Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 28 Jun 1951, p. 11

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 11 IS' YOUR' CAR READY FOR FINE-WEATHER DRIVING . . . ] List ndsor, ouglag n, the itzger. 1s and If it is not purring well enough to keep the pace just drive In ) and let us give It a thorough check-up . . . then youll enjoy 1 a -- the fine-weather driving that ie Li is with us now. is the \dsor'y irden's b] irden's WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION 69 Colborne St. W. Phone 1106 ST. ANDREW'S Father J. Kirby Kirby will Masses at 8.30 and 10.30 am. Sunday. Evening devotions will be at 7.30 p.m. Children of the and their parents annual picnic at Hidden shot. Father congregation enjoyed Sunday afternoon Valley, near Alder- ST. JOHN'S Rev. Harry Pawson Nineteen new members were received into the congregation of St. John's' United Church Sunday morning 'by the minister, Rev. Harry Pawson, who also admin- istered the Sacrament of the celebrate their er ask ts--can 5, why 0 know Brush then, > Cook all and George Gray Fuel & Ice erb. 330 DUNDAS ST. NORTH ORDER COAL AT TODAY'S REDUCED PRICES. PAY IN EASY INSTALLMENTS. Most Prices are Going Up! COAL PRICES HAVE GONE DOWN Take advantage of this money-saving offer. Fill up your bin NOW for Fall. Small deposit needed. Pay as you earn on the Reading Budget Plan. Give us a call for the famous Reading Anthra- cite--the Red Trade marked HARD COAL. PHONE 85 Co. Ey | = CHURCH NEWS = | Lord's Supper. The Sunday school and congre- gation picnic was held Saturday afternoon to Lakeshore Park, west of Bronte. There was a good crowd, and all enjoyed themselves beside the lake. Chief activity was a program of races, with prizes for all the youngsters, after which supper was served. J. W. Nethercoft was convener of the picnic. This coming Sunday. marks the first of the summer's united ser- vices of the congregations of St. John's and Knox Presbyterian churches. During July these ser- vices will be held in Knox church with Rey. C. K. Nicoll in charge. Services will be in the mornings only. ST. AIDAN'S Work has been started on the foundation for the mew St. Aid- an's Churrch building in the For- ster Survey. T. J. Colborne, Tor- onto, is the contractor, and it is hoped to have the building com- pleted late in the fall. A strawberry social will be held by St. Aidan's Women's Guild on the lawn of St. Jude's Church Thursday evening, July 5, from 7 to 9 p.m. Features will include a sale of home baking and "white elephants," besides activities for children. The west side Sunday school, which has been conducted in Westwood public school, has been discontinued for the summer months. ST. JUDE'S Rev. F. C. Jackson The grounds of Appleby Col- lege have been chosen as the scene of the Halton Deanery Laymen's Picnic and Rally, on Sunday, July 8. A picnic lunch at 1.30 will be followed by an open air service at 3:30 p.m. at which the speaker will be Rev. F. H. Cosgrove, D.D., formerly provost of Trinity College. There will be a Holy Commun- ion service at 7.30 a.m. tomorrow, St. Peter's Day. The Junior Congregation will continue to meet each Sunday during the summer months. aah MON Eo Green TERS LET US PREPARE TO OAKVILLE AND OLBORNE ST., OPPOSITE POST OFFICE For One Week D VACATION DAYS AHEAD. 