Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 7 Jun 1951, p. 2

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, June 7, 1951 eel Bl The Ladies' MRS. DOUG AHERN W. R Mr. and repeated ance of la led hi Trono! one more year of study ahead his fin there until Mr. and entertained corn planti nglewood," - Mr. and Mr. and M Mrs. Hary onto, spen Mr. The Whi E. is Mrs. H. ternoon. « Mr. onto, Mr. and Mrs. M Thursday to spend the summer in Mrs. Cobourg. Belt are li zie's house. "Bob Mrs. year and Mrs. vr meeting spent and Mr. PEOPLE and EVENTS Miss Carol her Monday son of ne, Ballantyne, Ros Ballant; ademic perfor year when he again at the College of ing with first Ballantyne, who his st Mrs. noon for who is being Mr rs. ecelving his B.Sc. de- in Whitehorse, Yukon, year of C.0. posted to the hospitl Mr. and Toronto, spen Mrs. Tid Saunders. He i of the army September. . Mr. and entertained noon. Mrs. Strome Galloway on Saturday at a ng hee at their home, near Bronte. re » Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Duncan, | Mr. rs. T. G. Dalglish, and vy Springer, all of Tor- t the weekend, with Harry E. Foster. Mrs. E. G Merry Mrs. New and D. B. te Oak Chapter, 1.0.D. at the home of >. Hindmarsh this af- Garfat sores + Mrs. W. Durham, the weekend A. Birge. F--- Mackenzie M treal, arrives the weekend Mr. and Mrs. . Tor- with 8. C. left on Mr. and Hamilton, wer of Mr. bell. Smith in Mrs. and Miss ving Macken- Arthur Maybee taining at tea on Saturday after- Miss married July 9th. . . Mrs. Mrs, Toronto, spent and Mrs. . cellaneous shower for on Tuesday evening. PRE Barabra Mrs. and Mrs. PHONE 601 Birge entertained classmates from Havergal on afternoon. . is enter- Helen McDermott, Charles Tidy, weekend with Mrs. S. R. Mrs. t the mother, * Ww. on +» G. Armstrong Sunday after- +x ow Peter Hanley, the weekend with L. G. Ostrom, PR . Bulmer had a mis- Miss Betty White, Bronxville, siting her sister -law Mr. and Mrs. tran Tilley, Mon: ay to spend with her parents, Fred Tilley. 2iisiay Harold Smith, weekend guests James C. Camp- e THU RSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY JUNE 7-8-9 2ND. Mae Suchen [CHING «J RIGHT IN THERE PUN RCE el utr SWELETON LAKE - sits sith Penny A COLUMBIA PICTURE. Kort lam Franey and Das » ects by E440 6003 « Pots and Seren Play by sek Healey out the biggest' ; Bumstead laughs ondleS. wed by TED RICHIOND JERRY WALD MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11-12-13 One of the best pictures of the year, nominated for the "ACADEMY AWARD" You have read about it, heard about it, "NOW SEE IT" TERRORS 0RS AND id OF GIRLS, Ls PRISON! ELEANOR PARKER som AGNES MOOREHEAD + ELLEN CORBY + HOPE EMERSON + BETTY GARDE - IAN STERLING Jon crowwe © WRITEN SYVIRGINA KELLOGG AND BERNARD C. SCHOBIFELD 10 6 Ax STONE Adult Entertainment 2ND SMASH HIT: TRUE-TO-LIFE POLICE DRAMA! with HURD HATFIELD Jon Wiles + Tom Powers « Ray Walker A COLUMBIA PICTURE Sead te SOB THEIR + nse SAL EATON + tet tonne ioot Oo PHON THE HOME OF FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT E OAKVILLE Miss Irene Smart spent the weekend in Renfrew. fesene Mrs, Harland Merry entertain- ed Saturday afternoon and eve- ning at a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter, Miss Betty Mer- ry, whose marriage to Richard Farley, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Farley, takes place in St. John's United Church Saturday after noon. Guests included classmates of the bride-elect at Toronto General Hospital. Mrs. BE. J. Far- ley, mother of the "prospective bridegroom, received with the hostess and the bride-elect. Pre- siding at the tea-table, attractive with tall lighted tapers in silver candelabra, centred with pink and white snapdragon, was Mrs. BE. G. Bulmer. Tea assistants were Miss Inge Juul, Miss Judy Merry, and Joan Farley. Miss Patricia Mac- Ilholme and Miss Laurie Wright were in the trousseau rooms, and Miss Catherine Merry. in the gift room. Among others entertain- ing for Miss Merry are Miss Juul, miscellaneous shower; Mrs. Geoffrey Bide and Mrs. Herbert Merry, cup-andsaucer shower; Mrs. W. B. Sturrup, kitchen shower; Mrs. Stewart Farley, supper party; Mrs. B. G. Bulmer, miscellaneous shower. Following the rehearsal tomorrow evening Mrs. B. J. Farley will entertain the bridal party. PE . Mr. R. M. Green is on a bus- iness trip to the West Coast. - - . Miss Minnie Melon, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Tisdall. alain Miss Freda Spear, Toronto, was a wekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Watt. 