THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, July 12, 1951 -- Page 2 f Mi Kathleen Miles, Oakville, $ Sk ti Barbara Bennett Sr = Waleaalo ey A ens ang : LL aad M : atin, tenth birthday las urs d Ve moyeq o daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. ummer g het Toth fo thelr new home on. awe. an © Macdonald, HorO(0 NaS wat, | Ice skating. is in full swing at a Crescent. | = ! ried to Mr. Robert W. A ] h Tues- E formerly of Toronto, son of the 2 bona] a etn trom . Mary! June Wilcox returned Mr. and Mrs. L. ily Wing : h a L § MRS. DOUG AHERN PHONE 601 fe er Aner | 8 to 10 pm. With the ice sched: | home ey sor, are visiting Mrs. M. Mop. Austin, Peterborough, ednes- Re ier tov | toy © Ar and Mrs. W. G. Armstrong in silver candelabra, and pink day, July 4, at seven oclock in| ded a ein Fr spent the weekend with Mr.|and white carnations and baby's| Knox Presbyterian Church, Oak- i "essions will go on| Mrs. Donald Gladman and HAPPY. THOU Armstrong's parents, Mr. and| breath was Mrs. Andrew Lyle, ville, by the Rev. Chas. K. Nicoll. Sa is Soly and Augnt: children returned to Winnipeg on GHT s. A. Armstrong, at Ome-| Hamilton, grandmother of Miss| The bride wore a linen suit of | throug Sunday might "Why not swim parallel to i mee. Ling. sting in the tea-room| pale pink and navy with a large| -- 4 a shore instead of away from itn sex were Miss Barbara Smith, Betty | nayy picture hat and navy ac- 5 - suggested Bruce Smith 0 Jean Post, M C. Hewitt, | cossories and corsage of red ros.| MI and Mrs. A. M. Munro en-| nr. ang Mrs. J. A. Lanouette| SUE i recent, K. Kennish en- dinner on Sunday Mr. and Mr: tertained at evening. x oa ko Charles Flippance, who was badly hurt recently when struck | by a bus has left hospital and is almost completely Rey. and Mrs. Harry are on a motor tour of Eastern| ar Canada and the ern states. | Giles and Se . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mills, | er, London, England, who have been ting their sons Mr. Mills and Mr. Brian Mills, return- | g], ed home last Tuesday. ial ea FE th Mr. and Mrs. John Gallagher, | es Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. Gallagher's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tilley. + nox ox x Mr. H. J. Bowen is spending a| iit few days in Atlanta, Georgia. + 3 or x oe Mrs. J. H. Sunley leaves on Sunday to spend a few days in Montreal. . at ev xox s Mrs. Oral A. Ling entertained on Saturday afternoon and eve- ning at a trousseau tea in honor | tw of her daughter, Marjorie Phyllis May, whose marriage to Allan Clarke Boyce takes place in St. John's United Church at 3 o'clock | the Receiving | Mr. Saturday afternoon. with the hostess and the bride- elect was Mrs. John Wesley Boyce, London, mother of the at the tea table, attractive with hand-made lace cloth, tall tapers|hu nah, brid Lloyd Ling, Jordan line Giles and Miss Eileen Boyce, recovered. sister 2 the trousseau room. Pawson | who have entertained in honor of Burlington, don, David | sentations were made to the bride- wood school, was a teacher, Oakville Court Regina, family leave Lake Huron. . Mrs. family and her mother, Mrs. Bour- prospective bridegroom. Presiding | get, a month at their familton, aunt of the bride, rs Mathews, Mrs. Wm. an- Mrs. William Sifton, Sr aunt, St. Catharines, Mrs. Station, and McKillop. Miss Caro- rs. H. @ presided in mong those of the groom, iss were Miss Caroline Mrs. Wm. Hannah, miscellaneous show: and Miss Eileen Boyce, Lon- shower. Pre- Ling miscellaneous ect by the Girl Guide's Assoc tion and Girl Guide leaders, e morning and afternoon class- of the kindergarten of Brant- of which Miss Ling the teachers of public schools, and No. 67, LO.F. Ham- on. rare There will be a chicken dinner the Oakville Club on Friday ening. + aoe. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Otton and this Saturday for 0 weeks at Grand Bend on As Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Birge spent weekend in Hanover with and Mrs. W. R. Brunt. vow sow Andy McDermott and left last week to spend cottage, Spring- rst Beach. COLLECTION Promptly - Courteously - Efficiently - Economically Business Phone 1840 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MEN Let us collect your past due accounts THE McFADDEN-WILCOX CO. 69-A Colborne St. E., over Bank of Commerce AGENCY es. Mr. and Mrs. James McKin- ley, Oakville were the attend- ants. Mr. and Mrs. Austin left for Stoney Lake after their wed- ing. + x 2 roe The members of St. Jude's choir held a dinner and dance at the Old Mill in Toronto. so Mrs. Arnfinn Thomassen, West Long Branch, New Jersey, is spending the summer with her mother, Mrs. G. Burley. Ea Mr. T. C. Chisholm left on Wednesday for a week's salmon fishing in Bathurst, New Bruns- wick. ces one Mr. and Mrs. T. S. H. Giles ar- rived home last Thursday from a six weeks' holiday in England. . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Button, Toronto, were weekend guests of the 'Alex Bells. Pr Mrs. D. B. Garfat is spending some time in Fort Erie. Pr Mrs. E. C. Perley, Toronto, is spending a week with the J. -H. Sunleys. trans Mr. R. M. Green and son Bill left on Thursday to spend a month in England and the continent. a» Mrs. E. S. Glassco, Mrs. Alex Tilley and family are spending the summer at Port Carling. PR Janet Aitken has returned from a week's holiday at Malton and Ronnje Aitken from a week in Bracebridge. naa os Mrs. B. R. Thompson and fa- mily are spending the month of July at Turkey Point. . Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Stewart on the birth Res. 1460-J of their daughter at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. x 3 vow Mrs. Donald M. Gallie, Sr., and Dr. and Mrs. D. M. Gallle, of Chicago, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Rickaby, First St. tertained on Saturday evening. mee oso Miss Valerie Reid, of Montreal, is visiting Miss Mary Ann Head, for a few weeks. coxa soe Miss Margaret James is spend- ing the summer at Camp Wapom- eo, Algonquin Park. oe wena Jimmie Johnston has been spending a month with his grand- parents in Kingston. neers Mrs. Blair Ferguson has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks in Ottawa. nos = Barry Home and Michael Earl spent the weekend at Bigwin Inn, Lake of Bays. seven Ted Kennedy is planning to set up an archery range in Wal lace park shortly. The sport is catching on fast hereabouts, and while a fine range is available at Graves farm on Sixth Line, Ted figures archers might find it handier to practice right in town. A new truck has been acquir- ed by the Hydro Division of O: ville Public Utilities Commission. nr oa oa. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Dymock are vacationing in Western Canada. ss 8 0 oa William Gove, who has been ill for the past three months, is slowly recovering from an attack of pneumonia in the local hos- pital. CE Mrs. A. F. Hughes and daugh- ter, Barbara, and niece, Marilyn Harris returned Sunday from a week's vacation at Hall's Lake in Haliburton. ax 5 3 a Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stone re- turned bo) their wedding trip on Saturday. and are living at their new home, Lakeshore Highway East. oxox xa Mrs. L. H. Bedlington and Miss Florence Delamere are at their cottage at Gull Lake. Mrs. Bed- lington's daughter and son-in- law Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Earl, Ot- THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JULY 12-13-14 TARZAN AND THE LEOPARD WOMAN All Tarzan Show TARZAN AND THE ZONS "LATEST NEWS OF THE DAY" Kiss omorrow Goodbye MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JULY 16-17-18 2ND SMASH HY CECIL PARKER ANNE CRAWFORD Tony Draws a Horse AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT tawa, are also at their cottage there. freee Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Daly, Highland Road are moving back to the States to-morrow. ore ox os Mr§, Lester Whiting and daugh- ter Pamela and Mrs. E. C. Green and daughter Karen, are spend- ing a week at "Banshee Cottage," Manitou, Georgian Bay. mss os oa Dr. and Mrs. J. L. A. Fowler and family, Toronto, are living at 88 Riverside Drive. sss as Mrs. A. Galloway, St. Thomas, is visiting her son and daughter- in-law, Major and Mrs. J. D. Galloway. mos os ae Mrs. S. E. Arbon is spending a week in Ogdensburg. srs unr Members of St. Jude's choir, their wives, husbands and a num. ber of friends, enjoyed a dinner and dance at the Old Mill tea- rooms, on the Humber, on Fri- day evening. sora xox Mr. and Mrs. J. Poole and family of Toronto have moved to 51 Allan Street, North. saa nos Mr. and Mrs. D. Aitken attend- ed the Cushenan-Bemnett wed- ding in Hamilton on Saturday. - . x Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shaw and children, Welland, have moyed to 74 Watson Avenue, xa Gerald Peers has returned from a motor trip to Winnipes. x 8 a Mr. and Mrs. Sn Merry spent ithe weekend at Victoria Harbor. CO Ss Wendy Lunau cel are spending the summer at their| On his CBC Toast 'n Jampor, cottage at Camp Genesee, West- mite Sonied --t like 5 X tari £0 icularly emokoon Lake, Ontario. a sy THURSDAY. FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JULY 12-13-14 SHOW-STOPPING SCENES le Ae M-G-M ersents JANE POWELL Broadway's Eroiher-and-aister sonp-and-gence feamt ry yal Wedding PETER ti SARAH CHURCHILL « KEENAN WYNN RY an ov, unt oo eon The loyg ings 42850 are, lori, COMING TONDAY, JULY 16TH FOR TWO DAYS ONLY... [SH'T IT AMAZING-Z. How suc) ANTHONY DEXTER RESEMBLES Vizio. wn. Color by TECHNICOLOR ANTHONY. ELEANOR UEHTER ARE WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, JULY 18-19 REDBOOK MAGNE pire of the Month!A film that will ies in your memory!" "GLASS MENAGERIE PRESENTED BY WARNER BROS. = ARTHUR KENNEDY mono JERRY WALD CHARLES K, FELDMAN omc /IRVING RAPPER 'Adaptad for the Screen by TENNESSEE WILLIAMS ar Prodectin Te ran Sutera oy TEESE YA 4 CTATLES K. FELDMAN Go sommes WARNER BROS. inh birthday on Monday a a part, FOR RENT NEW ICE REFRIGERATORS Modern,All Steel, . 3 SIZES $3 TO $4 PER MONTH HILLMERS FUEL AND ICE CO. Phone 23 Insulated Pr ns and Lows 3. singe Mrs. R. P. Joyce Mr. D. A. McConachie Mr. C. Wood Triller St. E. 48 Queen Mary Drive 41 Head Bronte Oakville Oakville ENJOY THE Finest ES oy AIR CONDITIONED CENTU ye E SHOWPLACE oF HALTON COUNTY. P OAKVIL| 1120 THEATRE PARKING AT Sh REAR SE