Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 7 Jun 1951, p. 13

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Page 14 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, June 7, n _-- Patsy told her daughter rsd: DENTIST overstuffed pussy 0 __mmst | The Cookee Column mri, mio able by always goin i U lb 1:4 a Book Three, Entitled: ing things you nave LT INSURANCE ELECTRICAL Announces the opening of ' Now take me fo can jp this office on June 9th for » ETURNS "Who wants to Fats a T. 8. H. GILES INDUSTRIAL the practice of PO said and laughea ig, Je » Real Estate and Insurance COMMERCIAL GENERAL DENTISTRY loud. Has ME ERT C. MERRY t apl 189 Colborne Street Hast Doma Above Allan's Drug Store ata date, kin ple ve o - - - - Phone 582 | ELECTRICAL SERVICH g ; continued. * "Take me the Bronte, Ontario CHAPTER 17 We were afraid of the city|gtance, I'm ar for 19 Melindy St. BROWN ELECTRIC For Appointments traffic, and thought that all the~chas 1 4 WAYS satisfieg of and Toronto - - - Adelaide 2761 Phone 1059 Oakville a Tw It was November when Wel onil 'cars and street cars| square most. have 4 tube Evenings - - - Oakville 712 CONTRACTORS = moved bag and baggage to the| ip" confuse them. Graduall each day, f, cis ---- Gord Brown |-------------------------- | little apartment in the old home ei ree vo ws vn tin us 21 GENERAL INSURANCE ANT BOARDING KENNELS on Dowling Avenue. Once this| i, "follow us closely when we an old coat or Sweater jy H. S. THORNTO BILL ANDERSON ----------------had been a very stylish part of| The sti '° | basket, I'm as happy as 4 iS. N RADIO - APPLIANCES . 3 y went for a walk, The street cars| oi" a king on son. uli = Phone 874 at DEEPEN] ses Soy he ie od pn Ses si' eth Se ) : "I don't mind the cars an ape in keshore West, Oakville Phone, 521M BOARDING KENNELS REGID. | Jey ToS somites Bio) 1 don mind the core and world Yes--tar ion ma A. F. BERRILL Dunn St. North - Oakville oT Our goods and chattels all went| «hy; those Rackety Bangs scare | Ch libe=and greed!' "Qakville's Acti a" ~ LF. CLEMENT LTPP 2 in by truck on a Saturday after-| mo most horribly. Every time one me along you three," akville's Active Broker' . F. CLEMENT Clipping, Defleaing, Washing, |noon. The doggies, our suit cases|yushes past I feel as though I'm to them. "Quit your arguing i Real Estate and Business HOME ELECTRIC Worming and Patsy's basket went in the|| aboot to lose my tailfeathers, or, Sol JOUI leashes. Driby gy i Broker AUTHORIZED FRIGIDAIRE Special Attention To Dogs In | car with us, We couldn't take a |a( least one of my ears!" | AL take you for a nice way, i Insurance L| Season basket for Pokee and Fudgee be-| "wel, it's a good job you haye-| (0 Queen Street, or maype 4 i Oakville, Ont, Phone 1233 | Commercial Sales & Service All Animals Exercised cause there just wasn't room in| np ou .| to the water-front." J n't that long fluffy tail youve al-|"®, ay E------,, Livingston Stoker _ |our new accommodation We had|yays wanted giggled Popo, "Be- Oh goody, oh goody!" sy | PROFESSIONAL and Oil Burner Units g BUILDING a large cardboard box filled with | cause you'd lose it for sure!" = mr sho) ran to fing = |Service & Installation of all|=------------------=-- blankets, pillows and linen which| «on no I wouldn't! I'd guard|.c2Shes. laybe we'll sep was to be Po's and Fudgee's bed | it with my life: I always wanted |1Cvely looking fellow dho Jy i CARSTEN GLAHN, R.O. Makes CHAS. WATT after the cont 3] i , R.O. 2 ' ents were transfer | ; SE he across the street. i OPTOMERIST - OPTICIAN WORK GUARANTEED Local Representative red to the dresser. i ey we . : but oi "That frizzy looking dog qt § i Professional and Technical 16 HONE 1441 J. Cooke Limited "Well, if the truth were known, | keep on hoping for it. I would | corner?" Popo asked. "Dp i Services