Thursday, July 12, 1951 BOY, AM | PLEASED WITH | [ WHY ARE YOU 1 [WELL THE MAIN REASON | HAND THEIR NON-SKIDTREAD STOPSMY | G00 us for GOODFYEAR REE CARON A DIME, TOO. FROM MY EXPERIENCE, iE oR Res) PE . > wit Eke Taveal UP. | | DELUXE IS THE BEST CONVENTIONALTIRE THERE IS, Deguee Tires Wm. Whitaker & Sons Station Rd, Oakville | ANNOUNCEMENTS - | LOST YOURIRET:2 FOR SALE OR TRADE SPECIAL NOTICES WATCH AND. CLOCK Tes satis. dang July and PHONE 515 BLUE COAL: "The world's fin- NOTICE TO CREDITORS REPAIRS August every Tuesday, Thursday TRICT est anthracite," from Frank Sul AND OTHERS and. Saturday, 810 p.m. Oakville.| OAKVILLE AND DIS livan, Bronte /80-W. Your Blue| IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIS Expert Workmanship REFRIGERATO Trafalgar Community Arena. Ad- Coal Dealer. (21tf) | YAKE, Railwayman, deceased, ) mission 50c. (45¢31) HUMANE SOCIETY | An persons having claims ag ® Grosvenor Jewellers are hap AUTOMATIC gas range Beach, |ainst the estate of the above || watches or Clocks may be left || Modern, All Steel, Insulate to announce that they have been y four burner, pilot net Ca con- | mentioned late of the Village of and also picked up at 3 SIZES i div. 7e t trol, $65.00. Streetsville Bronte, in the County of Halton, Grinham's Book Store ; . Se WANTED- WANTED (10027-29) | who died on the 28th day of Oct: ns UIST $3 TO $4 PER MONTH a s I Dla py Oakville and district. They invite| WANTED all kinds of live poul- ober, 1948, are required to file 0. B. BERG Sot to Iron Ini And see thane tins, pro nor tthe and | Lor SALE Electric rent proof of same with the under- JEWELER precision time-pleces, or 107 | roy 'bags, Absolutely bighest| Gf eu. ff, ods el tal pstorejithegzithiday Over Bank of Commerce | prompt, efficient service on YOUr| prices pald. We call--Phone Oak | frigerator, Moffat 4 burner stove, Tw ol FUEL AND ICE CO. Foo Enid PL fe re or meets em ore phage el to iets he ante) Phone 23 W i We have seven naughty little | Write Moses Zener, 2 yer in! 1. having regard only to the' claims [ M SUITE Shommerdueie. puppies. We court Rd, Torouts (pjun2t:s)| 136%. (1.48p31-83) | haVInE Teearc OMY al have had DINING. ROO would like to give them to people pAB[ES Commiods Chair, Phone 0 Sedan, | notice. who are kind. Patricia Hazzard, | 1g (45032) LA Dodge Sevxe| DATED the 13th day of June, Saigon Ra Thon son |S nd comin. phone MEW 88 9% sen, Agmstratr, : ; ENGINE St. Aldan's Women's Guild Wish | to take part in monster garden |'er § PE (0c32:29) tron 9 pieces, Solid Oak, to gratefully acknowledge the party and amateur show to be v John F. Isard, Good condition. Will sac- a Gematious which wore! gH | oofe at gimnerman, Wed, July 25 (|FOF SALES Westishouse cleo; EE any Bay Ee 7 en to help make our Strawberry | gubstantial cash prizes. Send en- tric range, large size, warming Oakville, Ontarlo. 1030-32 rifict Soclall a siccess, We also Wish to| on to Tiny Hopkins, Box 52,(oven, used amy a few monthe) RL thank those who lent us their |riiton, or phone 511, Milton. $325.00. Phone 1995. (35032) | --=TENDERS WANTED H. ANTHONY, STE 7d very kind support in every way. 1.04¢33 FOR SALE--A real buy, 1947 11 OAKWOOD CRES. Dodge DeLuxe special sedan,| TOWNSHIP OF TRAFALGAR TIRES Vv SITUATIONS WANTED heater and defroster, privately TENDERS owned, will accept trade and as terms. No reasonable offer re- D ETC G used, Phone 75R. (62¢32) a HOLLYWOO BE . FOR SALE--COM man's bicycle, | Tenders addressed to the Reeve excellent condition $25.00, phone (and Members of Council, Town- R P . THESE AND MORE ITEMS 541R. (45¢33) | ship of Trafalgar, Municipal Of- MUST PASS OUR fices, Trafalgar Post Office, Ont-| Tenth anniversary of Peter PLOWING, discing, mowing. Phone 7647. (35p33) PHONE Mrs. Smith at 1650) | guaranteed, Insured cold storage may also be arranged. Donald TOR SATE Newly upholstered | rio, and endorsed "Tenders for|TLawford's arrival in Hollywood | | it Furs, RE 4558 (148¢30-32) Bupire sofa, rosewood frame; one | Laying ana Jointing Water | was celebrated by the 'star by | * i BOY 16, requires summer em- pair drapes to match upholstery; | Mains" will be received up until| hosting his parents, Sir Sidney Hild ployment. Phone Bronte 7ris. large upholstered arm chair. | 1s geclock noon, Daylight Saving [and Lady May Lawford, at din- {I SIE a Te ah Phone 2011W. (45¢33) | Time, on Monday, July 16th, 1951, | ner. It was their guidance and if 4 a for laying and jointing approxi |help that made him continue try- | offered, 35 cents per hour. Tele: FOR SALE Cananfes for sale, | mately 1,550 lineal feet of 6-inch|ing for an acting job when the | JE phous} 2082 (70p32:34) young singers, a few young bud-| cast jron water mains. outlook semed hopeless, he often I | JULY-AUG,, by schoolmaster 35. gle females, also 1 baby male. | plans and specifications with declares. iil Vacation substitution, whole or Bennett, Brookfield Road, phone | plank form of tender may be ob-| Janet Leigh and Marge Gover INSPECTION a (45033) | tained at the Corporation Offices,|have worked up a sister act Be bin Ontario, of dance routine and are. going to| BEFORE THE CAR IS READY FOR SALE Hoover vacuum |at the office of Gore and Storrie,| preview it at various' veterans' FOR YOU cleaner, 6 months old, in perfect | Consulting Engineers, 1130 Bay | hospitals. in J condition, all attachments. Tele- | Street, Toronto, on payment of| Ava Gardner has received word This is your safeguar phone 1508W. (35032) | a deposit of $5.00, which deposit|from the. Smithfield, = N.C, against trouble FOR SALE_ GAS stove, apart-|in good condition of the said s few blocks away from the house ment size, new condition, re-|plans and specifications. which she was born has been placement value $144.00 Only| Each tender must be accom- mama Gardner Square in her | part time. Some mechanical ex- il perience. Phone 499-R. 39p33 AL - LADY wants clerical and typing position; switchboard experience. Box 509, Journal. 45p33 Hi LP WANTED--WOMEN fd t i tor Lea Uo $75.00. Phone Mrs. Closs at 248.| panied by a marked cheque in an |homor. i 1) | vi FE amount equal to b percent of the| Debbie Reynolds, currently ap- | Ae Tose 5 33) FOR SALE--McLary Gas Range, | total sum. pearing ~~ with Gene Kelly in dan 3 & 2 4-burner, double oyen. Conven- "Singing in the Rain" admits Fit Secretary stenographer, 10 ume Phose| Tue lowest or enyiitenderimet|ishe loves folswim, {but the tool USED A short hand required, legal and 2031. (35p34) emmy accepted. Tn she' i small dictaphone experience desirable. Gore & Storrie, pool has nothing to do with agua- Phone 15 (45137) TOR SALE Studebaker Champ-| Consulting Engineers. tics. "Less lawn to mow," she ex-| 50 CHEVROLET SEDAN a LEE ion Sedan, late 1948 model, black; | July 6th, 1951. plains. has LADY secretary, $30.00 week- spotlight and back-up light; sev- Ezio Pinza claims one of the Fully Equippe ly to start. Hours 1145 am. t0|" RAMILY cottages, fully equipped | en tires (2 new) and tubes; mile- Jos. M. Wickson, 6 pm. with a break for tea. Wed- age under 80,000; carefully dri R a most valuable autograph and let- 50 MONARCH SEDAN ter collections in the world. He at Victoria Harbour on. Georgian iki : e i fen nesday afternoons off. Bookkeep- : | 0 and in excellent condition; S. A. Featherstone, |has signatures of Toscanini, Fully Equipped | ine, shorthand and typing requir-| Bay, 8 miles from Midland. Drive] g150000 Capt. J. B. Dewhurst, Slerk| Verdi, Napoleon, "Goethe, Franz| |mmaculate Throughout ( 1 ed. Volume of work small. Exper- | right to cottage door by car. Run | phone R, M. Dewhurst, Port Nel- Schubert, Richard Strauss and flit jence in meeting public prefer- ning water, electricity, spring son, Ont. 5184 Burlington. CANTYOULQUALIEYE nisin] Wagner. '50 HILLMAN MINX { ¥ rable but not essential. Reply giv- | mattresses in each cottage, sandy Three new songs by Harry 2 ition Heater ih i ing experience, etc. Box 505 the, . tga ven 100 FOR SALE--{Baled hay. Phone| 1. Between the age of 25 and 35| warren and Johnny Mercer will Aircondition | Heat = Journal, Sta eo (45638) | 2. Pleasing personality and. neat| po introduced by Fred Astaire| Red Leather Upholstery fi jonmel >» = Hanalmilic/delivered,in ; ; app and Vera-Ellen in "Belle of New ! i WOMAN fo help with house | prices. One available mow for a. RASPBORRIES Fick your own. 3. Must be willing to work hard| york" The songs, "Naughty But| For Good Value For Your! Halt price. Phone 92r4 Milton and enjoy meeting and talking | Nice" and "I Wanna Be A Dan- work, 2 or 3 days a week. Phone week, one available now for two fet Ee oe 3 ; ese 959. (8533) | ¥o0C "lone H. Merry, 328 for| LITTER of French poodle pup-|, tO PeoRle © civ' 'Man will be among high.