1951 Thursday, July 19, 1951 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Page 3 COMING MON., TUES., WED., JULY 30-31, AUG. 1 3 SHOWS NIGHTLY -- 6-8-10 P.M. *1 just got, through paying the bills for her wedding Grd nov... 3 BABY" tsa 6-1 tundleof \ HOWLING Joy for the HIT) millions who loved "Father of the Bride!" ou'll never. ich finally ot i fr to ENO! SPECIAL EXPECTANT FATHERS SHOWING MONDAY, JULY 30--PRIZES CENTURY THEATRE ess What Led itt BRONIE MISS LESLIE MARTIN PHONE BRONTE 1304 Jackie Landry left on Sunday to spend the summer in Mon- treal. born on Mrs. George and children Billy, Sandra and Leslie Ann of Indian- apolls, Ind, are guests of Mrs. George's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brockway, Lakeshore Highway. non oa » Connie Lang and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stafford have returned home after vacationing in New York. rox ow ore celebrated his with a Lyle Fluke birthday on Wednesday party. xxx. The Local Association of Girl Guides and Brownies wish to ex- press their thanks and apprecia- tion to the members of the Le- glon and the Bronte Fire Brigade for their co-operation in granting them the coffee and hot dog booths at the recent Carnivals, also thanks to all friends who made donations. A Sorry to hear that little Shar- on Kershey is ill and has been confined to her home. Fa Mr. and Mrs. Howard Corbett and Mr. and Mrs. Al Corbett, of Oakville, are vacationing at Was- aga Beach. - . . + 6 3 ro» PRAIA AAAAAAARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARAA Oakville Ready-Mix CONCRETE Phone Oakville 928 Messrs Bert Lockhart and Bob Bruce were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Landry. «sx vx Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hale and family of Hamilton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Lan- dry. POE Mr, and Mrs. Sid Harrison have moved to their summer home on West Street. weer Little Ilene Litchfield, of Oak- ville, spent the weekend with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. George Penfield. PE The Bronte Fire Brigade held their annual carnival on Saturday evening in the public school grounds. Winners of the draw were: 1st, Mrs. J. Sheppard, Bronte; 2nd, H. Bishop, Bronte; 3rd, Miss Marie Stafford, Clark- son; 4th, J. Wild, Oakville; bth, Andy Rasmussen, Bronte; 6th, Mrs. W. R. Royle, Oakville; 7th, Mr. R. Edwards, Dundas; 8th, W. E. Dent, Trafalgar; 9th, Dr. W. A. Campbell, Oakville; 10th, B. Mitchel, Dundas Highway; 11th, Miss Lucille = Teskett, Oakville; 12th, Len DeBoard, Oakville. x 5 3 n= The members of the Bronte Tire Brigade, wish to thank the Oakville Fire Brigade for stand- ing by, also the Oakville Legion Pipe Band and all the many friends who helped make their 'Carnival so successful. PE Mr. Jack Osborne, Ontario St. entered the Hamilton General Hospital on Wednesday where he will undergo an operation. FR Mrs. Ww. Hill, Toronfo, was a her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hill, Ontario St. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Post enter- tained on Saturday evening, friends of their daughter, Miss Betty Jean Post, at a dinner party in honor of her birthday, July 15th. On Sunday they entertained at a Mr. and Mrs. Rennie and fam- ily spent the weekend in Water- down. p ) 4 > 4 $ 4 ) 4 > 4 D 4 y £ AAAAAAN family dinner for her. CRISP "COLBORNE STREET, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Nn Ne OUR 24-HOUR SERVICE ASSURES YOU OF PROMPT DE- LIVERY OF YOUR GARMENTS WHEN YOU NEED THEM...AND THEY'RE RETURNED TO YOU WE PICK UP AND DELIVER Phone 311 LAKESHORE CLEANERS Ti AND FRESH... OAKVILLE or This! ho ~ AARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN AAAAAAANSNNAARADANAND N WAAAY 4 AAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNEAAAAAAAAACAPIIIAAPIIIPNIIAPIIN weekend guest at the home Of TRAFALGAR MISS ADA MARSHALL Mrs. Gordon Post entertained for the July meeting of the WMS of Wesley Church. This was the baby band party and present were many of the children from the homes in the community, their mothers and visitors, 54 in all After words of welcome from the president, Mrs. S. D. Turner, the worship service was conducted by, the young girls under the lead- ership of Mary Post. Assisting her were Viviean Fish, Elizabeth Bentley and Jean Gosling, the latter also contributing a solo. The Baby Band superintendent called