THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL BOY, AM | PLEASED WITH THESE GOODYEAR DELUXE 8 RE: WHY ARE YOU SO SATISFIED? [WELL THE MAIN REASON ISTHE LONG TROUBLE FREE | MORE PEOPLERIDE MILEAGE THEY VE BUILT UP | GUESS THATS WHY ON GOODYEARS. YEAH! AND THEIR NON-SKID TREAD STOPS MY. CARON A DIME, TOO. FROM MY EXPERIENCE, DELUXE IS THE BEST CONVENTIONALTIRE THERE IS, See us for GOODFY] Deze Tires Wm. Whitaker & Sons Station Rd., Oakville OAKVILLE AND DISTRICT [es LOST YOUR PET? PHONE 515 livan, Br HUMANE SOCIETY The* world's fin- ,' from Frank Sul- onte 80-W. Your Blue Coal Dealer. FOR SALE OR. TRADE BLUE COA: anthracite, (21th) on the St. Jude's lawn on Thurs day, July 5th, from 7 to 9 p.m. There will be an auction sale of | 800d phants." een planned for other activities. The proceeds go towards the new west side church. In case of rain the social will be held in St. Jude's Parish Hall. NU dan's Womens Guild ng a strawberry social baking and "white ele- Races and games have the children their parents enjoy the po oF furnishings of the| CTS: mixed hay. bons, Oakville 694 FOR SALE--Dining room suite, solid oak, 9 pieces, good condit: Anthony, = 11 Oakwood (35p31 AUTOMATIC .gas range Beach, four burner, pilot light, oven con- trol, $55.00. Streetsville 50M. (70p27-29) FOR SALE--190 acres of standing Phone J. Gib- (90130, 31) FOR SALE--1947 Pontiac Deluxe 5 passenger coupe, radio, heater, owner driven, Phone 1880J. Tce skating August every Tuesday, and Saturday, Trafalgar Community Arena. Ad- mission foc. (45¢31) Tf you need new slip covers or | 1946. drapes contact Nelson Street, Bronte. Ww Mr. and Mrs ( the birth of a son, June 26, 1951, a brother for Pat and Kitty. 100W write Moses Zener, 402 Dover- during "July and Thursday FOR 810 p.m. Oakville. [ television white col Mrs. V. Phone (46¢31) frigerator, BIRTHS J. Kennedy, Elm- late of Bronte) announce on Tuesday, SALE--Used radio - phonograp 2 Kitch. cornered Phone combination en sets, maple rocker, 3 nut oval living room tab] 1436W. (1. TOR SAL] Rockett 88, 2700 miles, green, white wall tir- es, fully equipped, $2800. Phone v. (41p31) set, secretary onal cupboard. perfect furniture, Hinton, | FOR™ SALE--Electric refrigerator and stove, used month, 9% cu. ft. Crosley 60_ cycle, Shelvador re- foffat 4 burner stove, automatic oven control, also wal le. Phone 48p31-33) E--50 Oldsmobile sedan condition, FOR SALI 1940 Dodge coach, WANTED- UTURE} | 200d condition, radio & heater. Phone 1449W. (31p31) WANTED all kinds of live poul-| FOR SALI: , apartment v; also old feather ticks and |size, new condition, replacement bags. Absolutely highest| value $144.00. Best offer. Phone ices paid. We call--Phone Oak-| Mrs. Closs at 248 (451, ville 796-J-3 or Bronte 25-R-2, or| FOR SALE--Garden tracos planet junior with all implemen ROOFING HATERIALS CHAS. F. DOTY Dundas St. N. sion and --SEE-- under, 53 Commissi AND SON business. with. Phone 76 opportunity insurance years of age. on, R. Barlow. Permanent ; jun24-52) | 800d condition. M. Ezesby, R. R. cant RY. froma. nim 52) Oe ea ne BE, (45¢31) FOR TOR SALE--Ice box, 50 1bs. Phone cee 569. (35p31) HELP WANTED--MEN WATERWORKS installer. Pen- i after months. Resident of Oakyille and . Apply in writing to Oakville Public Utilities BOY 16 to 20 with some know- ledge of typing to learn telegraph position for advancd- ment. Phone 685 for appointment. 