THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL The TOWNE Coffee Shop NOW OPEN CHICKEN AND FRENCH FRIES On the days you can't dine here pick up our specialty to take home... "FRIED BUTTER CRISP COLD ROAST DRESSED CHICKEN Colborne St. near Century Theatre Phone 1821 NEW RATES OF FARE INTERURBAN ROUTES During the past ten years the cost of providing service has steadily increased, and for some time the present rates of fare have not provided sufficient amounts to meet expenses. I Bus passengers will readily understand that it is impossible, in the face of such rapidly rising costs, to maintain a high standard of service without an in- crease in fares. Consequently, effective FRIDAY, JUNE 1st, a moderate upward adjustment will be made in all fares on Gray Coach Lines' taterurban routes. Your continued support and goodwill will be ap- Information regarding the new preciated and will ensure a continuance of the quality of service you desire. fares, tncluding commuters' and scholars' rates * will be available at your local agency after Wednesday, May 30th. HALTON INN PHONE 600 [= CHURCH NEWS = | ST. JOHN'S Rev. Harry Pawson The ministers, choirs and or- ganists of St. John's Church will exchange churches with those of South Parkdale United Church, Toronto, this coming Sunday evening. Rev. R. A. Rowley is the minister of South Parkdale Church. The next Communion service will be on Sunday morning, June 24. Intending members are re- quested to secure their certifi: cates as soon as possible, an those desiring to unite with the church on Profession of Falth are asked to get in touch with Mr. Pawson, the minister. The regular meeting of the Wo- man's Association will be held on Friday, June 8, instead of to- morrow. ST. JUDE'S Rev. F. C. Jackson Rev. John Munro, newly ap- pointed curate of St. Jude's, as- sumes his duties tomorrow. The annual birthday tea of the Women's Guild was held in the parish hall yesterday afternoon. The induction of Rey. 2 Howson at Hagersville will be held Tuesday evening, June 19. Those wishing to attend the service and who would like transportation are asked to get in touch with Rey. Mr. Jackson. Men members of the congrega- tion wishing to help with the ar- rangements for the Men of St. Jude's Garden Party on June 16 are asked to contact G. Ostrom, phone 321. KNOX Rev. C. K. Nicoll The choir of Appleby College, directed by I. Leslie Bott, will assist in the service at Knox Church Sunday morning, when the Sacrament of Baptism will be observed. The minister Rev. C. K. Nicoll, will take as his subject "A Father's Broken Heart." In the evening he will preach on "Spirits in Prison." The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed at the morning service on June 24. Those wishing to unite with the church by certificate or on Pro- fession of Faith are asked to get in touch with the minister as soon as possible. CALVARY BAPTIST Rev. A. A. Stoll Tomorrow evening marks the conclusion of the two-week cam- paign of Fred May, Toronto evan- gelist. On Sunday music was sup- plied by Mr. Barrington, Toron- to soloist, and the Evangelaire's Quartette. A group of five young people from the Church of the Crusaders, Toronto, sang on Tues. Assures you of beauty -- wherever you go! Called "Treasure Chest" because it is a treasure +. . a very special little case fitted with: the precious booty of these exquisite Elizabeth Arden Preparations: ARDENA CLEANSING CREAM ARDENA VELVA CREAM PAT-A-CREME Costume Colours In Red, Beige, Green or Wine simulated leather. $ make it an attractive matching or contrasting accessory = = = = ARDENA SKIN LOTION STOP RED LIPSTICK ILLUSION POWDER THERUSSELLDRUG CO. PHONE 1786 PROMPT DELIVERY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. PHONE 1786 &| Andrew's W. S. DAVIS & SON REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE a MORTGAGES Rev. A. A. Stoll, the pastor, " will conduct Sunday's services, and the Freeman Gospel Quar- tette will sing. ST. ANDREW'S Father J. Kirby More than 60 children, from tots of two to students in Grade VIII, took part in the 'beautiful procession and ceremony at St. day evening, and a 40-piece or- W. E. DAVIS R. C. A. CUMBERLAND 63 Colborne St. E., Oakville Phone 41 Evenings and Holidays Phone 1371-M Thursday, May 3; 1 R.C. church on Sunday evening marking the crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the closing of the May devotions. It was the first time in a great many years this traditional ceremony bad been. held in Oakville. Led by altar boys In their black cassocks and white surplices, the procession moved from St. Mary's school, along King Street to the church. Wearing crowns of flowers, dressed in white, and carrying bouquets of spring flow- ers, the girls marched two by two in advance of five very tiny little "angels," complete with card- board wings, surrounding senior- grader Celestine Cornin who had been chosen to carry the crown of flowers. The angels included two-year-old Martha Murray, 3- year-old Gay Stratton and three four-year-olds, Chryl Paul, Mar- garet Card and Cathy Cunning- ham. Following in the rear were boys of the school. As they entered the church they commenced singing hymns of praise to Our Lady, and after taking their places in the front pews, Miss Cornin, accompanied by her entourage, proceeded to place the crown of flowers on the statue, of the Blessed Virgin as a symbol of homage to the mother of God. As she returned from the flower-bedecked altar, Bryan Kress, accompanied by Ricky Spries and David Boocock, step- ped forward and placed a bouquet of lillies at the statue's feet. (Friendohip is an Arf Learning the true meaning and deep value of friendship is an art in itself. Like every other art, it requires a certain environ- ment, a certain discipline and a certain attitude of mind on the part of those who aspire to possess it. Again like every other art, the cultivation of real friendship can never begin too e: Itis part of the tradition of Arriesy COLLEGE: to show boys by. precept and example, the meaning of friendship. Through the individual attention of carefully chosen masters, and the priceless benefits ofa healthy, active, communal life among his fellows, every boy comes to experience true comradeship, and learn its values and responsibilities. He makes lifelong friends at ApPLeny: more important by far, he gains a permanent insight into what true friendship really means. Hobbies and sports are encouraged at Arerby, and the course of studies provides entrance to all universities. For illustrated prospectus, write the Headmaster. Apple College Rev. J. A. M. Bell, Headmaster Oakville, Ontario (Continued on Page 7) [74 . CENSUS TAKER Mr. R. J. Davy is one of the. Your enumerator (man or woman) 18,000 enumerators who will call at the homes of all Canadians-- will carry an identification card. including yours--starting June Ist. His job is to get the facts which Canadians' need for successful management of their private business or public affairs. It is of practical benefit to you and your community. The inf ion you give is kept in strictest confidence, and can be used only for census statistics. It. cannot, by law, be revealed to anyone for any purpose, even to other Government Departments. Please be ready with quick and accurate information when your census taker calls. DOMINION BUREAU OF STATISTICS OTTAWA, CANADA | 1 LE THERE'S A JOB TO BE DONE IN '5 9TH DECENNIAL CENSUS \ DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND COMMERCE Hiursda Or MAC INVE ASSOC 80 Kin PH