Page 6 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, June 14, 105 'TRAFALGAR (Continued from Page 3) and her niec Misses Mar ry Barbara and Ma ar. Among the forty: ts present were the women of Kew Beach and An- et school and Mrs. A, Miss Cl Biggar, ar, Mrs. R. D. nd Miss A. Marshall from Morden, he Oakville, Mis ville and Miss Gra London and Brampton. «sor oxo On Friday evening, June 8th, i was guest of Oakville honor given by of Munp's church on the occasion of her ap- proaching marriage. The host and She was in opening the many gift by the groom-to-be, Mr. Tyson, who made a speech of acceptance on behalf of his nce and himself. The hostess was assisted in serving the lunch by members of the Woman' Assoc- ation reser Mrs. Roy Morden, Oakville, en tertained and Snider's friends on v evening at a S in honor of Miss Lois Biggar, whose marriage tak- es place the end of June. Last week, Miss Biggar was guest of honor at a linen shower, given by Mrs. Tyson, Toronto, an aunt of the groom-to-be. Fr Mrs. Elton McLean entertain: ed the members of Munn's Church W.A. on Wednesday, June 6th. The devotions were conducted by Miss M. Featherstone and Mrs. Emerson Ford, told of the |dent happened at which several representativ- (highway corner where M tri es from the Women's Institutes |lived for long years. Mr. is recuperating at the home of his | Highway and seventh T Lawrence, | placing the public phone which of Canada' made to England, Nor- way, Belgium and other Buropean | daughter, Mrs. Vietor countries. In each country were met Institute represe and y welcomed. .. Perey y, on behalf of the Bethel selling his farm in 1946. x oxox = ccompanied by Mrs. G.|Si sang, Brownridge. entertained with piano| meeting of Presbytery. pected that he will be Currie music. x x v= Among the farmers from this district who are taking in the representative for Halton County |9.45 a.m. Lorne Fish and Fred Near. They | mer months. . will visit eastern Ontario. Places 0 eld the Dundas A roadside telephone booth has had | been placed in front of Mr. W. B. McLean | Dent's e they | 3rd Line, where' he has lived since | had been Rey. Mr. Herbison of Englehart, ladies, thanked the [who was recently called to be-| Coat: speaker. Mrs. Thos Alderson |come minister of Knox Church, | way « teen, and StreetSville Presby-|ed the I. H. Weldon Scholarship While the guests|terian Churches, has accepted the were gathering, Mrs. Douglas | call, which was sustained at the is ex-| Sick Children inducted | for Nurses, Toronto. into the charge early in August. wx ROE PRES Beginning next Sunday, June |Smith of Sarnia, and Mr. Gordon three-day bus trip 'arranged by |17th, the church service at Knox Mr. J. E. Whitelock, agricultural [ Church, Sixteen, will be held at This hour of service|of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Post. are Ww. H. Biggar, W. R. Royle, [will continue throughout the sum- Le pig corner Dundas line, re- store, inside the store for many years sama sn Congratulations to Miss Marion formerly of Dundas High- Trafalgar, who was award- for a post graduate course in the recent graduation of Hospital for Training School Mr. Wm. Pedlar and Miss Zola MacMurray and Mrs. MacMurray, Toronto; were guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. BE. B. Dilworth, Mrs. D. A. Hall and grandson, ROTARY SERVES EVERYONE Service Above Sg Is Slogan Of Members In Oy 80 Countries OAKVILLE ROTARY cLyp The Club was organized o 26 years ago. It has maintaineg 5 Bwart Hall and Mrs. G. Gilliard | included in the itinerary are the Mrs. Calvin Bentley is recover-| David Hall, visited on Sunday at hostess were Mr. and Mrs. Wil- School | ing from the sudden attack of ill- | the home of Mr. Dilworth's aunt, active interest in all projects fj | frid S. Pickering, who were as- arranged and contributed num- | Kemptville Agricultural the furthi | sisted In receiving their guests |bers to the program. and the Dominion Experimental |ness which she suffered a week [Miss A. Marshall. e furtherance of commup, t by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pickering Ea Farm, Ottawa. ago. os x welfare. Its fmbers are' actiyy| i ERC sxsw Mr. Peter Van Balen, Dundas|€ngaged in the affairs of y, and Misses Eva and Bernice The annual Blossom Tea of the Pickering. The shower gifts were | W.M.S. of Bethel Church, held on community and work on manj Misses Linda Bentley and Bar-| Highway, has purchased the lot boards and committees devo We are pleased to hear of the and her litle niece, Nancy Biggar. | Houck, Brampton, Introduced by | Tuesday of last week. The acci-|evening at Oakville. summer. i taken to the bride to be by two|Friday. The president, Mrs. Alec| continued improvement in Mr. S.