Thursday, May 24, 1951 VERYBODY READS CLASSIFIEDS ON PAGE EIGHT ENJOY LIFE. .... EAT OUT MORE OFTEN STEAK CHICKEN .... Our Specialty Heat Your Home Better! AUTOMATICALLY! Xe Mork) Ll Dirtr = HoFire, = Foti = Ending. yy Ashes NN l Birns ® 4 Lm ifr \ | He | Helps LD) LL Clean) y See The New == i. oleman oj Floor Furnace IFs WARM-FLOOR Heat! Yes--coleman 01 Foor | LOW IN Cost! -- We Can Install Quickly! Furnace sets IN the floor. - Needs no basement. Auto- Let us heat measure vour home with our maticl--no fire tending. Clean! --no dirty fuel, no ashes. Exclusive Coleman features save fuel, move the heat to keep the floors toasty-warm. Come in--let jis show yom. COLEMAN HEAT ESTIMATOR Yo. Cost... No Obligation "Your Community Hardware Store" JAKVILLE HARDWARE LTD. Page 7 OAKS SHOW PROMISE AS NEW CANDIDATES AUGMENT LAST YEAR'S OB.A. FINALISTS "ROOFING ~ MATERIALS BORNE ST. E. PHONE 290 RECEIVING THE ADMIRING congratulations of Mimi and Cindy Bell Is Douglas! Hardwick, whose 21 points during Appleby College sports day events won him the Victor Ludorum senior championship. challenge trophy. R. S. Chaffe won the Davis Brothers cup for the intermediate division by garnering a like point total, while J. R. Gairdner's 19 points gave him the W. S. Davis junior trophy. Awards were presented by Rev. G. P. Gilmour, chancellor of McMaster Uni- versity, and Mrs. Gilmour. LEGION BRANGH JOINS H.S. SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Oakville branch of the Cana- to secondary school dian Leglon, with other "branch- | graduates entering university es, is sponsoring a number of this year, selection to be based university scholarships this year. | on matriculation examination re- These scholarships include one | sults and general suitability. The for $400 being offered by the Do-| first consideration among those minion Command, Canadian Le- | who qualify will be given to sons gion, and one valued at $300|and daughters of veterans who for each Legion district of the|lost their lives through service. Ontario Command. The Domin-| Students competing for awards ion Command scholarship will be | must be eligible for membership awarded to the candidate deserv-|in the Canadian Legion, the chil- ing the greatest consideration in|dren of parents either of whom the opinion of the selection com-|is eligible, or the children of de mittee. ceased veterans. These Selections will be made by the holarship Commi the Ontario Command, Canadian Le- gion. Applications must be for- warded to the Provincial Secre- tary, Ontario Command, before July 1st. Awards will be an- nounced before Sept. 15. Last year the Ontario Command awarded 26 scholarships valued at $275 each. awarded scholarships will be FOR... --SEE-- CHAS. F. DOTY AND SON N. SURE INDICATOR The way all the old songs are coming back, you can't tell a per- son's age by the tune he hums. Dundas St. Phone 76 BLANKET ® GUARANTEED MOTH PROOFING © CELLO-WRAPPED AGAINST SUMMER MOISTURE ® CELLO-WRAPPED FOR EASY SELECTION IN THE CUPBOARD Em. 98c 5 OR MORE BLANKETS .89 EACH LIMITED OFFER EXPIRES MAY 3st LAUNDRY PHONE 1900 OR 1112 USUAL 5% CASH & CARRY DISCOUNT APPLIES ON THIS UNUSUAL OFFER ...AS THE MANY CUSTOMERS KNOW WHO HAVE ALREADY. IAVAILED THEMSELVES OF OUR | | OUTSTANDING SPECIALS! ® DOUBLE FLUFFED FOR ORIGIN- ! AL SOFTNESS ® SPECIAL METSO ALKALI FORM- ULA PREVENTS SHRINKING each SPECIAL SERVICE Even as the Journal hits the newsstands with this issue, the 1951 edition of Oakville's Oaks will be getting ready to take the diamond against the mew Clark- son A. A. entry in the Wallace park opener of the Halton coun- ty loop intermediate season. And judging from pre-season practice sessions, the squad that battled to the O.B.A. "A" finals last fall will be even stronger this sum- mer. Heading the list of new addit fons to the roster is Johnny Olignik, a hard hitting backstop who performed with Hamilton's Pony league Cardinals two sea- sons back. New infield candidates are George Stott and "Yorky" Yorkston, while Alex Kerlock, erstwhile Wellsville outfielder, also seeks a regular berth. All are Hamilton buddies of firstsacker Harry Herd. As a matter of fact, the Oak board of strategy--comprising Al Yarnell, Cliff Post and Norm Carter--has an {impressive list from which to select a starting lineup. Olkgnik will catch the opener, while Frank May will probably draw the first hurling assignment, with Mark Pollock, Rex Bailey, the former Leasider, Jim Black, Toronto township reeve Lloyd Herridge, and Halton loop prexy Pete McMullen will take part. There will be the usual open- ing ceremonies, in which mayor and Yarnell standing by for re- Hef roles. With Herd nursing a sore arm, Carter will cover first and peppery Ken Pollock will be at short. For second and third, however, game time choices will be made from among Hank Gal- braith, Stott, Yorkston, Kenny Brown and Paul Gillam. Outfield candidates include Kerlock, Ben Languay, Bd. Wollons, Albert Evershed, and the Withnell brothers. And still further addit- ions to the squad may be expect- ed in the near future. RULCRAPT Coton Scheme PAINTS SANTE FE Brown walls PRINCESS BROWN ceilings bleached furniture JAMES L. COOKE CONSTRUCTION LTD. EQUIPMENT RENTAL Hourly or Contract Basis PHONE 1133-- ® Toa T MEMORIES MUST BE ARRANGED FOR. IN ADVANCE the best way to make cer- tain you'll enjoy many hap- py motoring miles in your car is to drive in to see our experienced mechanics at regular intervals. PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE ALWAYS. OAKVILLE MOTORS CHEVROLET AND OLDSMOBILE Sales and Service Colborne St. E. at Reynolds PHONE 2220-1-2 For happiness Wd ERFECT DIAMONDS BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED OR USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN GROSVENOR'S JEWELERS 88 Colborne E. Phone 121-W