'x The Linbrook Home and School Association are sponsoring a Field day and Community Picnic on Saturday, June 16, at Linbrook School grounds at 2.30 p.m. Events will include straight races, broad jumps for all ages, also novelty races, 3 legged, sack race, shoe race, baseball throw, etc. There will also be a beauty race for the girls. Bring your own picnic basket for the picnic supper. ter supper there will be a base- ball game 'between the fathers and sons. Ice cream, hot dogs and soft drinks will be on sale on the grounds. Come and join the fum, everyone welcome, Co-convenors are Mrs. Don Gibson and Mr. Bob Muirson. a oro Literary Auction The University Women's Club may have finally solved the problem of what to do with the whodunit. At the last meeting of the current season, planned to be a strawberry social at the Ninth Line home of Mrs. Ru- pert Helmer, the club will hold a book auction. Members sim- ply lug their accumulation of pocket novels along to the meeting, where these varied lit- erary gems will go on the block for claiming by the highest bid- ders. But Mrs. Glen Ogilvie, the club's new publicist, didn't explain how the highest bidders will manage to eventually dis- pose of the volumes. Mr. C. R. Slipp is in Winnipeg on business. - . Fort William, . Mr. T. Anderson, who has spent the winter with his daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. John Paul, has return- ed to Fort William for the sum- mer. PE Miss Fran Thompson celebrates her thirteenth birthday to-mor- row with a party. x Captain and Mrs. J. Van Door- nick, and daughter, Joan, have left to take up residence in Ot- tawa where Captain Van Doorn- ick has been posted to army head- quarters. * rox eos Colonel and Mrs. Louis Keene entertained members of the staff of the T. Baton Company on Fri- day evening. - Pr The pupils of Miss Nancy Chisholm are having a dance re- cital Thursday and Friday eve- nings. rw Scott, London, spent at his home. Pr Fort William, is the son and daughter-in- and Mrs. H. L. K. Gardens. * B Mr. W. A, the weekend Mrs. King guest of her law, Lt. Col. Mason, Kent Brig. and Mrs. D. Whitaker, Hamilton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Paul -Dickson. + rx ov ox Mr. and" Mrs. G. R. McConvry entertained on Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sharpe, Warring: ton, England, Mr. and Mrs. Jam- 'oe ow oe D. H. Stevens was ected president at the first ead meeting of the Halton county id at Milton last week. Other -- ville officers chosen were treas- urer S. B. Otton, secretary Mrs. M. E. Lunau, and special names chairman W. H. Edwards. Keren Mr. Tony Grove, London, spent the weekend in town. Pa Mrs. G. Murray Bailey is en- tertaining at a luncheon Satur- day at the St. George's Golf and Country Club for Miss Barbara Campbell CEE Pa Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bdwards leove today on a trip to Montreal and Cape Cod x Mr. and Mrs. James Gairdner entertained on Saturday evening. . 8 * Mr. Charles Findlay, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Cameron C. Hillmer. + ss . Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Kirk leave today to spend a week in Pitts- burg. » Mr. D. G. Davis cing at home after an operation in the Oakville-Trafalgar Mem- orfal Hospital. vo» is convales- + xo. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lloyd land left on Monday to live Kingston. Ire- in Pa Angela Bruce Chapter of the LO.D.E. held its monthly meet- ing, Monday evening, at thg Es- taminet, where they had dinner, followed by an evening of bridge Fra Mr. Haigh, Bradford, England, is a guest-of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Kennish. x and Mrs. John Zuback and of Fort Willlam are the of Mr. and Mrs. John Queen Mary Drive. oe Paul, es Garrett, London, England, Mr. Bert Wright, London, England, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rimsdale, Montreal and Mr. and Mrs. N. Napier, Toronto. . Ea Mr. W. Green, Barrie, father of B. C. Green, is in the Oakville- Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. ails rita Mr. and Mrs. John Donald and Mr. and Mrs. George Donald, spent the weekend in Buffalo. Mrs. Margaret McGhee, Flint, Michigan, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. D. Aitken. Ca Staff Sergeant P. J. MeKiernan is taking a six week's course at Camp Borden. + * = St. Cuthbert's church, Cedar Grove, is holding its annual con- gregational picnic to Hidden Val- ley, near Aldershot, Saturday af- ternoon. a for ow ow St. Jude's Women's Guild, West Side branch, will hold its regular monthly meeting Wednesday eve- ning, June 13, at 8 o'clock, in St. Jude's parish hall. The branch was organized about three months ago. Mrs. W. B. Herbert is pres- ident, Mrs. Joseph Anderson vice- president, and Mrs. Douglas For- ster secretary. serra Isotope Enterprises and Brain- bridge Hunter Co. agency for engineering machinery, are two Oakville firms with exhibitis at the Canadian International Trade BRONTE MISS LESLIE MARTIN PHONE BRONTE 1304 F.0. Bill Campbell, who is sta- tioned in London, was a weekend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Landry. LCE Mrs. Allan Elliott is visiting in Kentucky with friends. * . Wishes to announce that office Monda; for the purpose of attend of Lecturers and Demons THE OFFICE WILL BE Phone 1375 NOTICE CARSTEN GLAHN OPTOMETRIST June 18th to ures in visual sight testing. he will be away from his Wednesday, June 20th, a Post graduate course tion of advanced proced- ing t OPEN FOR EMERGENCY 163 Colborne St. E. Sorry Beecraft has been confined to bed after a bad fall on Saturday. srs rn The Bronte Brownie Troops to- gother with Brownies from Oak- Ville spent Monday at Miles Park, Erindale. PE Mrs. R. Gilliam has returned to her former home in Ann Arbour, Michigan. FEET Bill Landry, Harold MacLean, Lorne and Hazen Haywood spent the weekend in Sudbury. PEE The Brownie and Guide leaders held a meeting at the home of Mrs. Feduck. . CO on Rickey Una Van Horne cele- prated her sixth birthday on Sat- urday afternoon. Friends how at- tended were Helen Roberts, Jeanette Gray, April Handy, Pe- ter Lowe, Ronnie Jackson, Susan and Anne Bumby. to hear that Mrs. Frank | Auxiliary Bronte Legion 2 th the Community Hall, roa. Marilyn and Helen p, spent the weekend at the hop their grandparents, Mr. ang a 0. Beecraft, Burlington wn 2 eo -- Mrs. Maude Eburne a the funeral of her cousin | onto on Saturday. FE tengeg n Ty. Mrs. Grant Bray held a Typ, ware demonstration at her jo. last Wednesday evening H . » . Mr. and Mrs. McCoy have i en over the Broite Grocery gy Triller Street. . x ox oa a Mrs. O. Joyce spent the eg end at her home in Bronte, xr The Westside Birthday went to Niagara Falls, N | Monday. Club Y. on WILLIAM HOLDEN LAST TWO DAYS! ACADEMY AWARD WINNER Jupy HOLLIDAY "BORN YESTERDAY" WITH BRODERICK CRAWFORD FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JUNE 8-9 IRENE DUNNE 11:47) MacMURRAY Produced by HARRIET PARSONS © Directed by GEORGE MARSHALL wits WILLIAM DEMAREST MONDAY THRU SAAS: JUNE 11 TO 16 ...and the whole = farm's jumpin' Gee! Marjorie ; i, with roaring > UNIVERSAL INTERNATIONAL Se |MAIN-KI LBRIDE wit RICHARD LONG - MEG RANDALL » RAY COLLINS Story and Screenplay by JACK HENLEY 5 .A NEW BABY ZIN THE HOUSE! THE SHOWPLACE PHONE OF HALTON COUNTY OAKVILLE

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