37 DODGE SEDAN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF EASIER TERMS ON THESE TRUCKS , Clberae Sut ot oakville CHEVROLET COME ON IN SEE THEM-TRY THEM BUY THEM GUARANTEED 50 CHEV. FLEETLINE DELUXE COACH Fully Equipped 50 CHEV. SEDAN Fully Equipped 47 PONTIAC 8 TORPEDO COACH CARS 50 MONARCH 6-PASSENGER COUPE Fully Equipped 48 CHEV. COACH Underseat- Heater Seat Covers FOR A LOW-PRICED "GOOD VALUE" BUY LOOK AT THESE 40 FORD COACH 39 FORD COACH 48 MERCURY 14,-TON PANEL '50 AUSTIN 1/,-TON PANEL '48 CHEV. SEDAN DELIVERY We have other cars and trucks in our stock. Come in and let our courteous sales staff show you around. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Sales open to 9.30 p.m. = 36 DODGE SEDAN 37 STUDEBAKER COACH Radio & Heater ~ 2220.1-2 nga motors QO OLDSMOBILE: SALES lind SERVICE: LP WANTED--WOMEN SEWING machine operators wanted. Those with experience will start with regular rate of pay. Those with ability to learn sewing will start with learner's rate of pay, 5 day week, hours 8-5, excellent working conditions. Apply in person to Stor-Aid of Canada Limited. (1.22¢31) OFFICE girl, some bookkeep- ing, 5% day week, good salary, permanent position if satisfac- ory. Apply Hitchcox Motor Sales, Colborne Street. (47¢31) WOMEN for housecleaning and laundry one or two days per week, or live in on permanent basis is desired. Phone 471J2 YOUNG lady for clerical posit- tion, for material and inventory records. Please call 810 Air Coils Mfg. Co. Ltd. (45¢31) SITUATIONS WANTED PHONE Mrs. Smith at 1650 for estimate on repairing or re- modeling your furs. All work guaranteed. Insured cold storage may also be arranged. Donald Furs, RE 4558 (148¢30-32) COTTAGES for rent at Victor ia Harbour, first vacancy June 30th to July 14th, Phone 328, Her- bert Merry. APT, one room, with Kitchen and 3 pe. bath, 1 floor up, screens on windows, two blocks from nain st, available July ist. One year's lease. Built for one per- son, but man and wife could live comfortably in it. Phone 328, H. C. Merry. ROOM and board in congenial home, gentleman preferred. Tele. phone 612M. ROOM for rent with breakfast and lunch. Phone 1111W. (29-31) WANTED--TO RENT JOHN Inglis Co. Ltd., requires 3 bedroom rental home for dis- trict sales representative. Reply to D. W. Rolling, John Inglis Co. Ltd, 14 Strachan Ave, Toronto. (130¢31-33) WINNIPEG ~~ family of three would like to rent two-bedroom house or suite for summer months or longer until permanent home obtained. Phone 743. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIS YAKE, Railwayman, deceased, All persons haying claims ag- ainst the estate of the above mentioned late of the Village of Bronte, in the County of Halton, Who died on the 28th day of Oct- ober, 1948, are required to file Proof of same with the under- signed on or before the 26th day of July, 1951. After that, the undersigned will proceed to distribute the estate, haying regard only to the claims of which he then shall have had notice. DATED the 13th day of June, 951. 1 8. S. Russell, Administrator, by his solicitor, John F. Isard, 142 Colborne Street Bast, Oakville, Ontario. 1c30-32 STONEKOTE For Facing Homes, Store Fronts, Etc. Easily Applied, Beautiful In Appearance, Requires no Painting, Permanent For Further Information Phone Streetsville 113 OR WRITE BOX 499 JOURNAL OBITUARIES MRS. JOHN A. CHISHOLM Following an illness of about two months, Mis. John A. Chish- olm died in Oakville Trafalgar Hospital on Wednesday, June 20, at the age of 76. A mative of Kentucky, 'she was Emelda Beel- er before her marriage in 1896, when she came to Oakville. Her husband died in 1903. For many years the late Mrs. Chisholm