Page 12 | a THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, July 2, 1] BRONTE ELECTRIC At Your Service To Give You Service ® TYPES OF WIRING AND MAINTENANCE ® DOMESTIC ® COMMERCIAL ® [NDUSTRIAL ® HERB ROLLINSON Phone BRONTE 159 ALL It may be the result of a jour- hangover from last week's which recorded how sev- infants completely stole the show as the Memorial hospital commenced operation. It may be that I have an abnor- anced slant on life in it may be that I'm frustrated. But I just overly enthusiastic about babies. For purposes of general class- fication, I divide babies roughly into two groups--boys and girls. Of course, if we're determined to continue the human race, I sup- pose the little brats are neces- sary. Some of them are even rather cute in a zoological sort of way. But I, for one, have mev- er been able to work myself into a dither over the human being in this embryonic stage I just can't manage to enthuse over boys until they have at least grown a.bit of fuzz on their chins, and girls seldom interest me until they are 18 or there- I Ithough once in a while nalistie edition, eral chubby CLEANED LIKE NEW SUMMER FORMALS So. it's been hanging in the closet since last September! Send it to us and we will re- store it to its brand-new band-box spotless daintiness in time for the dance this week- end. We delight in doing a per- fect cleaning job on the most delicate dresses. For Pick-up & Delivery Phone 1557 Oakville Cleaners ENQUIRE ABOUT SUMMER STORAGE a neat blonde baby at 16 will catch my eye. Have you noticed how they seem to mature young- er these days? Why, only the other day I saw one of these babes waiting for the bus and-- but I'm straying from the subject. Despite my antipathy to the diaper brigade, most of my friends at periodic intervals in- sist upon bringing more babies into what seems to me to be an already oyerpopulated universe. Now, if these folks think that's part of their mission in life, that is all right with me. But the "A COTTON GIN REPRINT attack. No, I'm not a tickler, either. 1 wouldn't waste a tickle on any living creature under-- well, say 16, if female, Still, other folks are holders. They just aren't satisfied unless they are cuddling the baby. With me, that's out. I tried it once, when I was wearing a new--no, that's definitely out. And then there are the boo-ers They stick their big fat physoss right into the baby's face, wait until they catch the kid in an un- guarded moment, and holler an eansplitting, nerve shatkering "Booooooo!" Now, if I was a baby, I'd just naturally shove up my little pink paddies and claw their eyes out. So I never go "Boo'---because some day I might meet up with a baby that feels the same way I do about this ghastly practice. Besides, it's unsanitary. and the ravers so I can't bring raving But fast watch The danglers are the worst, myself to dangling or either. I've tried that, too. this novice dangler learned when he got his only chucked right out of the crib onto the hardwood floor. And being a gusher or spreader-on is unthink- able. It's mice if you can do it, that's what parents expect, but with me the simply won't come out. and words No, vou can have your gurg- MIGHTY MIDGET OF ADS BRINGS USUAL RESULTS One time it's a house, then it's a child's. toy . . . and last week it was furniture. But no matter what the article may be, classi- fied advertisers in the Journal share the experience of Mrs. Jean Hoover, and the calls she receiv- ed about her furniture for sale advertisement. At 830 pm. last Wednesday night she had received 6 calls from prospective buyers of the various furniture items she of- fered for sale--and the Journal does not reach the newstands un- til 4 pm. At that rate, she would have many calls before she was through with the many Journal readers. Why don't you do, as Mrs. Hoover did, and advertise any article you have for sale in fied section of the Journal? call to 1298 by noon on each Wednesday will have your advertisement in that week's is the lowest cost ad- vertising medium available for this district, the cla: FOR... ROOFING MATERIALS --SEE-- CHAS. F. DOTY AND SON Dundas St. N. Phone 76 and cluck, tickle, dangle and rave to little heart's content. For part, Ill wait until ch an age where they can swap conversation with me on a basis of mental equality--say about 11, at least. In the meantime, I'm quite content to regard my friends' babies in the same light as I regard an- Al Jolson record. I CAN listen to Al without los- ing my reason. But I'd much rather wear ear plugs. Testily yours, BILL COTTON. infants, boo, ling. hold, your. my WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS Expert Workmangy, [J Watches or Clocks may be and also picked up oo Grinham's Book story 0. B. BERGQUIsT JEWELER Over Bank of Commer, DAILY SERVICE TO ALL CANADIAN AND U.S.A. POINTS CHARTERED BUSES OFFER IDEAL SERVICE FOR ALL GROUP TRAVEL HALTON INN PHONE 600 trouble is they expect me to drop around and emote all over their kids. How In heck can I register a satisfactory reaction over an in- fallibly dampish tike that can only sputter "go-goo" and that is considered by its parents to be an infant prodigy if it manages to get its toe in its mouth? Only yesterday I had to face an ordeal of this kind. Doting Pop was proudly exhibiting this hair- less, toothless substance, and I was obviously expected to come through with the proper super- latives. But how can a full grown man know how to act in the pres- ence of a mew-born babe. that has no more personality than a bundle of uranium, wrapped in nothing but a bleached necker- chief? Some folks, of course, go in for clucking noises. But somehow I've never been a good clucker. My teeth just arent adjusted Tight, or my tongue doesn't vi- brate properly, or something. Anyway, 1 refuse to settle down to learning to cluck at my age. Other people favour tickling. They'll tickle a baby any place, even on the soles of is feet (I can't imagine a baby going for that) under" its chin, or between the third and fourth ribs, and the poor little codger is absolutely against this form of ad in the "Help Everybody Reads Classifieds SHIPWRECKED SAILORS consult the classifieds for bottled information on how they can re-establish themse.ves. A small Wanted" salumns will get response from those who are looking for work. . Oakville-Trafalgar Journal TELEPHONE 1298 TRUCKS They're Canada's overwhelming favourite for every kind of operation and why not . . . NEW SAFETY -- with the new twin-action self-energizing hydraulic brakes. NEW COMFORT -- with the new No-Draft Ventipanes plus improved driver seat con- struction with "tilt-back" action. NEW ECONOMY -- Chevrolet's famous valye-in-head engines that breathe more easily through improved carburetion, mani- folding and exhaust system. They're the smartest looking trucks on the road -- feature for feature you can't beat the leader -- Chevrolet Trucks. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE NN DOIN NN AN \ COLBORNE AND REYNOLDS STREETS i --R if z _--_