Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 12 Jul 1951, p. 3

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Thursday, July 12, 1951 ~ THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 3 ~ BEVERYBODY READS CLASSIFIEDS i ON PAGE EIGHT ENJOY LIFE.... EAT OUT MORE OFTEN § STEAK CHICKEN . +. . Our Specialty Towne Coffee Shop ly = WANT A RABBIT? There's a large white rabbit, part Angora, waiting at the Hu- mane Society shelter for anyone who wants to give him a home. For dog-lovers there are a little. Beagle that would make a splen- did pet or hunting companion, a full-grown, part Spitz, and two. puppies, part spaniel and part collie. All these are females: There are two full-grown males, a collie-spaniel, and a part bull- terrier, the latter a good watch- dog as well as a pet. Two kittens, both female and part Persian, and two male kittens, are also awaiting adoption. Last week the shelter had something novel, in the form of a good-sized turtle, which was adopted half an hour after being taken in. Take advantage of this 330 DUNDAS ST. NORTH ORDER COAL AT TODAY'S REDUCED PRICES. PRY IN EASY INSTALLMENTS. Most Prices are Going Up! COAL PRICES HAVE GONE DOWN up your bin NOW for Fall. Small deposit needed. Pay as you earn on the Reading Budget Plan. Give us a call for the famous Reading Anthra- cite--the Red Trade marked HARD COAL. George Gray Fuel & Ice Co. PHONE 85 money-saving offer. Fill ! READING = BROWN HEADS ELECTRICAL SAFETY DRIVE Gordon Brown, prominent Oakville contractor, has been named to head a province-wide autumn electrical safety campaign, it was announced this week by the Electrical Contractors Assn. of Ontario. Mr. Brown has been identified with the work of the assn., which boasts more than 2,000 members, for the past 15 years, and has been president of the Burlington area for the past two years. "We have been stressing safe- ty for some time now, and plan a big drive In the fall designed to impress on the public the im- portance of qualified work & pro- per facilities where electricity is concerned," he told the Journal this week. "Last year, 40 percent of fires of electrical origin were caused by faulty wiring. At the present time, the provincial govt. is studying legislation which would protect the public against incompetent workmen, and the assn. is assisting in every way possible." The campaign in electrical safety education will get under way late in September, he stat- ed. It was also announced that H. A. Gilmore, of Aldershot, has been appointed assn. publicity chairman. Win Another Snow Construction juniors sol- idified the West Toronto lea- gue lead Monday night as they trounced Westerns, the Can- adian-Japanese club, 11-2 at Wallace park. The visitors push- ed over a pair of runs, one unearned, on Wilf Herbert, but could do nothing with the of- ferings of Frank Philbrook, who tossed' the last three fram- es. Jim Cowan paced Snowbird sluggers with three bingles, while Kenny Brown clouted a lusty triple to deep centre. We're Badk From We hope that we haven't inconvenien- ced any of our customers: during our week's vacation . . . but we're all rest- ed up and ready to give you the ser- vice you want. . . THE FISHIN' WAS GOOD . . . SO IS OUR CLEANING Our Vacation! KEEP YOUR GARMENTS FRESH AND NEW IN APPEARANCE BY HAVING THEM CLEAN- ED REGULARLY. WE PRIDE OURSELVES IN FIRST CLASS WORK AND OUR SERVICE IS SECOND TO NONE. GIVE US A CALL TODAY WE PICK UP AND DELIVER Phone 311 LAKESHOR CLEANERS COLBORNE STREET, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE AAAAAAAAANAAAAAAARRAAAAARAS AAA VY VVVYVVVVVVVVYVYYVYVYVYVVVYVVYVVYVYWN OAKVILLE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARADAAAAAIRDAAALAA TRAFALGAR Rev. Bruce W. Hall, BA, B.D, formerly minister of Trafalgar United Church Charge, and for the past two years minister of All People's United Church, Sud- bury, commenced his pastorate at Norfolk Street; United Church, Guelph, on Sunday, July 8th. PRICE At the recent Hartley-Shields reunion held at Crawford's Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Anderson (Carole Hopper) were awarded prize given to the most recently married couple. PrP Miss Daisy Pickering, Tulsa, Oklahoma, arrived on Saturday to spend the summer with her sister, Miss Ida Pickering. . Rey. J. W. Stewart is preach- ing a series of four sermons at Munn's, Wesley and Sheridan churches during the month of July. His sermon on Sunday last {was entitled, "What is your | name?" wx ow ox Miss Donna Hopper is Holiday- ing at Port Elgin. Fare Mrs. C. W. Conover and Miss A. Marshall visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Hoey, Zimmerman. FEE Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Gibson and small nephews, Barry and Roger, Wise, motored to Wendaka Beach, Georgian Bay, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Albertson ac- companied by the former's sister, Mrs. Edmund Chamberlain, Oak- ville, visited on 'Sunday at the home of their brother, Mr. Usher Albertson and Mrs. Albertson, rin. aos os aoa Miss Laura and Edgar Bradley returned on Saturday from a week's visit at the home of their brother, Lorne Bradley and Mrs. Bradley, Ottawa. © ss ox ox Mrs. Ross Fairbarn entertain- ed the members of Munn's Church W.A. and W.M.S. on Wednesday, July 4. Mrs. Lorne Fish arrang- ed the missionary program. Mrs. Harl Swift of Burlington reviewed last year's study book on Japan. A talk on - "The Three Books," the Bible, the hymn book, and the pocket book, was given by Mrs. Fish. ERE PS Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Johnstone, Toronto, visited for the week-end at the home of the former's sis- ters, Mrs. Russell Smith and Mrs. Flossie Purcer. Their niece, Miss Kathleen Johnstone, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Davis John- stone, Toronto, holidayed with them. FOR RENT NEW ICE REFRIGERATORS Modern,All' Steel, 3 SIZES $3 TO $4 PER MONTH HILLMERS FUEL AND ICE CO. Phone 23 Insulated \ BRONTE MISS LESLIE MARTIN PHONE BRONTE 1304 Several friends of Bill Landry Jr., who recently joined the 48th Highlanders gave a golng-away party for him on Wednesday eve- ning at his home on Jones St. before he left to rejoin his regi- ment. os oss = ! Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stafford rand son Frankie spent the week- end with Mr. Stafford's parents in Clarkson. sree Mrs. Burcutt and daughter Fran of Coronado, California, who are spending the summer in Bronte, visited friends in Brad- ford last week. 2 PE Mrs. D. Clark and daughter Sandra are visiting at the sum- mer cottage of Mr. Byron Pick- ard near Gravenhurst. a Mrs. E. Martin and Mrs. C. Lawlor and daughters Sheila and Shirley left Wednesday morning for the Girl Guide Camp at Sprucedale where Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Lawlor will be on the camp staff. . . ow Bob Taylor, RCN, arrived home on leave Monday morning from Cornwallis, N.S. CR Miss Connie Lang and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stafford are holidaying, in New York. Tress Mrs. Sara Carr and daughter Alice of Windsor were guests of, Mr. and Mrs. P. Hughes last week. = sos oa ow Mr. and Mrs. John Fleury, Tor- onto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Her- bie Landry and family over the wekend. EO Mr. and -Mrs. Newport and granddaughter, Janie Putnam, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bee- craft and family on Sunday. * ox x x Bobbie Poole, Belyea Street. won 3rd prize in the Oakville Lions Club costume parade on. Saturday. sss oes Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Curtis and children Bernard, Ken and Gail, of Kirkland Lake, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mason last week. Mr. Curtis was a friend of Mr.. Mason's in the RCAF. ERE Gall Waldie Is visiting her grandmother Mrs. H. Bowman, Sovereign Street. ox vox» Mrs. Ellison, Mrs. Kershey and Mrs. Pickard visited the Wesley United Church W.M.S. Baby Band picnic which was held at the home of Mrs. Post on Tuesday. sox ome Rev. Mr. Lachlan of Palermo was in charge of the services on Sunday evening in Walton Mem- orial United Church. Mr. R. El- lison sang a solo. eee ten Beverley and! Susan Pickard are visiting with their aunt in Waterdown. xs os ove Marilyn Beecraft is visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Newport, Burlington Beach. nor sone Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hinton, Kit- chener, visited their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hinton, Nelson Street, last weekend. SWIMMING AND SAFETY SWIMMING MORNING-- Non-Swimmers-- AV VV VV VVVVVV VV VY OAKVILLE AND DISTRICT RED CROSS DAN WILSON'S BEACH, WEST OF OAKVILLE DAY CAMP - MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9.30 -- 10.30 JULY 9 TO AUGUST 24 3 "Oakville Bus (to Bronte) 11 Bronte Bus (to Oakville) 11 a.m. AFTERNOON-- 3 Juniors-- Dakiila By (to Bronte) 1 p.m. ro i Ts nte Bus (to Oakville) 1 p.m. Qekvills Bus (to Bronte) 2 p.m. A SS ronte Bus (to Oakville) 2 p.m. Oakville Bus (to Bronte) 3 p.m. Bronte Bus (to Oakville) 3 a AGE LIMIT Children must be five years of age. Children under five years of age who can swim will be accepted! PROGRAMME FOR 1951 SCHEDULE a.m. Mrs. Livingston,

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