Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 24 May 1951, p. 14

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1 Page 10 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL IS YOUR CAR READY FOR FINE-WEATHER DRIVING . . . If it is not purring well enough to keep the pace just drive in and let us give it a thorough check-up . . . then you'll enjoy the fine-weather driving that is with us now. EDDIE'S GARAGE ST. ANDREW'S Father J. Kirby Masses will be celebrated by Father Kirby at 8.30 and 10.30 am, and evening devotions will be at 7.30 p.m. ST. JUDE'S Rev. F. C. Jackson Members of Oakville Odd Fel- lows and Rebekahs Lodges, aug- mented by a number of visitors from outside lodges, paraded to St. Jude's Church Sunday morn- ing on the occasion of their 77th Gliders and Umbrellas Recovered Canopies A Specialty CENTURY AWNING (O. HAMILTON DOMINION FURNITURE STORES PHONE 957 OAKVILLE WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION anniversary and, memorial ser- vice, Nearly two hundred mem- 69 Colborne St. W. Phone 1106 bers were present altogether. --"| Heading the parade was the Can- = adian Legion Pipe Band. Service Tailored at St. Jude's was conducted by Rev. A. H. Powell, and Rev. F. Ta Vio; C. Jackson delivered the sermon. Individ- Following the service the parade ual marched to George's Square, hes where a wreath, in memory of the Require Oakville lodge's war dead, was ments laid on the cenotaph. Full Select Excavation has started for the fon of fine proposed new Anglican church fabrics on the west side. On Sunday evening a special meeting of the vestry is being held to consider tenders for the building. Rey. John Munro, at present of Hamilton, has been appointed curate of St. Jude's. Mr. Munro, who was ordained in Christ's Church Cathedral, Hamilton, on Sunday, will assume his new du- ties June 1. The Men of St. Jude's will hold their annual garden party on the Tonight! TAKE HOME SOME SILVERWOOD'S BULK ICE CREAM CARTONS FROM 10¢ UP MANY FLAVORS TO CHOOSE FROM Silverwood's "Bricks only bricks still retailing at 35¢ DONNA lE CANDY AND NUT SHOP Opposite Century Theatre Phone 1229-W church grounds Saturday after- noon, June 16. A meeting of the Halton Dean- ery Sunday School Teachers' As- sociation will be held in St. George's Church, Lowville, on Monday evening. The annual birthday tea of the Women's Guild will be held in the parish hall on Wednesday afternoon, May 30. KNOX Rev. C. K. Nicoll Well-attended services marked the 64th anniversary of the lay- ing of the foundation stone of Knox Church, Rey. C. K. Nicoll, the minister, conducted both ser- vices. Tn the morning he preach- ed on "The Tdeal Church," and at the evening service his subject was "The Church of the Living God." On Sunday morning Mr. Nicoll's subject will be "The Re- quirements of God." "An Ambit ious Mother" is the title of his evening sermon. The Sacrament of Baptism will be observed at the morning ser- vice on Sunday, June 3. The choir of Appleby College, under the leadership of BE. Leslie Bott, will assist in the service. Holy Communion will pensed Sunday 2. be dis- morning, June The last Cradle Roll tea of the season was held in the Church Hall Tuesday afternoon. ST. JOHN'S Rev. Harry Pawson The next Communion service at St. John's Church will be on Sunday morning, June 24. During the month of July St. John's will 17 ¢ Sorry... were out!" Perhaps it has happened to you: Your physician has directed you to get a certain medicine, and when you ask for it, your pharmacist replies, "Sorry, we're out." Naturally, he regrets this just as much as you do: But with constant advances in medical and pharmaceutical research leading to the development of many new remedies as well as to the improvement of older ones, it is not alu ys possible to have all such products in stock all of the time. Today the pharmacist often has to keep in mind tens of thousands of prescription items--their names, their general use, and many other facts. While he endeavors to keep: on hand the many strengths and forms of these new and old drugs, sometimes a sudden rush of prescrip- tions will temporarily exhaust his stocks of a particular drug. But if he is out, usually he can and will get the needed medicine within a short time. So the next time your pharmacist greets your request with "Sorry, we're out," please be patient. Ask him when he can get it for your Remember he is as anxious as your physician is to provide you, as quickly as possible, with the particular medicine you need.