14 YEARS OF SERVICE GUARANTEE OF BEST CLEANING AVAILABLE. GIVE US A CALL TO-DAY Lakeshore Cleaners JUST A REMINDER! We' For Vacation re Closing AY, JULY 9 YOUR GARMENTS NOW FOR DISTRICT FAMILIES IS YOUR A. CARBERRY, PROP. ST. CUTHBERT'S A farewell gathering was held Sunday afternoon on the grounds of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wilson's home, Lakeshore Rd. Bast, in honor of Misses Millicent and Jessie Rae, members of St. Cuth- bert's for many years, 'who are leaving to take up residence in Toronto, Each of the ladies was presented with a handsome pra- yer book. 5 Rev. C. K. Nicoll Members of Oakville branch of the Canadian Legion attended Knox Church in a body on Sun- day evening. Headed by the Le- gion Pipe Band, the men parad- ed from the Central school grounds along Colborne Street to the church. Service was conducted by the minister, Rev. K. Nicoll, who is also padre of the Legion. The subject of his sermon was "Choose you this day whom ye will serve." At the morning service Rey. Mr. Nicoll conducted the Sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper. His sermon was entitled "The Decep- tions of God." CALVARY BAPTIST Rev. A. A. Stoll 'A delightful picnic was enjoy- ed by members of the congrega- tion and Sunday school Saturday afternoon at the farm of the pas- tor, Rev. A. A. Stoll, Clarkson. A program of games and races was held, followed by supper. Rev. George Bell, a returned missionary from China, preached at both Sunday services. Meetings of the Junior Young People's Society are being dis- continued for the summer. BRONTE BAPTIST REV. ROBERT SNYDER The week's Services at Bronte Baptist Church will be as fol- lows: Sunday, 10.30 a.m. Sunday school; 3 p.m. Bowes Church, Milton; 6.45 pm. prayer meet- ing; 7 p.m. Gospel service, Tues- day 6.45 p.m. Junior Young Peo- ple; 8 p.m. Senior Young People; Wednesday 8 p.m. Prayer Meet ing. The Sunday school picnic will be held this coming Saturday af- ternoon at 1.30 at the farm of Gordon Breckon, Bronte. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science is the subject of the lesson sermon which will be read in the Christian Science Society on Sunday, July 1st The Golden Text is "the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." (Habak- kuk 2:14) EPIPHANY Canon D. R. Smith Holy Communion will be cele- brated Sunday at 10 am. The afternoon branch of the WA. will hold a sale of home- made baking at Mrs. L. Bray's Saturday. The flowers on the Altar were in memory of Mary Jane Maloney and were given by her parents. ST. LUKE'S Canon D. R. Smith Holy Communion will be cele- brated Sunday at 11.15 The Halton Deanery Laymen's Association will hold a service of witness at Appleby College on Sunday, July 8th, at 3.30 p.m. C.P.T. EUCHRE EVERY FRIDAY 8.15 p.m. sharp I. 0. 0. F. HALL Everybody Welcome Quality Venetian Blinds Custom Made Guaranteed Two Years REPAIR and LAUNDRY SERVICE Venetian Blind Laundry & Mfg. Co. PHONE 859 Gifts & Greetings for You -- through WELCOME WAGON from Your Friendly Business Neighbors and Civic and Social Welfare Leaders Os the occasion of: fs 'The Birth of a Baby EngagementAnnounc o of residence Arrivals of Newcomers te City ee ~ oneal h PHONE 807 other medicinal products. But there's one thing you'll it's the most important of all. What is it? Is your and technical skill. edge of many sciences. righted advertisement published. Eor: PROMPT DELIVERY The most important thing in this store is something yov'll never see You see the pharmacist himself, a friendly person, a reliable merchant, a good citizen. mer]; = a . IN Your pharmacy you see many things that are impor< tant to you and your community. : You see a wide variety of attractive merchandise . . » shelves lined with important drugs, chemicals and il never see--and, in a sense, pharmacists professional knowledge > To get his college degree and to pass the state examina~ tions required of all pharmacists, he must have a knowl- He knows thousands of different drugs--their dosage, usage and properties. And he has the practiced skill to com- pound them into the medicines your doctor prescribes the medicines needed to help you guard your health. ; Get better acquainted with your pharmacist. Trade with him--he's a man you can rely on. -- R by Parke, Davis & Company. .. JHE RUSSELL DRUG CO. ly Byers') eprinted from a copy- OAKVILLE 9 AM. TO 9 P.M.

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