resided in New York during the winter season, coming to the family home on Navy Street every summer. She also travelled ex- tensively. During the first and second world wars she was active in Red Cross work. An ardent music lover, she maintained a seat in New York's Carnegie Hall for forty years. She was a mem- ber of St. Jude's Church. Mrs. Chisholm is survived by two dau. ghters, Mrs. Hazel Mathews and Dr. Juliet Chisholm, both of Oakville, and by three grand- children, Nancy, Montgomery and John Hart. The funeral service, conducted by Rev. F. C. Jackson, was held at the residence Saturday after- noon, School Results (Continuing from Page 1) Jack; Proud, Jean; Reid, John; Richmond, Bill; Robinson, : Samborski, Edward; Ronnie; Sharp, Margaret; er, Don; Sims, Betty; Smith, Darrell; Snider, Michael; Soren- sen, Roy; Sutton, Robert; Thom- son, Lynn; Truman, Odette; Val entine, Wanda; Walsom, Marion; Watson, Vera; Williams, Mary: Wilson, Janet; Wright, Gary; Wright, Rosemary. Promoted to Grade 11 with Hon. and recommended for Intermed- iate Certificate. Adamus, Helen; Alexander, Elva; Bayly, Judit] rennan, Mary; Evans, Myrna; - Forster, Carolyn; Freeman, Cynthia; Hit- chcox, Mary; Merry, Carol; Pat- terson, Marie; Sullivan, Eva. Promoted to Grade 11 and rec- ommended for Intermedite Cer. Bamber, Peggie; Bell, Daphne; Benson, Peggy; Blake, Bradley, Edgar; Bradle, Laura; Brett, Patricia; Brown, Lynn; Cavanagh, Mary; Chambres, Shir. AUCTION SALES George C. Gibson has received instructions to sell by public auc- tion on Saturday, June 30th, at 1.30 p.m. the following household effects of Mrs. E. B. Jarvis, 228 Reynolds Street, Oakville. LOT 1-- 1 antique canopy bed; 7 cubic foot 1950 Westinghous re- frigerator; gas stove, almost news; 3 piece steel constructed sunroom set; pair bunk beds, complete with good mattresses and springs; enamel top kitchen tables and chairs; antique walnut dining table; antique rush bottom chairs; pressure cooker; stair carpet and ninner; dishes; kitchen utensils; tobaggan; skis, ski boots; plas- tic dressmaker's dummy; preser- ves, jars, canned goods; pipe berth; curtains, blankets, pillows; lawnmower. LOT 2--mirrors 3 x 3; continen- tal bed, single bed box spring and mattress; steel wardrobe; lady's dressing table; steel ice box. LOT 3--2 wicker verandah chairs; wicked rocking verandah chair electric plate; electric floor heat: er; 2 floor lamps; 4 dining chairs; 2 fern stands; chest of drawers; small dresser; 2 white framed mirrors; jardiniere stand; gram- aphone; 2 walnut cabinets; Ice box, 75 Ib. capacity; kitchen table; drop leaf table; (75 Ib. ice box, high chair, cardboard ward- Tobe (never used), buffet, din- ing room table and chairs, wheel. barrow, lawn mower. ) Terms Cash. George C. Gibson, Auctioneer. The TOWNE to take home .. . DRESSED Cn the days you can't dine here pick up our specialty "FRIED BUTTER CRISP " GHICKEN COLD ROAST Colborne St. near Century Theatre Coffee Shop CHICKEN Phone 1821 ley; Clyde, Bllen; Cook, David; Craig, Margaret; Crompton, Ann; | Sally; Cruickshank, Margaret; Cumber-| 10 d, Patience; Cutmore, Judy Davies, Bryan; Decker, Sam; Doppler, Peter; Dumas, Duncan, George; Dunn, Tom; Evans, Gary; Bves, Ronald; Gil: roy, Bill; Hall, Robert; Halliday, Lorne; Hegan, Rosemary; Ho- garth, Douglas; Howard, Ann; [GI Kortright, Jane; Liptrot, Betty; Lyon, Bruce; Main, Robb; Mar- shall, Robert; May, Shirley; Me- Ancevich, LaPier, Herbert; Smith, Smyth, William, Alice; | Promoted to Grade 13 ap, ommended for a Secondary sy Graduation