|bara Pickard, pupils of Miss Nancy | on the back concession from Mr. | Bearce =n t tial neighbors, Beverly Camp-|Ingram, welcomed the guests. |MacLeans condition following the | Chisholm, took part In the dance Hughes, Oakville, and intends tof WIC etterment. | bell and Elizabeth Featherstone |The guest speaker, Mrs. J. C.|traffic accident at Trafalgar on recital which she gave on SE a house on it later in the| e Oakville: Rotary Club g St Crippled children of Haltoy County. Under priveleged children Oakville-Trafalgar Arena Oakville-Trafalgar Hospital Victoria Hall & Teen-Town Recreation Commission Day Camp Ball Club Hockey Club OUR PART IN THE UNITED NATIONS "The invitation to Rotary | ternational to participate in t United Nations conference 4 consultant to the United Stat} delegation was not merely a g ture" of goodwill toward a gre organization. "It was a simple recognition d the practical part Rotary's me bers have played and will co tinue to play in the developme of understanding among nation "The representatives of Rota were needed at San Franci and they made a considera contribution to the Charter its| particularly in the framing g provisions. for the Economic ai Social Council" --Edward R. Stettinius, Jr, f mer Secretary of State, U.S.A. ROTARY FOUNDATION FELLOWSHIPS Coming from 24 countries going to 23, almost 200 men a women in their twenties have be awarded Rotary Foundation Fo lowships for advanced study a travel in lands other than thy A (7 = -- U ON FATHER Just watch Pop's eyes light up when he gets a load of what you have bought him for Father's Day! For here 'S DAY a% a 4 4A AAAAAR AAAALAAAARAAAAARARARAANA MAY VII YY VVYVYVVVVVVVVVVVYVY The ever-popular Forsyth and B.V.D. Choice of fused collar, white shirt by Arrow, skippy. oar and Windsor collar. A gift are wearables to delight his heart . . . tasteful togs for 5 Sigh fT h Dad will find useful any day and every- business, for sport and for those hours of relaxation higher in A es aires oe Yio loves! derstanding, they are nominit by their local clubs and fin] approved by the Internatio committee. When they arrive in the li they have chosen--the langui of which these men and won: must know completely--they met by Rotarians who wel them into their homes, cif churches and all phases of ti community and national lif There they interpret their hor land to their new friends. Returning home, they now df interpret the land they have Vf ited to thelr own countrymen) Thus, in positive and practi{ fashion, Roary advances ! cause of International und standing. These young, people are bassadors of goodwill who, in years to come, will play an if portant | part in furthering {| cause of world peace. THE OBJECTS OF ROTAR The objects of Rotary art encourage and foster the ideal service as a basis of worthy terprise and, in particular, encourage and foster: 1. The development of acqui tance as an opportunity service; 2. High ethical standards fle B business and professions; Direct recognition of the worth of all useful occupa and the dignifying bY © Rotarian of his occupatiol an opportunity to serve ciety; 3. The application of the i] of service by every Rou to his personal, business community. life; 4. The advancement From ....cveererienees ceiieeae.. $3.95 of inter Above, you're sure to please | Above, see our new Puncho Above, a dressing gown is Above, here's a luxury pa- AA SOAAAAAADAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADMAAAAAAAAIA Dad with one of these sport S| t hirts + in i i standing, 9 a useful gift Pn port sl various | tional understanding 2 : EF jama set of handsome i hroug! shirts. White, tan, (light shades. will and eace thro ig a tailoring which is light, cool world. fellowship of bust Ss blue, green, yellow. $4.95 up 7 rid rsHowsiin an oH uy and comes in wide choice and professional BENE Sparkling ties for summer Like of colors. inifenefiagaiilef sores --gay foulards in bright 1 [deal for sumer spars $550 uj ; patterns & all-over designs | Just two of our 'fine sum: | wear, these hose are of RY a YOUR SUPPOR SE mer belts of two tone lea: | rayon and cotton mixture, | Cool for summer! Rayon . $100 up | ther and exastic belts. come in all regular and pas- | boxer undershorts with ea s for any Dad. tel shades. elastic waistband. OF OUR $1.75 up 85¢c up $1.75 BILL GRAMMELL'S MEN'S SHOP "We are the Oldest and most Reliable Store in Town" (ESTABLISHED 1920) COLBORNE STREET EAST OPPOSITE LOBLAW'S ANNUAL [NU CARNIVAL HELPS US 10 HELP OTHER OAKVILLE, ONTARIO AAAAAAALARAAANAA VN NV VV VY VY VV YY VY VV VI V VV YY VV VV VV VV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYY |