THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL HEY, THATS AN | KNOW. | Fi AUTO TIRE NOT A TRUCK BE O.K.FO TIRE. AUTO TIRES WOULD LIGHT TRUCK. IGURED R THIS GOODYEARHI-MILER NO SIR.YOU NEED TRUCK TIRES SPECIALLY BUILT FOR TRUCK WORK. | USE R RIBS | |JOB FORME?) HOW CAN 'LL FIND HI-MILER RIBS wie CUT YOUR TIRE COSTS INTHE LONG RUN, AND DELIVER PLENTY OF MILEAGE 100, THEY'RE BUILT TO STAND THE GAFF ON SMALL TRUCKS. GUESS I'D BETTER GET 'EM See us for GOODFYEAR Hi-MilerRib Truck Tires Wm. Whitaker & Sons Station Rd., Oakville cital by pupils of Edit AT.C.M, in Lusk Hall, June 26, 8 pm rtist, Norma Brearley soprano. Silver collection FOR SALE OR TRADE BLUE COAL: "The world's fin- est anthracite," from Frank Sul- Bronte 80-W. Your Blue Coal Dealer. (21t) AUTOMATIC gas range Beach, four burner, pilot light, oven con- trol, $55.00. Streetsville 50M. (70p27-29) FOR SALE Power cider mill, complete. Please apply at Dixie Cider Mill on No. 5 Highway at Dixie Arena or call McKinlay Transport Ltd, Cooksville 666. TOR SALE Clare Jewel four- burner gas stove, two years old, oven and grill, new condition. Phone 296-W. (c30) FOR SALE Garden tractor, Planter Junior with all imple- ments, good condition. M. Ezesky, EH Oakville, Lakeshore Highway Bast. (45¢30) FOR SALE 49 Fargo 1}, ton pickup truck, canopy, heater, de- froster, 5000 miles, spare never used. $1200.00 Phone 383R. (p30) FOR SALE--190 acres of standing good mixed hay. Phone J. Gib- bons, Oakville 694 (901e30, 31) FOR SALE 1940 Dodge business coupe. Good condition, Heater. Terms or cash. Phone 1596W, af- ter 6. (35p30) TOR SALB Immediate possess: ion, 6 -room house, all conven- iences, garage, centrally located. Phone 219J. (35p30) TOR SALE House for sale, 62 Queen Mary Drive. This is an old- er house, 3 bedrooms, beautiful grounds, 234 frontage. Lots can be sold, price $12,000, low cash payment, phone 156. FOR SALE Tupperware, your food fresh in hot weather. Order now for picnics, motor trips, and summier cottage. Phone 1405W. (45¢30) covered call Bronte (35p30) Tlectric Brearley t Gibb, keep TOR kayah, 105W. FOR S washing machine 60 cycle, new motor, $50.00 or best offer. Phone 1136W. (45¢30) FOR SALE Chesterfield suite for sale, as new. Phone 1172W. (45¢30) FOR SALE 1940 Chevrolet de- luxe coach for sale. Phone 825R. (4530) ysler, good tires. Tele- (5530) 19 Morris Oxford mileage, radio, heat- er, defroster, leather upholstery, all in excellent condition. Cheap for cash. Apply 39 Forsy N, D. Jacobs FOR SALE 1945 General Electric Refrigerator, good condition. Price $235. Phone day 1493, or 1650W after 6 p.m, (45c30) FOR SALE--2 excellent 600x16 4 ply used tires. Phone 796W?2. SALE--Canvas 15 feet long, running orde; phone 49W2, FOR SALE-- Sedan, low 4 new COTTAG la Harbor. This cottage and two others. Phone H. C. Merry, 328. ROOM for rent with breakfast and lunch, Phone 1111W. (29-31) GARDI days a week. Phone 1067 evenings. (90c29-30) GARDENER helper. Apply W. A. Holdridge, phone 903 between 6 and 7 p.m. (35p30) HELP WANTED--WOMEN WAITRESS wanted part time. Apply personally Mel's Snack Bar ross at Dundas. (35p30) Txperlonced Dairiresser. _ AD: ply Box 502 Journal. (55¢30) HELP WANTED STRAWBERRY pickers. Apply John Lawrence, Morrison Road. Phone 1289-J. 7529-30 PART-ime assistant to do gen- office work--afternoons . Apply by letter to Appleby ge. (45¢30) BERRY PICKERS (strawberry and raspberry) wanted. Going rates of pay. Call Joe Caulder, Lakeshore I. 735M, transporta- tion arranged (45¢30) YOUNG man or woman requir- ed for office work. Knowledge of bookkeeping essential. The Schlegel Co. of Can, Queen LOST YOUR PET? PHONE 515 OAKVILLE AND DISTRICT HUMANE SOCIETY Find Temporary Place For Mitchell Family Temporary accommodation Was found for Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mitchell and their six small chil- dren Tuesday evening, after the family, evicted from their home, had spent the previous night in a ditch in Trafalgar township. Township Clerk S. A. Feather- stone told the Journal that the township had notified Frank Thompson, Halton inspector of the Children's Aid Society, of the children's plight, and that he had driven down from Milton to get the children and take them to some place where they could stay. Meanwhile, however, Mr. and . Mitchell had arranged with a resident on the ninth line to their furniture for stor- to give them shelter they could find more per- manent quarters. Elizabeth and Eighth Line North. (62¢30) WANTED all kinds of live poul- try; also old feather ticks and feed bags. Absolutely highest prices paid. We call--Phone Oak- ville 796-J-3 or Bronte 25-R-2, or write Moses Zener, 402 Dover- court Rd. Toronto. (pjun24-52) --ONE used tricycle Tn good com dition, suitable for 3 year old. Phone 557M. (35p30) SITUATIONS WANTED GIRL wishes office work; good knowledge of typing, telephone Oakville, 1796-W. (35p30) PHONE Mrs. Smith at 1650] for estimate on repairing or re- modeling your furs. All work guaranteed. Insured cold storage may also be arranged. Donald Furs, RE 4558 (148¢30-32) LOST AND FOUND LOST--Would person who pick- ed up green valise by mistake, containing photographic equipment Saturday afternoon, in front of Riverside Lodge, please call Thelma Brown, 485-W. Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Al OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIS YAKE, Rallvayman, deceased, All persons having claims ag- ainst the estate of the above mentioned late of the Village of Bronte, in the County of Halton, who died on the 28th day of Oct- ober, 1948, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed on or before the 26th day of July, 1951, After that, the undersigned will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have.had notice. DATED the 13th day of June, 951, 1 S. S. Russell, by his solicitor, John F. Isard, 142 Colborne Street East, Oakville, Ontario. 1e30-32 AR REAL BUY 1947 DODGE SPECIAL DELUXE SEDAN Heater & Defroster EXCELLENT CONDITION Administrator, $6,000.00 5 rooms, living room, 11°x16/, stove heated Less than 32,000.00 down. $31.00 mon- y- $6,500.00 5 rooms, 1 mile from town, 3-piece bath, full basement. $2,000.00 down. LH CORNWALL REALTOR PHONE 930-W ROSS M. GIBSON PHONE 883-W We Have Many Others No offer refused ARRANGE TO SEE THIS CAR PHONE 75-R WooD FOR SALE HARDWOOD BLOCKS HARDWOOD AND SOFTWOOD EDGINGS Oakville Wood Specialties LTD. OAKVILLE PHONE 31 "The township will see that the Mitchell family have accommo- dation if they need it," said Mr. Featherstone. "We will not let them sleep in the ditch again." Mr. Mitchell is employed in Hamilton at the rate of $1.20 an hour. Since being ordered to move he has driven more than 2,000 miles in a search for another house, Trafalgar Outlines (Continuing from Page 1) agreement for work done in an- other," replied coun. Cumberland. Might Tax Plant Reeve Howard Litchfield point- was D.V.A. property," he said. "We expect to have other pro- perty ready very soon. Want Residential Area Seeking to eliminatd the pos- sibility of business establishments and multiple dwellings being erected in the Forster survey, Robert Polley presented a peti- tion asking amendment of the zoning bylaw to change C, D and E areas in Forster park to B areas, and to have the remaining C area in the survey changed to B category. He stated the petition was signed by 91.9: percent of the survey residents. "We feel stores are not desir- able in this area, and that the change is necessary to protect property values," 'Mr. Polly de- clared. John Caulffeld Smith, . chair- man of the newly formed Oak- ville Property 0} 'S _ assn. in support of the petition. fTt re- presents majority opinion, and the change will benefit, the whole town," he held. "The zoning by- law has to be flexible." "For flexible flexibility, this zoning bylaw has them all stop- ped," replied