ossentiall to eve OMAS ST. N. CONCRETE BLOCKS which it aint hardly ever seldom | Jook classy with one wouldn't 17 think he's good looking? fi ; GENERAL ELECTRIC | Aldershot, Ont. Phone 386J3| ever known, Patsy sald as she) And all 1 have is this little stubl fuzz-balll If you ask me!" care : : ~~ _|looked out from under the bed i "I didn't ask you," Fudges 1 HOURS: Daily 9.00 to 530 Oil Bumers ~~ |TURNBULL & HOLDRIDGE | which had just been set up in the Fudgee said as she sat down and upogios, 1 think he's chang Fil al Refrigeration di ToT 'e ' viewed her e wee tail wif fi mi Sat. 9.00 to 12.30 Sales & iinstaliot Building Contractors living room because there wasn't| 11 silky knob of f it looking! i Mon. & Thurs. eve. 7.00-8.00 a g netalla ion Concrete - Masonry - |room for it in the bedroom, er | lc Small silky knob of WF OF Ft | "Right on you tarriers, fig ; 163 COLBORNE ST. E. 94 Mania Ave. Phone 1544 Blockwork think this is a heck of a dump.| "Don't alvays be Fanting -- | Patsy. sald as we went oi § PHONE 1375 p ay 4578W - OAKVILLE - 903| There ain't no place hardly to) you haven't got you silly kids." | front door for our walk. i Oakville TORONTO - Plaza 5491 | move much. Good place for a ia WILLIAM C. MILLIGAN, R.O. ORVILLE NEAL mouse for somo Tile critter who (Li Optometrist * Optician Domestic | &} Commercial KITCHEN CABINETS me for i, . wil 69A Colborne St, Oakville, Ont. GI a I'ean move about: Tikate to feel 4 oY | gi (Over the Bank of Commerce) Ng nk EE fenced inf you see what I H Professional eye examination & 37 STEWART ST. W. iy; Mary mean.' e i : prescription services, Phone 1005-R TALBOT SALES "Oh yes to be sure, we see fa TELEPHONE 1507 -- BUILDERS' SUPPLIES whatiyol meant Fudgeejanswer B B i Closed All Day Wednesday BROCKWAY'S Lower Middle Rd. Ph. g4zuz| ed her from her perch on the = eo DY DUS id HOURS: Daily 9.30 am-5.30 pm.| SALES AND SERVICE a Ti = | Thursday evening--7.00-8.00 p.m.| Your Furnace is as good as your FLOOR SERVICE I 2 = ISN 3 or by appointment service man = z 3 _ rbvummmet |g corse seavice mew oy pees v Ly ce Hi OAKVILLE Completely | Automatic fs io PAREN soo Po. Whore on earth 16 ghe?| FE mm, flees hel 24-Hour Service Floor Sanding & Refinishing| p> s she? Par a4. ANIMAL CLINIC FOR QUALITY SERVICE Phone 1058-W. a she (called, -- 0 W. A CAMPBELL, DVM. | CALL BRONTE 168-M trom tho. clothed closer, and 1 = G. K. PECK, D.V.M. --------~----------| GOVERNMENT ANNUITIES | can't eet out!" I opened the door Maurice Dr. Phone 452W|___ ROOFING | il") is gail in arrears) 22d Out bounced Pokee. DAILY SERVICE If No Answer Call 2177 3 "Oh bless my toe feathers!" she r OFFICE HOURS 1 to 8 -- 7 to 9 NICHOL'S ROOFING Ju, pink fon I 0 : Sh New roofs & Old roofs applied H. L. SMITH spluttered. "I thought it was TO ALL CANADIAN AND U.S.A. POINTS is Insul-Bric siding & Asbetos siding | * (Goverment, Representative) | hen So I curled up to have a y Appointment th Siotartals R TE sleep. 1 wondered where you CHARTERED BUSES --_-- Eaves Troughing. oom 10, Sun Life Building folks had all gone to. 1 was sure CHIROPRACTOR Materials supplied & sold SC 2619 a oe 1 d OFFER IDEAL SERVICE = Peter P. Nichols es a v i iit vat aos ELE Eat Po," Fr 3 - L. E. MACDOUGALL, D.C. |New Phone 2544 Burlington |------=----------------| "55 72} Fo fees oomeen FOR ALL GROUP TRAVEL CHIROPRACTOR Oakville 1445 SURVEYOR » HALTON INN sure of?" Po snapped back at Office Hours: 88 CLARKE AVE., BURLINGTON I PHONE 600 Daily: 9.30400 (Estimates Given) DANE WANDABENSE minding my business I wonder how Saturday: 9.00-12.30 =----trerRiES. || 20JARIO LAND SURVEVOR [you ever jeire for your own. Mon. & Thurs. Evening 7-9 N And Associate Member Institute|Don't you know youre mot sup- Closed All Day Wednesday ROBT. NIELSEN Professional Town Planners | posed to pick a moat out of your 