BOY, AM I PLEASED WITH | [ WHY THESE GIODYEAR DELLXE TIRES! SO SATISFIED? AREYOU | I WELL THE MAIN REASON |S TUE LONG TROUBLE FREE | NORE PEOPLERIDE MILEAGE THEY VE BUILT UP. | GUESS THATS WHY. ONGOODYEARS. YEAH! AND THEIR NON-SKID TREAD STOPS MY CAR ON'A DIME, TOO. FROM MY EXPERIENCE, DELUXE IS THE BEST CONVENTIONAL TIRE THERE IS, See us for GOODFYEAR Dezeze Tires Wm. Whitaker & Sons Station Rd., Oakville on the St lawn on Thurs- day, July b&th, from 7 to 9 p.m. There will be an auction sale of home baking and "white ele- phants." Races and games have been planned for the children while their parents enjoy the other activities. The proceeds so towards the furnishings of the new west side church. In case of rain the social will be held in St. Jude's Parish Hall. Ice skating during July and August every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 8-10 p.m. Oakville. Trafalgar Community Arena. Ad- mission 50c. (45031) Grosvenor Jewellers are happy to announce that they have been appointed Omega and Tissot watches for Oakville and district. They invite you to drop in and see these fine, precision time-pieces, or for prompt, efficient service on your watch. MARRIAGES B -MOUNTIOY--On Sal urday, June 30, 1951, at 4.3 o'clock, at Bronte, by Rev. W. T. R. Delve, Hazel May, daughter f and Norman Mount- to Ernest T. Bronte, son of the late Mrs. E. Belyea DEATH NOTICES GOODERHAM Irene Alexander. In Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hos- pital, on Wednesday, July 4, 1951, Irene Alexander, beloved wife of Gordon S. Gooderham, 45 Dun- das St. South, Oakville. Dear mother of Gordon A. Gooder- ham, London, Ont, and William G. Gooderham, Oakville, and dear sister of Mrs. A. S. McCordick, of Toronto. Resting at her late residence. Service in St. Jude's Church on Friday afternoon at 3 olclock. Interment St. Jude's Cemetery. HELP WANTED--MEN PUMPHOUSE Operator. Pen- sion and insurance after six months. Resident of Oakville and under 35 years of age. Apply in writing to Oakville Public Utilities Commission, R. Barlow. HELP WANTED--WOMEN Housekeeper or married couple wanted , for Lakeshore home, would suit married couple where husband has full or part time job in the vicinity. Separate apart- ment available. Phone 1509W. WOMAN for housecleaning and one or two days per week, or live in on permanent Dasis if desired. Phone 47172. SITUATIONS WANTED ely Mr. and PLOWING, discing, mowing. Phone 764J. (35p33) PHONE Mrs. Smith at 16507 for estimate on repairing or re- modeling your furs. All work guaranteed. Insured cold storage may also be arranged. Donald Furs, RE 4558 (148¢30-32) LOST AND FOUND LOST--We've lost our 8 month old white and black wire haired terrier puppy and will appreciate her return. Phone 859. Reward. exclusive agents for | WANTED WANTED all kinds of live poul- try; also old feather ticks and feed bags. Absolutely highest prices paid. We call--Phone Oak- lle 796-J-3 or Bronte 25-R-2, or write Moses Zener, 402 Dover- court Rd, Toronts (pjun24-52) BABIES] Commod 1999 Phone (45¢32) FOR RENT Chai FAMILY cottages, fully equipped at Victoria Harbour on Georgian Bay, 8 miles from Midland. Drive right to cottage door by car. Run- ning water, electricity, spring mattresses in each cottage, sandy beach, good fishing this year. Ice and milk delivered, no increase in prices. One available mow for a week, one available now for two weeks, Phone H. Merry, 328 for reservation. NEW 3 room apartment; every- thing supplied. Apply Box 503 Journal (55¢32) "APT, one room, with kitchen and 3 pe. bath, 1 floor up, screens on windows, two blocks from main st, available July 1st. One year's lease. Built for ome per- son, but man and wife could live comfortably