Page 4 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL HALTON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT NOTES YEAR OF EXPANSION were reported. Poliomyelitis wa: neither so severe as in 1949, the report states. On death from polio occurred. Ther pages of wide great the alton was ing cough, and the dftrict. Few es reported had been against the disease There were 27 cases of tube: culosis. "As in previous years, states the report, "our work i controlling this disease has bee eatly aided by the Halton Coun ty He sociation. large covering a i nd a third annual report of County Health Unit, covering the vear 1950, was recently issued The balance sheet shows total assets of $12,120.17, including cash assets of $5,575.60. During the year a total of $28,163.12 was expended on salaries and $4,296.96 on administration. Additional pr onal services cost $1,650 and transportation of the staff $6,006.95. Total expenditures of he dental unit were $9,027.92 particularly in This "This has been another year of | Oakville in co-operation expansion and the county, has managed th operation," says 1. | Christmas seal campaign and ha Mather, director of the unit. "The | provided us with ample funds for appointment of Dr. W. A. Mitchell | our work." as a public health trained veter- fnarian was a distinct advance. His appointment was made poOs- sible through a federal health statistics, the report notes veyed, 4,474 had poor dental hy grant and his services are mot a|giene. charge on our local budget. The| Sewage disposal, er sup-| cial were about 5270. The money et To Taw Deon aMis to ac |plies, esting esmblisiments will be used to buy furnishings complish in such a short time |schools, and veterinary public [for the new St. Aidan's Church. augurs well for the future. health o covered at some| Mrs. Fred Price was general "Byen though we do not haye|lensth conyener. a full staff of public health nur- ses, we are closer to the requir- ed number than in previous years. This more adequate nurs- ing staff is reflected in the re- port of their work. They have been able to carry on a much amore complete program. Flowers, birds, electronics an "In the coming year we amtici-| sheet metal work are some of th in our pate) no drastic] changes diverse Subjects authoritativel program. We hope to extend, Cs one mars nmi with tn ue Dosis recent] present efforts. In the field of|acauired Dy Oakville Public Li Dbro-matal care, with the co-oper-| brary. Amateur gardeners an ation of the family physicians, | garden lovers will be delighte we hope to initiate a series of | with "Garden Flowers in Color, a large volume by Daniel J. Fole containing a number of exquisit educational classes for expectant mothers. We propose to modify, to some degree, our, program in secondary schools. A new Child Health Centre, our sixth, is to be opened at Bronte. We expect to do much more in the control of locally slaughtered meat sup- plies." The population of Halton Coun- ty, as of Jan. 1, 1950, is placed at 37460. There were 978 births during the year, and no deaths of mothers related to childbirth. Infant deaths numbered 23. A fd total of 1,752 cases of communi- cable diseases, exclusive of tub- erculosis and venereal diseases, | by ion enthusiasts should find mucl instructive material in the dio, T.V. and book," by F. Audel's Handy Electricity, and Workers' Handy same -author, L. Britten, whil Book, ment include "This is the Hour' Lion Feuchtwanger; nor so common an outbreak of mild whoop- Acton of the cas- immunized th and Tuberculosis As- organization, sponsored by the Lions' Club of with various service clubs throughout In the section on dental survey that of the total of 4,832 children sur- Eifet tT ee LIBRARY ACQUIRES VOLUMES FOR GARDENERS METAL MEN colored plates. Radio and televis- "Ra- Electronics Hand- Book of Practical Sheet Metal by the are full of useful tips for workers. For bird-lovers there is an excellent book entit- led "Ontario