon, | Immediate possession. Phone Bud : Oakville Bus Stop Streetsville, phone 81. Corbett at 1378. (c26) GIRI/S bicycle, good condition.| YOUNG man would like room PHONE 650 Phone 205 after 5 p.m, (35p26) | With kitchen privileges. Phone FREE DELIVERY SHINGLES, and windows, 16 5] 12000 (45c25) sash, 4 3 sash. Apply Cox's Arena| COTTAGE for June, July and Lakeshore Highway. (35p26) | August. "Apply Box 495 Journal. 1 SMALL size ice box white,| IMMEDIATELY, house for $7; 1 baby's crib, $6; 1 car baby's | family of 5. Apply Box 491 Jour- seat, $1. Phone 1640. (4525) | mal (45p25) MLARY's electric rangette, ETE THEOE good condition. Phone 971 after SPECIAL NOTICES 6 pi (35p26) REGISTRATION OF TURNTABLE Tocord Thayer To | KINDERGARTEN CLASSES attach to radio, almost new. Rea-| Reistration of Kindergarten sonable, Phone. 486. (35p26y | Puplls for admission into Kinder- garten classes September 1st, 1951, will take place as follows: 'Westwood School: Thursday, May 17, 1951, at Westwood School, 2-4 o'clock. i! Brantwood School: Friday, May COUNTER girl, full or part time, day week only, good wag. | 16 1951 at Brantwood School, 2-4 o'clock. 3 s. Phone 230. (90e25-2T) |" pypiis five years of age by the ||||F SOFA AND CHAIR IN Handicapped gentleman Tedult| opening of school on September es active middle aged" couple to | 4th, 1951, will register on the take over five-roomed furnished |anove dates. bungalow in exchange for board [their fifth birthday reasonably 3 a 9 x G E N U | N E WN 0 0 L A SUIGHTLY USED TIRE. size 5.26-5.50-18 and rim, $2.50. Phone 328 Pupils who reach ~|and light assistance. Reply Box (close to September 5th will be / YOU CANTCLIMB THE. [498 Journal asked to register at tho same FRIEZE COVERED LADDER OF SUCCESS Stenographer required for the | time. If there is sufficient accom- { WITH COLD FEET Royal Bank of Canada, Oakville.| modation, these pupils will be / 1 3 = ~ Apply at local office. 25¢27) | notified not later than Sept. 7, 7 1951. Birth certificates of ALL ; $229.00 2 PIECES fhe Used Car you buy here 1951 Kinder; i ] h ! garten pupils must { 5 will be a success with your be presented at the schools on Ci {Choice of 8 New Colours in Soft, Heavy I entire family. Come in and B R 0 N T E registration day. : ty [Quality Mohair Frieze. Construction is | select it NOW so you can C. H. BYERS, world-famous KROEHLER "Cushionized" enjoy extra trips all spring BY 7 * : i 5 Ak: with latest "comfort-curved" arms, and fand summer. You are sure of E L E 0 T Secretary, : two cushion Sofa. | Slightly higher with § good value, at the lowest Oakville Public School Board > fringed base, ! hy prices in town . . . for your ~Power CULO, Sunday, May 27 " : : ! ver Cut-Off, Sunday, £ convenience we are open ® SR Lh i iJ BUY ON LIBERAL TERMS 0 | Thursday, Friday and Satur- ALL TYPE cycle hydro users in Trafalgar ee day evening till 9.30 p.m. # oh 0S Township for purpose of changing to 60 cycle. Trafalgar Public Util FOR THE BEST DEAL WIRING ities Comm, R. H. Philip, Mgr. SEE US AND. (IHere's a Special in the most popula' "7 bed outfit on the market. Sturdy spring y filled mattress, and durable box-spring 0 OMRIE | "mee L S0REENS © INDUSTRIAL For Wirciows ane (Dons : match. In 30" or 36" width at $49 (Opposite Century Theatre) ® --SEE-- 7 : CHEV. AND OLDS. HERB ROLLINSON SEE & COMPARE I i Sales & Service Phone CHAS. F. DOTY OUR MANY DOMINION FURNITURE hen PHONE 2220-1-2 BRONTE 159 AND SON OUTSTANDING STORES Dundas St. N. : Phone 76 VALUES Oakville, Ont. Phone 957

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