in it. Phone 328, H. ferry. ROOM for rent with breakfast and lunch. Phone 1111W. (29-31) WANTED--TO RENT JOHN Inglis Co. Ltd. requires 3 bedroom rental home for dis- trict sales representative. Reply to D. W. Rolling, John Inglis Co. Ltd, 14 Strachan Ave. Toronto. (130c31-33) OAKVILLE or vicinity 5 or 6 room house or apartment, fam- ily of four, moving from Montreal July. Phone 1384-3. (94-32-34) FURNISHED flat or apartment by quiet business couple from July 16. Kindly contact Mr. Sum- mers. Phone 1133 or evenings 20813. (50¢32) LOST YOUR PET? PHONE 515 OAKVILLE AND DISTRICT HUMANE SOCIETY FOR SALE OR TRADE BLUE COAL: "The world's fin- est anthracite," from Frank Sul livan, Bronte 80-W. Your Blue Coal Dealer, (21tf) AUTOMATIC gas range Beach, four burner, pilot light, oven con- trol, $56.00. Streetsville 50M. (70p27-29) TOR SALE Blectric refrigerator and stove, used month, 60 cycle, 91; cu. ft. Crosley Shelvador re- frigerator, Moffat 4 burner stove, automatic oven control, also wal- nut oval living room table. Phone 1436W. (1.48p31-33) FOR SALB--3 show cases in good condition. Bargain for quick sale. Dunn's Drug Store. Phone 650. FOR SALE--1940 Dodge Sedan, heater, defroster, new slip covers, good condition. Phone 1171W af- ter 6 p.m. (70c33-34) TOR SALE--fopsoll, best in Ontario. Phone Port Credit 2983. FOR SALE Westinghouse elec tric range, large size, warming oven, used only a few months, $325 one (35032) FOR SALB--A real buy, 1947 Dodge DeLuxe special sedan, heater and defroster, privately owned, will accept trade and terms. No reasonable offer re- used. Phone T75R. (62c32) PERSONAL PLAY BINGO At The LIONS ANNUAL SUMMER BAZAAR TWO CARDS EVERY GAME $1,000 IN PRIZES SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIS YAKE, Railwayman, deceased, All persons having claims ag: ainst the estate of the above mentioned late of the Village of Bronte, in the County of Halton, who died on the 28th day of Oct- ober, 1948, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed on or before the 26th day of July, 1951. After that, the undersigned will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have had notice. DATED the 13th day of June, 1951. 8. S. Russell, Administrator, ¢ his - solicit TOR SALE--Studio couch,n early by this ' new, reasonable; also Jacket| Joon IF. Isard, > > 142 Colborne Street East, heater with tank, perfect condit- ion, 35 Brant St. S. Phone 1111W al, Goi i D 4 MANUFACTURED BY JOHN DICKINSON & CO. (CANADA) LIMITED OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL PHONE 1298 330 DUNDAS ST. NORTH Give us a call for the ORDER COAL AT TODAY'S REDUCED PRICES. PAY IN EASY INSTALLMENTS. Most Prices are Going Up! COAL PRICES HAVE GONE DOWN Take advantage of this money-saving offer. Fill up your bin NOW for Fall. Small deposit needed. Pay as you earn on the Reading Budget Plan. cite--the Red Trade marked HARD COAL. George Gray Fuel s Ice Co. PHONE 85 famous Reading Anthra- Oakville, Ontario. 130-32 FOR... BUILDING MATERIALS --SEE-- CHAS. F. DOTY AND SON Dundas St. N. H Phone 76 Identity Revealed (Continuing from Page 1) lands for whch a permit is taken out. He expressed the view that, if Ford bought the acreage in question and took out a permit for an industrial building, the land would be secured for any future company program. "For athe present, as I see it, We can only carry om, get( the bylaw threshed out to the satis- faction of the ratepayers, and watch developments," he stated. "I wouldn't care to say at the moment what action council could or might take" | Be Too Big Mr. Pullen told the Journal he "didn't quite know what the sit- uation might be, with the zoning plan still hanging," but thought that, if Ford