Birds," by L. L. Sny- er. New books in the fiction depart-| work of the well-known Toronto "The FIRST MONEY RAISING VENTURE SUCCESSFUL, ST. AIDAN'S FINDS Members of the recently form- ed St. Aidan's Women's Guild were more than delighted with the success of their first money- o| raising venture, the strawberry social held Thursday evening. People in large numbers throng- ed the grounds of St. Jude's Church and the parish hall, where _| the event was held, and the la- dles were kept busy serving n| gtrawberries. An auction of 1 | ome-made cakes and "white ele- phants," with Fred Price acting as auctioneer, aroused keen in- terest and added considerably to the evening's receipts. Many of the articles were donated by local o| merchants. A program of games sland races provided plenty of fun and activity for the younger ele- ment. An interesting feature of the evening was the presentation of a birthday cake, with candles, to Rev. F. C. Jackson, rector of St. -| Jude's, whose birthday was Thurfday. Proceeds from the so- 5 e d =| Oakville in Music y J | "oakville" a march by the V1 late A. J. Locksley, one-time i-| Qakville bandmaster and father d| of the present band-master, d| will be the opening number on "| the program tomorrow evening y| |(Friday), when the Oakville e| Citizens' Band will give a con- cert in Lakeside Park. Band- | master Frank Locksley will conduct. Other numbers on the program will include selections e| from the famous musical com- edy Chu Chin Chow, "Nights of Gladness" Waltz, a cornet so- lo, "Bless This House," by Billy Burke, and "48" March. In case of rain the concert will be held Tuesday evening, July 17. the Loved and the Lost," latest "| novelist, Morley Callaghan; "A Rough Shoot," by Geoffrey House- hold; "Venture in the East" by The hot weather can be a trying time for tiny tots. But you can keep your baby cool and comfortable, healthy and happy with the air of these famous baby goods that do so much to prevent, or relieve, dolls and guys. KLEENEX 300 SOFT, SMOOTH TISSUES SCIENTIFIC | DINPER._ COVER Wonderful For. a MENNEN 7 BABY MAGIC \ cHEckS DUPER ODops, CHECKS IAPR Rasy Petcher's CASTORIA se 30¢ CO. LIMITED LEN HOPE, MG R. L. 94 THE REXALL DRUG STORE === OAKVILLE common "Summer Complaints." And our tiny prices thrill thrifty Moms. Stop in today for mite-y thrifty buys for little Bruce Lancaster; and "The High Calling," by James Street, a sequel to "The Gauntlet." Of special interest to those in- terested in English literature are a number of recently acquired biographies = of eminent literary GARDEN TOUR NETS TIDY SUM Receipts from the recent garden tour conducted by the Oakville- Trafalgar Memorial Hospital Women's Auxiliary ,were $2,281. 7, it has been announced. After deducting expenses of $416.99 there was a balance of $1,864.74 Part of this sum will be used to purchase electrically heated food tray wagons for the hospital The Auxiliary has decided to hold another garden tour next year, the dates being Friday, Sat: urday and Sunday, Jume 20, 21 and 22. A general meeting will be held Monday, Sept. 17, at 2.3 pm. The organization is eager Lo obtain as many new members as possible, and those wishing to join may-apply to Lydia George, Colborne St, or Mrs. H. R. Os: trom, 169 Douglas Ave. CAN'T HAPPEN HERE Don Davis may rest happy in the realization that he doesn't have the same problems with his Oak pitching staff that beset the mentor of a West Virginia club. Warming up in the bull pen as the showers, two tossers with this club suddenly threw away their gloves and headed for the woods in centrefield. They haven't been seen since. Members of the state penitentiary team, it seems they objected to the length of their contracts. Thursday, July 12, 15 Lions Carnival (Continued from Page 1) Judging of the entries was jed out en route DY Mrs. Noel ries Baton, Rotary's Fred Tilley, the Journal's Mrs, Doug Ahern and the Record-Star's Wilder Breck- enridge. Major prize, the Lions cup