mayor Black. . Offers Assurance D. A. McConachie speaking for Harvey Forster assured the council no multiple construction on business places would started in 1951, and suggested the petition be referred to the planning board. "The board has mo further au- thority where town zoning is concerned," stated coun. George Davis, council representative on the board. "It only recom- mend amendments. But I would suggest a hearing." He suggested the building in- spector be instructed to 'issue no further permits of the nature in question until the matter has been decided. The -parties con- cerned agreed to confer with board- members when council approved this suggestion. ed out cost of the proposal might ij of involve the disposal plant. "We must al- so remember the cost would be borne by the town as a whole, not just one area," added the mayor. Coun. Cumberland was asked to forward his suggestions in writings for further discussion. Replying to deputy-reeve Ted Lauder's query, he stated Tra- falgar will institute a landfill garbage disposal system short- ly. "We had already selected land for expropriation, only to find it W. I. Langhorne--Distributor CARHAYES ALUMINUM COMBINATION STORM & SCREEN WINDOWS Custom made storm units. Save % on fuel bill. Fine mesh alum- inum screeing priced within $3 to $4 of wooden screens. Free Bsti- mates. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Peter Downing--Phone 1502-M Charles Watt -- Phone 386-J-3 WEDDINGS (Continued From Page 7) formed the setting for on Saturday after- Joan Mosley, . and Mrs. Thomas Mosley, Oakville, to Barry Clay- ton Glover, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Glover, Port Credit. Rev. Harry Pawson officiated, and Miss L. M. McBain presided at the organ. Miss Thelma Skoog was soloist. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white bridal satin and chantilly lace, fashioned with fitted bodice and long tight- fit ting sleeves. The full skirt ex- tended into a circular train, and the full-length veil of tulle illus- ion was arranged from a head- dress of gardenias and lily-of- the-valley. The bride carried a bouquet - of snapdragons and white carnations. Miss Fern Bal ins was maid of honor, in a pie- ture gown of yellow taffeta, and Miss Fay Mosley and Miss Mar- ion Glover, the bridesmaids, were. gowned in lime green taffeta. They wore garlands of flowers in their hair, harmonizing with their colonial bouquets of pastel flow- ers. Little Dickie Blower, niece of the groom, was flower-girl, wearing a Kate Greenaway frock Church the marriage, noon, of Mary daughter of M of precious pink taffeta, g a wreath of flowers on |, and carried a basket of yf flowers. Jack Reeve of pi] thorpe was groomsman, ang ers were Douglas Mosley ang. Glover. At the reception held af py, Hall, Mrs. Mosley received pj blue crepe, with smart my hat and white accessories, white accessories, and corsa pink carnations. Mrs. Gloyer sisted in an afternoon dress | coral lace and navy hat ang cessories, and, corsage of carnations. For travelling bride wore a tangenine suit white accessories. The qf married pair will live fn py Credit. ie wy or hy REPAIR Formerly with T. Eaton & Gof and Ryrie Birks. All real done in Oakville, located In My Dermott's, Opp. Bank of Torontd A. MARCHAND USED FOR COLBORNE ST. AT NAVY James L. Cooke Ltd. SEE US FOR GOOD CARS "The Finest Selection in Town" A COMPLETE SERVICE ALL MAKES AND MODELS PHONE 125 FREE LAYAWAY AND DELIVERY Qakville, Ont. HERE'S A 3-PIECE SUITE IN SIMULATED TOASTED MA- AOGANY OR IN REGULAR WALNUT FINISH, CONSISTING OF FULL PANEL DOUBLE BED, ROOMY 4-DRAWER CHIF- FONIER, AND. THE INCREASINGLY POPULAR DOUBLE DRESSER. THIS IS AN ULTRA MODERN SUITE AT A PRICE THAT YOU CAN PAY. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AVAILABLE ON A NUMBER OF THESE SUITES. DOMINIO FURNITURE STORES Phone 957 3 PIECES $129.50 OPEN SATURDAY TILL 9 P.M. t \ C i 1 i ¢ t 1 1 1