acts, the acreage in question might- be placed in the industrial zone through an amendment at the municipal board hearing. "If the bylaw had final approval by the end of June we could have avoided any in- dustries council and the ratepay- ers decided they didn't want," he said. Mr. Pullen's principal objec: tion to a Ford factory here was that "it might prove too big" for the town and district. "A plant of the type proposed could mean 4,000 employees, which in turn would mean 15,000 persons de- pendent on one factory," he ex- plained. "A layoff affecting so many people could put a whole town on it's back. Ford's layoffs in Windsor are a good example of this, and Windsor is a much bigger place. Personally, I'd hate to see a big plant locate here. I'd rather 'see half a dozen small- er ones." Careful Study. The South-East Trafalgar Rate- payers assn. and the newly for- med Oakville Ratepayers assn. are both studying the situation carefully. With Leslie Hulme, president of the township group, away on business, W. R. Walton, Jr., called directors together for discussion, but no statement on coming. chairman of the Oakville said his executive will so vice as to what action regio might be able fo take if any py posed factory should appear be harmful to the distsrict, gf far, though, nobody knows mye about it. We don't even know if Ford, if and when the firm quires the proverty, really i, tends no immediate building pr, gram or actually | would stay right away. The statement migy have been a 'smoke scresn. gg we can just watch carefully fo the moment. You can imaging what would happen, however, if surrounding urban developmen was allowed to run miot. The sit uation calls for serious thought &roup ok ag Discuss Fi i Firehall (Continuing from Page 1) Marshall's office for 'advice re garding the plans. An alternative plan providing for a onestorey 'building will be prepared, as if] was felt this type of structu would be more economical, present apparatus i but it be added soon in view rapid growth in the area served by the brigade. Jack Carter of the real estatd firm of Jarvis and Ryrie inforrm. ed council that a German engin éer was desirous of buying building on the Sixth line at Queen Elizabeth highway owned by Gerald Mordaunt, and conver it to a tool factory. The opera tions would be noiseless, gasles and smokeless, the client had as sured him. As many as 100 peo ple might eventually be employ ed. Mr. Carter wanted to knoy if such a project could be permit: ted in the area. It was suggested by council that a poll of the res idents in the immediate vicinit of the proposed plant be taken, A JOURNAL CLASSIFIED RE PRESENTS A MODEST IN VESTMENT THAT NEVER FAILS TO EARN WIDESPREAL | min was immediately forth- John Caulfield Smith, pro tem INTEREST THIS WEEK'S REMEMBER THESE ARE ALL HAND-PICKED AND EXCEPTIONAL BUYS ... SO DON'T MISS SEEING THEM. ONE OWNER "GCODWILL" CARS | "47 PONTIAC "47 PONTIAC Radio and Heater Radio and Heater COUPE Radio & He; SPECIALS © SPECIAL -1950 FORD COACH Equipped with heater -- A real buy $1435 00 = "40 DESOTO COUPE ater Exceptionally Clean SEDAN "47 CHEV. SEDAN "Fully Equipped" 1937 OLDSMOBILE 1936 FORD COACH SEDAN "GOOD VALUE" USED CARS 1935 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN 1935 PLYMOUTH SEDAN TRUCKS '37 CHEVROLET HALF-TON PANEL 47 STUDEBAKER 2-TON CAB & CHASSIS 8.25 x 20 tires CONVENIENT G.M.A.C. TERMS AVAILABLE, TRADES ACCEPTED | Hitchcox Motor Sales | COLBORNE AT GEORGE ST. SOUTH PHONE: 345-555 Mer PL Oakv ball good its a kind ed b shou work hall their Ayo of tl wea that wha Deop garb in th our shor heen nrop Adres: a fey rang one | T-sh can't ing 10m work thou, fect 1 is no sup our Zuest for t] trict ing ¢