-- Reprinted from a copyrighted advertisement published by Parke, Davis & Company. THE RUSSELL DRUG CO. PHONE 1786 (Formerly Byers') OAKVILL PROMPT DELIVERY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. be closed, and joint services will be held in Knox Church. CALVARY BAPTIST Rev. A. A. Stoll Job 42: Then Job answered the Lord and said I know that Thou canst do everything ,and that no thought can be withholden from Thee, therefore have I uttered that I understood not things to wonderful for me which I knew not. Tred May, Toronto evangelist, commenced a two-week campaign of preaching in Calvary Baptist "= CHURCH NEWS - | Church on Sunday, before large congregations. Mr. May provides his own music, playing the piano, the accordion, and the theremin. Meetings are being held ever evening at 8 o'clock with the ception of this evening, when young people of the church are attending a rally in Hamilton. There will be no Young People's meeting Monday evening, and no cottage" prayer meeting Friday evening. A musical group from the Church of the Crusaders, Toronto, will sing and the boys' trio on Monday. 1 BRONTE BAPTIST REV. ROBERT SNYDER Services and meetings at Bron- te Baptist Church will be as fol- lows: Tuesday, 6.45 p.m. Junior Young People; 8 pm, Senior Young People; Wednesday 8 pjm.j prayer meting; 10.30 am. Sunday school; 3 p.m. Miltol\ Bowes [Baptist Church, 6.45 p.m. Prayer meeting; 7 p.m Gospel service, Pastor Bob Sny- der preaching. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE "Soul and Body" Is the subject of the Lesson Sermon of the church service on Sunday, May 27th, of the Christian Science Society. The Golden Text is "In the way of thy judgments, O Lord, have we waited for thee; the desire of our soul is to thy name, and to the remembrance of thee" (Isa- iah 26:8) EPIPHANY canon D. R. Smith Scouts, Cubs, Girl Guides -- Bates will attend the service at 10 a.m. Sunday, Mr. Millward °and his com- mittee gave the church a new coat of paint during the week. They intend giving it a second coat this week. The Afternoon Branch of the W.A. will be at home to the members of the Junior Auxiliary and their mothers Tuesday, May 20th, at 4 p.m. ST. LUKE'S Canon D. R. Smith The flowers were given by Mrs. Robinson 'and Mrs. C. Norton in memory of Mr. J. W. Robinson. BAFFLING Sometimes it's hard to realize that this country was founded partly to avoid taxation. Your silver and china sparkle against Dresden Blue BULCRAFT Cota Sihame PAINTS Thursday, May 24, 195, FOR... SCREENS For Windows and Doors --SEE-- CHAS. F. Doty AND SON Dundas St. N. Pharis 73 _-- ES ---- BRONTE ELECTRI¢ (J ALL TYPES OF WIRING AND MAINTENANCE © DOMESTIC © COMMERCIAL © [NDUSTRIAL (J HERB ROLLINSON Phone BRONTE 159 Oakville Ready-Mix CONCRETE: Phone Oakville 928 4 of Studeb 1951 Front end styling i grille, silyer-hued "spinner," and bum, car offe: erings center around the now per support splash shicld. Design changes in the rear are reflected principally in the new trunk deck handles enclosing lock, lid release and license plate lamp, and the re-designed tail lamps which give much greater lighting both rearward and laterally. Other features include the use of wider rear springs to improve lateral stability, indshi 2-door Custom Ck stemtag. new instrument panels, and one-picce rear windows on all models except the 5-passenger and business coupes. Photo shows the 1951 Stud i BRONTE, ONT. MacLeod Motors STUDEBAKER SALES AND SERVICE Geo. MacLeod, prop. Phone 104 E of Main The Canadian Bank of Commerce "The Commerce" Keystone Street The towns of Canada can be beautiful places. In many, each spring a rebirth of blossoms is promise of harvest to come. And good crops mean good living for «// Canadian towns. Serving Canadian towns is your bank... a branch of The Commerce. You 80 to your banker as naturally as you 80 to your grocer. No banking service is too large or too small to expect of your Commerce manager. Not all towns have a blossom time, but most have a Commerce branch. And the men and \ 'women there are good people to know. 187-50A2 Thu Car fe Unlik fema more than an e red ¢ Get | for ¢ infere prote

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