Thursday, May 24, 1951 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 3 by Al Rivier Acc the last installment on the ring!" A For Leadership Its 9 © "Those Careful Cleaners" Molwood ammaln FORSYTHE STREET AT THE LAKE PHONE 1123 OAKVILLE : [| town last weekend. ording HE "It'sa mod. A * x ow ow ern marriage if the man starts alimony payments before BRONTE (Continued from Page 2) baking booth. Everyone is cor- dially invited. TEE ws Mrs. Arnold Brown is in St. Joseph's hospital, where she un- derwent an operation on Friday. alia vais Mr. and Mrs. Robert Black and son Bobbie Have moved to their new home on Station Road. Pa The - many friends of Mrs. Russ Overland were sorry to learn that she suffered a heart attack last Friday. ox wow x Connie Lang spent Sunday Buffalo with friends. Ea Bob Basada, a former resident of Oakville, visited friends in in The Bronte Community Club are holding the last euchre of the season next Monday evening in the Community Hall. A lunch will be served. a or ox ow ox The Well-Baby clinic will be held in the Parish hall on Fri- day, May 25 from 1.30 to 3.30. sae s F.0. William Campbell, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Landry, has returned to his station in Lon- don. HARD COAL PRICES JUCED FILLYOURBIN NOW PRICES ARE EXPECTED TO ADVANCE IN THE EARLY SUMMER DUE TO FREIGHT INCREASES AND HIGHER MINE PRICES. FOR EVEN HEAT Choose Coal GEO. GRAY'S FUEL AND ICE HILLWER'S FUEL AND IGE McDERMOTT'S FUEL & IGE Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hinton spent the weekend in Kitchener where they attended the wedding of Mrs. Hinton's sister. * * Mr. and Mrs. Brady of Dublin, Ireland, are visiting their daugh- ter, Mrs. Paddy Hughes. ore oe on ) The Bronte Horticultural Soc- ety held a plant sale in the Church of the Epiphany parish hall on Saturday afternoon. PEE Glad to hear that Dorothy Bray, who has been convalescing at home from an operation, was able to return to work on Monday. TRAFALGAR Mrs. S. D: Turner, president of Wesley W.M.S, entertained the members for the May meeting on Tuesday, May 15. The devo- tions were conducted by the president. The program, arran- ged by Mrs. Roy Fish, had for its theme the word "Resting" and the members answered the roll call with a suitable text. An article by Jane Scott, entitled "My Rocking Chair" was read By Mrs. W. Sinden. An extract entitled "Your Garden" which referred to one's own mind and heart was contributed. A conden sation of the life story of Miss Caroline Macdonald, LILD., en- titled the White Angel of Tokyo, was given by Miss A. Marshall. A personal letter from Miss Kate Rutherford, of Africa, who visi- ted Wesley Church two years ago, was read by Mrs. H. Cul- lingham. With the president of the W.A. presiding, it was de- cided to join with neighboring church women's organizations in a cooking school to be sponsored by Frigidaire in the early fall Plans were also made for the lunches for the Dominion Hol- stein sale for which the Wom- en's Associations of the . three churches of Trafalgar charge are catering. cee Miss Annie Noble 'and Miss Hazel Cullingham were Sunday guests at the home of Mr." & Mrs. E. A. Hopper. CEE Mrs. A. E. Campbell and Mrs. L. W. Fish were guests on Thurs- day at the tea given by the mem- bers of the W.M.S. of Palermo United Church. Rey. Elda Dan- iels, formerly of Korea, who is a cousin of Mrs. Campbell was the guest speaker. sere w Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Jackson and their two small daughters have moved into the farm house of Miles Park Farm, lately va- cated by Mr. & Mrs. G. Harris. The farm will be managed by Mr. Jackson. PIC Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth McLean and son Peter, accompanied Mrs. Edna Turner and Miss Jean Tur- ner on Friday to Bowmanville to stay over the week-end. Mrs. Turner went to Bowmanville to get her summer home ready for occupancy. Several members of the Six- teen Presbyterian Church W.M.S. attended the 36th annual meet- ing of Section 2, of Toronto West Presbyterial of the W.M.S. which was held on Wednesday. afternoon, May 16th, in Norval Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Cecil Robinson, secretary, gave the al- loted one minute report of the local society. The offering was dedicated by Mrs. Percy Kisg. 2a ess Miss June Fish, teacher in training at Hamilton Normal School, was a member of the Normal School choir when they sang over CKOC, Hamilton, on Sunday afternoon. PE Arnold Fish and Stanley Cham- berlain left on Sunday on a fish- ing trip to Norwood. Fra aa Mr. and Mrs. A. Gerrard and son were Sunday guests at the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. Calvin Bentley. ox eee At the morning service on Sun- day, May 13, at St Peter's church, Erindale, a stained glass window to the memory of Rev. and Mrs. H. V. Thompson, given by their sons and daughters, was dedicafed by the rector, Rev. G F. Banks. The window was un- veiled by Col. T. L. Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture. The Rev. Mr. Thompson was rector of St. Peter's church for 25 years. Fr Lorne Fish, Miss Norma Tish, Mrs. Arthur Campbell and Miss Beverly Campbell attended the Spring Fantasy at Cooksville United church which was given under the direction of the organ- ist and choir leader, Mrs. Chris. (Jean) Stensson, of Sheridan. Pi Mrs. (Held Over From Last Week) Mrs. Rule, Sr, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rule, Toronto, were Sunday guests at the home of their daughter and sister, Mrs. Jas. Walker. PP Congratulations to Levison Calverley who was awarded the $100 scholarship in the first year course in mechanical technology at Ryerson School of Technology, Toronto. rarer Congratulations also to Brian Bentley, of Snider's School, Who won the second class medal at the Halton County Music Festi- val for boys' solo under nine years of age. ne . * Mr. and Mrs. Keith Merry, Hornby, were. Mothers' Day guests at the home of Mrs. Mer- Ty's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacPherson. FRE Mr. A. E. MacMurray, Royden MacMurray and son Keith, Oak- ville, were the guests on Sunday of Mr. and Hrs. Elmer McLean. era ae Arnold Fish en- tertained the members of Mrs. Fish's Sunday school class on Saturday evening at their home. » Mr. and Mrs iy Isaac Watson, who recent- ure -- WHEN YOU SEE WHAT WE HAVE FOR YOU... Wo "OH" - an BLAZERS, *SPORT JACKETS, SPORT SHIRTS, TEE-SHIRTS, FANCY SOCKETTES, STRAW HATS, SUMMER CAPS, LIGHT WEIGHT FELTS, BOW TIES, SLACKS, IN.FACT . .. EVERY- THING FOR MEN AT-- BILL GRAMELL'S MEN'S SHOP They AH d You Will Tao! "We are the Oldest & Most Reliable Store in Town' (ESTABLISHED 1920) Colborne St. -- Opposite Loblaw's -- Oakville ¢ an operation on her right hand is, fue better. PEA Miss Luena ol, Toronto, was a guest on Sunday of the Biggar family. Following the church service at Sheridan Church on Sunday morning, the Mothers' Day pro- gram as arranged by the Relig- ious Education Council was giv- en by the several classes of the Sunday School. The service was held in the Church and was conducted by the superintendent, Mr. V. Stensson. . x * Last week, Mrs. R. H. Post had the misfortune to fall against a table and in so doing fractured three ribs. We trust that she will soon be feeling better. Roy and Cecil Fish, Stanley and Jackson Chamberlain, Elgin Tur- ner and .Clifford Post acted as pallbearers at the funeral of their aunt, the late Mrs. George (Em- ma) Sitter. cers Mr. and Mrs. Willard Fish, Newmarket, spent the weekend with Mr. Fish's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fish. sess Mr. and Mrs. L. Stansbury were Sunday guests at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Kenneth McLean. The TOWNE NOW to take home . . . DRESSED Ca the days you can't dine here pick up our specialty "FRIED BUTTER CRISP CHICKEN COLD ROAST Colborne St. near Century Theatra Coffee Shop OPEN CHICKEN Phone 1821 HEA HILLS " GINES ~ = 1 W You can avoid trouble and unnecessary repairs by having your -cooling system checked every Spring and Fall. Bring it in today for/our thorough 7-point check! Our factory-trained mechanics will: 1. check and flush radiator; 2. check watee pump; 3. adjust fanbelt; 4. inspect all rubber hose connections; 5. check engine block for leaks and for correct thermostat operation; 6. thor- oughly clean radiator-core exterior of Winter accumulation of dirt, etc.; 7. test-run to assure efficient cooling system operation. Phone now for an appointment! HAVE YOUR COOLING SYSTEM CHECKED TODAY! *Our mechanics regularly attend schools conducted by the Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited sr "The Home of Chrysler, DUNDAS STREET NORTH HEDLEIGH HOME LIMITED Plymouth, Fargo Service" PHONE 1063 Helena Rubinstein creates Stay-long the most amazing indelible lipstick ever made! Here, for the first time, is an indelible lipstick that's as lustrous and creamy as you could wish! Here, for the first time, is an indelible lipstick in a full range of glowing colors! Helena Rubinstein's remarkable new Stay-long lipstick not only clings to your lips, but actually protects them from drying and chapping! And wait till you see the way that wonderful, moist, dewy look /asts/ You'll find Stay-long lipstick, in ten marvelous reds, right here--for only 12° You can buy a new Stay-long refill for your oun lipstick case for only .75 THE RUSSELL DRUG CO. PHONE 1786 OAKVILLE