61 A COLBORNE 8ST. allt Land Surveys Subdivisions | sister's eye when you have a OAKVILLE Industrial Building Layouts stream in your own?" TELEPHONE 146 Garden Design and Landscape Water's Edge, "What -on earth does that C Clarkson, Ont. mean?' Fudgee asked. OSTEOPATH TREKS -- SHRUBS -- ROSES PHONE CLARKSON 320 "I haven't the slightest idea," i EV jfed with D. D. James, | PO said. "But it does sound good CARLTON GREEN We Grow - Design - Plant O.LS., of Port Credit, Tel, P.C, | doesn't it?" Osteopath Prune - ete. 2034 By supper time we were settl- 63 Division Strest Oakville R.R. 1 ed enough to set a card table in ' Phone 1444-W the bedroom which had to pe our By Appointment Only. SIGNS = | livingroom. The little as Phone 826 LINBROOK NURSERIES EH was not connected so Dribbi Evenings, Wednesday After- Growers of > ALLIDAY cooked our supper on a one- FY noon, Saturday and Sunday. Eigh Quality Nursery Stock SIGNS In a a Is fonst. i of Fine Gardens OF ALL KINDS = ln y ghee L and join in on the picnic. We ; il BARRISTERS -- Contracting -- Gold Leaf Window Signs RB etelcertainly 'crampsilfor space EIGHTH LINE N. Phone 137J PHONE 5o8/2 But we decided to make the best e bes ANGUS McMILLAN OAKVILLE NURSERIES ae of it. We were all together at TAKES FROM GILBRER i Barrister -- Solicitor Evergreens, Shrubs, Bedding least, and that was what we 3 Le Notary Public Plants wanted, 7 ; 2 107 Colborne Street East Landscaping -- Fruits i ey days passed we got DAIRY Telephone Oakville 532 Lakeshore Highway W. geitledidown endl ifoind} that, al: ROSS RYRIE Phonte Brogte Sow WATCH. 3 though oe space was very small || In i content, flavour 2 bs we could manage very well. I and laboratory purity tests A Barrister - Solicitor WM. SEALE REPAI R suppose you can get used to any. Gilbrea Dairy milk is tops. PHONE Notary Public Bn Tractor Work TE oe Three small Tn From dairy farm. to deliv- 8 i ng a common ath- + 61a Ss St. East ls, room certainly was a change af ih guard its taste and elephones A 7 ter Crammond House, but, as Office 65: Resid 1487-w Phone 224-W Erma i Lo & | Patsy kept So us, 'there L. G. SNIDER'S yrie Birks. All repal is a war on' and we were lucky D. A. McCONAGHIE nan AERRIRS, 0 done in Oakville, located In Mc® | to have anything, GILBREA DAIRY ° Barrister - Solicitor To all types of commercial|| Permetts: Opp. Bank of Toronto || AL first we had to take the Dundas at Church Notary Public and domestic refrigerators A. MARCHAND Joy en Shel Jofenen sve Due PHONE 51 1 Reynolds St. N. and sloetric nano they went outside the front door. Telephone Oaxville 1304 PARTS & SERVICE : : Eine GUARANTEED WILLY DEE - By Vic Green Barrister -- Solicitor i EuREIDoE WER He EE To Bao Tr ee di 2 REET TA aR, 2 J BE } Notary Public Ld ns Jue rows Ta To FAT. FUNNY 100UNG) FUNNY Tooke) Assoimei \ i+ Successor to, Oakville CAN TALK! EN Nos : A Lil ov i i W. N. Robinson, KC. |--ou--o---onn"-o"-""__ VENTRILOQUISTY 7) 1 142 Golborne St. East TOWING | { Phones: Bus. 15 : Res. 216 Re TL --) : "Equipped To Look Aft: 21 JACK A. SEED a a, pe 2 2121 Barrister-Solicitor AL. JOHNSON \ Notary Public 24-Hour Towir ng and 27 Park Avenue pk 220 Bay St, Toronto anoad Service | PHONE: nywhere--Anytime ! Business: PL7821 TELEPHONE 783 Residence Oak. 1228 71 REBECCA ST. ; OAKVILLE, ONT. i ACCOUNTING i D. HAMILTON-WRIGHT, C.A. above Russell's Drug Store anh : BY. WALLY BISHOR ill = 2 OK, GLORIA . GO AHEAD! N& ll | [i ll WE CAN TALK PRIVATELY Phone 1399 _HELLOY Toronto Office, 365 Yonge St, WAIT a ont Phone AD. 4704 by Part Credit Office, 2 Lakeshore il Road I, Phone Port Credit 4981 C. L. OLIVER AND CO. Accounting and Auditing Business Systems Installed Income Tax Returns ; 36 Colborne St. E. = ia P. O. Box 402 hi Ham. 7-8452 : Oakville 1268 U ll) (UBT

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