Thursday, J THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL ; fune 21, 191 Trafalgar Arms was a very Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McLaren, Bus Fares Jump pr interesting place last week th | from Wisconsin, are living at 73 . THURS. FRI SAT J i guests from Florida, California, | Howard Avenue. 2 Rides 2 Bits jo 5 L, i I Pa France, Amsterdam, : esa 1 E 21-22-23 land. Austria and Havana, Cuba.| nr. and Mrs. John Maxwell| pores on the town bus will , "PHONE 601 maser are attending the BMA. conven-| yo eto jump to two rides for MRS. DOUG! AHERN P 4 There is a supper at the Oak-| tion at Bigwin Inn, this weekend. | , quarter - or nine for a dol- Miss Sandra Green and Miss) Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Phillips, | yjjle Club on _ Saturday with he Be ery shortly, council was Mary Lou Shipley, high school [formerly of Seattle, are living at|gancing to Cy McLean and his i Ty Gowvin wight by E91 he has aE Radnor SNC FET RU SH Hue Are | |. TEAM UP FOR A at Glenmount, Lake of Bays ox PETE 2 7 5 ety Devenish, opera ; : ing on Cedar Grove Blvd. ; ; ;i P-RO, "| Mr and Mrs. Charles N. Am-| Mr and Mrs. R. K. Slater and 2 Tae ice. Increased operating and { ARING Among those entertaining for| pier entertained the Campbell-| family left on Sunday to live in aintenance costs were i i a = ATES 3 Mrs. A. McPhedran| main s Dorothy Perdue in honor off Stone bridal party on Sunday | Lakefield Mr, andre Jon behind the boost. g Samy vera ions Be ee Te ete] risen entertained on Friday evening. | as the reason behi ~YVAUIG. . the following: Miss Barbara) (gine by Mrs. W. J. Stone this| Mr. and Mrs B. R. Thompson Smith, kitchen shower; M an | ovening and family spent the weekend at Wallace and Miss Margaret . . ox their cottage at Turkey Point. worth, miscellaneous shower; | cadet Jam. Munro) son of a |] ally tea; Miss Elaine | yir and Mrs. M. Munro, who| pisses Dede Coufson, Ann H) Toronto, miscellaneous | js at HM.C.S. Naden, Esquimalt, | pqwards and Judy Mooney, of DIRK. Mrs. Douglas Tough, | nag received his Bachelor of Arts| ottawa, bridesmaids at the Camp. JEAN GART r of the bride-to-be, iS en-| degree from the University of|pen-Stone wedding on Saturday, KENT BOGA! tertaining the wedding party at western Ontario, London ota with Mr. and Mrs, IN dinner following rehearsal to- Fd ee : ¢ ; olowing James C. Campbell TmETIOT SYNE. a Mr. J. A. Roberts was in New wars kk ESTION" = York last week on business. Mr. Don Brown spent the ye x Mr. < > 4 Cn David M an celebrated his Tout Hive on Saturday with Ta wekend at "Pioneer Cottage, Adult Entertainment 5 Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Goss and | yjctoria Harbor. u ntertainmen i to family, England, have moved to PPE ss 3 g Congratulations. | 15 Mn ann 707 (Duaiay Shues, North. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chisholm, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JUNE 22-23 A fy vam THE 80 bY T. C di th | Anan and Rosemary, Niagara g bi, ua hn Mrs. H. J. Craddock and Miss i epent the weekend in Oak- pai Lo ae Ne mratar,| Beth Craddock, Bronte, entertain- | uy" = Memorial Hospital ed ata shower for Miss Barbara ' a Campbell on Wednesday evening. | nico Marion Languay, Presi- Ts ee Y, Mr and Ae IS Tavier and 2 dent of the Oakville Junior Sub: family, London, Ontario, are liv-| rs. Charles Stokx spent the) py gion of the Catholic Women's ing at 132 Maple Ave. past two weeks In Windsor visit-| f/oie ana Miss Mary Sullivan, FE Ty Meri tamily attended the 31st Annual Con- Mrs. George P. Doty is con vention of the Hamilton Diocesan (| | > evn = valescing at home, following dis- ILS Be School Council of the Catholic Women's A Na . a ce on & i ital | ar Ca at the 5 +3 i end glares Tom the Memoria hospital | picnic at -Dundurn Park in Ham. | Lezgte J oem Eh E Scaanpley, by CHARLES MARION \ aturdey. ilton on Saturday. A presentation | SOM HOUSE Jo was made to Miss Dorothy War-|7""¢ a given wo a party PONE Mr. Leo Kelly and Mr. Tom| gen, who is being married in Jones, Kellys' Cross, Prince Ed-| yyy Mr. Arthur H. Parry, Port Ar- / i 4 ig a few weeks in Jobin Find liven nf on Co ward Island, arrived last week +s x 8s thur, is spending to live in Oakville. Mrs. B. R. 'Thompson enter-| With Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Peat. tained friends from Woodstock Eas 3 eu HERBERT J. last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Maund, YATES presents es CE Belleville, are now living at 193 r | he Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Anundsen| Queen Mary Drive. siaming JOHN WAYNE « MAUREEN O'HARA and Mr. and Mrs. A. Gordon 3 a co-starring BEN JONSON * CLAUDE JARMAN, Jr. HARRY CAREY, Jr. CHILL WILLS Nai enterta Miss Diana Ambler, Toronto, Nairn, entertained at a barbecue | TUE He Cekond with her || teatutas J CARROL MASH - NICTOR NELAGLEN » oT WTHES - SOS OF TE NEES Barbara Campbell and Mr. Ted |brother and sisterinlaw, Mr. virected'ty JOHN FORD « A Repustic picTure I rafalgar gens oh fhe home of the former |and Mrs. Charles ik Ambler - Fes 2h C. F. Adderley, Port Arthur, COMING MONDAY - TUESDAY, JUNE 25-26 Miss Freda Spear, Toronto,| Was a recent visitor with Mr. was a weekend guest of Mr. and|and Mrs. J. BE. Peat. Arms Mrs. D. R. Watt. EAE srw eee Mr. and Mrs. T. L Davis, Tor- . Miss Pamela Rawbotham and |onto, are living at the Mayfair \ 1979/4 I = wim || Miss Janet Gauldin, Pasadena, | Apartments, Reynolds Street, ' fpr OAKVILLE -- --= || California, are visiting Miss Raw. North. ' Tom NEAL - Wendy WALDRON = = botham"s aunt and uncle, Col. and sisi SN ) REGIS TOOMEY -10HN ABBOTT Mrs. R. O. Bull, while enroute to| Mrs. Alex MacKay entertained i ei Pee BROIDY England and the continent. at tea Wednesday afternoon. (kes Rue Sin y Ler PRP mos oa oa % PROVIDES EXCELLENT Sherry Elizabeth Hazzard is| Patrick Cavanagh celebrated HS ED MON. TUES. WED. celebrating her seventh birth |his fourth birthday on Saturday § 3 ACCOMMODATION day on Saturday with a party. | with a party. } forry JUNE 25-26-27 ae one : HE a A) FOR A mixed bridge was held at| Mrs. J. B. Gordon and daugh- 3 : 2 bone T/ Ortona Barracks on Friday eve-|ter Diane leave this week for gAl L @ The Tourist, visiting | ning. Captain McLean, of Camp| ten day's holiday with Mr. and \ 7 J JAN" 3 Ganada || Borden, won the first' prize ana|Mrs Davia Anderson in Green- . 59 - the door prize went to Captain |wich, Connecticut. A. Garneau. EARLE @ The Weekend Guest E30 CT Justice and Mrs. E. A. Aylen, to Oakville Mr. and Mrs. D. MacBride, | Ottawa, have moved to 35 How- Belfast, Ireland, have come to|ard Avenue. y Oakville to live. on 4 @® The Business Man row oxox ow Tommy Chisholm entertained x ATT of calling on Oakville Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wester, | on Saturday evening. 2 UND duties Holmdel, New Jersey, have heen naxx visiting their daughter and som-| Mr. J. K. Kennish left on Tues. in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Peck-|day to spend ten days in New OLD FASHIONED ea ad To Mr. and Mrs. William Tyre Sr,| Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Chisholm HOSPITALITY of Vancouver, B.C. are spending|leave today to attend the B.M. with a month with their son and|A. convention at Bigwin Tnn, daughter-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. W.| Lake of Bays. . GOOD BEDS A. Tyre. x x on sa Mr. and Mrs. W. Allan Camp- @00D FOOD Miss Barbara Pike, Toronto, | bell, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Ostrom spent the weekend with Mr. and|and Mr. and Mrs. Cameron C. EVERY COMFORT ||Mrs. William C. Milligan. Hillmer were weekend guests of zie * the Alex Tilleys at their sum- Christine McLimont leay-| mer cottage, Lake Rosseau. s week to spend the sum- Fla liste ROBERT J. WILLIAMS, Prop. r in Quebec. Mr. and Mrs.| Mrs. MacDonald, Windsor is junnar Lindvik will occupy Miss | visiting her daughter and son-in- 2 Lakeshore Highway East McLimont's house. law, Dr. and Mrs. D. H. Dixon. = vo bi i ERE ERLE / 2. g 2 Miles East of Oakville 3 illia L. Cook, son of| Mrs. Roy Irwin, Stephen Ir- 4 > = id 2 Leonard Cook, re-| win, and Timmy Kennish, leave ( I 1 PHONE 99 ceived his M.A. degree in Econ-|on Monday to visit Mrs. Irwin's Nx i CHARLES BOYER omics from the University of| mother, Mrs. W. G. Van Bgmond || ; \ Toronto. in Regina. THE MICHAEL RENNIE -- > i CONSTANCE SMITH 1 i win FRANCOISE ROSAY 7 re 99 Me yr | = IE 3 GUESTS OF THE WEEK || Edel || Miss E. Cavers, 145 King St, Oakville and Joan LESLIE i : CLEARING By Ss Mz1 FERRER. If your name appears above you are invited t inn 0 enjo; ent a complete evening of movie entertainment for 2 Ea as guests of the theatre management $6,000.00 EERE 1 Merely make yourself known to the management a | at the tt on Se irls break Summer Stock SA LILLY | ee ev what happens to girls of ENJOY THE FINEST MOVIES IN AIR CONDITIONED || rec" ENNIS Slashed Solo ow 2 fot % IN 20 n " to 50 f ""GOODTIME GIRL Adult Entertainment | --_--_-- BURROS' SPECIALTY SHOPPE | none sorasssmmmon wns = Be 0 1M 136 COLBORNE STREET EAST PHONE 423 T HEATRE Tn AT THE REAR THEATRE EE a= - + 3 =