on Mrs. A. BE. Pickard, president of Halton Presbyterial WMS to dedicate the Baby Band Mite box offering, presented by Shelley Smith. After this little ceremony, they enjoyed games on the lawn under the guidance of young girls. Introduced by Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Pickard ex- pressed her pleasure at being at the meeting and later told of the present day mission needs in In- dia, Trinidad, Korea, Indian homes: n B.C., and for kindergartens in China and Japan. With Mrs. Pickard were Mrs. W. Ellison and Mrs. D. Livingstone, C.G.LT. and Baby Band superintendents res- peatively of Bronte United Church organizations, who each gave a short talk on her own de- partment. Mrs. Cullingham ex- On Friday evening, entertained shower for the bride-to-be, Miss Eva Pickering. The shower which was to have been held at the home of Mrs. Joseph Featherstone was changed in the afternoon to the. home of Mrs. A. A. Biggar and Miss Clara Biggar, owing to sud- den home. Seated under a canopy of pastel colored Pickering, assisted by her future husband, Mr. Keene, the many gifts. Both Miss Pick- ering and Mr. Keene made grace- ful speeches of thanks, The mem- bers of the W.A. served refresh- ments. Mr. and (Lois Biggar) Toronto, set Friday night at a pantry show- er for the bride and groom-to-be of July 21st, Miss Eya Pickering and Allan Keene. married couples acceded in hum- orous Wednesday evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hopper, members Forum entertained for Miss Pick- ering and Mr. Keene. On behalf of the Forum group, Mr. Elton McLean presented them with a woollen blanket. Previous to the presentation, a session of euchre was held with Mr. and Mrs. Stan ley Barnstaple winning the priz- es. and serious vein. On of the Postville Farm ser mre the W.A. at a miscellaneous illness at the Featherstone. streamers, Miss in opening + neon Mrs. Thomas Tyson of the Kingsway, entertained the younger tended the thanks of the Baby Band to the Bronte ladies for their visit, to the girls for their part in the program, to the children for bringing in their mite boxes, to the mothers for bringing the children, to Mrs. Turner in ar- ranging the program and to the hostess, Mrs. Post. By special re- quest, Mrs. Pickard sang "Face to Face," as her solo. Mrs. Post assisted by members of the WMS served lunch to the ladies and ehildren who had a delightful time eating their lunch at a pic- nic table on the lawn. ER Mrs. Wm. (Maisie) McClure, who recently sold her farm at Snider's, accompanied by her children, Kent and Marilyn, and her sister, Mrs. J. (Margaret) McClure, of Port Credit, attend- ed the Baby Band meeting on Tuesday. at the home of Mrs. Post. After the meeting had clos- ed, Mrs. McClure was surprised when on behalf of her friends and neighbors from Snider's, she was presented with set of door chimes. Mrs. Arnold Fish read the ad- dress and Mrs. J, Shea made the te of Oakville when her house on Dundas St. North is completed. wren During the past week, Mi Eva Pickering, whose Ey to Mr. Allan Keene takes place at Munn's Church on July 21st, has been guest of honour at several evening parties. On Tuesday eve. ning, Mrs. Walter Royle and Miss Barbara Royle entertained at a miscellaneous shower. The gifts were brought In on a gaily decor- ated wagon by her little niece Jeannette Barnstaple. Seated un. der suspended pink and white streamers, Miss Pickering was assisted in opening the lovely gifts by her sister, Miss Bernice Pickering, and Miss Margaret Cross of Toronto. The guests were from Snider's community and Wesley Church. Before ser- ving refreshments, Mrs. Royle asked her guests to give advice on 'how to keep a husband in good humor" to which several of the GOOD BEDS ROBERT J. WILLIAMS, Prop. The Trafalgar Arms -- OAKVILLE -- PROVIDES EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATION FOR @ The Tourist, visiting Canada The Weekend Guest to Oakville The Business Man calling on Oakville industries OLD FASHIONED HOSPITALITY with GOOD FOOD EVERY COMFORT Lakeshore Highway East 2 Miles East of Oakville PHONE 99 ! SALE 75¢ Value for $2.00 Value for $2.25 Value for OF CA ¢ LINEN See Our Window SPECIAL MID-SUMMER HANDKERGHIEFS FANCY FOLDED IN GIFT BOX MEN'S PURE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS 3 "* $1.00 LINEN HALL---THE HANDKERCHIEF HOUSE NADA Colborne St. East OF PHONE 1941 HALL Oakville