for the most original enfry, was peared as al of a prancing carboard horse. Peter also won the section for best decorated bikes, followed by Dawn Alway and Kenny Cox. Other winners were: Doll Car- rages: Lynda Taylor, Gail Wik son, June Hodges; Wagons: Dave ia Warwood, David Morgan, Bob. by Poole; Tricycles: Dodie Amn Wilcox, Gaye Stratton, George McHugh; Dual entry: Cracy sis: ters. Every youngster who paraded received a' popsicle and a mats ince ticket to the Gregory theatre. The parade was followed by Dr. Ballard's Mutt show, and nickel rides on all the midway concess- fons. Fireworks in the evening were set off through the courtesy of the Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co. Lending financial emphasis to carnival chairman Harold Orr's declaration that the event was highly successful from an enter- tainment standpoint, were the led- gers of treasurer Jim Clark, 'which showed the largest gross receipts on record. Full expense returns were not immediately available. FotoPack Prints y CLOSS DRUG COMPANY (L. E. Closs, Phm.B.) FREE MOTORIZED DELIVERY Open every night until 9 p.m. Sundays and holidays excepted PHONE 248 1 lark REFRIGERATOR Modern,All SATURDAY'S SORROW is easier to rise w fl al FOR RENT NEW ICE Steel, Insult] 1ZES $3 TO $4 PER MONTY HILLMERS FUEL AND ICE Co, Phone 23 SUMMER FORMALS CLEANED LIKE NEW So it's been hanging in th closet since last September Send it to us and we will r& store it to its brand-ne band-box spotless daintinest in time for the dance this wes énd. We delight in doing a per fect cleaning job on the mo delicate dresses. =e -- For Pick-up & Delivery Phone 1557 Oakville Cleaners ENQUIRE ABOUT SUMMER STORAGE figures in pamphlet form, pub- lished by the British Council. Written by well-known writers, these pamphlets include bio- graphies of Arnold Bennett, Ber- nard Shaw, the Bronte Sisters, BE. M. Forster, Keats, William Blake, and Henry James. For the children, there is a splendid illustrated book on Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret Rose, entitled "The Roy- al Sisters," by Catherine Birt. FIND CRACKS BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN Among the Russian people, stories ridiculing the Communist regime are being circulated on the sly, at the risk of the concen- tration camp, says Richard Hanser in a Reader's Digest article com- densed from The Freeman. Like this one: In a Budapest schoolroom little Janos is asked to give an ex- | ample of a dependent clause. | "Our cat has a litter of ten ikit- tens," he says, "all of which are | tood Communists." The teacher, delighted with his grasp of both | rammar and the Party line, ur- ges him to do as well when the government annual visit 'When the inspector arrives 'the teacher calls confidently on Janos to answer the same ques- tion. "Our cat," inspector pays his democrats." "Why, good Western The teacher is horrified. you said . your good Communists." es,' their ey i replies Janos, 'has ten kittens, all of which are says Janos, "but now are open." THIS WEEKS SPECIALS REMEMBER THESE ARE ALL HAND-PICKED AND EXCEPTIONAL BUYS ... SO DON'T MISS SEEING THEM. "GOODWILL" USED CARS 50 0L0S SEDANS | 07 PONTIAG COV: 43 CHRYSLER SEDAN "AT PONTIAC SEDAN n Jan- 0s," she exclaims, "ten days ago kittens were all 1937 OLDSMOBILE STONEKOTE For Facing Homes, Store Fronts, Etc. Easily Applied, Beautiful in Appearance, Requires no Painting, Permanent For Further Information Phone Streetsville 113 OR WRITE BOX 499 JOURNAL 1946 STUDEBAKER SEDAN | 1946 CHEVROLET SEDAN SEDAN "G00D VALUE" USED CARS 1935 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN 1935 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1934 CHEVROLET COUPE -- TRUCKS '37 CHEVROLET HALF-TON PANEL | 47 STUDEBAKER 2-TON CAB & CHASSIS | 8.25 x 20 tires CONVENIENT G.M.A.C. TERMS AVAILABLE. TRADES ACCEPTED Hitchcox Motor Sales COLBORNE AT GEORGE ST. SOUTH PHONE: 845:5% the Memori winter these 1 d Thurs H out down ¥ \ sistan' Mar