Diploma. bert; Patricia; Ingrid; Arg Clifton, Kenneth; wl Grant; (Graham, Dad Fran strony Fa d rg hog Austin, Carol; Bulmer, Jol enna; Cushnie, Lorne; McDermott, fla} ; | borne, Anne; Pope, Carol. § Causland, Sheila; Medland, Mel; ; ol; Said Millward, Ruth; _ Murphy, Pat;|Susan; Taylor, Grace; ie Patterson, Bud; Peukert, Krist]; | Anna. Rees, Bill; Ribble, John; Richards, Bill; Rickaby, Andrew; Robert- son, Tan; Robinson, ; Taylor, Roy; Thornton, Albert; Thornton, Pat; Tipping, Peter; Whitelaw, Thelma; Willis, Graham; Yam- amura, Sumie. Promoted to Grade 11. Barrey, Marilyn; Chisholm, Tom; Dinka, Doty, Janet; Edwards, Bar Flieger, Iyn; German, Tom; Gibso na; Hills, Sharon; Charles; Mayhew, Dermott, James; McGowan, Mur- | th do; Moore, Terry; Morley, John; Price, William; Rapp, Nelson; Rose, Donald; Simpson, George; Thompson, Shirley; Wallace, Barbara; Wettlaufer, Ron. Promoted to Grade 12 with Hon. Duncan, Robert; Gunyon, Bar- bara; Merry, Thomas; Robert;- Weatherstone, Jill. Promoted to Grade 12 Adams, Diane; en; Clyde, Donald; Delve, Owen; Dryden, Donald; Forth, Reginald; Gallagher, Dave; German, Bill; Godfrey, Duane amilton, Lola; Hancock, Head, Jack; Head, Mary Jensen, Norma; Joyce, Kimura, Seiya; Lowe, nne; Marshall, Christena; Marshall, Ruth; Melton, George; McNaughton, Jean; Michie, Lawrence; Ogilyia, Donald; Pearce, Isabel; ~~ Ramanauskas, Ramold; Reynolds, Beverly; Ross, Barbara; Scott, Marjorie; Slight, Gertrude; Stewart, Betty; Thorn. ton, Betty; Wallace, Mary; Watt, Margaret; Wingfield, Verona; 'Wolanchuck, Pat; Wright, Violet; Yarnell, Florence. Promoted to Grade 13 and recom- mended for a Secondary School Graduation Diploma with Hon. Promoted to Grade 13 and recy mended for a Graduation Diploma only. Christenson, Dori Sale, Tom; Hnider, Chris; Top Patricia; Promoted to Grade 13. Mari. | William; Farrow, , Don: | ovsky, Howarth, | Jarvis, Marilyn; Mc. | Shaver, Beverley; Christine; Recommended for School Commercial with Hon. Recommended for School Graduation Diploma--c Nairn, | mercial Passed-Special Banning, Steph- | Hon. Passed--Special Hall, Joan; Hall, | Gillies, Secondary Schog (3 opti] ) Allan, Walter; Black, Eq Ford, Joh Vardon, Marjorie, Crichton, Tom; Cudmord seorge; Fucj Greenia McCann, South, y; Veitch, Margaret; Williams, John Secondary Diploma Leo; John Graduation Hawley, Joan. Secondary Scade, Wilma. Commercial wit Sinclair, Wilma. Commercial Letheren, Glenn; Peter: Margaret. AIR CONDITIONED ICE REFRIGERATORS ALL SIZES $51.00 to $95.00 HILLMERS FUEL AND ICE PHONE 23 DUNDAS ST. n, Jean) get away from the heat in our store are the values pp > Hazel Bishop LIPSTICK Viceroy BROMO SELTZER FRESHIE FIRST AID KITS SUMMER CANDIES LUCIEN LELONG STICK COLOGNE iz LEN HOPE' MGR: o THE REXALL DRUG STORE * STEP INTO AR-CONDITIONED COMFORT...If only to cool off WAVE-SAVER BATHING CAPS SMILES AND CHUCKLES BACHELOR DEODORANT 50¢, 75¢ > CO. LIMITED ! Sa You're welcome at Rexall even if you only step in to - to cool off comfortably in our healthfully air-conditioned store where. you'll feel refreshed and not refrigerated. We keep the temper- ature at a delightful 70 degrees. The only things "hot" we offer every day--na- tionally advertised health and beauty aids at the low- est possible prices. So shop to beat the heat and save to beat the band--shop at air-conditioned Rexall. NN 1.5 | "Stays on You--Not on Him! 7 98! | 55¢, 98¢ 5¢ EACH 4 FROM $1.00 3 $1.15 BOX [7 $1.35, $2.25 PROMPT PRESCRIPTION SERVICE EL. = = - QAKkVILL Rol cit un thi AG tim has ing its anc the af the