| Dollars Look at these ryation pies for sale, Grandsire "Champion | * An automobile an asset. lights of the musical which Char- ; SEDAN HELP WANTED--MEN [jai Rumplestilskin" 4 males and 1 fe-| FOL Such a man we can offer|les Walters directs and Arthur 37 DODGE | NEW 3 room apartment, every- | male. Phone 1249-W. 41p33 | one. of the finest opportunities | Freed produces, in technicolor. 225 00 ! MAN ted for | thing supplied. Apply Box 503 pa mone field to- Guest of the Week = i ; MAN or young man wanted for on 55032) ay. Forward full particulars out-| If WM. N. ELDER, 8th Line S., h : full time position In hardware. | o5rmal ¢ WANTED--TO RENT lining past experiences amd also | will present himself at the box 36 DODGE SEDAN a Some store experience is desir-| "APT. one room, with kitchen describe briefly your reasons for | office of the Century theatre, any $195 00 Abi able, but if you are interested in|and 8 pe. bath, 1 floor up, screens | JOHN Inglis Co. Ltd, requires | pelieying that you can s Choi Pixs Wes He Sr athe = ell. Your work, we will help train you|on windows; two blocks from 3 bedroom rental home for dis:| Aqdress your letter to Box 1000 guest will be admitted 'free as| '34 CHEVROLET COACH i ii iv _ | main st. available July 1st. One trict sales representative. Repl rd tar. to Sou mut. fro Te oo year's lease. Built for one per- | to D. W. Rolling, John Tnglis ad] ue Joumall guests lof the Journal, $150 0 Ei to obtain chauffeurs license. Leratiiong Gall) si raha AV oesna) 2 | ; Good working ge comfortably in Be PE i Ah IIE LINGERIE HOSIERY SPORTSWEAR ik cs. FRASER. HARDWARE. OAKVILLE or vicinity 5 or 6 CKS i BOY 16 to 20 with some know- | ROOM for rent with breakfast room house or apartment, fam- QUALITY VALUE SERVICE ledge of typing, to learn tele- [and lunch. Phone I1111W. (29-31) ily of four, moving from Montreal i Tih ParmAREIL Both |e July. Phone U3R1, | (9482-34) '50 AUSTIN PANEL ro witht opportunt OFFICE space, large, bright vy for advance- | oo. oi CE ~ FURNISHED flat or b} 11,000 Miles I ! office' on Colborne street, taste-| == : apartment BURROS SPECIALTY SHOPPE ment. Phone 685 for appointment. | to" 1 jooorated, 2 year lease. by quiet business couple from $460. 00 DOWN 59¢33tE July 16. Kindly contact Mr. {ii Apply Box 508 the Journal. CL Mr Sum, ii mers. Phone 1133 or eveni 136 Colborne St. E. Ph AMR EVERYBODY NEW summer cottage in beau: | 20817. (50c35) ons 42g 48 MERCURY PANEL { ! titul Algonquin Park, ; ully Reconditione! ils furnished, bout, | dock oll heat, 2( hr ORY August, furnished apart wally { WN on noone, Tous Sarin hoa | ment or house for four whore AEE TEN... $380.00 ey ie READS fishing, store. meatby) (dally e-||lidten > accepted. §Apply i Box ; ; B504, Journal (45032) CL ASSIFIEDS Tor SoPTINBER ONLY, Cameron, TR apartment, re- BEAUTIFUL GREYSCHER HOUSE 2 Rn Br Hillmer, 89 Sheddon Ave. phone [quired by Sept. 1 or earlier. Tele- a7, 1c33) es a 240.00 >" fa FOUR-ROOM house or apant- $ N | ment, soon as possible, by re- 0 | liable young Dutch couple, one "42 REQ THREE T Fo R || voy, aged 4 Would also consider Sissel Box DOWN -- oh cottage, wite doing domestic | ee $200.00" phone Burton, 2787 CI ® MALE FRUIT CLERK = r JaaBonae SION EH: SEPT. 1, eit 3 bed Platf & 48 Racks | 3 © MALE MEAT CUTTER CLERK room house or apartment, Oak- Ea | | ville or vicinity by young radio $100 00 © MALE TELEPHONE ORDER CLERK gromniive, Phone 1ARW (0p) ; i AND OFFICE spice, approximately i AD 800 square feet comprising three OAKVILLE | to four rooms, suitable for pro- hy ® TWO CASHIERS fessional firm. Central location. ¥ | Apply Box 506. the Journal. 8 : ; : OFFICE space, approximately MOT | Experienced Preferred--Reply stating experience and 400 square feet on Colborne street [A Guest Home and Home for Etderly People, situated on the i walary exported to sultable for professional offices. > nou Value" ay Would consider larger site com- Lakeshore Highway oe ucks id | P.0. BOX 332, OAKVILLE prising office space and four- Between Hamilton and Toronto Used Cars & Tr . \ roomed apartment. Apply Box 507 a TRADES & TEM A the Journal. i Cg ----